This is a very advanced article on world-line travel. In it we discuss something new. It is something that has never happened before, or at least while I was in MAJestic, it never happened. And I was unaware of it, or the consequences of it. And we are going to talk about it here. Maybe shine a light or two on what is going on.
It consists of changes to the Master template.
Because this is such an advanced subject, we will put this in the advanced section of world-line travel studies.
What triggered this
An unusual and peculiar shift in the world-line template was detected.
Templates tend to be “rock hard” and stable. They are the foundations from with all the personal templates are derived from. Tend to be, and thus are always assumed to be so.
However, the fundamental Master template changed.
Now, I have NEVER experienced this before. And it is a very rare, rare event. In fact, while I know that they can be altered by anchoring, I had no idea that they could dramatically altered in such a fundamental manner.
I have previously described anchoring of mass consciousnesses. I would “pull down”, or “twist” reality, and then the elastic nature of the template would return back to it’s previous state with whatever bad events that were to happen avoided.
What has occurred is something similar. Only instead of the elastic nature of reality “snapping back” to it’s previous state, it has snapped into a new state.
How MM detected it
Oh, Lordy!
Just because my ELF probes are retired and my involvement with MAJestic has officially been terminated, my EBP’s are all still active. And they are continually working with my physical and non-physical bodies on numerous levels.
So this is how I can tell.
You see, it’s really difficult to describe. However, imagine that every day you wake up to a overcast day, with some apartment buildings in the distance, and some traffic on the road. Then one day, you notice that the sky is blue and sunny, and that instead of apartments you see green hills with grazing sheep and no cars.
You NOTICE the difference.
It’s like that.
The way I “feel” or “sense” the template structure has changed. It feels substantially different.
Like how one day your are feeling the trunk of a tree and the bark is rough, and another day the bark is smooth and glossy. It is like one day you are used to drinking hot coca beverages, and the next day you are drinking ice cold mint tea.
It is, however, a subtle difference.
It’s like drinking red or black tea for decades, and then one day you are drinking Oolong Tea, or Green Tea. It’s like always drinking Folgers coffee and then suddenly drinking Maxwell House brand coffee. It’s like always smoking Marlboro cigarettes and then suddenly smoking Camel. It’s like always drinking Budweiser beer and then suddenly drinking Genesis Stout.
It’s very subtle.
There are no words for me to describe this, simply because the experience is so unique and it involves a combination of senses to form a whole. And no, there are no alpha-numeric characters or symbols involved. It’s like the entire interface is just, well… different.
Anyways, you just have to trust me on this. The Master template has changed. Not any of the subsequent “child” templates. Simply the Master Template.
An Example
Consider the elasticity of plastic. Templates (pretty much) follow similar rules as plastic does. If you try to change a template, it will “bounce back” after a spell. But you can make permanent changes to it with more effort.
For plastic…
Plastic can be bent and twisted and eventually it will snap back into shape. (This is shown in the flat line from point 1 to point 2 in the diagram below.) It is the “Elastic Region”.

But if you deform the plastic past a certain point, it will not snap back exactly. No. Instead it will go to a new location and a new shape. (This is shown in the diagram below. Point 2 to point 3.) It is the “Plastic Region”.

And if you apply extreme pressure on it, it will actually break and snap into two parts. (Point 5 in the diagram below.)

The diagram for plastic deformation
Here is the diagram that I have referred to above.
- Note point 1 – 2. This is the “Elastic Region”.
- Note point 2 – 3. This is the “Plastic Region”.
- Note point 5. This is the “Point of fracture.”

For templates…
When I was active in MAJestic operations, all of my efforts for anchoring was in the point 1 to point 2 region, the “Elastic Region”. I would “anchor” clusters of world-lines, and in so doing, prevent certain events or changes. Then things would mostly return to the previous shape.
I say "mostly" because often there would be slides that would place my consciousness elsewhere than where I started off from. Specifically, and so not to be confused, "slides" were an event that my consciousness experienced as I was "anchoring" world-lines. They were wholly associated with me, and my observation of the reality around me.
What is going on now (This peculiar change to the Master Template.) is that something has moved the fundamental baseline template to the “Plastic Region”. It changed permanently, and can no longer return to it’s previous shape or form.
Quick review of key points
I don’t want to regurgitate the entire MM teachings here. Just point out some basics.
- Our consciousness travels moment to moment into world-lines.
- Each world-line has it’s own past and future.
- But our consciousness only spends a fraction of time in it.
