Why the fundamental Master Template has changed, and what it implies.

This article considers and ponders the motivations of our benefactors to change our Master Template. We also touch on what it implies as well. This is a deep and heady article and not for the faint of heart. For we will discuss what our owners think about us.

"Theoretically, if the amnesia mechanisms being used against Earth could be broken entirely, IS-BEs would regain all of their memory!" 


In this POST, I discussed that I had sensed a change in the Master Template. And then I went on to describe was it was, how it works, and so on and so forth. At that time, I hadn’t a clue as to why it was changed, except to say that it is a very, very rare event.

But then I read one of the comments. All credit to Ohio Guy, that said this…

I posit that there are now two master templates that appear identical. Your representation shows a difference in color. One being blue, the other, a bronze color. These are now superimposed, one over the other.

The service to self sentience’s are being assigned one, the service to others, in turn, assigned the other copy.

This, I believe, is to streamline the sorting process such that one does not have to fight the urge to “go into the light” or wait for assistance from the mantids to direct us to be free in the non physical realm at the end of our individual world line. It is automatic. In other words, A base line for us, and a base line for them, (sts sentience).

All with the subtle appearance of being laminated, one over the other, yet, to separate outcomes. (hence the streamlining of sorting) I wonder though, if delamination will occur at some point, whether individually or collectively.

Brilliant. Really.

And this from Memory Loss

Very interesting theory. Like a Harry Potter world sorting hat?
It’s kinda weird because as I was pondering the implications of your theory, I stumbled upon a video:


What if the service to others sentiences just overwhelms the service to self guys so much so their power structures just crumbles. We don’t fight with them, we absorb them. A change to the master template would likely have been necessary in such a scenario.

Why would the Type-1 greys do this?

I can tell you that they want to resolve this “Prison Planet” from the “dung heap” that it is now into a sorting, and reeducation location as efficiently as possible. And it’s not just our solar system but other ones under the same realm of control as well.

But wresting control of the source code, they can really make some changes happen. Just like on the movie the matrix.

Decoding the matrix.

So, it got me to start thinking.

What would happen? What could happen? At what benefit would it provide to anyone?

Benefits of changing the Master Template

Why the heck would anyone want to change the Master Template? Well, to answer that question you have to understand who made the Master Template to begin with and why.

Fundamentally, the “Old Empire” created the “Prison Planet” in this section of the galaxy. They created this reality, along with the associated Heaven (for humans) to go through as “punishment”. And thus all and everything associated with this local reality is a fabrication of the “Old Empire”.

And you must recognize that part of this fabrication is the idea of “pulsing consciousnesses” that cycle between wave and particle forms and moving about world-lines. Oh, perhaps, there are analogs in other areas of the universe, but in our “neck of the woods” what we go though is all a manufactured fabricated reality that is a remnant from the “Old Empire”.

We know that the type-1 greys (of “The Domain”) want to dismantle this entire set-up, but it is very difficult. However, we also know that MAJestic was set up after “Alien Interview” and it seems obvious that they want to have a metered disassembly of the entire arrangement so that the very evil are contained, while the innocent are rehabilitated.

The members of the lost Battalion and many other IS-BEs on Earth, could be valuable citizens of The Domain, not including those who are vicious criminals or perverts. 

Unfortunately, there has been no workable method conceived to emancipate the IS-BEs from Earth. Therefore, as a matter of common logic, as well as the official policy of The Domain, it is safer and more sensible to avoid contact with the IS-BE population of Earth.

Until such time as the proper resources can be allocated to [1] locate and destroy the "Old Empire" force screen...

... and [2] amnesia machinery ...

... and [3] develop a therapy to restore the memory of an IS-BE."

It seems to me that by changing the Master Template, it would enable the necessary therapies to restore IS-BE memories.

Keep in mind that the Master Template was designed specifically to entrap consciousnesses in this trap / snare of earth-bound reality.

If “The Domain” were interested in actually freeing souls and releasing consciousnesses from this reality, then the most direct and obvious method would be to alter the Master Template that this entire Prison Planet Environment is based around.

I gather from the events that I have sensed, good or bad, that they have been able to achieve this goal.

And then what?

Benefits of Making multiple templates

Consider this statement from Alien Interview…

The conflicting cultural and ethical moral codes of the IS-BEs on Earth is unusual in the extreme.

If you are able to sort consciousnesses by sentience, then the sorting effort could result in different Master Templates for different sentience’s.

"...the IS-BEs of Earth continue to behave very badly toward each other.  This behavior, however, is heavily influenced by the "hypnotic commands" given to each IS-BE between lifetimes."

You could have a Master Template for each of the following major sentience types in this reality at this time…

  • Service for self.
  • Service for another.
  • Service for others.
  • Disjointed.

