[daegonmagus] – Part 26 – Lucid Astral Projection – The Consciousness Craft Launch Facility and Something Dwelling in the Red Planet:

The following is the 26th part from a series of articles describing the adventure that a follower who goes by the handle "daegonmagus" has experienced since reading MM. They are very interesting and fascinating. I hope that you all learn from his journey and maybe learn a thing or two as he relates his unique experiences to the readership here. 

Lately he has been conducting lucid dreaming (LD) to map out the subconscious / non-physical realms that surround us. His writings are very interesting, but describe things way beyond my understanding. Never the less, many MM readers find great value in his experiences, and writings, and one can easily see benefit in reading his writings. 

I hope that you enjoy this article.


Lucid Astral Projection – The Consciousness Craft Launch Facility and Something Dwelling in the Red Planet:

I’m, fucking back baby. WOOOHOOO.

Last night I woke up around 2am and couldn’t get back to sleep. I figured I might as well try meditating with a goal to induce an LD. I was playing around with visualisations of a tunnel that would burrow me outside of the Astral Plane bubble surrounding earth. My goal was to try and contact the EG.

This was the first proper wake induced lucid dream I have had in years where I have been able to keep 100% of consciousness during the transition.

As I reached hypnogogia, my dream environment changed into a sort of hospital like facility with lots of corridors. Although it was dark, it had a warmness feeling to it that reminded me of whenever I went to my grandma’s place. As hypngogia set in properly, I found myself walking down this corridor. On the left was some sort of reception desk with a cafeteria behind it. Just up ahead from the reception desk was a door, and that was where I was heading.

There were two female staff at the reception desk, who I said a quick hi to as I walked past. They were the facilitators of whatever was on the other side of the door This all happens in less than a minute.

I approach the door and as I get right to its frame I step over the threshold. Some sort of invisible hook catches me in the middle of the head, and then I realize this is it. This is the transition I have been waiting a very long time to experience properly again.

My consciousness inverts, and I feel that all too familiar feeling of entering the void space, and my consciousness properly disengaging from my body.

But this time something different happens; when the hook hit me, it sort of turned my consciousness upwards as it was transitioning, I feel the hallway beyond the door sort of “capture” me as I do so.

As I plunge into the void space, I realize for the first time ever I am looking upwards into the shaft of the cylindrical like chamber, rather than at the side.

I realize this is a fucking tunnel into outer space; I can see stars from where I am obscured by its edges.

Some thing else is also different; this void space is a lot more clearer than I remember it being.

It is hard to explain, but movement in the void space used to create quite a level of disorientation. Although I could “feel” the depth of this space being quite huge and around me, I could never really “see” it.

Now I can see the stars and they are crystal clear; sparkling like diamonds in front of me, just begging for me to come and claim them.

I oblige, and propel myself forward, with only a small amount of velocity.

Something happens, and I find my momentum picking up until I am soaring through this tunnel hurtling towards the stars; I can even hear the reverberation of this velocity coming off the interior walls of whatever this tunnel thing is.

Suddenly I come out of the tunnel and plunge into outer space like a diver into water.

I realize it is some sort of station set up on an asteroid or something near earth.

I am 100% conscious and aware of my sleeping body. I seem to still be in the solar system, but still quite far from earth, probably a few light years away.

After a quick piloting test of control where I move my consciousness forward, back, left right, up and down I conclude that yes, something is very very different here this time.

It seems a fog has been lifted that usually makes such effortless control tiresome; like a polluted pond has now been cleaned and the water is perfect to swim in. Well, space is my water, and I am itching for a swim.

I propel myself forward and “open up the burners”, so to speak. I am like that guy taking a new mustang out to a straight stretch of road and just fucking gunning it to see how fast it can go before his nerves kick in and make him punch the brakes.

Seems I have a new ‘stang and I want to see what this baby can do.

Fuck me, this awesome.

I am burning fast, and I mean REALLY FUCKING FAST.

If this is what the upgrades entail, then holy shit they were worth it.

Something gives me the impression my consciousness might actually be merged with a space craft of some sort.

I have propelled fast before, but never anywhere even remotely close to this. This is impressive even for my standards.

I am actually using this craft like it is my own fucking body, zipping around like a majestic unicorn that has just popped a bag of Ecstasy before going on an episode of dancing with the stars.

Saturn and Jupiter fly past me in a manner of seconds.

Then come the stars.

This isn’t anything like hyper drive in star wars or star trek. The planets and stars appear as tiny dots that just sail effortlessly past you like bits of dust in a windstorm.

Within about 30 seconds I have journeyed so far out of the solar system that I don’t even know what galaxy I am in.

I am very, very, very far from my physical body at this point.