If you map the path of travel, you get your life-line. And life-lines can be placed on a three dimensional map known as a “template”. This map is the highest probability of travel granted to your consciousness. With geography controlled by difficulty.
- Templates are established at birth. As such they are known as Pre-Birth World-Line Templates.
- You can “slide off” the previously established template on to a new one. You do this by directed thought.
From the point of view of your consciousness, the only things that matter are your [1] template map, [2] your directed slides, [3] the world-lines that you visit, and [4] the geography of the map.
However, the thoughts of all consciousnesses define the terrain of the template maps. Not just one person. They are not hard and fixed. Like concrete. They are like soft foam mats that can be moved and pushed and bent.
This is why MM was so involved in “anchoring”.
What do I mean templates…
Consider a word processor.
If you use Microsoft Word (MS Word) it will come with a default document template. This is the blank document that always comes up in the software program when you turn it on and start a new file. 99% of all users start out with this template. This is the default template.

Now, if you work at company, they might have a “default” company template. Many, but not all companies do this you know. It depends on the company. But the truth be told that most large companies have very distinct rules on the formats of the documents that you send out. For instance, they would specify the font you use, and the colors that you use. They would specify the logo that you use as well, as well as the layout.
This is a modified “MS default template”.
It will include such things as the company stationary, address, phone numbers and font and size selection. All users in a certain company will use this template. This is the company template. Here’s some examples…

Now, that being said, when you start in the company you will then take this company template, and customize it as your own.In the space that says, “Project Name”, you will enter the name of the project. And the same goes for the date and all the other particulars.
You will add YOUR name, and YOUR title. You will add YOUR extension, and e-mail data to it. This will be your template.

And each letter, note, or message you will write will be a new document using this template. It will have it’s own document number, date, author and name.
This is similar in how your world-line travel occurs. If you consider each world-line that you visit to be a “new document“, then your world-line template map is the equivalent to “Your template“.
And whether you stay on that template or slide onto a new template. It is still your template.
Your template, in turn, is derived from your Pre-birth world-line template. And this is equivalent to the “Company template“.
And when you and everyone else is in “Heaven” and deciding on what your next reincarnation will be on the earth, you will use the “default template” that came with the software package. We call this the Master Template.
Template hierarchy
To recap, this is the general hierarchy for MS Word templates…
- General Microsoft Default Template
- Company Official Template
- Your Personal Occupation / Position Template
- Your individual documents
And for world-line travel, it looks like this…
- Master Template
- Pre-birth World-Line Template
- World-line Template Map
- Individual World-lines
So what is going on?
Every MM reader can do something that 99% of the population cannot do. They have the skill set to “slide” off their pre-birth world-line template. And that is how you can change your life. They travel life on their own world-line template map.
But just about everyone else is stuck on their pre-birth world-line template. they are just living life like a fated robot.
But all templates are derived from the most fundamental template; the Master Template. And it has changed.
How can I describe the changes?
It is such a subtle change that most people will not catch it, nor understand it. To most people it will not look like anything changed. But you know, the template rules have completely changed.
Consider what happens to you Microsoft Word (MS Word) documents when you change the default temple…

The content will remain the same, but how the content interacts with each other in a unified visual style will be different.
Your past will not change. Your slides, your world-lines none of those things will change. All the things that you have learned about and use on MM will not change.
What will change is how your consciousness interacts with reality.
For instance, any of these things can (might) change.
- How easy or hard it is to start Lucid Dreaming.
- The ability to slide to new templates.
- How directly involved your thoughts are with the fabric of your reality.
- The aspects of time relative to where you are going in your direction vector.
- The life-span of a typical human can increase or decrease.
- The ability to perform non-physical reality travel.
- The ability to sense or not, the non-physical reality.
- The interactions that we have, or don’t have with the Mantids
And so on and so forth.
But since it is far to early to know what we are working with, what the changes will be is anyone’s guess.
It’s literally a “new ballgame”.
A whole new ballgame, a A completely altered situation, as in It will take a year to reassign the staff, and by then some will have quit and we'll have a whole new ballgame. This expression comes from baseball, where it signifies a complete turn of events, as when the team that was ahead falls behind. [ Colloquial; 1960s] - A New Ballgame Idiom
Why did the Master Template change?
I do not know.
Obviously the previous Master Template was established by the “Old Empire”.
