Defending your Life

There’s a great movie from the 1990’s titled “Defending your life”. It’s a fantasy movie about what it is like when you die, and you have to justify the kind of life that you had when you were alive. It’s a fun movie, a lite comedy romance. It’s fun. But I want to look at it from are more serious angle. And that is what we are going to do here.

Advertising executive Daniel Miller dies in an auto accident and finds himself in Judgment City. He is taken to a hotel to rest, and the next day he takes a tram downtown to meet his lawyer, Bob Diamond (Rip Torn). Diamond informs him that there is to be a five-day examination of his life to decide whether he has overcome fear. At a comedy club he meets Julia and they fall in love. But as their trials progress, it becomes clear Julia has overcome fear and is moving on, while Daniel seems doomed to go back to Earth.

Diana Barahona

It is Albert Brooks‘ notion in this film that after death we pass on to a sort of heavenly way station where we are given the opportunity to defend our actions during our most recent lifetime.

The process is like an American courtroom, with a prosecutor, defense attorney and judge, but the charges against us are never quite spelled out. The basic question seems to be, are we sure we did our best, given our opportunities?

Defending your life.

In the movie, Brooks plays Dan Miller, a successful exec who takes delivery on a new BMW and plows it into a bus while trying to adjust the CD player. He awakens in a place named Judgment City, which resembles those blandly modern office and hotel complexes around big airports. He’s given a room in a clean but spartan place that looks franchised by Motel 6.

Defending your life.

At first Dan is understandably dazed at finding himself dead, but the staff takes good care of him. He’s dressed in a flowing gown, whisked around the property on a bus, and told he can eat all he wants in the cafeteria (where the food is delicious but contains no calories).

Then he meets his genial, avuncular defense attorney (Rip Torn), and his hard-edged prosecutor (Lee Grant). It’s time for the courtroom, in which we see flashbacks to Dan’s life as he tries to explain himself.

Defending your life.

… (and) he falls in love with another sojourner in Judgment City.

Defending your life.

She is a sweet, open-faced, serene young woman named Julia and played, of course, by Meryl Streep, who is the only actress capable of providing the character’s Streepian qualities. They fall into like with one another.

Dan visits her hotel and is dismayed to discover that she has much better facilities than he does – Four Seasons instead of Motel 6 – and he wonders if maybe your hotel assignment is a clue about how well you lived your past life. But nobody in Judgment City will give him a straight answer to a question like that.

Defending your life.

The best thing about the movie, I think, is the notion of Judgment City itself. Doesn’t it make sense that heaven, for each society, would be a place much like the Earth that it knows? We’re still stuck with images of angels playing harps, which worked fine for Renaissance painters. But isn’t our modern world ready for images in which the angels look like Rotarians and CEOs?

Defending your life.

The movie is funny in a warm, fuzzy way, and it has a splendidly satisfactory ending.

MM Thoughts

The movie is a fiction.

But it does get a number of things right.

  • Review Process. There is always a review process once you exit the physical reality and return to the non-physical reality.
  • Judgement of your Actions. Yes, you are judged by your actions. There is no escape from that.
  • No Golden Harps. Forget the notions of golden harps, big diamonds and all those other images that are so conventional regarding the non-physical reality. There are other “things” in the non-physical reality, and you might be surprised how “futuristic”, and yet “conventional” they actually are. As well as the enormous scale of them.
  • Not immediately returned via reincarnation. Certainly the narrative from “Alien Interview” cautions that consciousness is immediately processed and thrown back to the physical Earth reality, without memories, but that is not my experience. Nor is that the experience of Dr. Newton.
  • Planning is required. A return back to the earth physical reality requires work, planning, and coordination. The only way that consciousness can return back and enter a new born body quickly is if the consciousness is being “punished” in some way. Like for attempting suicide or something like that.

How do I know all this? Well, as I have stated that there are channels, and to continue my ELF interactions it is (was) with another entity and that provided me insight. Not to mention that the EBP provides <redacted>.

Defending your life.

I strongly urge people to watch this movie.

Because there are so many things in the non-physical world that resemble what we have in the physical world that you would be astounded.

Also you all need to recognize that the overall sequence is obtain experiences, die, review, map out more experiences, and repeat.

Defending your life.

The general human on Earth sequence

  • Birth in a body
  • Obtain experiences.
  • Die.
  • Life review.
  • Map out what is next.
  • If Earth as a human, then…
  • Repeat.

Alien Interview

I have discussed the book “Alien Interview” elsewhere. I personally believe that it is exactly what it says it is.