And those templates would then adjust the consciousness interaction within this reality. It would…

  • Keep those that should remain in the “Prison Environment” a little longer. This would be accomplished by making them focus on the worldly pleasures and pain. So that they would not be able to focus on egress from this environment.
  • Provide a “rehabilitation plan” for those that need to undo the damage that this environment has done to them, and help sort them so that they can eventually egress from this environment. Their life would be a little bit easier, and not so contentious. So that they would be able to ponder their existence and see order and purpose.
  • Provide a much easier path of egress from this prison region for those who indicate a functional desire to do great things for others without personal profit. The affirmation prayers should become easier to manifest, and their general life path should be far less contentious and troublesome. Making it easier to think of higher purposes and roles after egress.
  • Provide a substantive restructuring plan for those that need it. The details of which could become very harsh, but necessary.

So, depending on the sentience, the Master Template would provide a simpler way to track, control, and eventually release all the inmates from this environment.

For service to others sentience it would look like this…

How they would differ from each on from a user point of view.

From the point of view of an end user, a consciousness, the pre-birth world-line template (which is derived from the Master Template) would look the same. While you were in Heaven, you would work with the local elders and your Mantid to configure your next reincarnation.

The evil and self-centered individuals would select a life-line to place upon a pre-birth world-line template to achieve their desires. Lust, greed, power, sex, gluttony, etc. The system in making the selection and the research and options available will not change.

And it will also remain the same. Individuals would be given “missions” and “objectives” are centered about “bettering themselves”, “obtaining experiences” and “perfecting themselves”.

Unless you were specifically keyed to notice the subtle changes of a rewritten source code, you won’t realize that anything would be different.

The user wouldn’t be able to see a difference during the planning stage in Heaven

You simply couldn’t see a difference. Difficult tasks will still be difficult. Easy tasks and goals will still be easy. Highs and lows, “mountains” and “valleys” will still exist.

The changes will not be what is obvious in the physical reality.

Instead it will be the non-physical aspects of the consciousness. Thoughts that one would have. Or the ability to dream, having lucid dreams. The ability to have PSI or ESP and the ability to sense the non-physical reality will be changed.

Most notably would be the ability to control and direct thoughts and desires. Evil and selfish people would have that ability suppressed, while those who are generous would find that they would have that ability enhanced. Thus prayer affirmations campaigns would have results much faster in materialization than prior to the change in the Master Template.

This would be right across all levels and even the most trivial thoughts and wishes from one’s early years would manifest without problem.

The code for the Master Template

We do not know what the “code” is for the Master Template. Obviously it transcends the physical realm and is involved in so many levels.And obviously it is a very detailed and involved system involving many layers.

“Mystery reinforces the walls of the prison.  The “Old Empire” feared that the IS-BEs on Earth might regain their memory.  Therefore, one of the primary functions of The “Old Empire” priesthood is to prevent IS-BEs on Earth from remembering who they really are, how they came to Earth, where they came from.

The “Old Empire” operators of the prison system, and their superiors, do not want IS-BEs to remember who murdered them, captured them, stole all of their possessions, sent them to Earth, gave them amnesia and condemned them to eternal imprisonment!

Imagine what might happen if all of the inmates in the prison suddenly remembered that they have the right to be free!  What if they suddenly realized that they have been falsely imprisoned and rise up as one against the guards?

They are afraid to reveal anything that looks like the civilization of the inmates home planets.  A body, a piece of clothing, a symbol, a space ship, an advanced electronics device, or any other remnant of civilization from a home planet could “remind” a being and rekindle his memory.

Sophisticated technologies of entrapment and enslavement,  which were developed over millions of years in the “Old Empire”, have been applied to the IS-BEs on Earth with the intention to create a false facade for the prison.  These facades were installed on Earth in totality, all at once.  Every piece is a fully integrated part of the prison system.

This includes a religion of mumbo-jumbo double-speak. Every pyramid civilization uses this as part of a control mechanism  to keep the population enslaved by force, by fear and by ignorance. The indecipherable muddle of irrelevant information, geometric designs, mathematical calculation, astronomical alignments, are part of a false spirituality based on solid objects, rather than immortal spirits, in order to confuse and disorient the IS-BEs on Earth.

When the body of a person died they were buried with their Earthly possessions, including their former body wrapped in linen, to sustain their “soul” or “Ka” after death.  An IS-BE does not “have” as soul.  An IS-BE is a soul.”

— Excerpted from the Top Secret transcripts published in the book, Alien Interview

But we can make some assumptions based on what we know of history.

When Nazi Germany fell, all of their advanced technology was up for grabs, and the United States went forward with Operation Paperclip to recover as much knowledge and technology as possible….

What Was Operation Paperclip?

This controversial top-secret U.S. intelligence program brought Nazi German scientists to America to harness their brain power for Cold War initiatives. From HERE.

As World War II was entering its final stages, American and British organizations teamed up to scour occupied Germany for as much military, scientific and technological development research as they could uncover.

Trailing behind Allied combat troops, groups such as the Combined Intelligence Objectives Subcommittee (CIOS) began confiscating war-related documents and materials and interrogating scientists as German research facilities were seized by Allied forces. One enlightening discovery—recovered from a toilet at Bonn University—was the Osenberg List: a catalogue of scientists and engineers that had been put to work for the Third Reich.

n a covert affair originally dubbed Operation Overcast but later renamed Operation Paperclip, roughly 1,600 of these German scientists (along with their families) were brought to the United States to work on America’s behalf during the Cold War. The program was run by the newly-formed Joint Intelligence Objectives Agency (JIOA), whose goal was to harness German intellectual resources to help develop America’s arsenal of rockets and other biological and chemical weapons, and to ensure such coveted information did not fall into the hands of the Soviet Union.

