Usually during Christmas I spend extra time to make the holiday a little bit special. One way that I do this is with rituals, and pomp. That means a Christmas tree, some decorations and music. I also like to wear a special Santa hat. Another way is with food. KFC, and hot ham and tomatoes on fresh bread. Mustard with sausages, and lots of cold cuts. And a third way is with movies. Not just Christmas movies, but some older movies just for the fun of it. Today, we will chat a little about a nice fine James Bond movie “Dr No” (1963).
It’s a classic, and I love it. Guys wearing tuxes, nice suit jackets, cavorting with pretty ladies who are wearing gowns, bikinis, or just a simple towel. And the gambling, alcohol and the cigarettes. Not to mention the occasional fist fight and small arms fire. Classic. It speaks to the man in me.
No CGI here. It’s mostly dialog and chatting.

Why do women look so tasty when their hair is disheveled? And my oh my, why aren’t men wearing blazers any more. Look at now nice it fit him.
Simple blazer. Simple black tie. Simple blue-white shirt. All alone in a tropical bungalow. You can almost smell the tropical lushness, hear the ocean waves, and listen to the tropical birds out the window.
Oh, and my she does have nice shoulders. Doesn’t she?

When a man wears a tux, all eyes should be on the lady that accompanies him. In this case she is wearing an eye-popping red dress with one shoulder exposed. It’s her best shoulder, I believe. Nice lips. Look at her lips. And by the way, those earrings are nice match for the dress. Lips, fingernails, dress all nicely coordinated.
She’s carrying a gold purse and lots and lots of gambling chips. My goodness!
Here’s a great shot showing all the cool gadgets 007 has. In this scene he is off picnicking and cavorting with a beautiful gal in a nice pattern bikini, while talking on a telephone in his car! Imagine that! A phone in the convertible. WOW!

The phone plays a big role in this particular James Bond flick. You have phones in cars. Phones in hotel rooms. Phones in the rooms of the beautiful girls. Phones with the bad guys. Phones with the evil doctor. Phones in the 007 office and phones on the bed.
Nothing like making a quick call while you are discussing important matters in bed with the girl you just met.

I once read that by wearing a tux, the perceived attractiveness of a man increase three points. (On a scale of zero to ten.) There’s something about a well made, well fitting, tux, with the clean lines and appearance that speaks to me. Too bad I never have any opportunities to wear my tuxes any more. The last time I wore it was at my father funeral.
I think that a tux is better reserved for seduction, personal enjoyments and pleasures. Who doesn’t want to look their best? And besides, any (American) policeman would think twice before pulling over or arresting anyone in a tux.

The room decor seems a bit dated. For a while in the 1960’s everyone seemed to have paintings / pictures of clowns, cats with big eyes, and old fashioned cars. Don’t ask me why. It was a “thing” back then.
Like this…

Yeah. I guess that you would need to have lived through that area to appreciate it.
I do love this next picture. He thinks he’s in control, but it’s really the woman who is controlling the entire scene.

Hey! Do you all know what goes great with a nice James Bond classic movie? Aside from beer or wine?
That’s right.
Cheese, crackers, bread and cold cuts. My father used to make up a platter of these kinds of cheeses, sardines, olives, pickles, and crackers when he would watch a movie. It sort of looked a little bit like this…

I suppose everyone is different. I hear that the preferred snack food in the States these days are Doritos, or Lays potato chips. I can understand why, but you all know that you need to have a decent dip with them to fully appreciate and savor the enjoyment of the food.
Now, when I was growing up, one thing that my father liked to do was eat Limburger cheese sandwiches with a big thick slice of tomato. Yeah, I guess it’s sort of a generational thing don’t you know. He also liked liverwurst. I ended up getting a taste for it myself, but only on sandwiches.

