[daegonmagus] – Part 25 – Documenting the Other Worlds – Project Morpheus

The following is the 25th part from a series of articles describing the adventure that a follower who goes by the handle "daegonmagus" has experienced since reading MM. They are very interesting and fascinating. I hope that you all learn from his journey and maybe learn a thing or two as he relates his unique experiences to the readership here. 

Lately he has been conducting lucid dreaming (LD) to map out the subconscious / non-physical realms that surround us. His writings are very interesting, but describe things way beyond my understanding. Never the less, many MM readers find great value in his experiences, and writings, and one can easily see benifit in reading his writings. 

I hope that you enjoy this article.


Project Morpheus

Earlier this month, I started a new project which will eventually comprise part of a larger project I have opened up on my site, www.daegonmagus.wix.com/author, for “Documenting the Other Worlds”.

This is actually an offshoot of another project I started a few years ago and never got around to finishing, which sort to put every frequency in the audible spectrum, between 20-20kHz on one track in what I called the “Pandora Chord”. Drawing on some sound engineering experience I picked up over the years, in my latest project, I decided to try and replicate some of the noises SD and I have experienced during some of our lucid dreams.

These vary from bizarre “UFO” type sounding noises, to the perceived change in sound of an aero plane going overhead as consciousness goes through the transition into the sleeping state and beyond into the void space.

I am hoping that these audio tracks will provide at least starting point for understanding what exactly happens to consciousness as it falls asleep, and give others an idea of the sorts of environments us LDers find ourselves having to navigate through. I am confident in my assertions that telepathy can be understood through using a similar model of radio propagation theory, and that the void space experienced during one of these conscious transitions into the sleep state acts as the main terminal by which telepathic information can be decoded and broadcast.

Thus my eventual goal will be to devise apparatus that will allow these sounds to be broadcast through open space in a similar manner, with an effort of contacting nearby entities. Guess I am officially “that” guy now huh?

This project soon evolved into the creation of a track specifically to try and induce a lucid dreaming session, based heavily on the Monroe Institute’s research into inducing OBE’s.

Whereas the Monroe Institute used a 4HZ offset frequency between those frequencies played in the left ear vs those played in the right, I opted to use a 2Hz offset frequency based primarily on the frequency of the physical world being “locking” onto to a dreamscape from a waking LD I once had. I also took some inspiration from Royal Rife and his assertions that lower sideband harmonics of certain frequencies can be used to destroy certain pathogens and viruses, and used a specific combination of frequencies that are spaced exactly an octave (a doubling of frequency) apart in the left ear, whilst introducing the 2 Hz variants of each of those frequencies in the right.

Originally I based these frequencies on the Binary number system of 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512 etc, but as my recording software’s signal generators only allow a minimum of 20Hz, I was forced with starting at 32Hz. I then applied phasers to these frequencies that adjust themselves through the peak ranges in timings of 2 to 4 Hz, again multiples of these frequencies.

I attempted to record this into a stereo track using an unbalanced mono line, which introduced some digital noise into the track which I realized sounded quite a lot like the tinnitus sound I usually hear during an OBE (which intensifies during an astral projection, right at the moment the astral body separates from the physical), so I left it in.

I then re-recorded the frequency tracks using a balanced line. The resultant track is a combination of what appears to be a Tibetan singing bowl mixed with both the tinnitus and UFO “Whoop Whoop” sounds, with a mechanical like noise overlaid, which I assume is caused by certain collision points of the frequencies during sampling, similar to aliasing. This Mechnical noise is very reminiscent of the type of chthonic noises heard during a sleep paralysis/ LD experience.

The listener is encouraged to try and focus on the other phantom noises that seemingly present themselves.

I then used the track for a total of 15 to 20 minutes each morning and evening before going to bed. After day 3 or 4, I noticed a very strong feeling of dissociation from my surroundings, very similar to that felt when under the influence of marijuana.

This feeling I noticed was more prominent when looking at areas with many patterns of shadow contrasted against light, an example being piles of leaves in a lightly shaded area. The effect I witnessed was that a diamond like wavy “ghost” pattern was perceivable between me and the leaves as a sort of visual noise.

This feeling kept all day and only began to subside after about 3 days after my last dosing of the audio track. In addition this, there was also a prolonged energetic feeling felt deep within the solar plexus, vaguely similar to morphine when it enters the vein.