Although he officially sanctioned the operation, President Harry Truman forbade the agency from recruiting any Nazi members or active Nazi supporters. Nevertheless, officials within the JIOA and Office of Strategic Services (OSS)—the forerunner to the CIA—bypassed this directive by eliminating or whitewashing incriminating evidence of possible war crimes from the scientists’ records, believing their intelligence to be crucial to the country’s postwar efforts.

One of the most well-known recruits was Wernher von Braun, the technical director at the Peenemunde Army Research Center in Germany who was instrumental in developing the lethal V-2 rocket that devastated England during the war. Von Braun and other rocket scientists were brought to Fort Bliss, Texas, and White Sands Proving Grounds, New Mexico, as “War Department Special Employees” to assist the U.S. Army with rocket experimentation. Von Braun later became director of NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center and the chief architect of the Saturn V launch vehicle, which eventually propelled two dozen American astronauts to the Moon.

Although defenders of the clandestine operation argue that the balance of power could have easily shifted to the Soviet Union during the Cold War if these Nazi scientists were not brought to the United States, opponents point to the ethical cost of ignoring their abhorrent war crimes without punishment or accountability.

Enter The Domain

So The Domain vanquished The “Old Empire” and took control of this section of the galaxy. Still, it has taken years to understand and recover the long lost technologies that the Old Empire utilized.

As from the “Alien Interview”, it seems that once systems were designed and utilized, they were left to fallow or forgotten. Thus making the blueprints for the “Prison Planet” quite difficult to obtain.

Most certainly the type-1 greys had to have spent some tremendous amounts of time and effort to recover what ever they could concerning the Prison Complexes and systems. I am sure that it was a low priority, but necessary.

Only a demonic, self-serving government would employ a “logic” or “science” to conceive that an “ultimate solution” to any problem is to murder and permanently erase the memory of every artist, genius, skilled manager, and inventor, and cast them into a planetary prison together with political opponents, killers, thieves, perverts, and disabled beings of an entire galaxy!

Once the IS-BEs expelled from the “Old Empire” arrived on Earth, they were given amnesia, and hypnotically tricked into thinking that something else had happened to them.  The next step was to implant the IS-BEs into biological bodies on Earth.  The bodies became the human populations of “false civilizations” which were designed and installed in the minds of IS-BEs to look completely unlike the “Old Empire”.

— Except from the Top Secret manuscripts from 1947 Roswell, published in the book ALIEN INTERVIEW

I like and want to believe that a future lies ahead for all of us. And that the type-1 greys are making this happen. The entire environment around our planet is but the walls of a gigantic and enormous prison.

“Mystery reinforces the walls of the prison.  The “Old Empire” feared that the IS-BEs on Earth might regain their memory.  Therefore, one of the primary functions of The “Old Empire” priesthood is to prevent IS-BEs on Earth from remembering who they really are, how they came to Earth, where they came from.

The “Old Empire” operators of the prison system, and their superiors, do not want IS-BEs to remember who murdered them, captured them, stole all of their possessions, sent them to Earth, gave them amnesia and condemned them to eternal imprisonment!

Imagine what might happen if all of the inmates in the prison suddenly remembered that they have the right to be free!  What if they suddenly realized that they have been falsely imprisoned and rise up as one against the guards?

They are afraid to reveal anything that looks like the civilization of the inmates home planets.  A body, a piece of clothing, a symbol, a space ship, an advanced electronics device, or any other remnant of civilization from a home planet could “remind” a being and rekindle his memory.

Sophisticated technologies of entrapment and enslavement,  which were developed over millions of years in the “Old Empire”, have been applied to the IS-BEs on Earth with the intention to create a false facade for the prison.  These facades were installed on Earth in totality, all at once.  Every piece is a fully integrated part of the prison system.

This includes a religion of mumbo-jumbo double-speak. Every pyramid civilization uses this as part of a control mechanism  to keep the population enslaved by force, by fear and by ignorance. The indecipherable muddle of irrelevant information, geometric designs, mathematical calculation, astronomical alignments, are part of a false spirituality based on solid objects, rather than immortal spirits, in order to confuse and disorient the IS-BEs on Earth.

When the body of a person died they were buried with their Earthly possessions, including their former body wrapped in linen, to sustain their “soul” or “Ka” after death.  An IS-BE does not “have” as soul.  An IS-BE is a soul.”

— Excerpted from the Top Secret transcripts published in the book, Alien Interview

Most certainly they had to study the construction and the systems associated with the entire “Prison Planet”.

And then they most certainly had to come up with a phased plan to provide release egress or parole to the many innocents in this entire “black hole” environment.

And it’s only a matter of time until a point will be reached where the inmates can start getting their much needed “walking papers”. Perhaps, just perhaps, we are all part of the first batch of those who have this opportunity.

I don’t know. But I do have hope.

This must absolutely include a system for prison release… a very careful release system and integration into society.

Where is the “Old Empire”?