Anyways, Christmas is a time of many things. For me I really enjoy the movies, the food, the friends and the general atmosphere. It’s a chance to eat well, and to eat things that you enjoy. You know, most of the time people don’t give pickles a second thought, but at Christmas time, well that’s when all the dill pickles, the baby gherkins, and the Grandma’s butter chip pickles come out. Yum!
This next picture show some lousy bread, but some pickles and good selection of cheese. Personally I think that the ingredients are enough for one or two sandwiches max. Kinda skimpy if you ask me. But it looks good. Oh, yeah. Don’t forget the horseradish, the wasabi, the kielbasa, and the various kinds of relishes that can be bought and found everywhere.

i think that it’s really a great thing to do, don’t you know, to sit down with a glass of wine. Some fine cheeses, and watch an older movie. I really enjoy the older movies. they are not so adrenaline-rush run-run-run action packed CGI affairs. It’s full of personal interactions, gestures, and movements. It’s more intellectually stimulating.
And more so with wine, cheese, and olives.
Did I ever mention that olives go great with wine? I really think so. A fine green or black olive dip is just wonderful. You heat up some olive oil with some thin cut up olives and mushrooms. A little Italian spices, and then spread the olives and mushrooms on the french bread. Oh so tasty.
The you sit down and watch the interesting interplay on the movie.
I do love that phone. It was state of the art back then. See the nice rattan chairs on the balcony on the porch, and the Chinese themed dangling red ornamental lantern. Curious eh? I most especially love the shadow of the phone cord on her soft chest. Sexy but not overt.
Of course, I am an old man, and this lass was my mothers age. So I’m looking back in time. When this movie was made, we had Robert Kennedy in office, and he was talking about getting out of Vietnam and shutting down the military-industrial complex. As it was getting too powerful.
Well, we do know what happened to him, don’t we?
Here’s some lox and bagels. You see the salmon to the left, and a fine cream cheese spread. You put the cream cheese on the bagel. Then lox, then lemon, then tomatoes and onions. Don’t forget the olives. (I note some sliced hard boiled eggs. What an interesting turn of events!) The wine is not shown, but no matter. Maybe a fine glass of orange juice is near by.

And speaking about Christmas, James Bond, food and movies… I will bet you all that the most festive places to spend Christmas at must be in a pub or a brasserie. I remember one Christmas (When I say Christmas, I actually mean the entire month of December, and into January.) I went to an Irish Pub. Wow! So very festive. Drinking pints. Singing songs. Eating bangers and mash.

I think that there is something really magical and special about the pub environment. It’s something that never was present in the Untied States. Pretty soon, America will probably ban bars completely. You know follow in the footsteps of NZ in banning everything. You know. “For the children”. Sigh.
I can only imagine what it must be like in Scotland, Ireland or in the UK today. Chilly and damp, but warm inside the pubs. I tell youse guys that you are so fortunate to be where you are. Don’t take what you have for granted. It’s special.
Here’s the interior of a typical British pub. People are hanging out. Talking, chatting. Drinking beer. Not too much in the way of electronic media, eh? Nope. Just companionship, friendship and acceptance. I really love that.

I hear that some pubs really get festive and decorate everything up. I have no first hand knowledge about that. What I do know is what I have seen on the internet, and some places do more than just put up a tree. They make it special.

There are pubs in Hong Kong, and some are very nice. I can imagine that there would be pubs all over the former British territories. I haven’t gone to the pubs in Hong Kong in years, even though I can see Hong Kong from my living room. It’s the Coronavirus thing don’t you know.

Now in Australia, they have these things called a brasserie. They are not found in the USA because one reason or the other. It’s hard to tell why. I happen to like them.
In France, Flanders, and the Francophone world, a brasserie is a type of French restaurant with a relaxed setting, which serves single dishes and other meals. The word brasserie is also French for "brewery" and, by extension, "the brewing business". A brasserie can be expected to have professional service, printed menus, and, traditionally, white linen—unlike a bistro which may have none of these. Typically, a brasserie is open Wednesday to Sunday and serves the same menu all day. A good example of a brasserie dish is steak frites. -Wikipedia
The last time that I was in Sydney, Australia it was near Christmas time, and I truly enjoyed the Brasserie’s there. Again, like a pub, it was cheery and festive and warm. It was a very comfortable atmosphere to hang out in and enjoy the time with friends or family.

