A no nonsense comparison between the USA and China

There’s all sort of idiocy on the internet today, as well as very powerful forces that are trying to convince people of this ideology, or that ideology. Well, here we are going to cut through all the nonsense and spell things out plainly and clearly. And it is going to make some people very upset. But I don’t care. Truth hurts. Deal with it, and move on.

This article deals with things as they are. Not what we want them to be. It also deals with the truth as it manifests, not what we want, but what actually exists today.

This article compares China and the USA. If you cannot handle it, then leave. Your tender sensibilities are of no concern to me.


China is a meritocracy. America is a kakistocracy.

And that is the way it is. China is not communist “regime”. America is not a “free” republic, nor a democracy “on a shining hill”. And both nations are functionally different from their labels. So let’s look at what they functionally operate as.

The United States

There is a lot of bullshit floating about. When I grew up in the United States, I was taught that America was a republic, but when I asked my teacher why everyone called it a democracy, he told me that it was changed by amendment into a democracy by mandating popular elections. Republics don’t do that. Later on, in university, when studying history, I learned that all democracies evolve.

Here’s the evolutionary stages for a democracy. This is not my opinion. It is history. If you cannot handle history, then leave.

  • Democracy evolves to an oligarchy.
  • And if the oligarchy isn’t destroyed by popular revolt, it evolves into a Military dictatorship.
  • If unchecked, a military dictatorship evolves into a military empire.
  • And all military empires devolve into a kakistocracy.
  • And historically a kakistocracy always collapses one way, or the other.

This is where America is today. There is not a person who is alive who can deny this today.

kakistocracy = a government of a state by its most stupid, ignorant, least qualified and unprincipled citizens in power.

Now, let’s look at China.


Contemporaneous China was established by Chairman Mao as a Communist nation.

This changed upon his death, and there were various factions fighting for power. Eventually, under Mr. Deng, China embraced capitalism, and democracy, while maintaining a single party rule. Thus it became a “Social Democracy”.

Over the years, boundaries and limits have been placed on which elements of socialism fit the Chinese culture, as well as which elements of capitalism fit the Chinese culture.

Today, we have a unique government style, very reminiscent of the government described by Robert Heinlein in Starship Troopers. (My article on this subject is an important read. Click on the link for more.)

Government participation is voluntary. To join the government (the communist party) you must contribute to society without any profit motives. As they said in Starship Troopers, “Service guarantees citizenship”.

So, if you want to vote in China’s democracy, you must first volunteer for the military, or any other volunteer government agencies. Then you must apply, and your membership is reviewed by your merit. There is a strict grading system, and your sponsor into the communist party is held personally responsible for any failings or errors you may make.

Up the chain of command, every step toward leadership roles are though merit driven avenues. Further there are police; known as the “corruption police” that root out, and punish any communist party members that take bribes, involved in graft, do bad or poor behaviors, and they are punished MOST severely.

There is nothing like this anywhere else in the world. And nothing like this ever in history.

China is an absolute meritocracy.

So to recap;

  • China is a meritocracy; a society governed by people selected according to merit.
  • America is a kakistocracy; government by the least suitable or competent.

Middle Class

Both America and China have different cultures, and different societies. But I like to judge the benefits of one society over the other by the size of it’s middle class.

In this case, we will extract the size of the middle class in a binary fashion. Saying that aside from the top 0.01%, the society can be broken down into two categories.

There is the poor. And there is the middle class.

Where within the middle class are stratified levels or layers.

But as long as you are in this middle range, you are doing well. Sure, you might not own your own private jet, but you won’t be starving either. An idealized nation will have everyone living without want or need; they would all be middle class. They would own their own home, always have enough food, medical care, and a role in society.

Now keeping things real, “Middle class” is not a measure of how many houses, or cars that you own. It’s a measure of whether or not you need the government to assist you in meeting basic needs of food, shelter, and medical care.

Using published information…

Freedom and Responsibility

The “talking heads” on all the media talks up a “great game” about how America has “freedom!” as if it actually existed. Freedom is not just words on a piece of paper that can be taken away by legislation, hello!, it’s something that you live with. And since it is something that you live with, comes responsibility.

America and China differ substantially in this regard.

America is a land of “anything goes” freedom with zero responsibility. The boundaries on the use of that freedom are defined by law. Limitations on what laws can exist is supposed to be met under the terms of the Bill of Rights, but that document has been riddled with so many exceptions that it no longer is a functional document. Thus you have a society where people can do anything, just as long as they are not caught by the police in breaking a law.