Where the records regarding the construction of this entire prison complex must be stored somewhere.


"Although the military base of the "Old Empire" was destroyed, unfortunately, much of the vast machinery of the IS-BE force screens, the electroshock / amnesia / hypnosis machinery continues to function in other undiscovered locations right up to the present moment.  The main base or control center for this "mind control prison" operation has never been found. So, the influences of this base, or bases, are still in effect."

The “blue prints” and the program / project management, and all the rest has to be found somewhere.

Blue prints and plans must be somewhere. They can be in any form, but all fabrications and constructions needs plants, layouts, and calculations.

If you were from The Domain where would you look?

"She told me that The Domain Expeditionary Force first entered into the Milky Way galaxy very recently -- only about 10,000 years ago.  Their first action was to conquer the home planets of the "Old Empire" (this is not the official name, but a nick-name given to the conquered civilization by The Domain Forces) that served as the seat of central government for this galaxy, and other adjoining regions of space. 

These planets are  located in the star systems in the tail of the Big Dipper constellation. She did not mention which stars, exactly."

Well, we know that the stars in the “tail” of “The Big Dipper” constellation are…

Big dipper with star names.

So you can figure that the “home planets” for the “Old Empire” is in the geographic space around Mizar and Alkaid. Not these large hot and short-lived stars, but rather the cooler and fainter stars that lie around them.

As far as the general geographical location goes, however…

Alkaid, Eta Ursae Majoris (η UMa) is a blue main sequence star with an apparent magnitude of 1.86, located at a distance of 103.9 light years from Earth. It is the easternmost star of the Big Dipper. It forms the Dipper’s handle with its bright neighbours, Mizar (ζ UMa) and Alioth (ε UMa), while Megrez (δ UMa), Phecda (γ UMa), Dubhe (α UMa) and Merak (β UMa) form the Dipper’s bowl.

Alkaid is the third brightest star in the constellation Ursa Major, after Alioth and Dubhe, and the 38th brightest star in the sky. It shares the 38th place with the bright giant Sargas (Theta Scorpii) in the constellation Scorpius. The stars are only slightly fainter than the blue giant Kaus Australis (Epsilon Sagittarii), the brightest star in Sagittarius, and slightly fainter than the orange giant Avior (Epsilon Carinae), the third brightest star in the constellation Carina.

And the other star…

Mizar, Zeta Ursae Majoris (ζ UMa), is a quadruple star system in Ursa Major. It has a combined apparent magnitude of 2.04 and lies at a distance of 82.9 light years from Earth. It is the fourth brightest star in Ursa Major.

Mizar is the middle star of the Big Dipper‘s handle and it forms a visual double with Alcor, a fainter binary star located at a separation of about 12 arcminutes.

And without getting involved in the history behind these stars, their sizes, and all those interesting facts. Let’s focus on location.

  • Alkaid = 103.9 Light Years away
  • Mizar = 82.9 Light Years away

And this tells us a lot.

Our milkyway galaxy is 100,000 light-years across, and these two stars lie around 100 light years away. Or roughly 1/1000 of the size of the galaxy. So roughly the “Old Empire” is not a far away center of civilization, but rather (relatively) nearby.

Sort of like one of the suburbs in a city.

With the core solar systems of that “Old Empire” as close as 35 to 50 light years away. (The 100 light year apex center is just a reference point for an empire that might have core planets around 75 to 100 light years in diameter.)

We might imagine that their relative proximity to us would be on the order of…

The core stars of the old empire relative to the geographical location of our solar system.

The “Old Empire” is relatively close to our stellar neighborhood.

So we can expect that over the last few decades of MAJestic involvement that The Domain has dedicated a small contingent of researchers to investigate the “Old Empire” records to discover the operation and plans for our regional “Prison Planet”.

Our solar system is not in a major populated area of the galaxy

We are off to the side, in and among devastated previously populated worlds still recovering from ancient space wars and fiascos.

Earth is very distant from the center of the galaxy and from any other significant galactic civilization. This isolation makes it unsuitable for use, except as a "pit stop" or jumping off point along the way between galaxies.  The moon and asteroids are far more suitable for this purpose because they do not have any significant gravity.

Where is the local machinery of control?

No one knows, but perhaps this statement might provide us with some clues…

"In the earliest times the IS-BEs sent to prison Earth lived in India."  

Some more thoughts

"Furthermore, there has been no operation undertaken to seek out, discover and destroy the vast and ancient network of electronics machinery that create the IS-BE force screens at this end of the galaxy. 

Until this has been done, we are not able to prevent or interrupt the electric shock operation, hypnosis and remote thought control of the "Old Empire" prison planet."

I really do not have any idea how the Master Template could be changed, or how The Domain would go about changing them. Nor do I have any idea on the kinds of systems that would be involved in this system. But you know, we all don’t really need to know the specifics. Just what is going on.

The system that is in place seems to be very robust and expansive and thus can be applied to a great diversity of “peoples” , societies, species and cultures…

And, the very unusual combination of "inmates" on Earth - criminals, perverts, artists, revolutionaries and geniuses - is the cause of a very restive and tumultuous environment.   