Anyways, one of the things about Christmas is that you can socialize and spend time at home too relaxing. Good food. Being around those that you care about. Talking. Chatting. Exploring. Listening. Man, I need to do more listening, I’ll tell you what.
And watching good movies that relaxes and stimulates. Like 007 James Bond.

In Dr. No, James Bond travels to the Caribbean. Being well attired, he meets interesting and colorful people. He embarks on a mission to save the world from evil and their evil influences. All the time enjoying the company of the attractive lasses whom he meets along the way.
Typically, as I would watch this kind of movie, I would set a platter or a plate of food nearby to smunch and nibble with. During Christmas, I’m trying to assign special foods like French breads, chocolate, and peanut-butter. Not to mention the aromas wafting from the kitchen of fresh bead in the bread making machine (fun fact, I helped design bread makers for Sunbeam-Oster) and simmering sauces on the stove with garlic, onions, spices and peppers.
Here’s a lox and bagel platter.

Or course, my household always has alcohol.
You know, I never drank as much as I do now prior to my “retirement”. After I was retired, I pretty much said “Fuck this”. And stopped worrying about what other people thought. If I wanted to smoke, I smoked. If I wanted to drink, I’d drink. If i wanted to to spend some time in a bedroom with a new friend, I would. You know, the USA has so many restrictions on you, that you have to tear them off and say STOP!
Live life on your terms.
Like James Bond.

Most men like to imagine ourselves like James Bond. Wearing a tux. Going to interesting places. Eating good food, and drinking. Being the master of our world. Cavorting with pretty women, and making new friends every night.
Alas, most of us is something else. We are actually more like Bruce Willis in “Die Hard”. That movie resonated to me on all sorts of areas and for all sorts of reasons. Of course, one is simply because of my MAJestic role. But another is because I am really just a normal guy; a regular man.
That’s John McClane. (Bruce Willis).

It’s neither good or bad. It’s just that being Bruce Willis in “Die Hard” is far more painful than being James Bond in “Dr No”. It’s something that us men can relate to. It’s about life, and being thrown into situations that aren’t really what you ever intended to happen.
Which is why movies are great. All movies, if they are well done, can become something that you not only enjoy, but something that you can relate to on some level.
Like food.

Move review of Dr No, on “Empire“;
The beginning of the super-successful franchise, this remains one of the most satisfying Bond films. Connery, with only a hint of irony, is the suave secret agent, introduced at a gaming table while lighting an expensive fag, enjoying an expense account Caribbean holiday that must have seemed like unparalleled hedonism to British audiences who’d only just got over rationing. The license to kill gets several endorsements as Bond efficiently and brutally sees off dastardly baddies who are threatening world peace, and – in another fantastical touch – Britain holds the key to the balance of power. Dr No, a German-Japanese genius with metal hands, is about as credible as Fu Manchu, but Joseph Wiseman mints all the Bond villain clichés, from the gorgeously-designed island lair (courtesy art director Ken Adam) with built-in nuclear power plant (and a then-famously-stolen portrait of the Duke of Wellington hung on the wall) through to purred threats and attempts to convince 007 to sell out and join his evil organization (‘I thought you had some style, Mr Bond, but I see you’re just a stupid policeman’). And, of course, there’s Ursula Andress as prototypical Bond girl Honey Ryder, emerging from the seas in a bikini with a knife strapped to her thigh, with her own reasons for wanting to see Dr No’s scheme for world conquest thwarted. That twangy guitar theme and the gunsight-iris titles sequence are in place already. Series regulars Bernard Lee (M) and Lois Maxwell (Moneypenny) make their debuts, but Peter Burton plays Q (to be replaced by Desmond Llewellyn) and Jack Lord is CIA agent Felix Leiter (to be replaced by a succession of stooges).
Here’s James Bond deep inside the secret lair…
I do love how the attractive woman gathers near to him. You know, I like her better in this dress than the bikini (with the knife strapped to her thigh). Notice that she has her top button unbuttoned. That’s not how you wear a qu pao. But it is erotic.
What do you think of her hair?
In those days all the ladies wore their hair “bee hive” style. I think that she started the trend for flowing lions manes like Raquel Welch in “one million years BC.”

