[daegonmagus] – Part 28 – Intel Obtained Through A Deliberate LD Recon Operation

The following is the 28th part from a series of articles describing the adventure that a follower who goes by the handle "daegonmagus" has experienced since reading MM. They are very interesting and fascinating. I hope that you all learn from his journey and maybe learn a thing or two as he relates his unique experiences to the readership here. 

Lately he has been conducting lucid dreaming (LD) to map out the subconscious / non-physical realms that surround us. His writings are very interesting, but describe things way beyond my understanding. Never the less, many MM readers find great value in his experiences, and writings, and one can easily see benefit in reading his writings. 

I hope that you enjoy this article.


Daegonmagus Intel Obtained Through A Deliberate LD Recon Operation


Looks like lucid dreaming is back on the menu, boys. So yeah, I have been putting it in my affirmations to basically regain my lucid dreaming abilities, as I have been going through a several year long dry patch.

I thought I was being a little too optimistic asking for at least one LD a week.

Now I should also mention, I have just finished up my 3 month period of my affirmation campaign, and am on about day 5 of the rest period – too optimistic my arse.

My LDs appear to be coming back, so far weekly and boy, they are a lot more vivid than they used to be.

I first noticed this clarity back at the end of June when I had my little flying fun with the consciousness craft.

Last week it involved stealing another craft out of some compound and using it to drop anti matter bombs on some mining operation setup in a forest.

Last night it was something a bit more important, which I will get to in a moment. I also need to make an amendment here to a past article where I mentioned there seems to be a 10 hour lag between having a thought and it manifesting in the dream state.

Scratch that; I have noticed lately it is more like 7 hours.

This comes from having dreams about multiple subjects I was thinking of that I could pin point back to thinking 7 hours before my usual bed time. So handy hint, try and find that 7 hour point before your sleeping time and use it to run your self through some “am I dreaming scenarios”.

You might surprise yourself.

Anyways, getting back to the LD. Our youngest had woken up around 4:15am, which, of course, woke me up a long with it. After spending some time thinking of the usual shit one thinks of that keeps them from falling asleep at that hour, I decided to try LDing.

After propping my right heel so it sat on top of my left foot and rolling my right ear into the oversized triangular pillow hugging my neck, I immediately I noticed I was somewhat tense (guys get into the habit of recognizing this if you want to master LDing ).

So, I made the effort to relax that tension away, and within moments I had a stream of hypnogogic imagery flowing through my head.

This imagery is the sweet point; you have got to get this to flow like a gentle stream past you without letting it turn into a torrent that takes you into unconscious sleeping.

The hard part is trying not to focus too intently on it. So, doing what I do, and relaxing into the gentle stream of hypnogogic imagery, I once again carried my conscious awareness into the dreaming state.

I was in a place I have been in before, sort of a seedy alleyway type deal.

I was 100% lucid and aware, so I asked a dream character if he realized he was dreaming (remembering a post from a lucid dreaming facebook group where someone did similar), and he sort of stopped and got aggressive threatening to wake me up.

Other dream characters started attacking me, but rather than annihilate them, I just smiled at them and made my abilities very obvious to them and they all stopped and left me to my business, figuring I wasn’t worth the trouble.

The dream started to become distorted and break apart, but I swiftly kept it together by focusing on background objects; I seem to be getting much better at this and can keep the dream stable completely automatically without even thinking about it; this was impressive even for my standards.

I used the broken environment opportunity to picture the consciousness craft facility with the intention to try and fly another consciousness craft.

I was successful in generating the same building, but it was broken from the distortions generated by the run in with the other dream characters.

I seem to be stuck in an area of this facility somewhat reminiscent of a reception waiting area.

I look out the windows, and it is pretty damned obvious I am off world.

The architecture of the buildings outside seems futuristic and many years evolved from our modern standards.

I walk down a small hallway and find a door to my right but it is locked by what appears to be key code entry.

I manifest a card and use it to gain entry.

Within seconds of walking through the door, I had a completely stable dream environment; I was here, in this place, not just dreaming it, there was no doubt about it.

This seemed to be a different part of the same consciousness craft facility, but more open, sort of like a small hangar.

Up in front of me is a curved wall, and behind that another hallway that branches off from the curved wall.

I take the curved hallway and find it takes me to similar doors that led to the consciousness craft hangar; big, thick metal doors that had some sort of red paint outline at their top.

The doors opened, and the similar hooking consciousness thing happens, then I find myself in what seems to be some kind of futuristic space mall.

Up ahead of me was what appeared to a small commercial spaceship rental company in the middle of the mall.