The purpose of the prison planet is to keep IS-BEs on Earth, forever. Promoting ignorance, superstition, and war between IS-BEs helps to keep the prison population crippled and trapped behind "the wall" of electronic force screens. 

IS-BEs have been dumped on Earth from all over the galaxy, adjoining galaxies, and from planetary systems all over the "Old Empire", like Sirius, Aldebaron, the Pleiades, Orion, Draconis, and countless others. There are IS- BEs on Earth from unnamed races, civilizations, cultural backgrounds, and planetary environments. 

Each of the various IS-BE populations have their own languages, belief systems, moral values, religious beliefs, training and unknown and untold histories. 

These IS-BEs are mixed together with earlier inhabitants of Earth who came from another star system more than 400,000 years ago to establish the civilizations of Atlanta and Lemuria.   

Those civilizations vanished beneath the tidal waves caused by a planetary "polar shift", many thousands of years before the current "prison" population started to arrive.  

Apparently, the IS-BEs from those star systems were the source of the original, oriental races of Earth, beginning in Australia. 

On the other hand, the civilizations set up on Earth by the "Old Empire" prison system were very different from the civilization of the "Old Empire" itself, which is an electronic space opera, atomic powered conglomeration of earlier civilizations that were conquered with nuclear weapons and colonized by IS-BEs from another galaxy.

What is the most important template?

Well, they are all important. It’s just that each template has it’s own very unique roles that it plays in the shaping of our experiences within this reality.

You could argue that the roles of each template would be as follows…

  • Master Template. The source code for consciousness movement in our reality universe.
  • Pre-Birth World-Line Template. A fated life that we will live in the physical reality to obtain experiences with.
  • A World-Line Template. A new template that consciousness intentionally creates by directed thoughts. It replaces the Pre-Birth World_line Template.
  • A World-Line. A frozen snapshot in “time” that our consciousness visits momentarily while it is in particle form.

How important is the Master Template?

It’s very important. The entire way the “Prison Planet” works is to keep us living this never ending reincarnation loop over and over again on the promise of something…

The net result is that an IS-BE is unable to escape because they can't remember who they are, where they came from, where they are. They have been hypnotized to think they are someone, something, sometime, and somewhere other than where they really are.

…for some people it is an eternal life in Heaven. For other’s it might be improvements to eventually become a saint. For still others, maybe an advancement to become another species. It’s all promises…

…just go back one more time and experience X, Y, Z and then you will be better.

But it is the control of our thoughts that imprison us.

Eventually The Domain discovered that a wide area of space is monitored by an "electronic force field" which controls all of the IS-BEs in this end of the galaxy, including Earth.  The electronic force screen is designed to detect IS-BEs and prevent them from leaving the area. 

If any IS-BE attempts to penetrate the force screen, it "captures" them in a kind of "electronic net".   

The result is that the captured IS-BE is subjected to a very severe "brainwashing" treatment which erases the memory of the IS-BE.  This process uses a tremendous electrical shock, just like Earth psychiatrists use "electric shock therapy" to erase the memory and personality of a "patient" and to make them more "cooperative". 

On Earth this "therapy" uses only a few hundred volts of electricity.    However, the electrical voltage used by the "Old Empire" operation against IS-BEs is on the order of magnitude of billions of volts!  This tremendous shock completely wipes out all the memory of the IS- BE.  The memory erasure is not just for one life or one body.  

It wipes out all of the accumulated experiences of a nearly infinite past, as well as the identity of the IS-BE! 

The shock is intended to make it impossible for the IS-BE to remember who they are, where they came from, their knowledge or skills, their memory of the past, and ability to function as a spiritual entity.   They are overwhelmed into becoming a mindless, robotic non-entity. 

After the shock a series of post hypnotic suggestions are used to install false memories, and a false time orientation in each IS-BE. 

This includes the command to "return" to the base after the body dies, so that the same kind of shock and hypnosis can be done again, and again, again -- forever.  

The hypnotic command also tells the "patient" to forget to remember. What The Domain learned from the experience of this officer is that the "Old Empire" has been using Earth as a "prison planet" for a very long time -- exactly how long is unknown -- perhaps millions of years. 

So, when the body of the IS-BE dies they depart from the body. They are detected by the "force screen", they are captured and   "ordered" by hypnotic command to "return to the light".   

The idea of "heaven" and the "afterlife" are part of the hypnotic suggestion -- a part of the treachery that makes the whole mechanism work. After the IS-BE has been shocked and hypnotized to erase the memory of the life just lived,  the IS-BE is immediately "commanded", hypnotically, to "report" back to Earth, as though they were on a secret mission, to inhabit a new body.  

Each IS-BE is told that they have a special purpose for being on Earth. But, of course there is no purpose for being in a prison -- at least not for the prisoner.

The Master Template changes how the thoughts interact with our reality. And by changing it, and offering specialized templates to special sentience’s it becomes far easier to manage the egress or imprisonment of wayward consciousnesses.

And so…

If you have a service to others sentience, and recognize that you are a powerful ultimate being yourself, then you can be released from this Prison Planet though use of directed thought.

"It is easy to teach this altered notion to beings who do not want to be responsible for their own lives.  