I believe [1] the back-story that the documents were actual transcripts of an interrogation with a type-1 grey extraterrestrial in 1947. I also [2] believe that everything that was recorded and written down are what the extraterrestrial said, and further, [3]I believe that it was mostly truthful and [4] saying things truthfully based on it’s understanding in 1947. All in a way or manner that [5] would be understood by the post world-war II generals and leaders gathered at the Roswell military base.

However, as I parsed the book in great detail, I came to realize the there were some elements within the statements that could easily be misunderstood.

Earth as a “Prison Planet” and us convicts and felons within it, are immediately recycled back to Earth upon death, over and over and there is no escape…

…however, it listed numerous people who have actually managed to escape this environment. One has total recall and made great contributions to this region and was reassigned elsewhere in the universe.

So, obviously there ARE avenues of egress.

Further, this “Alien Interview” event spawned the creation of MAJestic shortly afterwards, and it enlisted folk like myself (MM) and we were tasked with “participating in events that were bigger than any government, and that mattered to the entire human species”.

For the period from the creation of MAJestic to today, the type-1 greys (and a number of other species) have been working with MAJestic towards certain objectives, goals, and directives.

I cannot help but believe that there has been some substantial changes in the situation of 1947 to today in 2021. And these changes have manifested in many ways. Such as [1] the ability to map out the topography of Heaven like Dr. Newton has (HERE), and [2] the recovery of memories of reincarnation that we see from time to time, and [3] the growth of the “new age” movements.

Whether the “constructions”, “arrangements” and the extensive geography of the non-physical reality is a [1] fabrication designed to entrap us earth-bound prisoners, or actually [2] the non-physical reality that surrounds the earth is unknown.

My personal belief is that the non-physical reality is exactly that. And the systems that force earth humans to immediately return to earth is broken. It no longer exists. However, what does exist is a massive non-physical infrastructure that is dedicated to humans experiencing and obtaining physical experiences. These experiences are all recorded in memories and still exist and are not erased. At least I can access them, and I very convinced that others can as well.

My constant entanglement with the EBP, as well as how my ELF probes worked before I was “retired” clearly indicate that there is a vibrant and active non-physical world all around us. Older and more advanced species enter and leave this reality at will.

It is complex, active, vibrant, and substantive. You not need to fear it, or to remember one time when you were “put under anesthesia” before an operation and blanked out with no memories. That was not death. That was something different. You should never believe that being put under by drugs is the same experience that you would have upon death.

This is a fun movie, but it reminds us that our actions as we live all have consequences. You can believe that it is “karma”. You can call it cycling through “reincarnations”. You can believe that it is “quantum associations”, or that “like thoughts attract like actions”. You can believe what ever seems most comfortable with you.

But I will definitively tell you that there is a community that exists outside of our reality, and it is populated with humans (and a lot of other “stuff”). And if you want to (as they say in the movie “move on to bigger and better things”) make this life a good one.

Make this life a great one.

Make a difference in this world. Help others. Do great things. Perform great works. Smile. Be the sunshine that helps others. Do not be the dark pit of blackness that takes and takes from others. Don’t do that.

Be kind and be helpful.

In the non-physical reality you will glow like a big beacon or torch. And others of similar beliefs will be attracted to you. Be great. You will be wonderful.

Watch the movie, and tell me what you all think.

Defending your life.

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In the context of the Alien Interview, who are the guides and elders who assist the discarnate soul in the Life Review and Planning for a New Incarnation? Are they part of the Old Empire soul recycling machinery? Or are they outside it?


Thank you for this.

Yes, there is no mention from Alien Interview about the Mantids, yet we know they exist. By extension, there must be more, perhaps many many more parts to this story that were not described by Airl.

Are you familiar with the Ra Material / Law of One stuff? There is heavy use of the Service to Others and Service to Self concepts. There is also mention that this group tried teach us once 11 thousand years ago, and another time of the Pharoah Akhenaten. This material and the ideas in Alien Interview may have some overlap.


This is the main site. It is free to use. Which is one of the reasons it feels legit to me. If you scroll down to the “browse by category section, there is link to Service to Others”.

The language takes a little getting use to, but it appears that the entity is trying to be as accurate as possible by using certain terms. For example it refers to us as Mind/Body/Spirit complexes. which is a mouthful, but accurate, and in my opinion more illuminating.

There is also tons of stuff on youtube including audio books. If you need help converting to mp3 let me know.