“The bureaucracy that controlled the former “Old Empire” was from an ancient space opera society, run by a totalitarian confederation of planetary governments, regulated by a brutal social, economic, and political hierarchy, with a royal monarch as its figurehead. This type of government emerges with regularity on planets where the citizens abandon personal responsibility for autonomous, self-regulation.”
Since the “Old Empire” no longer exists, we have to assume that the Type-1 Greys have (somehow) managed to change, reset or alter the Master Template to achieve their goals and objectives. After all, “The Domain”, or the Empire of the Type-1 Greys vanquished the “Old Empire” and took over completely.
Their goals are (pertaining to this “Prison Planet”, as I have discussed before, to free consciousnesses from living a reincarnation existence over and over, and over, and over without end.
Once the IS-BEs expelled from the “Old Empire” arrived on Earth, they were given amnesia, and hypnotically tricked into thinking that something else had happened to them. The next step was to implant the IS-BEs into biological bodies on Earth. The bodies became the human populations of “false civilizations” which were designed and installed in the minds of IS-BEs to look completely unlike the “Old Empire”. — Except from the Top Secret manuscripts from 1947 Roswell, published in the book ALIEN INTERVIEW
So, while it could be to prevent damage to the physical environment on the earth for one reason or the other, it can also be associated with non-physical changes and realities that we have no knowledge or understanding of.
Our Reality
The “reality” that earth-bound humans inhabit is an artificial construct. It is much like the movie “The Matrix”, except that it is an entire universe with it’s own separate “Heaven Universe”.
This artificial reality is a construct.
And the base line code for it is called the Master Template.
It is the fundamental reality that keeps IS-BE consciousnesses locked within this physical geographical space. And while there are many extremely intelligent and capable consciousnesses that inhabit this reality, the cunningness of the system keeps the consciousnesses focused on other things instead of their abilities and how to escape the prison.
“An “untouchable” classification of IS-BEs also includes a wide variety of “political prisoners”. This includes IS-BEs who are considered to be non-compliant “free thinkers” or “revolutionaries” who make trouble for the governments of the various planets of the “Old Empire”. Of course, anyone with a previous military record against the “Old Empire” is also shipped off to Earth. A list of “untouchables” include artists, painters, singers, musicians, writers, actors, and performers of every kind. For this reason Earth has more artists per capita than any other planet in the “Old Empire”. “Untouchables” also include intellectuals, inventors and geniuses in almost every field. Since everything the “Old Empire” considers valuable has long since been invented or created over the last few trillion years, they have no further use for such beings. This includes skilled managers also, which are not needed in a society of obedient, robotic citizens. Anyone who is not willing or able to submit to mindless economic, political and religious servitude as a tax-paying worker in the class system of the “Old Empire” are “untouchable”. ... and sentenced to receive memory wipe-out and permanent imprisonment on Earth. The net result is that an IS-BE is unable to escape because they can’t remember who they are, where they came from, where they are. They have been hypnotized to think they are someone, something, sometime, and somewhere other than where they really are.” ~ Alien Interview
“…the very unusual combination of “inmates” on Earth – criminals, perverts, artists, revolutionaries and geniuses – is the cause of a very restive and tumultuous environment. The purpose of the prison planet is to keep IS-BEs on Earth, forever. Promoting ignorance, superstition, and war between IS-BEs helps to keep the prison population crippled and trapped behind “the wall” of electronic force screens.” ~ Alien Interview
What the change is…
Anyways, you just have to trust me on this. The Master template has changed. Not any of the subsequent “child” templates. Simply the Master Template.
Is this change good or bad?
It’s certainly not “neutral”.
And I have this strong belief that it is a “good” thing that is in favor of the majority of the people on this planet. Maybe 80% of humans.
My GUESS is that some aspects of the Master Template were altered to delete various aspects of “Prison Planet” snares, entanglements, monitoring, suppression, manipulation, memory suppression, and reincarnation. But what they are specifically is unknown.
In my mind, this is probably a very, very good thing.
It also implies that the timetable for recovery of this “Prison Planet” environs has been advanced substantially.
Does this mean that World War III will occur or other planetary changes?
It has no bearing at all on the general terrain of the templates. The terrain of the templates; the mountains, the valleys, the flat lands, they will all continue to exist as they always have.
It will not change any Geo-political situations, or up-coming physical changes.
The only impacts will be on the relationship of your consciousness to the physical and the non-physical realities. Not on the realities themselves.
Should I be worried?
There is no need to worry or be upset. Things are changing in a good way, and (my guess) is that the changes will benefit those that are able to control their thoughts and actions within this reality.
