[daegonmagus] – Part 14 – Domain HQ and Amnesia Mechanism Remote Viewing Session 17th Dec 2021

The following is the fourteenth part from a series of articles describing the adventure that a follower who goes by the handle "daegonmagus" has experienced since reading MM. They are very interesting and fascinating. I hope that you all learn from his journey and maybe learn a thing or two as he relates his unique experiences to the readership here. 


Part 14 – Domain HQ and Amnesia Mechanism Remote Viewing Session 17th Dec 2021

I have been doing some remote viewing every now and then when I get some spare time.

Today was one of the rarer opportunities I got to give it a go.

The last time I tried was several weeks ago. In that particular session I was trying to find the Domain base of operations stationed in the asteroid belt that Airl mentioned in Alien Interview.

I ended viewing a chunk of rock – an asteroid – with a very specific shape.

When I went to zoom into it I saw the silhouette of two Grey faces appeared as a sort of yellowish hue in front of the rock, and wave.

The hand that waved was very different to ours with four extremely long fingers.

A few days later I stumbled across MMs article regarding the greys he has worked with and the handprint of one of them.

That particular hand print exactly matched the hand that waved to me.

I also viewed some sort of room on what appeared to be a ship.

There was a flight of about 6 or 7 triangular shaped stairs that led to a platform with some sort of machinery on it.

Emanating from the tops of these stairs was a soft blue light.

I got the impression it was some sort of “engine” room or something.

Today’s Session:

I deliberately set about targeting physical locations that had something to do with the amnesia mechanisms.

The thought was inspired by an in5D article I read a few days ago that stated that the force screens can be turned off if someone was able to locate their physical “switch” and just flick it off .

I was immediately taken to a building, possibly in a section of America’s tech zone (Silicone Valley etc).

This building wasn’t anything huge; just a few stories high with the usual glass windows, very square – typical 80s architecture.

In front of the door was a logo; an upturned crescent moon with the name Andrew S. Lipia.

I have no doubt about Andrew and Lipia, the S standed for something like Sipil or Sibil.

It faded as I stopped to have SD write it down.

There was also possibly Dr before it, suggesting the building was made out to be psychologist practice.

The strange thing was, as this building came across my vision, I felt something – a hand – clap me on the back as if to say “well done”.

It was such a hard clap, that it actually jolted me as if I was right there in front of the building and got pushed forward from it.

Something told me this building had “secret” underground access to what I was looking for.

After this I tried locating the same asteroid I viewed in last weeks session.

I managed to get hone into a disc shaped building on the underside of the rock.

This disc had a square shaped cavity inside of it that “attached” to a similar shaped hole that had been bored into the asteroid to make efficient exit and entry to the disc.

The disc itself was a conventional saucer shape with a sharp “seam” where the top and bottom halves met similar to a clam shell.

After this I decided to try viewing the moon.

I Had been spotting it through my telescope the past few nights and had a few craters I wished to check out.

So, using the birds eye viewing landscape I had seen through my scope I was able to visualise going onto the moons surface and viewing it from there.

My attention turned towards the sky.

There was some kind of round object that was moving towards me at a rather fast speed.

It would have been about half the size of what we see the moon as when looking at it from earth.

Whatever it was had a trail of lightning blue streaks coming off from behind it; this is what had caught my attention.

The round shape of this thing was set as a shadow the blocked out the centre part of this blue light.

I then tried viewing this object. I managed to get up close and view it from behind where the blue light trail was emanating from a distance of maybe a kilometre.

The object seemed to be another asteroid that was being propelled forward by a hexagonal array of thrusters.

These thrusters were what was causing the blue light.

MM Comments

Well done. For certain.

There’s a lot here. But there are connections that seem to point at certain directions.

I did ask the Domain Commander about this.

SAT 18DEC21 9:48am

His response…


We do not discuss operational activities publicly. 


And that, is that.

We can individually report what we ourselves can experience, however in regards to The Domain and their thoughts and comments regarding missions or activities, it is off-limits.

Sorry that I cannot provide more information.-MM

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Understandable and apologies if i pissed off the Commander viewing something I wasn’t supposed to. I ended up trying to get more intel about the Amnesia Mechanism; I got a flash of a logo – WSTRAk. It was on a prominent forward lean, the top halves of the letters were black and the bottom halves green. The tops also had little squares that combined at the end of the k, like it was being deconstructed. I can’t look this up properly here because my internet is flooded with hit on WESTRAC which is a large mining or rail firm from memory


all good. I was actually pretty surprised by the Andrew Lipia Building….wasn’t expecting such quick results. Haven’t put my RV skills to use for years


Round three. focused on the Mechanism as you suggested. Asked “who wants me to RV this”. All of a sudden got a very loud prominent and quick audio in my right ear of static, followed by insects chirping. After this I had a vision of what appeared to be a group of tribesmen running through rocky terrain and taking shelter under huge over hang. At the same time I heard “follow the Suri {maybe Shuri} lines”. I figured it meant something to do with these particular rocks they were using for shelter; i got the impression it was talking about some sort of trail these tribesmen used to navigate. Was given a a quick atlas image of the northwest side of a land mass not too far from the ocean which I thought to be maybe North America or Africa. After this I got a very vivid 4k High def image of a Native American Chief’s face. I could see this dude’s pores in his skin it was that detailed. Impression was he was the Mechanism.
Did a quick google, and the Suri are an Ethiopian tribe of cattle herders. The Shuri also has something to do with Okinawa, Japan. Ethiopia fits the tribe thing but is located on the wrong side of Africa. Anyone know of any Suri lines spoken about by Native Americans?


You know, coming on about a year reading here, I think, and I am still astounded – and I knew of a lot of this beforehand. I stare at my eyelids before sleep thinking about how strange all of this is.


I am curious about the shape of the astroid. Reading about your initial viewing, reminded me of my second AP experience. Amazing Dae, truly.