The language is why I stopped looking at them-and I wasn’t as open to the message as I am now. Thank you for mentioning it-I have to dig them up and take another look.


Yes, me too. But later i found that the audio versions were much easier to take in. The best are the text to speech versions. Sure, they may be machine voices, but there arent the odd pauses as in the original audio versions


I have copies of the PDFs if you want. Someone sent them my way a while back and I never got rid of them. I never read them though.


On the way

Jeffrey E Terwilliger

Yes I also have read quite a bit of “The Ra Material”, and it dovetails quite well with MM’s concept of sentience development. For whatever its worth, David Wilcock references it heavily in his writing.


Very familiar with Law of ONE and RA here. HIGHLY recommend it, and it seems legit. Thanking RA during meditation can bring some amazing results. The Law of ONE is very reliable in terms of guidance in generalized human morality.


I would like to give my 2 cents.
What I learned is that the mantids , our guardian angels are above the greys.
And my take is this.
We as humans have to free ourselfs from this earthly prison.
The greys want it. And probably the mantids want it.
The mantids help us deciding our reincarnation and are willing to help us during our earthly lives.
The greys want us to free ourselfs too.
But just like we have to work to free our selfs like the greys want , it should make sense that the greys themselfs should also undergo struggles to reach the level of the mantids.
According to MM the greys were told hands off the Catholic church by the mantids so that’s 1 clue already that the mantids are above the greys.
But this also allowes the mantids to be our guardian angels and at the same time be on the same good side as the greys.
Again my 2 cents


Yes, that certainly ties in with a lot of accounts of encounters with these beings, where the mantids were perceived to have a supervisory role over the little greys.

Also, do you mean that the greys want us to evolve so that they can inherit the earth for whatever purpose? That is an interesting thought.


No I dont think the greys want to inherit the earth. By the way from what part of my writing did you think that. Because maybe I then need to reword some things.
No in short. Mantids have possible evolved to the max.
Greys still need to reach that level so they still need to go through strife in their way but have evolved above humans.
Humans need to evolve to grey levels first and later towards mantid levels.
The earth is just a tool used to help species evolve. And an unstable planet is a good training tool.


I see. Thanks for the clarification.
Anyways, I think that in the distant future, we will be leaving our nursery too, and maybe even groom/help the new sentient species that will take root on earth.


Great insights using a movie as a vehicle, Mr Man.

I’m reminded of a chat I had long ago with an old catholic priest/professor of mine. It was on the subject of euthanasia– then just becoming an issue, now all but implemented in most countries, regardless of the law, and using a cocktail of drugs such as Midozolam and morphine. The old for now, but getting younger and will be a flood once euthanasia is legalized. There’s a lotta miserable existers out there. Id imagine they’d jump at the chance of a pain free exit. (And for a fee, of course. As already possible in several countries.)

But we were discussing the ethics of assisted suicide specifically, and I remember how taken aback I was when he said that the reason the Church considers suicide a grievous sin (both to self and society), was not because it’s “self murder” as most non-thinkers would have you believe, but because “it used to be believed” that the soul will be condemned to purgatory forever, rather than “passing on” to the next stage. In other words, recycled immediately. And again and again until the soul learns its lesson. He specifically said that. Not orthodox or systematic catholic theology by any stretch of the imagination, of course. But this guy knew his stuff. And he never judged. Ever.

A little bit more of a metaphysical problem to reflect on, eh?

Checking oneself out is not an option it seems. Pretty much what Newton heard too, right?

So what I’m thinking now, given what we know thanks to Mr Man, Arl and Newton, is that the selfish push toward euthanasia for all– initially through choice, later mandatory based on a set of criteria already worked out by authorities and health services throughout the OECD, but “eyes-only” for now, obviously– is really intended to keep souls recycling in a much more efficient way by just euthanizing people on request. (Clearly the ghouls on legs implementing all this stuff are well aware of the bigger realities, too.) Thus ensuring the “misery harvest” as those souls relive a life unlived over and over and over again.

Or something like that.

Perhaps they’ve even figured out a way of involuntarily recycling those souls they are now euthanizing without consent– as in care homes and emergency rooms everywhere. And this is well documented. And buried immediately by the authorities.

We’ve some serious challenges ahead of us still, clearly. But they’ll be worthwhile challenges too, I’m certain of that. What will come out the Other End will be something better. I’m with NewRob on that. And I for one am ready. Energized rather than scared. (But admittedly that probably says more about my personal predilections rather than anything else!)