Slaves are such beings.  

As long as one chooses to assign responsibility for creation, existence and personal accountability for one's own thoughts and actions to others, one is a slave."

A final word

Go out and take in some good fresh air. Splurge and buy yourself a premium lunch or drink. Put down the cell phone for a few minutes and just absorb the world around you. Everything here is positive and upbeat, and if you are a MM follower and believer then your futures all look really, really bright.

Have a great day! Here’s a video that I took  about15 minutes ago.

Enjoy the day you all.

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MM let’s compare notes: the Grand Elder told me that people stuck on earth (ie those who were not evil service to self oriented) would be flicked over to a “buffer” rehabilitation “reality” specifically to detox them from all the virtual reality (brainwashing) dependancies they had come to rely on whilst under the control of the Cabal (Old Empire). They also said that the Cabal would be exiled from this entire region of the {physical and non physical} galaxy. The template for each type of consciousness certainly makes sense and bridges these two ideas.

From your Q&A session with the Domain Commander in regards to lucid dreaming, and the Grand Elder also telling me the exact same thing when it comes to it being a mission critical skillset, i think that we can both agree the EG are one of the factions allianced with the Domain.

Now, there is much I haven’t discussed with you, which I am in the process of turning into articles, but i was very, VERY excited reading the Domain’s answers about lucid dreaming. I am well aware of the dangers the Commander warned me about because these were the situations I was deliberately being put in for majority of the time I was in lucidity. I believe very strongly that I have some “targets” for the Domain to destroy in regards to the amnesia machinery. One of these is a consciousness prison EXACTLY how Airl described it; I can give you a detailed description of this facility as I have a photographic memory of it. I am 100% sure it is something they will be interested in.

Things i haven’t revealed yet:

I have been access codes to my own soul makeup. I know that i have “information” embedded in me that is supposed to be accessed by “someone”, though I figured it was supposed to be through hypnotic methods; i am not supposed to have access to it. I am wondering if the Domain can scan people for such things.

I can tell you (based on my experiences in Lucid Dreaming) that the electronic force field surrounds Earth in the physical and non physical planes and extends about half way out to the moon (that is my memory of how it was explained to me any way). I have been in many of the brainwashing facilities during LD, as well as the consciousness doping facilities they use prior to the hypnotism. I am working on descriptions of these facilities which i plan on giving in further articles.

I know there is a very important word that is like a conjunction of Uranus, Saturn and Mercury all at once – somethign like Urraanniiuussaatteeccrryy; this was somethign I was made to remember – I don’t know if it useful to you. I got the impression it was either the name or location of the Elder Guardians.

My reunion with the Grand Elder was outside of the prison. I am 100% sure of this as well. The higher awareness I was under WAS the real memory of my consciousness as a free IS-BE. I was specifically told the amnesia is being kept hidden in a “black hole like anomaly” that exists at the edge of the physical and non physical universes; I was told this very specifically by the Grand Elder. This is what I have apparently been tracking for the past 40 000 years through my lucid dreaming skillset. i don’t know how to describe it as a set of coordinates; it is a large tear in the fabric that holds together the physical and non physical planes. This was the thing I projected my consciousness into before it was ripped apart. It provides a sort of back door access to a completely seperate physical/non physical universe that only the amnesia administrators can enter. Anyone else trying to enter it gets chewed up and spat back out somewhere in the reincarnation trap.


MM I’ve got about 3 articles in the works on all this; the one i sent you just prior to your Q&A touches upon one of them. I can’t comment on if the name you are supposed to remember is mine or not as I honestly don’t know. The Elder Guardians know me as “Trick and Trip” so feel free to float that by the Domain to see if their alliances recognise it (if you are referring to the name on my birth certificate, it is on the front page of my autobiography; same initials). I am quite sure I am not specifically Domain, but of another faction allianced with them.

Questions I’d ask would be these (feel free to pick out those you consider most appropriate):

Is there an official title for the robed Elders who have upwards of 20 000 other consciousnesses posted in the prison to act as extraction agents? Can this organisation be considered as the same entourage of consciousnesses that are associated with either the IS-BE known as Sanat Kumara or the IS-BE known as Aetherius?

Is there an official title for the organisation who maintain a permanent station in the non physical domain who are tasked with monitoring all inter-dimensional traffic coming into and out of the earth prison?

What is the Domain approved process for lucid dreamers to report targets they suspect with 100% surety as being part of the amnesia machinery when they are unable to provide exact coordinates?  

Are there any messages for those who have escaped the prison through lucid dreaming and retain much of their memories as an immortal consciousness ie as an IS-BE?

Do the Domain know about a black hole like “anomaly” that permeates through both physical and non physical worlds and has the potential to “decompose” such worlds”? This is hard to describe in Earth based language. From outside the prison it would be appear as a dark void that encompasses many of these non physical and physical worlds simultaneously.

Are the Domain aware of “consciousness” doping facilities within the non physical planes where hypnotic commands for reality brainwashin are uploaded to the IS – BE via a type of screen?  