You know, as much as I love this movie, you have to admit that the women of the 1960’s were all stunners.
Here’s Raquel Welch. I personally think that she would have made a fine, fine Bond girl. Don’t you?

Well, the point here is that Christmas is a time of togetherness. And that means making friends, spending time with the friends and family that you do have, and that you spend the time eating, drinking and talking. Emoting and sharing.
Whether it is in a pub, or at home in a restaurant. It does not matter.
Now, I do have to admit that my little daughter is not so interested in these kinds of “grown up” movies. She is more apt to watch “Peppa Pig”, or some kid-oriented Christmas movie. So you have to take that into account.
Though, she really enjoys “Two Broke Girls”. Who figures?
But she also really likes to sit by me (MM) – her daddy, and taste what I am eating, and be next to me. As a two year old she has a short attention span, so it’s still a trial. But it’s a precious trial. it’s family. It’s togetherness. It’s special.

Oh yes. Did I fail to mention that cats love snack trays as well.
What would your cats do to a snack tray with thin sliced meats, salmon, and sausages? Well, I can tell you that they would jup up, snag a tasty morsel and then scamper away with it. Especially the ham. My goodness!

I love that view of the underwater ocean behind Dr. No. Not only does he have a secret lair built inside a volcano, but it reaches deep down underground and has windows so that the staff can enjoy the ocean view. How thoughtful of him. You see, bad guys aren’t all that terrible!
Here’s another scene. I love the newspaper on the bed, and the rotary dial phone nearby. What’s with her wearing high heels to bed? Are those her house slippers? If so, where the fur lining? Oh, sometimes the 1960’s can be so very confusing to me, don’t you know.

You know, eating all the foods while you watch these olde timey movies can put some weight on, and make your belly grow. You don’t want to look nine months pregnant with twins, do you?
The way to control this is to add some nice fruit. Pay the extra money and buy some fruits that you normally don’t buy. Like cherries, or duran, or grapes. Don’t let the cost dissuade you. Let Christmas be the time for “outrageous” purchases.

Of course, with James Bond, you will always have the guns and the violence. But in Dr. No it’s rather tame. Less than 50 people were killed, and the karate chops were all rather quick and simple. No matrix-style events, or Chinese flying warriors walking on tree tops here.
It’s all rather calm and relatable.

Nice grey suit. I do like the black tie with the grey suit. It fits him nicely. It’s a nice color combination, and the cut of the suit fits him. It’s well cut, nice thin material, it’s the tropics after all, and his hair is always in place. Must be the Brill-creme hair tonic.
Here’s another view. You know it must be sweltering on the beach, but James Bond is calm and composed. His nice jacket sways in the slight breeze, while the boat captain is sweating in his red tee shirt.

When you make up a food spread choose your foods carefully.
Don’t go for processed cheese spread. Use real cheese instead. Do not use cheap inexpensive margarine. Use real salted bread instead. Do not use cheap chocolate with fillers. Use real chocolate. Pay the extra money to make the holiday special.
And presentation is everything.
Ok, so you aren’t going to drink wine. You are going to drink coke instead. Well then, crush up the ice and fill a tall glass with crushed ice, then pour the coke into the hyper iced glass. Presentation is everything. Wine uses wine glasses. Whiskey uses thick glass base tumblers, and beer, well… an iced mug is precious.

