Note that this is the INTRODUCTORY portion of a long series of posts on DIY construction of a dimensional portal. This technology will permit a person to move anywhere in the universe geographically, move through time, and more in and out of different world-lines. But first, before we get into the "nuts and bolts" of such a fabrication, let's look at what is currently available to the "common man" on the internet. Thus this post.
This page is a collection of my writings on how to make a home-made dimensional portal that actually works. This portal is a “poor man’s” version of the MAJestic dimensional portal that was present in NAS NASC Pensacola Florida back in 1981. Here, we cover the theory behind it’s operation, and then get into the technical details.
Teleportation is a proven fact, and is well understood in the quantum physics world. It has been demonstrated continuously and repeatedly in the laboratory as well. Though public demonstration of large objects is not available and considered "far fetched", the fact is this is a mature technology. This technology has been in possession of the United States Navy's ONI (Office of Naval Intelligence) branch of high technology MAJestic branch, of which I was a part of.
This DIY project is everything that you need to construct your very own dimensional portal. The big missing gap is the mapping of the dimensional coordinates. Because unless you are able to lay out a destination coordinate, you will have little use for this mechanism.
The equations tend to be a tad esoteric, but it’s nothing too difficult as long as you know some basic mathematics. Just follow the narrative and the instructions and you will be just fine.
The very first post serves as a plain introduction. It serves as a “tear away” page of a nonsense at the front of a university text book. It is not at all technical in the least, and instead offers the reader other examples of what they will find if they try to search for this kind of subject on the internet.

The real “meat” of this subject follows beginning at post #2.
And it is here where you need to start taking notes, create your own “engineer’s notebook” and dust off those mathematical handbooks that are collecting dust in the study. When you read the posts, please take your time. You will see how everything fits together.

Further posts, not yet included, concern functional details related to material selection, and other construction notes.
Do you want more?
I have many more posts on the DIY construction sequence for this portal, and these other posts are very detailed. You can see them here…
DIY TeleportationI have all sorts of interesting things in my MAJestic Index. You can go visit them here…
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