On a small circular stage they had two retro what looked like cars they were showcasing. These looked like standard convertible cadillacs or similar, but they did not have wheels (floated a foot off the ground) and had a single small compartment in the middle towards the front instead of seating.

Upon getting closer, I noticed a tall sign about 8 ft above me plonked right at the edge of the platform.

It was written in a retro 60s style cursive hand like you’d expect to find at old retro diners.

I looked at the sign and could read the name off it as clear as day (if the cursive allowed it);. It wasn’t just a name but a whole sentence alluding to the retroness of these cars being the gimmick that this company was selling; I noted the name Schweigler {something } Schwarz. Schweigler I am 90% sure of, Schwarz was 100%, specifically for RVing later. Middle initial was something like R.

I step onto the platform to get a better look at these convertibles.

Then it suddenly dawns on me. No fucking way; these are commercialized versions of the consciousness craft I flew a few months ago.

Someone, presumably Schweigler and Schwarz, had taken the technology that modulates your consciousness into them for powering.

I get the distinct impression I am in some sort of future world line.

In the compartment in the front is a cylinder sort of object with a spherical or dodecahedron shaped clear crystal in it.

A sales representative comes over, a young woman probably in her early 20s, maybe even her late teens, and goes through the usual sales pitch with me.

She seems human.

I pretend I am a dumb old man who has no idea what he is that I am looking at, but I have already figured out what these things are, and come to the realization I am on an espionage operation and need just a little bit more information from her.

She tells me you place your consciousness inside the crystal, then you are able to power the car.

She asks me if would like to take one for a test drive, to which I play coy telling I’d probably break it. She insists, and before she even gets a chance to tell me how to do it, I am projecting my consciousness into the crystal the same way I’d come accustomed to using the spherical portals.

I can feel all my quanta break apart as it all goes into the crystal, kind of like a very brief hyperdrive from starwars.

I am now consciously tethered to the convertible, so I hover it up off the ground and take off tpwards a space port, no longer paying any attention to the sales representative.

Somehow I wind up in a completely different place; I am now inside this strange building made entirely of centuries old wood that looks severely rotted.

There a people everywhere, just sort of sitting and existing and in a somber state of mind. What the fuck is this place?

I untether my consciousness from the convertible and am again moving around like I have a body.

I do a little exploring, trying to pick up on any conversation threads I can to figure out where this is.

This place is weird and new, and somewhat confusing; it is as if someone built several buildings and walk ways between them out of these same decrepit and rotten wood, then entirely enclosed those walkways with even more rotten wood.

There was no outside, everywhere you walked there was just this wooden roof above you making it quite disorientating as to where exactly you were.

I got the impression there wasn’t anything outside of the wood, not even ground. Thick dust and cobwebs lined every surface, and to get to each building you had to navigate through small flights of steps.

Recon gathered here told me this was a capturing outpost for discarnate consciousness that had died from physical earth bodies.

They were basically been housed here against their will, and had been for up to centuries.

There was no conceivable way to exit this place. I don’t even know how I got here, but It had something to do with that Cadillac convertible. Was this how Schweigler and Schwarz had built their empire?

I did not like this. These souls were desperate.

They had just been dumped here and left to rot along with the wood. I vowed to do something about it. Just then, a demonic voice began speaking to me, taunting me and telling me that he was the one who had put them here. I can’t remember what I told it, but it seemed to anger it to no end. It told me to wait until I expire from my physical body and see what it has in store for me then, to which I told it to go right ahead.

This angered it more, and without warning part of this weird cluster of buildings just got ripped into oblivion and I found myself standing on a verandah overlooking nothing but blue sky, as this voice boomed out at me from the space below.

I told it it had no authority over these people and that they deserved more than to be used as its slaves or pets.

It threw whatever insults and threats in regards to my own soul it could throw at me, to which I stood firmly and told it to fuck right off.

Others started to stand up and stand by my side, as my quashing of it words turned into a speech fit for rallying soldiers.

This demon did not like this one bit. It was if I was breaking its spell that gave it hold over the other souls; they were no longer in somber states, but now had purpose burning in their eyes.

Others were telling it to fuck off along with me.

The demon retreated back into the depths of the sky void, and after that I woke up. I have explicit memory of thousands of these discarnate consciousnesses agreeing to fighting for me against the amnesia/ reincarnation regime.

Questions for Domain Commander:

What is this space port mall place, and is it and the consciousness craft I flew several months back Domain owned and operated, or owned by a third party? Who are Schweigler {something} Schwarz? I suggest this name be paid particular attention to and traced as it is somehow strongly linked to this. Was I operating from a future worldline?

MM comments

When DM was LDing this event, my wife bought a new car. Just a Toyota sedan. It’s a good, simple, reliable hybrid car. Nothing special. But brand new, being a 2022 model.