And when you are enjoying the movie, taking the savory bites, and chatting with friends and loved ones observe. Observe what they are doing, and saying and what is going on in the movie. All sorts of little details will “pop out” at you if you just are mindful…

And enjoy yourself.
Smile, say only good things. Listen to what others want and GIVE IT TO THEM. No need to argue. SO what? Make their day special. It’s a good feeling. And if someone wants to sing Christmas carols, then sing along. Get the dog a barking, and the cats following with you all as your all parade around the house to “Frosty the Snowman”.
Live life.

Live life on your terms.
Live like James Bond.

And be your best.
Smile, be kind, be helpful and do what you can to make the season special for all those around you.
Christmas is not about buying gifts, but you know, if you have gifts to wrap up, go overboard. Like @old-wine has. My goodness!

And if you are not so talented, like MM here, perhaps something simpler like a bunch of aluminum foil wrapped ham and cheese sandwiches that toast comfortably in the oven.
Have a great time with your loved ones.
Show your appreciation, and share a good 007 James Bond movie. You will enjoy it. I promise you.

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Great article and perfect choice of Bond!
Mobile phone usage and huge TVs are unfortunately very prevalent in pubs here now (what’s left of them anyway.)
Lovely to hear about your daughter enjoying daddy time and trying daddy food, that made me smile!
Any chance of you popping over to HK for a proper turkey feast to erase the memory of thanksgiving? Christmas is basically our turkey-day in Britain so there must be some family friendly restaurant in Hong Kong serving a British Christmas dinner so you can finally get your turkey fix. Always best with home made stuffing, roast potatoes and Yorkshire puddings!
Oh thanks for that. I am in ZHuhai, and my house’s back gate is right at the HK-Zhuhai bridge. I can literally walk the bridge to HK. Though, I tend to take the ferry. It will be a while before I go back to HK with the coronavirus. But, I’ll tell you that I would really enjoy a fine traditional British Christmas. That’s for certain.
Hello, this presentation is just brilliant, we can really feel the bowels of MM, generous, frank, refined, protective, adventurous, greedy, jovial and serious. I guess the real Hero is obviously the Daddy who hides behind the metal man suit and black tie. Congratulations to your family and merry Christmas, may joy, peace and happiness accompany you everywhere on your paths, you who send us a lot of love I receive with delicacy.
OMG you included one of my “works”! You are really much too kind about my gift wrapping excess. Every Xmas when I wrap gifts, I guess I want the message to be loud and clear: FUCK MODERATION, it’s only once a year for chrissakes!
I hope that your article succeeds in infecting more people, so they can get the right feeling for the holiday season. I think it’s horrible that the negative mind viruses are enjoying a high rate of infection, and the good mind viruses are unfortunately slower to infect. But perhaps it’s just the current situation, and the pendulum will swing back to the good mind viruses eventually. I am hopeful that this will be the case.
You really are an inspiration. Sorry, that sounds so cheesy, doesn’t it? But you know what, cheesy is delicious! So I hope you take my cheesy statement like you would a cheesy pepperoni pizza. Or like a cheesy baked Mac and cheese with crisp Parmesan and onions bits topping. Or cheesy like a great cheesecake. Or a ham and cheese croissant sandwich, a great American innovation using French ingredients. Which btw, I will be having in a few short moments.
@congjing yu Oh man this is the exact article I needed. I fricken loved all the old Bond movies when I was a kid. I used to run around with an artline fineliner pen pretending it was a Walther PPK; you hold just the lid by its metal tab for the standard version and attach the pen part for the silencer. Pew Pew Pew lol. Half the reason i got into electronics was to build Bond style gadgets – though by the time I got there it was the Daniel Craig era where they had decided bond no longer needed cool shit for some reason.
