Dangerous assumptions that compound bad mistakes

Lately I have been musing about the mandatory mRNA vaccinations that are now required all over the West. What was considered radical just a few months ago has been normalized by a massive propaganda campaign and mandated by executive order an law.
While I don’t want to join the fray and armies of the anti-Vaxx people, I do want to throw some of my opinions into this mix.
As you all know, I live in China and everyone is getting their vaccination injections. It’s free, and no one is raising any concern. The reason is, of course, that [1] everyone trusts the Chinese government, and [2] the vaccine is based on a “dead host” which is the well known, well documented, “tried and true” method of inoculating people from virus strains. And, of course, [3] the Coronavirus is a rapidly mutating bio-weapon thrown at China in 2019 CNY by Trump / Bolton. Being in China, you see how serious all of this is.
Now, I do not know why America and the rest of the West are so adamant in everyone getting an “experimental” mRNA vaccination instead of a traditional “dead host” vaccine. It seems all to “hush hush”. And I have long learned never to trust the United States government. So it is worrisome.
When the USA government makes a law, drums up a media narrative for it, and then suppresses alternative viewpoints, every alarm bell should be going off in your head.
I have speculated that all of this is because they want to “piggy back” some other system with the vaccine. Maybe [1] an inoculation about a bio-weapon that the USA has yet to launch. Or perhaps [2], a way of countering radiation from a nuclear war. Or, [3] even such things as mind control and tracking nano-chips are in the list of “anything is possible”. But the truth is I, and no-one else knows.
But that is not what this article is about. This is about something else.

The need for mRNA booster injections

By most accounts, this mRNA vaccine is part of a system of never-ending yearly or quarterly injections. These injections will suppress whatever mutation of Coronavirus might arise, as well as perhaps other systems that emerge over time. And on paper it might look ok.

[1] The stockholders in big-pharma would be happy to have a captive audience that needs to pay for yearly or quarterly booster injections or suffer government mandated obsolesce.

[2] With everything taking these yearly (or quarterly) boosters, it will become normal and expected. Just like the American Federal Income Tax forms are every April. And once the cattle people become accustomed to it, changes can be made to the ingredients, and alterations can be made for other purposes.

But let me suggest a downside.

The Big Assumptions

There are assumptions made, and these assumption assume a very steady-state non-changing reality. And that simply is not true. History tells us otherwise.

The big assumptions are…

  • That the (various) government will enforce mandatory booster injections.
  • That the factories can easily adapt to a changing viral environment and create boosters based on the mRNA models faster and better than the “dead host” model.
  • That people will comply with getting the boosters.

So far, all of these assumptions are given in every discussion about the benefits of the mRNA vaccination.

  • That the mRNA boosters, working with mass inoculations will create a herd immunity against any virus strains that the government deems threatening.
  • That the government can pay for the boosters, the R&D, and all the support systems necessary.

These two points are always assumed, and taken as “givens”. But they shouldn’t really be.

  • That over time, people will elect to pay for the boosters out of their own pockets.

This assumption is based on the Federal Income Tax model; also known as the “boiling frog technique” to manage sheeple compliance.

  • That the companies will always have factories to produce these boosters without interruption….

The last point is what I find frightening

No one is talking about this.

And they SHOULD.

Stocks plummeted this week.

Investors are terrified.

And Morgan Stanley just announced that a “20% drop in the S&P 500” could happen any moment.

If you're a student of history, you likely recognize the signs.

And it's time to prepare for a market moment that could define your wealth for the next decade.

A small group of U.S. investors are in line to receive advance notice of the exact day of the next market crash.


Keith Kaplan
CEO, TradeSmith

I get these doom and gloom email notices all the time. After a while you shut them off. I mean you can only take the bullshit so long.

But you know…

The USA national debt is fucking enormous. That’s what happens when you make and earn money from nothing.  It has become a big mountain of nothing. Yah. It’s hollow inside, but everyone is living off this mountain, and it will pop. It really will. Nothing lasts forever.

But there are other things going on as well.

Suppose that America has finally done “it”. Whether they “false flag” an event, launch a provocation, or just implement a full on nuclear WMD on China,, the results will be the same. They will royally piss off both Russia and China, and a full-scale WMD holocaust will be unleashed in the United States.

It will not be pretty.

A destroyed America.

We will have cites destroyed. Electrical systems destroyed. EMP bursts that render all computers, and internet, not to mentions all vehicles into slag. And in the middle of this, when starvation begins to beset the land, and crime is rampant and it’s every man for himself…

… how in God’s name are the booster injections going to be made, distributed and paid for?