This includes all MM readers, and most especially those that perform Prayer Affirmation Campaigns.
Why do I refer to the changes as peculiar…
The word “peculiar” means “strange, odd, or unusual”.
In my entire life, and that includes a long, long time in MAJestic active, and retired, I have never had or experienced this event. It is indeed strange, and to me, very, very odd. It is certainly unusual.
Most people, however, will not notice anything different.
Do I need to do anything different?
Continue living life, and running your affirmation prayer campaigns as you normally do.
As time progresses and we see what we are working with here, I will establish some guidelines and suggestions to better help everyone deal with the changes to their new advantages.
I expect and anticipate that MM followers will have a far easier time in the Prayer Affirmations Campaigns, and they will start to see results quicker and with more “stickiness” than what you all would experience previously.
Do you want more?
I have more posts in my Affirmation prayer Campaign Index here…
Intention Campaigns.
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Thanks for the important heads up MM. I will keep my ears pricked for any signs that things have changed.
A couple of months back I noticed a recurring dream had changed. I wonder if that was one sign. I also definitely feel the manifestation sphere being much more malleable.
The use of the MS Word templates as an example was genius. I think everybody can relate to that.
And the Dilbert cartoon was hilarious 🙂
Big thank you. I really need to hear from you all in terms of positive feedback. Sometimes I feel like I am writing to a blank wall, and no one is reading what I write.
One of the things I enjoy about your articles is the “Choose Your Own Adventure “ aspect of it. When I was a kid growing up in the 70’s and 80’s I would save my allowance to buy books at the school Book Fair. There was a series of books I loved where you had choices on how the story would progress and ultimately end. You could flip to page 13 for one story line or flip to page 27 for another story line. The way you have set up this website like that has been a fun way for me to maneuver through all the information. Also, if you had algorithms to track how we readers move through the articles, it seems a good way to measure, track, and map our consciousness progression. You’re not writing to a blank wall. Since I discovered this website I read through the articles every chance I get. I haven’t had my imagination so fired up since I was a kid! I was particularly intrigued by this article. My ego wants to think I made the template change with my prayerfirmations. 😉
What a nice thing to say. Thank you very much for this.
If you feel we’re quiet, it’s because you have a lot of signal and very little noise. We on the other hand haha!
MM, can you consider a sandbox this particular nursery? Where we guys can float up ideas and concepts? I try not to pitch most of the time because I don’t want to pollute the threads. But in a sandbox, we can make a ruckus lol.
Thank you for the kind words. I never thought of this aspect. But, yeah. You are so very right.
I am sure, many read this. it is not easy to digest, though.
And, after a year and a half of reading and re reading your posts, things are sinking in. I am not saying I get, as fully understand, what you are describing here, but I have a good sense of what you are describing now. I hope this makes logic.
I can definitely say that once a man takes the first step, that one “narrative” or story is false, one begins to suspect ALL or many narratives are also suspect.
Aliens – Grays or mantids? It’s easy to accept and not so far out.
In fact, I’d say “aliens” or MWI is one of the most tame things the former American government has lied about over the past 60 years.
As it turns out, all those “wacko Conspiracy Theorists” back in the 70s and 80s with the transmitters in the teeth, voices in the head, and tinfoil hats are right.
And so you see this bifurcation, where the tendency becomes to either take authorities at their word, or accept none of what they say. Thank you for writing about your experiences in Majestic, which is only one of many SAPs.
It is very probable, that your experiences are not the more extreme ones in existence.
Thank you so much for this. You know – the funniest part of ALL this is how you can explain about 200 pages of MM info in 6 lines!
It has become so difficult to meditate these last few weeks that it’s gone from annoying to frustrating. Just little things like that. Small bit major when the light is shining on them. Another thing is this-in April I had my rear driver side tire replaced. Not only do I have the receipt but it’s a Chevy – it’s differential is on that tire so I am always changing it. A month ago the new tire was on the passenger side. I didn’t do it and I can’t see some random person – a very lucky one at that – coming and just swapping my tires. I got freaking plants talking to me, UFOs popping in and out of the sky, random animals in my yard – like wired ones – it’s just been nuts these last few weeks!
THANK YOU for this!!!
It’s an adjustment period. Relax. It will settle down, and you will grow comfortable with the new reality.
That’s, uhm weird. The stray cats I see don’t seem to be answering back seriously. I’m getting freaked out by the fact they seem to have gone silent, although they acknowledge my existence lol!