You know SD is into her cheesemaking….so she has kinda turned me into a bit of a cheese connoiseur because of it. We have this new cheese shop that opened up in the town we used to live in. Its a bit of a trek but its good because it means the supermarket next door has to rotate its stock more often to stay exciting and that means they throw out all their older cheeses for cheeeeeap. Ended up getting a piece of Stilton soaked in port off her mother from there and….well, let’s just say now we have about 5 different types of blue vein in the fridge hahaha. One of the things we have been doing lately is movie cheese platters; we’ll wait until the kids have gone to bed, slice up a mixture of different cheeses and crackers and just sit there watching classics (last one was the hobbit and lord of the rings trilogy) and getting our fingers real stinky; i agree its a great way to just chill out with family. While we are on the subject of movies, 80s karate movies are also a treat – all the shit with Van Damm, Jackie Chan, Steven Segal and the likes. This was all shit i used to watch religiously because my Auntie was the biggest VCR pirate this side of Carribean and had a whole room full of library shelves filled with black casettes. Highlander, X files, Xena, Hercules, Stephen King, Freddie Kruger you name it.. if it was made in the 80s and beginning to mid 90s and was at some point on TV (or could be rented from a video store) chances are it was on one of those shelves. Man I have some good memories of having my 8 year old self scared the shit out of after watching some of her horror movies.
If you like breweries mate, you’d love it where I live. We are about a 30 minute drive from the swan valley winery region which is literally just a strip of road with grape vines on one side and breweries, distillaries and a few chocolate factories on the other. It is not uncommon for people to rent a bus and brewery/winery hop around the place for a birthday treat. Fremantle even has a few breweries itself, one right in the heart of the town. though i have never been to them, I have sampled some of the local brews and they are pretty damned good – if you are ever over this way I’d be delighted to take you on a tour. Our pubs here are pretty good as well. Plenty of local bands out and about that are happy to make you go deaf while you get pissed. Oh yeah the other cool thing is the pubs around this area still have laws in place that states they must have a trough and tie up stations for horses – a throwback to before cars became the main form of transport – so you can literally ride your horse up to one, tie it up, get drunk and then ride it home (assuming a cop doesn’t pull you over and do you for riding under the influence). it’s not actually uncommon to see many of the local riders enjoying a nice pub lunch with their horse right behind them.
Over here, in my area of relative affluence, the “bars” are expensive, and the people are shallow. However, there remains a local place called The Squirrel Cage. That’s right baby, old school BAR. Long horseshoe wooden bar, well-worn bar stools; low ceiling with dollar bills tacked up to the tiles; non-digital jukebox; popcorn, shitty microwaved pizza; and beverages at less than half the rate of those fine snooty places! Best of all, there are human beings in there! Regular people!
If Sean Connery hadn’t proven to be such a patriarchal idiot, I would go with him as best. However, given that, I’m actually going with Daniel Craig – especially Skyfall.
That is a fantastic series… and you see now that they, yes “they” are purposely destroying it with a LGBQBDZXY gender undefined shitshow. WHAT THEE FUCK… is NOTHING sacred??
Hey MM: that is some good shit! Thanks.
You know, those bond movies had some great supporting characters too: Jaws; Sherrif J.B.Pepper; I think the most recent “Q” is the BEST; I like Judi Dench as well.
“Hey Jimmy, Mr. Big wants to see you. You’re goin skydivin baby!”
YES! James could dress properly. That never varied over the years, did it?
I thought this was beautifully written. made me smile, think. I enjoyed it very much.
Thank you all for all your very kind words.
A real heartwarmer MM thank you, a welcomed break from the weaponized narrative. And those delicious photographs too; we as kids were brought up on a diet of Bond movies – it is a reminder of those innocent days again, cheers.
Last pub visit was to see “Mr Moon and the Beautiful Dream” playing live whilst the majority of the sea of faces were engrossed in their mobile phones – such a shame, he is a star and a comedian to boot and travels far and wide with his heartsong.
As for movies, the last cinema visit was to see a Bond movie – Spectre!. However, here in the rural parts the movie comes to us courtesy of a mobile cinema (a large truck with extending sides) called Screen Machine. It brings the latest films to the rural parts
Wishing you and your family, and everyone here a very happy solstice and festivities with family and friends.