“using a cocktail of drugs such as Midozolam and morphine” it still is the same but they add potassium chloride to stop the heart but from what I hear they use fentanyl to shut down the respiratory center. Either way – as you put – ghoulish. But to be honest – very honest – it’s way out of control. When I took my boards euthanasia was always the wrong choice if it was given. Now it now only is an option but is encouraged in some instances. It used to be an option only for those who were suffering and close to death – given what we thought we knew about death. Now – if you are in hospice you get the option.


Wesley J. Smith warned of the creeping use of euthanasia over 20 years ago in his book Forced Exit and later Culture of Death. Everything he predicted has come to pass.

He also warned of a culture of distrust of the medical profession in North America and Western Europe as this became entrenched. Now in the US more and more people who haven’t succumbed to fear and taken Big Pharma’s COVID mRNA death-jabs are questioning the narrative and avoiding doctors. Adult vax rates stalled at under 60%.

Bleating about the “scary extra-contagious Delta variant” that isn’t any more lethal than past variants isn’t working to get the unconvinced to get the jab. Even the publicized figures show more dying from the vaccines than from actual COVID-19.


I will admit that when the time comes, and my body starts to fail, i do not want to spend my last months in a sorry state and burdening my friends and family. I would much rather end it on my own terms. Have a party, say my goodbyes, and leave in dignity.

Some years ago a close friend of mine had a similar situation with terminal illness and he solved the issue with sleeping pills and a charcoal stove in a sealed bedroom. This method is much more accessible to the general public. I respect his choice and honour the courage he had to do what he did. My only regret is that this topic is so taboo, he did not confide in his friends before he left. I can only imagine the loneliness when he did wht he had to do. If he had told me, i would have said a proper goodbye and even helped him.

Anyways, IMHO breaking the taboo in our societies, and or setting up organisations that can help in this respect, or even just being a death doula is a worthy life project or anyone.


Yes, but the point is the soul will be immediately ‘recycled’ into another body that will face the same wretched end over and over again until the soul completes its ‘mission’ for that incarnation– which may very well include experiencing that wretchedness at its end as part of it’s predesignated path agreed prior to the incarnation. The acceptance of pain and suffering during and at the end of one’s life is a major aspect of Catholic theology. And probably for good reason.
So you may exonerate yourself of any moralistic ‘taboos’ by helping someone to die, but they’ll end up being recycled immediately into another body somewhere and sometime else to relive the experience until they’re ready to meet their end on the terms set by the soul and its ‘manager’ prior to birth.
How we ‘feel’ about that matters not one bit. If they ask you to ‘assist’ tben, it’s suicide. If you do it against their will, it’s murder. In the former, they’ll be recycled immediately even though you might ‘feel better’; in the latter, your soul will answer for it because you took another life based on your interpretation of the value of that life. Which morally is not much different to the choice made by a killer rapist toward his victim. Either way, your soul will incur a significant karmic debt.

Last edited 3 years ago by Ultan McG

I pretty much agree on your take here.
With a little add on.
Unless a person indeed chose to suffer until the end , I think that perhaps helping someone peacefully die in their last moments might not result in them reincarnating back to a similar life.
Perhaps I say.
Reason being is that that person experienced their life for more than 99,9 %. How much more quanta are the going to build in those last moments.
And if suffering till the end is requiered then there is still a really good possibility that something wil intervere from you helping them suffer less till their end.
And if my memory is correct , in the cases that dr. Michael Newton described where the subjects previous incarnations committed suicide it was always at a young age and never at their deathbed.


I agree with you. One hunch I have, tho I don’t know for sure yet, is that our free will is primal. It may be that simply by making a stance/choice with our free will, we can override whatever “trap” is set for us. The trick is to see the trap for what it is.

IMHO that is why (framed in terms of Airl’s account), the Old Empire takes such pains to keep us distracted. Because once we know our own power, we can overcome their prison bars.


Maybe. Maybe not.
Thing is, though– the millions of old, frail and/or otherwise infirm who are being dispatched against their will during Palliative ‘Care’ (or in many recorded instances well, well before that final stage) don’t know anything about these greater realities, for the most part. Nor do their families who suffer the loss– and are kept uninformed that their loved one was basically murdered at the hand of state agents rather than be allowed to pass when they are ready. Or rather, when their soul is.

And I spent time in a hospice, not everybody dies in agony; or is afraid of death; or both. Quite the opposite, in fact. However, I’m certain the orchestrators of their demise are aware, and are recycling these souls for a) financial expediency in this realm and b) God knows what else in the next. But the patient was offed, so they’ll get to move on anyway. The karmic debt must be assumed by the off’er.