And when those people in a SHTF situation, hiding in their houses, and trying to figure out how get some food…

Food will be difficult to get.

…suddenly find themselves with a really bad chest cold. Not a flu. Not a Coronavirus, but a Covid Zelda variant.

What then?


War is not something that you watch on television or check your news feed over. It’s not going to be fought in a “far away” land like the South China Sea, or Australia. Or Japan, or Korea.

Everyone inside the United States will experience it.

Just like they are experiencing the blow-back from the John Bolton / Donald Trump launch of three bio-weapons WMD on the busiest holiday in China. Who’s fucking laughing now, dipshits?

If the USA instigates a war, whether it is with China or Russia, the battlefield will be on American soil.

Not in Taiwan.

Not in the South China Sea.

Not on Australian soil

It will be in America…

Dog eat dog world.

Oh. Some battles will be on, near and on the territories of the USA proxies, but both Russia and China are not, NOT stupid. They are not going to waste their times and effort on the pawns. They will go after the Kings and Queens and will attempt a very quick checkmate.

How many destroyed cities will it takes before the USA surrenders?

One? Five? ten?




I’m betting that it will be around 35.

And with America a blaze in a nuclear winter… So tell me,  what’s going to happen to those who need mRNA boosters? Are they going to run off to the local hospitals for a booster?

A crushed America.

And just where are the boosters going to be made with the vast majority of the pharmacy supply sources inside the biggest cities? And even if a city was spared, how are the medicines going to be made without power, electricity and every single computer system fired into slag?

Of course, it’s important (for the oligarchy) that you do not see the entire picture…

Back in 2012, living in China, I was also such a (western) “News” addict. 
I then did an experiment:

During > 2 months, I deliberately didn’t watch western TV, didn’t went to any western news website, didn’t listened to western radio stations.

I only watched Chinese TV (various TV stations) only read Chinese newspapers and Chinese online news sources

What a revelation ! What a relief that was !   What a peaceful, healthy life !


Right? So there is a major media push to keep the “rabble” (that’s me and you, bub) in line. Don’t question anything. If you do, you will be censored. You know… for “a matter of national security”. And so on and so forth.

Let me tell you a few things about the media…

See below. All credit to the author who shall remain anonymous. You know who you are, don't you? It's a great piece.

Here is a thought- provoking dialogue between the gorgeous Li JingJing & the awesome Vijay Prashad. I would like also to name Michel Collon, a French-speaking Belgian reporter & geopolitical analyst having written on the 5 principles of war propaganda.

Coined by others, not by me, an acronym to remember them easily : M.E.D.I.A.



This can be done by saturating the media landscape (written, cable TV, online) with presstitutes.

Also by restricting the allowed topics and last but not least, by restricting the range of permissible or legit answers (You all know the Overton window) Here some structural factors of the human nature help tremendously the manipulators.

Stages 1 & 2 of the Maslow Pyramid are basic needs (survival) and physical safety.

The third stage being psychological safety or to state things clearly, the need to belong to a group but not only that, to a group perceived as shining, desirable & prestigious…

To free oneself relatively from this emotional need, at least to the extent to be capable to have a space between that need and the awareness of other’ people own gratifying images of themselves, if I still want to use Maslow’s concept, it would be the work on one’s one mind called self-realization, a quite unpopular task.

Most people believe what they want (consciously/subconsciously/unconsciously) to believe to preserve their belonging to a prestigious group (or so they think…)

So in the West, it’s always much much easier for the governments to promote a narrative with at its core the key message being ” it’s China/Russia/Iran/the Other’s fault ”

The bigger (China/Russia/Iran) the boogeyman is, the better…


“E” as in ENSNARE.

ENSNARE the people’s minds with irrelevant fantasies, thus avoiding to tackle seriously what is at stake economically, diplomatically, militarily or geopolitically in a given event or situation, at home or abroad.

The dumbing down process going on during the last 50 years and keeping on is facilitating this diversion tactic (red herrings galore).

You are most probably familiar with Charlotte Yserbit’s work.

For me, the uber Structural Red Herring in the West the last 50 years has been the displacement of the focus from socio-economic struggles to so-called woke issues (what in French is called the opposition between the two concepts of “social”,understand real socio-economic struggles and “sociétal”, understand woke)

One amusing survey that can be done is to ask 100 French citizens what they think of ” Mai 68″ first and then ask what is their understanding of a color revolution and last what about “Mai 68” as a color revolution ?