But on the bright side, the Universe itself seems very responsive. There have been some instances in the last month or so when my thoughts “how nice it would be if.. .” seem to be picked up by a Sentient Universe AND acted upon. Nervously waiting for the day the cats and I have an actual conversation. 😁
Mr MM, do the sandbox. If you are the anchor, us barnacles are going to stick to the chain and the boat! And then we infest and breed! Seriously, I suspect one factor for your manifestations is critical mass. Your podcasts, forum and random musings point to this direction.
Your entries are facinating . . . they have captivated and confirmed my intuitions of my personal reality. Intension, expressed sincerely, is everything . . . I don’t know if your musings are a joy to you in the doing, but, please know i am hooked to following you and seriously consider your postings. I guess I am trying to say, “THANK YOU”.
To change topics . . . would you care to comment on Michael Wolf, who claims to have been also involved with MAJestic?
Thank you for that. No, I do not wholly believe Dr. Wolf.
Firstly there is only ONE organization involved with extraterrestrials in the United States government. That is MAJestic. It falls under the ONI. There is ZERO cross migration between government agencies if you are in MAJestic. That’s it. Case closed. You cannot be part of the CIA, NSA or FDA. You are in MAJ only and that is it.
It is compartmentalized. You only know two others in your cell. The entire organization is set up that way, though contractors are used for specific need-to-know tasks like CARET. You cannot. So there is no way that he knows everything that he says he knows. But you do not have to believe me. You can come to your own conclusions.
I’d be interested in a list of people you even suspect of having been involved in Majestic (Besides yourself and Bob Lazar)
Perhaps that is why I am permitted to have children now, eh? To pass on my DNA / RNA improvements, just like what happened to other species in the past. Remember this? Remember your probe(s) shutdown procedure in that special room where you could hear the voices of the operators talking in a remote location?
Also the incident of one of the (guards messing with the control panel and inadvertently reactivating your core kit probes? I think this is significant and was no accident.
You are being used by the benefactors to educate those who are receptive to these truths of our reality.
I posit that there are now two master templates that appear identical. Your representation shows a difference in color. One being blue, the other, a bronze color. These are now superimpose, one over the other.
The service to self sentience’s are being assigned one, the service to others, in turn, assigned the other copy.
This, I believe, is to streamline the sorting process such that one does not have to fight the urge to “go into the light” or wait for assistance from the mantids to direct us to be free in the non physical realm at the end of our individual world line. It is automatic. In other words, A base line for us, and a base line for them, (sts sentience).
All with the subtle appearance of being laminated, one over the other, yet, to separate outcomes. (hence the streamlining of sorting) I wonder though, if delamination will occur at some point, whether individually or collectively.
I believe the manifestation of this copy of the baseline was fueled by the positive quanta of controlled thought influenced by your writings, MM. I think so. You are instrumental in the awakening of many here on your blog. Just look at the people and stories they have imparted. That’s no accident either. This, I believe, is evidence that your work here is bearing real fruit. The coming days and months, I believe will be exciting times in each of our individual and collective developments. To all: Keep relating those fantastic experiences you have. Keep control of your thoughts, and always, always be the rufus.
Great stuff, and I think that you are correct. I need to ponder this and send out another article once I get things sorted out better.
Very interesting theory. Like a Harry Potter world sorting hat?
It’s kinda weird because as I was pondering the implications of your theory, I stumbled upon a video:
What if the service to others sentiences just overwhelms the service to self guys so much so their power structures just crumbles. We don’t fight with them, we absorb them. A change to the master template would likely have been necessary in such a scenario.
Ohio Guy, you’ve nailed it.
Memory Loss, good point, good analogy.
Are more and more are getting onboard?
Andrew Torba (CEO of has been writing about concepts like the need for a parallel economy, a parallel internet, and a parallel society. He writes:
Makes sense to me.
@congjing yu you are going to love my next article. I am now certain I was doing something similar in regards to world lines in my “astral assignments”. Though I didn’t really understand what the hell it was, reading this things are starting to make perfect sense……and my coffee has tasted much shitter lately
A large number of people blame the Mandela effect on CERN. They run the large Hadron collider in France/Belgium where they have been experimenting with quantum computers, bringing information into this timeline from others, and experimentation with microscopic black holes. Even fans of science and technology are aware that something stinks with that organization. The elites who funded the construction of the project must have gained something from building it or it would never have been constructed. You don’t spend billions on something without a tangible result.
The ability to alter world lines so outcomes to always favor the elites at the cost of those in the out-group could be one such result. There was some tangible benefit for sure.
