The following is the thirteenth part from a series of articles describing the adventure that a follower who goes by the handle "daegonmagus" has experienced since reading MM. They are very interesting and fascinating. I hope that you all learn from his journey and maybe learn a thing or two as he relates his unique experiences to the readership here. -MM
Part 13 – Project Edison
This article is by no means finalized.
On the 29th of November 2017 , whilst under lucidity, I petitioned several unknown inter dimensional entities to establish a means of communication between both the physical world and the world of the dead.
An assembly was held in the astral realm (Sleep Paralysis/ hypnogogia) which consisted of myself, and at least three other entities, one of who was a spirit who had lived in this world before passing on to that one.
The object of this meeting was discuss what could be used as possible interfacing devices between these two worlds that would provide an effective and efficient means of communication.
Several ideas were discussed involving the use of biological material taken from a living host, whose cells could die off and decay possibly providing a link between the worlds if they could be located via the other entities.
Another solution was to find a willing living being whose death was inevitable and prepare them with talismans, so that memory of the talisman could also be taken with them upon their departure of this plane.
During this meeting there were several abrupt interruptions and as such, much of the content was lost to my memory, though I specifically remember telling one of the entities that “if their idea worked, then it would lead to an incineration of the boundaries between realms”.
It was also suggested that different vibrating frequencies be investigated by both parties so that a coinciding frequency can be used to “tap into” each other’s communications.
What I got from this is that these beings seem to be as enthusiastic as I am in making inter dimensional contact possible.
Further discussion has been agreed by all parties involved.
It has been suggested that a single frequency could be chosen by which communication exchange from both the physical world and the world of the dead could take place.
The reason a standard frequency must be chosen is due to the fact that the dead entities, are (allegedly) composed of pure frequency, unlike living people whose composition is made from atoms.
The problem with current channelling techniques used to communicate with dead entities is that there is no specific way to measure the frequency by which the medium is tuning into to make this contact.
If a single frequency could be decided by occupants of both worlds as a standard form of communication, then hypothetically that frequency could be tuned into by the living entity using standard radio apparatus whilst at the same time manipulated by the dead entity in such a way that it can be detected via the apparatus.
I suggest future meetings with such enthusiastic non physical entities via lucid dreaming to further discuss how this could be implemented.
MM comment
So many interesting aspects here. I so wish that we all can collaborate together to flush all of this out.
The use of defining frequencies to stop the segmentation of memory partitioning is a hopeful hypothesis, and needs to be “flushed out”. What are all of your thoughts on this?
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@congjing yu i agree. you mentioned ETs communicate via compressed space using ELFs around the 3 Hz range. My experiences In LD suggest a similar ball park for the rate at which consciousness is “attached” to the physical brain. I have something in the back of my head telling me (more like shouting) that it has something to do with the lower sideband harmonics of such ELF freqs and the carrier freq (whatever that may be). what i need is an abandoned town with its power lines still standing so I have an antenna long enough to fuck around with these freqs (as you know they equate to a wave length many kilometres in length). This has been my main set back for experimentation
On an impulse I did a search. I think there are converters too. My first page went to 100hz but there’s probably others.
I think you are on to something. Always find alternative ways to test out your hypopotamuses.
DM, sorry to add but there was a chap who communicated with the dead at 29Mhz. I have to dig up the book for you. I think you are on the right track. Possibly your super duper radio was meant for this instead. Pretty exciting eh?
thank you @Memory Loss. I am definitely all ears for suggestions for different freqs. I will check these out.
Really have been appreciating all your articles DM, together with your wife’s experiences – thank you, fascinating and resonating especially “The Fae Revelations”.
Climbing up to the top of the mountains, often a solitary bee will find me and “buzz” clockwise around me for a short while and it feels like my frequency is raised, they are tuning me in so to speak with the otherworld. Maybe the frequency of the bee is a good connector from the physical to the non physical
@Ajay thanks for the feedback mate. it is always good to hear someone is getting something out of my writing. will look into it
This will make you smile. I almost asked a question like this. Is it possible to open a communication channel using an already existing physical device in prison.
But my reflection was the following: The experience of MM and his sharing, helps a lot like a funnel or filter thanks to his experience and our voluntary handicap can be a powerful force.