I bet most of them would be flabbergasted to learn that “Mai 68” was a color revolution set to get rid of Charles de Gaulle and to strengthen the Anglo-American Establishment’s grip on France. “Mai 68” & “June 89″ (2 decades later in Beijing) were essentially of the same nature if the ” color revolution ” concept is used, Ho! Ho! Ho !…

Let”s remind that the US ambassador to France was in the streets with the students in 1968 as James Lilley, US ambassador to China & CIA agent, was in the streets with the students in 1989…

The vital difference is that “Mai 68” succeeded beyond expectations & “June 89″ failed miserably on the essential goal of regime change but is successful as a smearing operation against China, as we are reminded on June 4 each year with the China-bashing in relation to the so-called ” Tian An Men Massacre ”

Concerning the process of dumbing down, another name to remember is Eugene Michael Jones, alive & in his seventies.

His 1992 book is a masterpiece of philosophy, psychology and politics : Modern degenerates, modernity as rationalization for sexual misbehavior.

His 2000 book is the natural completion of the 1992’s one : Libido Dominandi, sexual liberation & political control.

His intellectual adventure began when he lost his teaching position in the 70s because he stated at work that he is against abortion, he was utterly flummoxed since he taught in a Catholic school for girls…

This personal mishap has awaken his curiosity, investigative endeavor & meditation since then.



DEHUMANIZE/DEMONIZE the Other in all dimensions : ugly physical appearance, defective psychological construct, spiritual emptiness is the norm obviously, rigid or primitive social organization, twisted historical development, warped anthropological foundations, evil religious practices…

The Other cannot be motivated by good intentions, all words uttered must be scrutinized because ignorance or perfidy must be expected.

All actions are driven by greed and fear, needless to say since Truth, Goodness and Beauty are not granted to the Other.

Some people definitely need a mirror, not only for the Body but also for the Mind & the Soul.


“I” as in INVERSION.

INVERSION of identity between the aggressor & the victim of the. aggression. Examples are numerous but I simply mention the category of false flag operations, an egregious chapter by itself.


“A” as in ABSENCE.

ABSENCE of a quality historical understanding offered to the public in order to truly contextualize the event or the situation, at home or abroad.

A sound chronology of the events is either absent or the chronology presented is biased, oriented by a specific agenda.


The trouble is, in Australia, i listen to news while driving, listen to radio news while custom made frames, and I have no alternative news sources beyond Australian fake news.

whenever I internet search China development news, even in Chinese language, the news that appear at the first page are usually BBC Chinese, CNN Chinese, DW Chinese, Epoch Times Chinese.... 


(All the Western propaganda outlets printed in the Chinese language.)

Yes, CCTV news focus on China developments and policies, full of positive energy. They make me happy. 

The Chinese Gov don't talk about poor people as lazy, they talk about how to give them a vision, incentive, conditions, and motivate them to work hard to help themselves out of poverty. 

The Hong Kong TVB recently visited 10 poorest region across China, and was touched by how much the government quietly doing so much for those remote region residents. 

The title of the documentary series is 无穷之路,the road to no poverty. Below is chapter 1:

You no need to know the language, just see how remote these villages located, and what the government did to improve their lives and you will understand they are wealthier than the working poor in America who can afford to pay rent and become homeless. 


Sometimes I hate being right.

If you have something that works (the traditional “dead host” vaccination methodology) but instead [1] elect to move forward with untested, unproved, unestablished technology.

Then [2] you mandate forced compliance.

Coupled with [3] forbidding anyone from using the traditional methods for vaccination, that should set off every alert in you head.

And knowing what I do about China and Russia, they already probably know the TRUE and REAL reason why the mRNA vaccination is being so aggressively promoted inside the USA today. And if I were them, and I knew that the United States is building up towards a massive world war against us, I would figure out a way to use this mRNA system against the aggressors.
It’s called logic.

Do you want more?

You can find more articles related to this in my latest index; A New Beginning. And in it are elements of the old, some elements regarding the transition, and some elements that look towards the future.

New Beginnings


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Here in the U.K. I was fine getting my two jabs of the “dead host” Astra Zeneca vaccine. It being banned by the U.S. and an obvious propaganda campaign against it in the news here made me believe it was probably harmless. Now we are all going to have to get “booster” shots of the Pfizer vaccine. I am not looking forward to the reaction I’ll get when I decline it.

The single worst part of living on this God-forsaken island is the “universal single opinion” that everybody shares. It is enforced by everyone on everyone. Every TV station, TV show host and guest and celebrity tows the same line. China bad, Russia bad, vaccines good, poor/white people lazy/racist. It’s like living in a zombie apocalypse but someone forgot the apocalypse (for now.)


The pubs are actually doing a fine job of closing themselves, year by year. The whole culture of going own the pub is slowly dying out. It’s simply too expensive for common folk to afford. A lot of pubs are being converted into cheap flats, (though the population has supposedly not increased in thirty years!)