I did not write or talk about this to anyone. It’s a personal MM moment, and something done out of necessity. Nothing to report on.


You have to wonder.

It is entirely possible that DM was picking up on MM physical actions and activities. If so, then that would explain the car dealership, the new “retro” models, and the futuristic mall.

There is no doubt that PSI abilities and LD ability go “hand in hand”.

But don’t hold me to that.

It could be coincidence. But, you all know what I say about coincidence, don’t you?

In any event, it is a tricky world out there. So much going on and we interpret what we see with our experiences. DM is connected to others in his group, whether he realizes it or not, and is connected to MM as well. Again, is probably not realizing it at all.

The combined “chatter” on this PSI “party line” will absolutely influence his LD experiences. And thus what he experiences is colored by the “chatter” on the PSI party line.

This bit of extraneous data should not disparage or confuse his experiences.

Personally, I think that it enhances it.

Like special jet fuel that allows his LD experiences to go further, have better color, and depth and richness. Which is why I say “clean out your closets”, and “make new friends”, and experience more of the world. They supercharge your abilities.

The combination of affirmation campaigns, and MM associations are “turbo charging” DM’s LD experiences.

The only problem that remains is how to improve the sorting and filtering of the input “feed” during these events. What is actual intel, and what in influenced intel? Things need to be filtered better. Somehow. So that while they are turbocharged, they are not overwhelmed by distractions and confusions. Whether PSI or environmental.

All in all; a great LD session.

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this didn’t seem to be noise. That was present in what i call the distortions with the dream characters; you can actually see it disrupt the dream state; it is this period of experience where there is some confusion as to what the hell is going on, which is why it is very important to learn how to clear it out before attempting to project into or create a dreamscape (Unseen 5 suggested this psi line is what non physicals deliberately use to influence our dreams by implanting a holographic “feed into it””). This is what i mean “keeping the dream state together”; what i am actually doing is chopping through the M Band noise layer confusion like a knife through butter; i know that it influences LDs given the connection to other consciousnesses. After you clear out these distortions you get very specific clarity on your environment around you to the point it is EXACTLY like being in a body and walking around. This was quite definitely another place I was in off world; i was interacting with it the exact same way I interact within this physical world. It was like walking through a door into a room you have been in before; that facility where the mall was I am 100% convinced exists somewhere and judging from my past experience with the consciousness craft (if it is the same facility, and not just a similar one) is somewhere around where the asteroid Nestor was back at the end of June – even have a 3D map i can post to pin point it. Solid object around me etc, people cruising the mall lines like one does in a shop. Impression I got was that Schwarz name was very definitely important, likely will be a future stake holder for the commercialisation of this sort of tech.


i am working on a simulation of an astral projection experience which has this map in it. will try and finish it this week. has a lot of audio video editing which my computer resources are barely able to keep up with


sorry MM, i didn’t mean to make it sound as if i was sh….excrementing …. all over your opinion. Was supposed to be in support of it but came out the wrong way. Too much audible noise around me destroying my train of thought. Point of the comment was to confirm that yes, you can see when something else is influencing your dreams. Perhaps your buying a car is what drew me to this particular spot of the mall?

Ohio Guy

There is a large family of Amish farmers in my area who buy and sell equipment, build buildings, bake and sell food items, etc. Their last name is Schwarz.

A thought, occurrence, or song will pop into my mind. Where I am exactly located when this thought or occurrence is also seen. Two, sometimes three days later, it manifests exactly as I had previously thought it would.
When viewing MM’s videos, I sometimes know what he’s going to say before he says it.
MM has empathic abilities far greater than mine. Mine are just developing with increased frequency.
MM’s blog and videos have brought a group of us together. Sure, we chat on the forum, but I believe we “chat” or communicate with each other, somehow, in the non physical or share a parapsychological channel, so to speak. Like MM says, we go about it in our own way, according to our understandings, but the end result is the same. We’re doing or looking at the same thing only from a different angle or viewpoint. I have been noticing this more increasingly as of late and I’m sure some of you have as well. We share some kind of common link. I’m absolutely sure of it. Is an unseen but felt, higher energy force or beings (The Domain), (The Unseen Five), (Mantids) facilitating or amplifying this? I believe so.


Well I will chime in here. I have and still do experience this exact thing on DREAMSHARE forum. I guess the louder my thoughts were the more DREAMSHARE was experiencing my reality in their dreams. So much it honed into my room at the exact moment I was experiencing reality. Nice to actually read I WAS NOT CRAZY and I am not the only one experiencing this. A FULL YEAR WENT BY before this confirmation. Haha. Bless it all! This is a trip.