In any case, MM and all the participants who have acquired the power to weigh the conscience in a minimal sense are heroes of the world. And all of you are describing a practical user manual, I think thanks to your experiences whatever.
! This makes me remember the invention of television device. It seems, german scientist tried to communicate through such means with the other realm. Btw, another way is the Oui-Ja “game”, wich is hardly described as a dangerous, somewhat uncontrolable way. Some people get badly possessed by some entities through such experiences and need serious help to recover freedom.
@PAM2/3 yeah I don’t recommend Ouija boards. I’ve heard some pretty wild stories in regards to them.
In Dannion Brinkleys experiences while he was ‘clinically’ dead, written about in his book Saved by the Light. Dannion was given the schematics to make a ‘sound vibration bed’ that induced instant Astral travels. He had to install a phone by the bed (this was the 1990’s) so people could verify with the people they Astral Traveled to during the bed treatment.
Dannion further claimed that the Beings in the Crystal Palace, gave him the schematics for communicating with the Dead Spirits. Myself and the other Directors of Q-Tech Laboratories were in Denver in 1999 where we met Dannion in person. When we arrived back in OZ, Dannion called the Office in Toowoomba to extract the Frequencies that the radio needed to be turned to in order to communicate with the Dead in real time. TJ, the CEO of Q-Tech is one of them gifted savants who has extra sensory perceptions beyond anyone else on the planet, human or Alien, gave Dannion the frequencies but that was the last we heard from him.
Horus, another Director of Q-Tech said to NEVER use a Ouija Board as you are inviting Dead Spirits into you physical Realm and this may lead to Possession by unwanted Spirits. There are proper procedures for the use of a Ouija Board and the First is to ask that only beneficial spirits and other service to others spirits are ONLY invited. Failure to do this important Command, may then be detrimental to your Energies.
These “toys” are for the Initiated only and like all things ‘spiritual’, it helps to consult your Spirit Guides when playing with Toys you know not how to operate. The Ouija Board is a device to talk to your spirit guides but like anything and everything else, they have proper operating procedures and until you learn what they are, take Horus’s advice and stay away from them.
“HYPOTHESIS: It has been suggested that a single frequency could be chosen by which communication exchange from both the physical world and the world of the dead could take place.
The reason a standard frequency must be chosen is due to the fact that the dead entities, are (allegedly) composed of pure frequency, unlike living people whose composition is made from atoms.” daegon magus
It is my Hypothesis that the Self Forming Hydra that is injected into humans as a global Health experiment, causes DELUSION in the recipients. Resulting in a form of Cognitive Dissonance despite the evidence.
Except there are no “atoms”. Everything is Pure Energy, Pure Frequency and Pure Vibration. and Tesla also said Everything is the Light.
The technology of the Med Beds is not from planet Earth. It is not human-created technology. It is a technology that has been given to humanity by off-world ET’s. A Med Bed is based on tachyon particle energy and plasma (plasmatic) energy. The soil, the atmosphere, the water, everything is plasma energy, everything in the universe is plasma energy, it’s just a different form through vibrational frequency.
Why do you persist in describing the NON Physical in FAKE PARTICLE SCIENCE Terms?
If you think in FAKE Terms then your Thesis and its subsequent Hypothesis will also be FAKE.
@MerLynn good question: this fake particle science is what I was professionally trained in when I made the hypothesis. I could have tried to base it on the “not fake” science but as it had not yet been explained to me it would have been riddled with errors. Until it has been sufficiently taught to me and i have properly understood it, I can’t use such a science in relation to any idea i may have. How can one teach if they do not know the subject they are teaching about? Also how can a hypothesis be fake? the whole point of a hypothesis is to provide a basis for further experimentation. Even Tesla studied the fake science for many years before understanding the not fake science.
I guess it is the same reason you describe the need for “spirit guides”; until we have experienced something that suggests the contrary we are restricted in the sense of trying to convey information through only those avenues that we know and understand. I believe MM made this point previously; without that bridge of communication things are open to interpretation from both parties.
@Daegon Magus, maybe that fancy radio of yours popped up for a reason when I randomly chose a picture to upload. The sequence of events suggests a synchronicity to me? There’s a lot of weird coincidences that perhaps we should pay attention to. I think this radio idea has been brewing in your thoughts, and you are just getting a nudge in the right direction.