The place has opened up, almost to normality.

The problem is that the vaxx police aren’t a necessity. Generally the population has been well trained to police itself. As we are the worst-off nation in the “Deagel Report” there’s a surreal feeling in the air to me. I wonder if I’ll get a chance to jump ship before time’s up?


You asked about medicine, and how medicine will be produced.

Medicine does not need to come from a “doctor”, or from a major drug company, to be good or effective.

For a long time, doctors had a very bad reputation. Naturally – they make money when people are sick. There have been cases of doctors deliberately sickening their clients, to drum up more business.

Good health does not need to be complicated or expensive. It “should” be easy. Only in the West today, has health become some kind of mystery.

I did not do a great deal of research on the vaccine. All I had to know – is that the Mainstream Media was pumping getting it 24-7. That’s how I knew it wasn’t good for me.

There is “the technology of the human body” and there is what you might call “external technology” – like electronics, cars, paper, etc. I’ve often read about the incredible feats of memory of men in the past, who did not have computers, memorizing thousands of poems, songs or books in their entirety.

I believe today too much emphasis is put on “technology” and not enough is spend on “human quality.” Often it seems that the further back in time we look, the more advanced man was. I would not be shocked if medicine was more advanced 2000 years ago than today.


i don’t think unusual begins to cover it.Another interesting thing is the level of censorship on utube.I have had videos disappear before my eyes and delete themselves from my history.Rand Paul said utube had been removing some of his congress hearing videos and they have.I worry where this is all going🤯😷🤔


AZ is not a “dead host” vaccine. It’s a live adenovirus carrying an mRNA payload. It works basically the same as the other mRNA vaccines, causing your cells to produce the toxic spike protein. It does not induce antibodies to any other part of the coronavirus except the spike protein; killed-virus vaccines give a broader spectrum of antibodies.

See here for the best roundup of research. You’ll need to go back through about a dozen pages of archives to get the reasoning from the beginning. Very few are going by anything close to science. Anybody watching TV or youtube, browsing Facebook or Twitter has to be considered a memetic plague vector zombie now.


Correction: the adenovirus is carrying DNA for the spike protein, which then is transcribed into mRNA. Anyway, it’s not a vaccine, but a gene therapy.


valneva vaccine was the one to go for in the uk but the uk government recently pulled funding for it.So the choice in the uk is , there is no choice


Here is where the question “does life imitate art or Vice versa”, and it and of itself is art.

In the West, specifically America, most people who ARE NOT vaccinated are blacks. Rightfully so. They KNOW when whitey gets a hankering for experimenting with humans.

The media in America, is trying to make it look like it’s only white Trump supporters who don’t want the vaccine.

Now here is a guy, Colin Powell, SELECTED – as we all know to be fact – to run one of the biggest “screw you world” operations ever to exist, who is black and a HEARTWARMING black. Accepted by whitey. So everyone loves the dude.

He made TV announcements “I got the vaccine” blah blah…

He died of Covid –

NOW in America – the narrative is “look at his prior health conditions” “vaccines work – he was old and had cancer”

Has anyone EVER heard of a breakthrough polio case in an old man with cancer?

Me either. And I’m a fucking doctor.

The crazy thing is – it’s the black people that don’t want the vaccine that are going to lose all of their cushy jobs that’s going to run an economy in the ground. Face first.

But evil whitey will get blamed. Evil whitey is about to collectively snap…

THIS I know to be true!



27th of 48 laws of power Play on people’s need to believe to create a cult-like following
“People have an overwhelming desire to believe in something. Become the focal point of such desire by offering a cause, a new faith to follow. Keep your words vague but full of promise; emphasize enthusiasm over rationality and clear thinking. Give your new disciples rituals to perform, ask them to make sacrifices on your behalf.”
People stay in “cult-like” relationships, even abusive cults, for a variety of reasons. These include: not knowing they are in a cult, emotional dependence, low self-esteem, gaslighting, intimidation, or fear of leaving.

Screen Shot 2021-10-19 at 1.44.52 AM.png

I hate it when you are right too.

The US created the “virus” that has resulted in the complete subjugation
of US and other countries’ people. mRNA injections can be lethal.
I reuse to participate. The .gov US is fomenting race war. They are
guilty of many things, and anyone with a brain recognizes the politicians
and underlings are worthless/even destructive. I have looked closely,
at material available, and do not have the details I want to see. I don’t
know who all are responsible for this genocide and lust for war. I do know that at least a small % of US people reject any and all of it.

TY for the data you provide.