But when they legalise euthanasia the millions of Normies who choose death knowing nothing about these bigger realities will be recycled again and again until they learn the lesson. And that energy is harvested. Moreover, and I can only speak from a Catholic ethos, here– although I know a fair bit about others’, including Mormon– the years and years of cutting edge research into death and the process of dying by catholic scientists, doctors, philosophers, theologians and ethicists, have decried euthanasia in any form as wrong, and the reason for this judgement they have made isn’t all that dissimilar in substance to what Mr Man has said earlier: that when, as a quantum shadow from the perspective of a ‘dying person’, you attempt interference in their death process with or without the patient’s consent, you’re entering the realm of the Mantids. And given what I know from a thorough reading of relevant sections of Mr Man’s writings over the years, as well as first hand from a verrry few other sources, if you do that, you’d want to be really, really sure of what the fuck you are doing. And the patient too, for that matter if they choose interference.

Let’s be honest with ourselves, itll be a long time before the average palliative care patient is aware of these greater realities. Unless of course they happen to be a Tibetan Buddhist monk, or something. Until then they should be allowed to die on their own. With properly administered pain medication if necessary. One day we’ll all have the ability to break free, but there’s a long way to go. By dying as you’re born, at least you’ll have an interview with your Mantid for something different.


I think you misunderstand me. I am certainly not talking about average palliative care.I am not speaking of something that can be applied to the whole population. It would have to be for people who actively seek out such a solution from a position of spiritual maturity.

I would not be unlike the readers of MM here. 95% who encounter this site would brush it off as something too kooky to take seriously.

Add 4% who find fault with a minor detail here or there and dismiss the core message together with it.

Add 0.9% who see the value of the site, but are hesitant to get involved.

Then we are left with 0.1% whom it resonates enough to search further.

My guess is this is the reason why MM writes the way he does. It is to draw only those who are ready for the message.

Ohio Guy

After studying the interview with Airl as well as Dr Newton’s writings on the subject, I came to the conclusion that after my bio body dies, that I should fight the urge to allow myself to be lifted towards the “light” and “vibrational forces” which, I’m assuming, leads to the force field that traps us and wipes our memory. The purgatory, so to speak.

Perhaps MM’s revisionist view regarding these events is for our benefit if one must complete another “cycle” here on prison planet. I am simply unsure at this point what to believe.

Along the same vein of this topic, a few weeks ago, I had a vivid dream. In the dream, I was driving in a plain jane automobile on a lonely stretch of road. I had a “passenger” with me riding shotgun. He introduced himself as Teps. The following night before falling off to sleep, I asked Teps to give me some kind of sign to show that he is in fact a real spirit type being.

He obliged.

This time, the dream sequence started in an empty bar that I use to frequent years ago. To my left was a real life acquaintance named Mike and to my right was an old friend that I got into a fight with years ago at that very tavern, named Larry. I say a few words to Mike like, hi, how ya been? And then I look at Larry to say the same. Larry says hi and he’s holding car keys. Larry says he’s got to go out for a bit and heads for the door. I see him exit the door only to appear behind me. He grabs me around the back of the neck with one hand with a force I am unable to resist and slowly pushes me to the floor. I am now lying on the floor on my left side. As I look up, I see Larry above me pouring wax in my ear. It’s not hot but it certainly gets my attention especially with the strong force he has over me. He looks at me and says, “How’s that for a sign?” So, Larry was actually Teps in a Larry meatsuit.

Needless to say, I haven’t asked Teps for anymore “signs”.

On a different subject, I just stopped a three month affirmation campaign last week. First day off, I rescued a beautiful Pit Lab mix who’s about a year old or less. I assume he was abandoned because he has endless energy and chews everything. I mean everything. His name is Rocky. He is an intelligent, beautiful doggy soul who is loved very much by all in my home. Seven days later, which would be the day before yesterday, I was on my way to the same country property that I found Rocky to change the oil in my truck, deliver some flea and tick meds to my friends two dogs, and help a six year old girl with shooting skills with a bb gun. Before arriving I saw twin fawns with spots looking directly at me. I stopped to take a pic but when I turned around, they were gone.

So off I go to my destination. Long story short, The 6 year old with the bb gun that I’m training, asks to shoot my 22 cal pistol. I first make sure she can hold it correctly unloaded. She can. I load the magazine and I’m crouched to her level to the left of her, my hand just under the weapon but not touching. She fires off a round successfully.