China, on the other hand, treats freedom as something precious that is dished out in measured amounts to those who are responsible. This is measured by the “Social Scoring” system. If you are responsible, you are permitted great deal of freedom. If not, then you have your “wings clipped” and live a more restricted life.

  • America = All freedom. No responsibility, can act within the confines of law.
  • China = Freedom and responsibility are intertwined, and measured for compliance.


I also like to measure society buy it’s communities. This measurement comes in many forms, but fundamentally it is a complex mixture of safety, social interaction with others, access to basic transportation, quality of life, costs of groceries, access to parts and public areas, and friendships.

This is all very difficult to measure. So we are going to look at this in a broader sense. We will look at the most popular community structures in China and America and then compare them.

In China, most people live in these housing complexes. These are enormous skyscrapers that are surrounded by a wall, and is secured by security police known as BaoAn’s. Within that complex is at least one park, multiple recreation areas, kindergarten and elementary schools, a police and local government administration office, a post office, and individual parking.

While homes can be rented in these complex’s, most people buy a house. Thus securing a long term residence that allow direct participation with all their neighbors. Additionally, people in the building complexes are all on social media and share thoughts, stories, issues and needs in real time, as they develop.

It is not at all unusual to see evenings filled with children playing in the open areas, the parks and the buildings. Old people walk on the sidewalks and walkways, and BaoAn’s mingle with the residence. This is normal China.

In America, most people yearn for a home. They buy a home in the country, or suburb, and (if they are rich enough) a home / apartment in a city. In all cases, they are isolated from each other. If they want to be part of the community, they must make an effort to do so. It is not automatic, and thus many people tend to stay inside and isolate. The suburbs in America are some of the quietest and loneliest places on the earth.

  • China = An active community of participation.
  • America = A nice home in isolation with little community participation.

Now, I could go on and on…

I can site facts and figures. Like the percentage of people who drive, or the percentage of people who are employed, or the effort it takes in literacy. But that’s an easy and a silly way to measure things. You just cannot take things in isolation and measure them. You need to provide a “level playing field” and then measure from there.

People use GDP, for instance. But GDP is flawed. And I will repeat my often used example…

  • Sally has one dollar and can buy two apples with it.
  • Tom has ten dollars, but can only buy one apple with it.

According to GDP, Tom is more successful than Sally.

We all need to measure our lives by our happiness. As well as by our purpose, and our relationships with the community.

If you are not happy, but instead working for money; if you don’t have a purpose other than to make money; and if you have no sense of community, then you are very likely to be living in the United States.

And of course, if you are happy, and you work as part of a community for the betterment of all, then you are probably living in China.

Reality Check

Of course, not everyone in America lives in suburbs, or in their own homes. And not everyone in China lives in these huge mega apartment complexes. And not everyone in America is isolated, and not everyone in China is part of the community. But the point is that the vast bulk of them are.

And that is what we are talking about here. As America is balkanized, you will have an occasional little oasis of community, and one of prosperity and safety. But those numbers are dwindling. And China is a homogenized nation. Everyone speaks one language, and no one is hyphenated.  You won’t hear any Chinese calling themselves Hunan-Chinese, or Xinjiang Chinese.

As I have said before, we have to see things as they really exist. Not as we want them to be.


Personally I think it is a good idea to have a choice in how you can live your life in different societies. It’s like being able to choose between steak or dog food for dinner. And if you are tired of dog food, you can smell that delicious steak and eventually go to a place where there is steak every day. Yum!

Some people like to eat dog food. They eat it day in and day out. They are told that dog food is good, and that everyone knows that dog food is the best.

Me; I like steak.

Judging from the billions of pro-America articles out in internet-land, so many people love living inside of America. They have this thing called “democracy” and “freedom”. Though what it actually is, is really hard to nail down. If you ask them if the election systems actually work, most would say no. If you ask them if their representatives will represent them, they would also say no. And if you ask them if the bill of Rights is being followed, they would also say no.

So, perhaps, America is just floating along on this vaporous cloud of ignorance and hope.

Meanwhile China has “been there and done that”. They went through the changes and have arrived at a stable place. They carved out a life and made it stable, and rock solid.

America is the land of the 0.1% of people. If you can become one of them, then this place is for you. Meanwhile, the rest of the nation toils to one day be able to reach that point. Maybe you too can be come a billionaire and fly into space!

China is the land of the 90% of people. Everyone can get a decent life. Some better than others, but all within a fine band of comfort. And you know, it is possible, that one day, you will be able to fly into space. If not you, then your kids. But it is really possible.