I remember my goal of trying to establish contact with the EG. As the thought pops into my mind, almost instantaneously I start hearing the voice of the Grand Elder coming through (I haven’t heard this since February 2019), but it is broken and patchy like the tuning is not quite right.

I realize the interference is caused by the distance between me and them.

Although I am far from the solar system I am still even much further from the edge of the universe/ astral bubble.

“Hello. Hello? Can you hear us”.

I hear them say, but it doesn’t seem as though can get anything intelligible from so I give up.

As I am hurtling through space I notice some activity in a certain sector of the galaxy I am in.

There seems to be a tentacle of the anomaly bleeding through, but it is no where near the concern it once was.

It is concerning to see it this close to earth, but at the same time it doesn’t seem as malicious as it once was.

An “Eh, I’ll get to that a different time” thought pops into my head.

As I sail over it, I hear a dark demonic voice trying to lure me in.

I turn to check it out and notice it is coming from a red planet that looks almost identical to Mars off in the local vicinity of where I am (I cannot recall at this point whether I had turned around and journeyed back to our solar system or not, but I think that is the case).

I feel kinda sorry for this voice.

It is trying really hard to put on a show to scare me, but the whole thing just comes off as really lame and like something out of a kids PG movie.

Sort of like a real bad James Earl Jones Darth Vader rendition.

It is my responsibility to check into any malicious forces I find – I guess this is why I was cleared for launch back at the facility, to come and investigate this area of space – so I project towards it.

The red planet suddenly becomes very big in front of me.

I swear this is Mars, judging from its colour and patterns. If not then it must have a twin that is a spitting image.

I enter its atmosphere and realize that there is indeed something malicious going on; the first thing I notice is that a shroud is being used on the surface to plunge it into an astral darkness.

Even from this state, it is impossible to see several feet in front of me.

The voice lingers and tries to lure me in with some cheap promise of finding something I need, but I just tell it to fuck off, figuring it easier to go back and report this to base command and have it taken out remotely.

The main difference was that there was no fear of this entity; I was just observing it from an emotionless state of being.

I wake up, then quickly ride that lucidity train back through the transition before my mind gets too awoken.

Once again, I wind up back at the same launch facility, this time with SD by my side.

We walk the hallways trying to find the launch room, but end up getting lost in the corridors.

We take a wrong turn and end up outside.

There is a nicely manicured garden outside and I notice the buildings themselves are made of bricks and seem quite old.

The dream starts to become broken, but I realize that if you just look up and focus on the bricks, its stops it from falling apart (try this when trying to create a solid dreamscape).

SD attends to other business and I end up going to check out one of the buildings. It seems to be a sort of dormitory for other astral travellers/ lucid dreamers.

I notice a person there who I have been speaking to in recent weeks about their heightened astral projection experiences.

We have a brief chat, and then I make my way over to another room that seems to be mine.

The projection soon ends.

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This made me so happy to read! Great job, my friend. Wonder what’s going on, on Mars?

I have experienced that hook to the head but since I am so inexperienced in AP in this body – that I just took it as I needed to hang out close to my body and observe.

The past 2 times I tried to AP there was a static interference, like black static. I couldn’t get past being relaxed. The other time I just fell asleep. I may give it a go if there is top speed flying involved! Sounds way more exciting that all this studying I am doing.


Cool mate really cool.


guys, I’ve been thinking about this a bit more since i mailed the article to MM and it blows me away the more i do….they (whoever they were) gave me clearance to fly one of their fucking crafts man, i am sure of it. The way that sound reverberated out of the tube when i was going through it, it was like fire from a combustion coming out of an exhaust pipe. The way this thing danced in space whenever i would move the parts of me that used to be my arms and legs; my consciousness was attached to this thing, that was what the hallway and the hook thing was, you walk down it in your doll body or whatever and it plucks out your consciousness and locks it into the craft which is already waiting on the other side….I am 100% convinced from this that my assumptions about using LD to “hijack” space craft are correct. And I was talking to SD about when she had “her” craft come down during an LD….it was also after we had shit welded into our astral bodies back when I agreed to do recon for the commander. We suspect the astral body modification was to allow us to pilot these craft – they go way faster than I have been able to achieve during any other OBE; it was like i was even more slippery through space, if that makes sense. You don’t know how honoured i feel right now. I guess someone out there is happy with my work.


I’ve been so “skeert” to Astral because I was weirdly good at it and I didn’t have to work at it much. After your article and my very first AP where I was being observed by a Grey…. I think those were the “irrational fears” Merlynn talks about.

Proud of you, my friend. I needed this, thank you. Wonder if I can get me one of those aircrafts? I am a Ricky Bobby at heart – “I wanna go fast!”

PS: A Mary Poppins song popped into my head! haha (go figure) “Let’s go fly a kite”! Great – now I will be singing that one all day.