I tell her to squeeze another round off since that one went so well, and her little arms could not hold the pistol up in an extended manner any longer. As the her arms fell, her finger was still in the trigger well and it fired again, striking me in the upper left thigh. Bullet passed completely thru, missing femoral bone and artery. I still bled like a stuck hog and after composing myself, took off my belt and used it as a tourniquet.

My friend called a squad and today I’m back home recuperating. Wife gets back from a trip to New York today, (guess who has to drive to the bus station to pick her up)? But as MM said, “affirmation programs are not for the faint of heart.” All kinds of weird stuff happens. It’s a pretty cool ride though…all in all.


There are disconcerting differences, between Law of One, Alien Interview, and Michael Newton’s books.

Here’s the crux of the problem: Is this life a sentence nursery, or a sentience farm? The distinction is important. One represents eternal slave labor, and one is an educational playground that we can leave any time.

It might be said that in a way, both are true. A particularly difficult curriculum can feel like a prison sentence. Likewise, a rehabilitation center can be willingly entered in order to correct certain behavior.

Robert Monroe (of Astral Projection fame) likens the choice to reincarnate on earth as an addiction. We are free to go any time to but can’t help but get one more “hit” of earth life.

We should strive to reach a conclusion that allows us to live appropriately. Should you look at life as a sort of prison break? Are you trying to wake up from the control of the matrix? And if you live your life according to this principle, always rebelling against the powers that be… how would you feel upon a life review, discovering that you are wrong? What if you missed the opportunity to learn a life lesson about acceptance because you stubbornly refused your teacher?

If you’re wrong, you’ll have to do it all over again, by your choice of course.

And the opposite holds true. Discovering that you suffered greatly through the torments of mortal life, only to discover that you must repeat similar horrifying experiences forever… would you not resent your complicit acceptance of your jailers?

The dilemma is very real.

But wait, there’s more! Maybe it isn’t jail or a school, but rather a farm. We are the crop. Our life drama unfolding as the hero’s journey is the consumable good that can be packaged and traded by higher beings. Suffer – die – repeat… all for their remote enjoyment.

And another twist on the above… maybe we take turns swapping these roles. Next time we watch the show while they perform. Is it fair? Hard to say. They have an incentive to keep the hardships of earth going in perpetuity. If things work out great, then the farm no longer functions as a novelty generator.

Maybe we have an incentive to do nothing. Maybe the Buddhist path of “non-grasping” is the way.

One more dilemma, just for fun. The game of life itself is played through perpetuating blood lines. The “elites” of the world know something we do not when it comes to lineage. Perhaps the only rule is to protect your offspring, and if you fail to do so, you not only reach a genetic dead-end, but a spiritual one. In that case, the greatest failure not procreate and thrive during your mortal life.

Is there a winning strategy to play the game of life which compliments all scenarios?

I tend to agree with MM: Do good no matter what. No matter the circumstances, help your fellow prisoners. Help your fellow students. It really is that simple.


You have certainly hit the nail on the head! There are so many unanswered questions, and stories told from different points of very with varying degrees of overlap, it is difficult to know what direction to take.

There is a possibility that both stories are true at the same time. For example, this could be our educational playground. But for this course, we have chosen to pretend as if we are stuck in Prison Planet reincarnating over and over. One of the lessons in this course is we pretend to be bags of flesh with only one lifetime trying to survive in society. One chapter in this lesson is how we can overcome fear of societal collapse. It could be multilayered like this.

For me to know how to choose my direction, I think I have to reduce it:

  1. Are we an immortal spark of All-That-Is ?(or God, or The Source or whatever flavour you like). It seems in all the literature this is so. That is why the Old Empire could not extinguish our souls, only distract it for eons.
  2. Is our Free Will primal? That is, if we make a choice, no other being can override it? From what I can glean from all the literature I have come across, it is so. So if we know that the Tunnel of Light is an Old Empire soul recycling trap, we can avoid it if we so choose. Now what I am trying to work out now, is whether it is indeed a trap?

I had just one more thought that could explain what MM said that Mantids are the ones being guides in the Afterlife Review.

Maybe, during the days of the Old Empire, when a person dies, his soul sees the Tunnel of Light and is drawn to it, and zap, is reincarnated immediately, repeating a life of despair and misery. But when the Domain and Mantids intervened, they inserted themselves into the recycling machinery and appeared as guides in order to advise each soul to choose a new lifetime of growth and development. Over many lifetimes, the soul gains insight and is able to discern the Tunnel of Light as a trap, and is free to choose to enter it or not.

Wild theory, I know.