Today in the United States, the only think keeping the masses of people from revolting and hanging the government is the free welfare checks, and the television / internet. To me, it reminds me of Rome, where the rulers provided their citizens with bread and circuses.

In China, as I have repeatedly tried to relate, it is calm and peaceful. No stress at all. None. Kids play, people talk. Nothing is frantic. Nothing is fast paced. The skies are blue. The trees are green. Flowers are everywhere. Malls are open, stores are bright and cheerful This is throughout China, not “only on the coast” as one supposed China expat said in a comment.

Now for some videos…

With this in mind, let’s look at a few videos that serve to illustrate these points.

In a MERIT DRIVEN SOCIETY such as CHINA, everyone tries to do their best and excel. They work together. They study hard. They strive. (Video)


Yes they do, and this idea to be the best you can be, to be kind and to be helpful comes from how you are raised. Check out this next video. This is a Chinese preschool. (video).


In a SOCIETY DRIVEN BY GREED such as AMERICA, it’s every man for himself. And thus you have all sorts of crime and events related to fraud and deception. (Video)


“Is that your bike? No.”

And so what does this guy do? He films it and does nothing. Not a community. It is just every man for himself. (Video)


But it doesn’t have to be this way…

If you grew up in a land with a thousand tiny hands in your wallet, a leadership that are idiots, and where every person is scrambling for a “piece of the pie”, you can change that.

No. I am not talking about revolution. Nor am I talking about leaving the nation that you are part of for somewhere else. I am instead talking about what you can do to make the world around you a little bit better.


Meet your neighbors. Say hi. Smile. Buy coffee for coworkers. Clean up the trash on the street. Feed the dogs and cats. Make your home open, welcome and friendly.

Use the “porch light system” for invitations. Tell everyone you meet in your community that when the porch light is on, that it is a welcome for them to come on over and have a cup of coffee and to chill out with you.

Be the Rufus. (video)

I love this Rufus doggie.


Be the Rufus!

You can make the world a better place. Just help others. (Video)

If everyone thought about others, their community, their purpose, and in making their little tiny part better, than we all will live a better life. Stop being alone and isolated. Reach out. Help others. Make friends. You will be surprised how much your quality of life will improve. Just participate in life.


Do you want more?

You can find more articles related to this in my latest index; A New Beginning. And in it are elements of the old, some elements regarding the transition, and some elements that look towards the future.

New Beginnings


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“kakistocracy” Good one.

We differ on our views though, apparently.

You seem to really believe that these pitiful humans are actually making decisions. I do not. I believe the The Domain, The Old Empire, possibly The Mantids, or an unknown interloper is dictating ALL actions to the earth visual governing bodies.

I think that “Memory Loss” had some excellent comments along these lines in a recent post over there in “Dream Share”.

If I can’t have it, no one can… KABOOM!


I think The Domain, Old Empire, Mantids, et al, are influencing human behavior, one way or another. But humans are deciding. Ultimately we decide. That’s an undeniable fact. That’s why sentience is important. That’s why all those sophisticated systems of control were set up in the first place.

Ohio Guy

That’s a rather jaded view I think. I believe our decisions, thoughts, and affirmations guide us through our journey in this life. Our individual perceptions of this life are the product of our thoughts and decisions. We do have a voice in all this, however small. But with many small voices engaged in positive, meaningful creativity with regard to each other’s wellfare, that becomes a symphony of community as congjing yu has just illustrated with the many videos of life in China he has provided on his site. Certainly you’ve noticed the lovely women of China. Stark contrast to the tatted up, blue haired body piercing daddy issues walking the streets of the US. Don’t you think?


To perolator:

“…humans are deciding.” “That’s an undeniable fact.”
Huh? I am denying it right here and now.
If anything is undeniable, it is that our sentience is NO LONGER in charge of our incarnation here. We are trapped, or do you disagree with the entire position of the MM body of work?

To Ohio Guy:
“…our decisions, thoughts, and affirmations guide us through our journey in this life”
I am speaking of the Grand [current] Scheme. I would say that your “however small” is perfect – doesn’t make a damn bit of difference in these times. You too seem to be opposed to the position of the MM body of work.

You both mean within this Prison, right?

Ohio Guy


Bas Greuter


Like your website. Great reads.

What about the below mentioned book?

Snake Oil: How Xi Jinping Shut Down the World.

Many people man opinions.

China maybe wunderfull for you.




Is this propaganda or real news?