Is the Domain familiar with a device known as “the Wet Room” which has the ability to “spin” a consciousness through multiple non physical worlds simultaneously and is used specifically to torture/ disorientate an IS-BE traveling outside their physical body?

Are the Domain aware of any IS – BEs, apart from their Officer mention in laien Interviw who were caught in one of the electronic traps and were able to escape?


ooooh name as in Urraanniiuussaatteeccrryy…i get you. sorry haven’t been getting my proper 8 hours rest

Ohio Guy

YOU, be careful! Take no unnecessary risks. “Time” (reality) is on our side.


DM, I would like to ask if you are any way disturbed by the info given so far by the Domain. If they are correct, then entities like the Unseen 5, and Grand Elders could all be “wardens” of the Old Empire. The Domain say that they answer to no one, therefore in their own minds they are the highest authority, there is nothing beyond them.

Am I misinterpreting things? I am mulling all this info now, and I wonder what your opinion is on this?


I am weary of the Domain suggesting they are the absolute authority; i am wondering if this is a translation error and the real meaning behind it cannot be properly comprehended by us. I was not made aware of any such higher authority – apart from the divine creator/ god consciousness – during my time with the Elder Guardians or the Unseen 5, but then again they never told me who they actually were. I am wondering if by authority the Domain are suggesting they are the closest creations to this divine creator/ god consciousness thing I met. They (the EG) did however drill into me that everything – and i do mean everything, even the things they were telling me – needed to be questioned very thoroughly and not just in the physical plane either, but also whilst under lucidity. This was like a full on briefing on discernment everytime they contacted me and I remember thinking “just get on with it will you”. They wanted me to take all contact sessions with an oceans worth of salt.
I am fairly sure them and the Unseen 5 were not prison administrators. When I met the EG for the first time it was the like the Commander suggested about ISBEs outside of the prison – i could remember my consciousness’s complete history “way back into the dim mists of time”. It was like this massive bout of confusion like “hey i remember you guys…but from where….wait a minute, what the fuck is going on?…I remember you all. I remember everything. how could i forget this?….how could i forget these people that are even closer to me than family on earth?” you slowly start remembering that you’ve been in this {heaven like} place before and then your mind just accelerates until it is operating at a level so much more powerful than what you use back here on earth….but you just sort of click “oh yeah this is a thing, i remember this now. I remember i can just calculate the entire trajectory of the present into the future based on every choice i made in the past in the span of a few milliseconds. no big deal”. You are operating froma vantage point so far above the physical planes that you can see them all interwoven within the non physical ones aswell as a sort of fabric.
It is a surreal experience, but it is also familar so the shock is more at the fact that you just cannot wrap your head around how you forgot it all; you realise you have just been functioning as a big dumb ape during your entire existance on earth.
Put it this way, if they were able to trick me into having this higher state of consciousness and remember them as being my allies, plus give me the memories of my involvment tracking the amnesia then they have some pretty serious technology to play around with. I am fairly sure they gave me this information because I figured out how to penetrate the prison barrier through LD and they wanted to get a message back here about it. Plus the Grand Elder was actually advising me against going into the anomaly, and against going into the amnesia….that is something I did of my own free will because I knew it was important and I knew it was where the thing that was broadcasting this amnesia was located. I knew this because I had the 40 000 years worth of memories right there with me about how I had been tracking it; I cannot stress the importance of why I was being made to remember this thing – there was an undeniable “knowing” that this was where it was being kept by the “slave gods” of Ancient Egypt. This was where they “dwelt”, and I had to bring that knowledge back here to the physical plane.

And no, I’m not at all disturbed by any of the info. A lot of it is confirmation of things I have long since suspected because of everything i have experienced through LD. I was actually pretty excited by the massive amounts of confirmation coming through. I guarentee you somewhere on Earth there are atleast 20 000 other ISBEs that came here specifically to help people regain their memories, who have a large portion of their celestial memories still intact and remember this same reunion taking place. They remember the higher aspects of themseves outside of the prison. I helped rewrite their non physical body code (because of my LD skillset) to aid in this unlocking of their higher memories specifically for this task; the way it works is that people that come into even brief contact with them will absorb this code into their energetic bodies, and this will be passed along like a virus. When I say that people will start becoming magnetised, this is what I mean; the part of their body that hosts the amnesia part will get a “patch” put over it so they can start recieiving information from the higher realms.
Whether or not this is specifically for the lost batallion or another project by a party in alliance to the Domain I cannot be sure, but i suspect the latter. I mean it could very well be the Domain are the very same Elder Guardians and i was just viewing them from a perceptive filter my mind was more comfortable with.
But then again my question is if the Elder Guardians knew the amnesia engine was being hidden in the anomaly, then why the hell don’t the Domain know where it is?

People might read this and think it is a load of BS, but i am telling you what i am watching unfold right now is something I have been anticipating for the past decade.

I suggest reading up on Sanat Kumara and his entourage of 144000 other consciousnesses that came here to help “human consciousness evolve”. i stumbled across that after my experiences. I am leaning more towards the idea this is who the EG really were


Thanks very much for your reply. Yes, it seems we are all having to digest what the Domain has revealed about itself.

I suppose it is too early to make any judgements now. I will just let events unfold and enjoy the journey for now.