There are those who channel the ‘Federation of light’ who speak of an event happening soon. I have means of knowing the authenticity of some of those claims and my discernment says something is afoot from outside this realm. The appearance of all those monoliths at the end of last year as one set data point:
A famous movie line ‘Something is afoot at the circle K‘
I find this idea of the master template changing and its implications as discussed in this and other posts particularly interesting. I’ve noticed that thing I struggled with in the past, especially pertaining to my entrepreneurial pursuits, have seemed to change and get easier. Additionally, goals I had a LONG time ago are now starting to manifest.
When I was a kid I wanted to make video games, and designed a lot of templates/layouts for some I had in my mind. This was maybe when I was 8-12 years old. Then I got older, things changed, and I never really thought about it. Well, this year, the business I’m building that started off with completely different objectives now suddenly looks like we’re going to have a game studio as part of the overall project.
Also, in the past, building a company was much more draining and onerous. Getting people to do stuff was like pulling teeth, opportunities were a lot more “flash in the pan” like before fizzling out, and funding was… painful to say the least. This started to change around the end of last year.
Though the people I was working with then created some issues, most of those problems had a much lighter weight. My true objectives never manifested but it seemed like the path was much clearer. After leaving and started focusing on this other project, almost all of those problems evaporated.
I also stumbled across the vocalization prerequisite entirely on accident earlier this year. I’d long been sharply focused on what I wanted to achieve and meditated on it frequently, but was very frustrated with lack of tangible results and it was posing a threat. In frustration while meditating I spoke my thoughts out loud and (without realizing it) asked for a sign post.
Wouldn’t you know it, that immediately after finishing that vocalized meditation a sign post materialized. It turned out to be a false positive, but from that point on I started speaking my manifestation goals out loud and once I added a desire to understand how I could affect my reality around me, they quickly brought me to MM. Like, within a few weeks.
The point of all that is, suddenly comparatively ancient goals are starting to manifest and the timetable for current goals manifesting seems to be much shorter. Part of me wants to attribute it to just having been working towards these things for so long, but that’s clearly an inadequate explanation.
After having spent probably 6-8 hours a day reading/digesting content on this site for a few weeks, these explanations resonate far stronger.
Thanks for that. Please keep up and never , ever, give up.
I forgot why I originally wanted to comment, but the gist was that I’ve been following your blog for maybe 2…ish years now? I’ve been consciously manifesting (moving world-lines, I guess, or them moving through me, whichever way you see it through your perspective). I followed Neville Goddard for a long time and completely changed my life around. I don’t really know why I’m posting this, I just had the urge to after reading this post in particular.
Anyway, I guess I knew you were the real deal when I had first read Alien Interview. I wasn’t that sold on aliens before that read, but I definitely saw a lot of similarities between what you talked about and what Airl revealed. I also was proud to read your revised views on reality after reading Alien Interview. I disagree with you on some things, but it was nice to see you discover that piece of information.
Sort of how the Commander speaks to you, I get “ideas” or intuits, I like to call them. Some might refer to them as downloads. Anyway, it’s not really words, it’s more like feelings or concepts that I immediately understand upon receiving them. I know they don’t come from me, but they’re helpful and feel significant somehow.
It really is a bastard, the controlled flow of info. I’ve tried to share manifesting (or as you call them, prayer affirmation campaigns), and none of my family or friends were interested other than my sister.
I’m very much interested in fifth dimensional travel, but more so sixth and seventh. Anyway, I still can’t tell you why I wrote this, just that I felt called to for some reason.
I always felt that I wasn’t supposed to be here, wasn’t supposed to be born into the family I have, that I belonged somewhere else and I knew it wasn’t “here”, it didn’t exist. Not in a way I could perceive currently, anyway.
Then I read both Alien Interview and your blog and a lot of things clicked. Maybe it’s egregious of me or arrogant, but I wonder who I was before this. Part of me wants to know, another part just wants to do whatever it takes to leave and not come back. I always oscillate between enjoying my 3D Matrix life and then thinking about how I need to prepare myself for when I die.
Anyway. Gonna go binge your blog even though you say to read it slowly. What can I say, I’m a voracious reader.
Thanks for that. Take it easy. Some are timeless truths, but others are truths relative to the reader. Don’t make the mistake in thinking that I know it all. I don’t. I am a traveler like yourself. Take what is useful, and discard the rest. When the time comes, it will resonate. In the meantime accept yourself, and your situation. All is good. -MM