When I showed this track to my daughter, the first thing she told me was that it was the sound that happens when the chicken bird shows up (see [daegonmagus] – Part 12 – Miscellaneous Experiences: The Curious case of the Mysterious Chicken Bird – Metallicman). This particular entity was once again spotted by SD about a week after stopping listening to the audio, though SD has not heard this track as of yet.

Upon review of the lengths associated with nervous system pathways, and the idea the body acts as a tuned antenna that emits a carrier wave that consciousness attaches to, based on these nervous system pathways, further experimentation will see the offset frequency between left and right ears changed to 3Hz.

For the aeroplane going overhead, I downloaded a sample of an aeroplane off the internet. One should note, this aeroplane sounds a little bit different to what I actually heard, but for demonstration purposes will do. I started by stretching majority of the track out to about twice its normal length (slowing the frequencies involved in the process). I then placed a phaser that polls through the entire range of frequencies every 0.07Hz. The track is thus a close representation, but not exact. My Plan is to simulate other typical noises in a similar fashion to see what they would sound like in the void space.

For the UFO noise I used a simple 128HZ signal, with a 4hz timed phaser. I am very interested in hearing from others who have heard this noise or something similar to it either during an “encounter” or an OBE experience.

I am also interested in hearing from others who experience similar feelings of association or the energy bursts I have felt.

I suspect this combination of phaser arrangement on a specific frequency might have something to do with disrupting consciousness to achieving a “cloaking” effect. I believe the key to unlocking consciousness from the body lies in the way these crafts use these frequencies, particularly during LDs/APs.

Edit, for some reason, this track is proving difficult to record and will be uploaded at another date. Refer to the above inducer test track to get an idea of the “Woo Woo” sound.

The lucid fizz sound is the tinnitus sounding noise mentioned above. I extracted it from the recording with the introduced mechanical noise using some 7 band EQs to filter out the lower frequency components. It is about 90% accurate to what I hear on a regular basis.

Sometime I get random bouts where one of my ears will be overloaded with a high pitched frequency (different to the tinnitus sound), which, more often than not becomes somewhat disorientating. This just so happened to happen about 2 days into using the lucid dreaming test audio.

I made a mental note of the sound and quickly rushed to my computer, which was on and had a signal generator setup. I then scrolled through the frequencies until I got withina close ballpark of this disorientating “Information Download Frequency”, which I found was at 2925 Hz. I believe further investigation of this frequency is warranted.

Any information supplemental to my experiments from the Commander is most welcome.

The audio files

For now, hosted on Google drive.

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I just realised the links to audio 2,3 and 4 aren’t working, presumably because i stuffed up with the drive links. Only problem is that I have now been locked out of my google account so i can’t rectify the problem. Looking for a work around. Tracks 2 and 3 should be available on my site as 2 min MP3s. I couldn’t upload WAVs there, but it shouldn’t be too much of a big deal, as the main one needing WAV format was track 1, which seems to be still accessible on here. Will try and get that Information Download frequency up on my site in the next day or so


Hey DM, looking forward to try. I normally do not use any sounds techniques when I meditate. But I do listen with intent to these tinitus sounds when meditating, which if you concentrate on it can change its pitch and also change from left to right ear and so on. It is my little play 🙂


yeah the tinnitus sounds are strange. I have used them before as a means to identify a presence in an otherwise silent environment. Basically the noise becomes so loud, that whenm the smallest of sounds – like a breaking twig – happens, it throws the tinnitus thing out, which is what draws your attention to it. its sort of like detction through deafness lol


Holy sh#t Day, I got the lucid dream test 1 audio to work and I played it for 7 seconds and thought I was going to come out of my chest… hmm. It felt like a pulling. I stopped it at 7 seconds because it freaked me out.

The High pitch tings are something I have just become accustomed to. It happens so much. It’s not every day, but almost. I had one hit me so hard…. well I thought I was going to die, probably. It felt that way, anyways. It took me 15-20 minutes to recover. I am thankful it was at night while I was at home, because had I been in a car I would have wrecked.


shit. sorry Alice. My bad. should have put a warning on it. DON”T AUDIO DOPE AND DRIVE PEOPLE. I am curious to know of any other effects it may have had on you or anyone else


Lol. Sorry for the misunderstanding. The frequency “bitch slap” wasn’t related to this frequency – it was a few months ago. I was, more or less, trying to sympathize/empathize with the “non-tinnitus” ringing you experience as whole.