MM I also suggest checking out the book “The Book of Knowledge: Keys of Enoch” by JJ Hurtak. It offers some keys to deprogram the amnesia that I think you will be interested in. If you can’t find a PDF let me know.

Ultan McG

I was thinking over the past few days about the book ‘Alien Interview’. I came across it again a few months ago on a recommendation from someone known to me who straddles the world of recommendations and realities; and I can’t remember the wheres and whys of my first reading– but do remember that it made an impact. So much so that when I got hold of the book again I read it pretty much straight through three times in succession, and then another 2 times after that on and off. As I said, something just jolted, and I was able to draw comparisons with my own not unexamined experience of life so far, Mr Man’s narrative over the past 2 years, or so; and the bigger narrative-of-the-day the Muggles are corralled into, whatever the requirements of the Wizards are.

For me Airls’ statement sums it all up: there IS no purpose to being in a prison– at least not when you’re the prisoner.

All the analysis and discussion about COVID–the wheres, whys, whats, whos, and whens– over the past year and nobody has a clue what it’s all about, really, do they. More importantly, not one single alt-media talking head with their ‘inside sources’ 😂 predicted COVID either. More specifically, the planned lockdowns or the attack on China. (You getting it yet? Any talking head asshole like Joe Rogan, Kerry Cassidy, or whoever, daring to even whiff at the Truth, let alone speak it, would become very dead very quickly in days– and they all know it. Michael Hastings, anyone?)
Exabytes and beyond amounts of horseshit ‘information’ and useless chatter. But no answers. Nobel scientists, Pfizer executives, eminent immunologists, the lot– might as well be raving loons in terms of their effect. Like a Shakespeare play put on in the prison canteen– watched by and acted by the inmates. Sure the more aware among us have some kind of inkling– and a few of us were warned to make plans well in advance but without the specifics, but it’s not much more than that. Just an inkling.
W/USAPs tend to work that way, right? That’s the whole idea. JFK; 911; the real causes of WW2 (Brotherhood of the Snake, ahem– another Airl reference, too, and this one has been errrr, independently confirmed, shall we say, and years ago).

My point is that all the analysis has really just been analysis of something that has no real root , meaning or cause– it’s like a programme designed to keep the Prisoners imprisoned. It IS a programme of sorts, really. And that’s it. If all the answers to COVID were released tomorrow, the perps mussolineed and the whole shpiel shut down, they’d just come up with something new. Because again, there is no purpose– for the prisoner.

But if the prisoner has been given the keys and the blueprints of his gaol, through an intermediary and the then straight from the horse’s mouth, himself, as we’ve just been given, then it’s a whole different ball-game altogether. And now it’s even more important than ever before to shut down completely and mercilessly all kind of media information– news, feeds, Fuckflix, the lot, and get focused again on nature and your community around you. And on the intentions, of course. From what I’ve heard the narrative is going to ramp up considerably over the next few months, and it’s going to be relentless. Switch it off, and avoid at all costs negative people or Jabberwockys who want to devour you with THEIR intentions for YOU. Or hate on you because you saw it coming and they chose not to, wouldn’t, or just most likely couldn’t. This is particularly likely and has been gamed for by the CDC/FEMA in the US and similar agencies. The prisoners will police the prisoners, and the guards can just make sure they keep within designated corals; borders, postcodes, whatever.

I mean, now the ‘story doing the rounds on all the alt-media favourites’ (designed to confuse and misdirect you in other words), is how India beat COVID with an over the counter drug available for pennies; and how returning Americans have to be double Jabberwocky’d before entry AND report in significant detail their locations and activities during their whole time away from the US, and report their movements now that they are stateside for the foreseeable future (except this story is not being that well disseminated, obviously). Yet, 3rd world, newly arriving US citizens via the Mexican border, can walk straight into Texas carrying God knows what diseases without any kind of screening whatsoever. Including many Africans. How did they get to Mexico? First Class via Dubai? Cruise ship?(Not a judgement or a political statement on my part, just a real-time observation); check it out if you don’t believe me. They could be carrying an Ebola or new HIV strain for all we know.
Doesn’t make sense, right? Well, for the prisoner, at least, it’s not meant to make sense.

Last edited 3 years ago by Ultan McG

When I began the journey for knowledge about UFO’s, past lives, reincarnation and such themes, I always wanted to have a hypnotic regression. I never trusted anybody to do this, and now knowing what I know about MM’s approved disclosure, Alien Interview (BTW, without studying this website, I would never understand this book)… Now I know an hypnotic regression would work, and it would provide me a past life in the Old Empire prison; therefore, useless information. The mechanisms in use against us are extremely sophisticated and well done. If the change in the Master Template will help us fight against that machinery, I am sure the sentience sorting will help us all STO beings.

Ohio Guy

This wikilink I’m providing gives a simple, although uncomfortable analogy of the prison planet we currently reside in. Sandkings, first published in the August, 1979 issue of Omni magazine by George R. R. Martin is a sci fi novelette which was adapted to television film in 1995 that served as the first episode of the relaunch to the TV series The Outer Limits. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sandkings_(novelette)#Adaptations