Blasts in China: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-WDqx7znva4
“At least 10 mysterious, high-intensity blasts have struck China in 7 days. Several people have died, many were injured. China is trying to cover up; nothing is being said on whether these blasts were accidents or coordinated attacks. Palki Sharma brings you the details.”
This smells like fabricated propaganda. The announcer is a former CNN-IBN reporter, now working for WION, which part of Zee News. According to Wikipedia, Zee News “has been involved in several controversies and has broadcast fabricated news stories on multiple occasions.”
Anyone know more?


YES, bullshit made to mislead all those who the WAPP wish to make a cliffjump, and certianly nor ppl who would be qualified for the New World.


Wow, MM! I read your stuff now and then, but whenever I come here, I see an AMAZING article. Truth that is SO CLEAR but not so to most ppl out there, because they have NOT BEEN to the real CHINA as of today. What Stanley Crawford said about China about the time when he was here, to 2012, was basically true over that period, especially the beginning parts, IMHO, but if he can, without the Covid stuff and protocols impeding all of us, he should fly to Zhuhai, have a beer with you and see the real China TODAY, and head out to the different universities that he taught at, and talk to the ppl there.

From 2012, to 2021, there has been A HUGE REVOLUTIONARY CHANGE in China, and that is tied to the ascendance of Xi JinPing, who made the final push for the changes that occurred today. Everything that MM has said about China today is TRUE, and everything that the west could say negatively about China that can be documented to be true, if they did occur, they certainly did in the PAST. With the social credit score system really in place about 5 years ago, there is the advent of the the placing of a security camera at each intersection in ALL the major cities in China, read EVERY intersection on the road, and in the larger cities, at least every 50m.

In China’s large three cities, in the last year, ALL crime related to on the street or in living complexes, have been solved within 1 week of the commission of the crime, and those not solved were all solved within 1 year. Would you like to compare this statistic with the statistics in the city or region that you live in?

That is because through the China identity card system and the advent of Big Data systems, any face that occurs in a security camera has an associated identity with it within 1 second of appearance. If anyone appears to have covered their face in a security camera, the system should automatically follow this person to his final endpoint, and should triangulate that with the mobile phone that is on his body which should reveal his identity within, uhm, seconds?

If he does not carry a mobile phone, you can be sure that the system follows him as a possible crime suspect, and if anything bad happens in the arae of this person space at the time of his presence, you will bet that the system can trace this UNKNOWN persons whereabouts until he disappears from view.

In which case, yo will know here to look…uhm, in seconds? So you see once these systems get into place a few years ago, and all the career criminals get caught, who’s left to commit these petty crimes TODAY? Uh, NOBODY??? Dont talk about the human rights about the petty thieves, the rapists, the aggressive assault you for no reason morons, and the murderers that China takes off the streets to any Chinese – because they will support the government, and will beat the crap out of you for being a dumbass criminal protector – who is also a criminal in their minds. As it is today, China is one of the closest things to the Republic as described by Plato.

I would put Singapore in there. I also believe that Russia is certainly closer to China here than the US with its “beautiful people and wonderful culture” is. You need to get an air ticket fly to China and talk with real Chinese people in November 2021. And ask theme every question you can imagine and compare their answers with the own answer you have for your own life in your country. I bet you USD10,000 – 1 to 1 bet – with all people who take my bet, that China tops your country in EVERY aspect you can come up with.

EVERY. Okay, to make it fair, better than 50%, but you will find on every determinant of importance, China will outrank your country.

National average IQ, education of children is the most stark contrast here (#1 in the world according to PISA), net worth of the average citizen (ALL assets – ALL liabilities), the number of luxury cars per capita, the average number of people who own homes, as opposed to not owning homes, life factors such as happiness, marital rates, safety in the streets, rate of violent crime per capita, rate of minor crime per capita. Every POSITIVE life factor determinant you can think of. China wins.

USD10,000. Any takers. Meet me in Shanghai. I will be there with my cash waiting for you…. Lets do it.

You will lose.

Why do you think I am so confident? Do the research for real without making the bet with me. Save that USD10,000 that you are going to lose to me. Come to China. Have a beer or coffee with MM in Zhuhai. Then see what MM means when he gives you a BIG FcKING Huge Tell when he says, China is the FUTURE. He is telling you what is going to happen, because HE KNOWS (You gotta be brain dead to not know what I mean…). Thanks, MM, thought I’d give you my 2 cents. And may the GPU bless all of us who come here…. Thank you to the WAPP and Majestic ppl who have made everything happen – although a very high price was paint for it….