Why everyone from 6 years olds to those in retirement, within China, are all ready to fight tooth and nail to survive.

This article is about China. More specifically it is about the people of China and why everyone has military training, and why everyone is organized into military units, and why everyone is willing to blow up the rest of the world in a nuclear fireball without giving it a second thought. Yeah. It’s what all the bullshit out of Washington DC is saying, except they are not telling you that China is backed into a corner and this time…  THIS time, they are ready.

No. This is not your usual hate – hate – hate China bullshit that flows so readily out of the Western media mouthpieces. No, this is just an American expats view on what I see, based upon what I know, and in my discussions with members of other black programs. China is ready. Russia is ready, and Iran is ready, and the out of control “loose cannon” that America is is just about ready to have it’s wings clipped.

Don’t say that I didn’t warn you.


I’ve written about all this before. I’ve discussed training for military warfare starting at six years old to the unification of the social structure, and the intense anger towards what happened in China by the Japanese. There’s no need to rehash much of that. You all can go through the archives.

The big news this week is how Australia has torn up it’s agreements with France and the EU to become the nuclear staging point for American submarines in the South Pacific. Big News! Except no one else really understands the implications.

Let this video tell you…

By hosting American nuclear weapons, Australia has now made itself a target for immediate decapitation were a war between the USA and China to break out. There is no way that it can remain neutral. All of it’s coastal cities are now at risk for total and complete obliteration.


No one is taking China seriously and this is disturbing.

No one understands

Given the great ignorance in the Untied States and much of the West, it should be understandable. But it isn’t. I see otherwise intelligent people saying that a big buildup towards war is a good thing.  Maybe it’s because they haven’t held their loved ones in their arms while they died away in a painfully bloody broken death.

War is not a computer simulation.

War is not social media or a talk show.

War is not a newspaper you read while drinking your morning coffee. Nor it is a news feeds that you swipe away.

It is a nasty, nasty earth-shattering event. And it is coming to the West faster than you can what “wat”?

Even if the USA launches a first-strike nuclear salvo…

Systems are NOW in place to fucking throw America back into the coal age. You all do know what I mean by the coal age, eh?

It’s January 20th. Snow is blowing outside. There is no gasoline for your cars. All electrical systems are fried. Refrigerators are gone. Computer is a useless door stop. Cell phones are all dead. And you haven’t eaten for three weeks.

Coal age.

Here’s a small video of what each God Damn City in China has for their LOCAL RESERVIST CADRES… (VIDEO). Yes. This it the local reservist militia. Just imagine what the actual military would be like.

Local reservists.

Afghanistan it ain’t.

These are God Damn reservists guys. Do you have any fucking idea of what a war against China would be like?

It would be like a tiger against a Chihuahua.

No, it’s not going to be a throw back to the iron age (as I suggested before). Not the bronze age. Not the stone age. It’s gonna be into the coal age. The few straggling survivors will need to figure out how to make fire from sticks, how to tan hides for clothing, and how to farm without mechanized machinery.

75% of America will die.

Oh that’s so unfair, you might meep!

Some basic History.

Japan took over China and abused it horribly. This occurred after nearly 100 years of abuses of the British and European rule. If anyone thinks that China will “turn the other cheek” they are mistaken. China is ready for pay-back time. (video)

I do not blame them.


Somehow, everyone thinks that China is a peer manufacturer. Equal to that of the manufacturing giants of the West. Wrong. China is THE global manufacturer and they make everything and they have been busy making all sorts or reliable weapons systems for their 1.6 billion people nation. They do not play around.


China does not play.

Learn to pay attention.

This is supposed to be a message to the American military establishment. Check out all those neutron bomb smart missiles. Yes, tactical missiles for use in conventional warfare. I guess that the American military are too brain dead to realize that any war with China will be nuclear.

Vehicle after vehicle of ugly, messy, dirty neutron warhead missiles. Some for taking out land targets like towns and cities. Some for taking out fleets of ships, flotillas and armadas. Some for blasting the entire sky into a fireball to wipe out aircraft assaults.

Watch it.


Any war with China will be a nuclear war.

Why all this military posturing?

Well… The United States is being a fucking dick. The out of control giant is all about war, and the entire purpose of the QUAD is to support a war against China. Let’s be real. It’s not about fishing. It’s not about technology transfer. It’s not about immigration. It’s not about borders. It’s about conducting a war against China via the QUAD surrogates.

So China is ready.

Only an idiot (which pretty much describes most of the Western “leadership”) would still even conceive taking on Russia / China and Iran / North Korea simultaneously.

But you know…

While all this public display of terror and bluster is unsettling, let’s not forget what is going on behind the scenes.


What is NOT BEING REPORTED in the American “news”…

From PM…

An important event is going to happen tomorrow (Saturday;  Sep. 25th) but one can’t seem to find any news reports in the West about it.
Taiwan’s Kuomintang, the political party of Dr. Sun Yat-sen and Chiang Kai-shek, is going to elect a new leader. No one cares, right? Kuomintang has been totally discredited by its string of failures.
Its young members have left the sinking ship in droves.
There is no hope when all the candidates are well known imbeciles who know nothing beyond repeating the same drivel that everyone is tired of hearing.
Yes, let’s get back to the 1992 Consensus and keep the ambiguous status quo forever, as if Xi will let that happen.
I have a Taiwanese friend (an old ROC soldier, descendant of the Yunnan warlord’s clique) who is so disgusted with the KMT that he has given up hope that the party will survive.
Until a professor and the principal of the Sun Yat-sen School  leaps into the fray, and over the course of one month, goes from being an unknown to the top of the polls over his three opponents, two of them with significant entrenchment in the party.

His name is Chang Ya-chung [张亚中]. How does he do it? He advocates unification with mainland China to form One-China!

The grassroot support for Prof Chang is amazing.
There are thousands of comments on Youtube clips in which the dark horse candidate explains his policy, and practically 100% supports him.
It appears that he has stirred up a political storm.
If he intends to push for unification regardless of whether he wins the KMT leadership or not, and therefore creates a movement, he may become a power to be reckoned with.
In fact, Prof Chang could overturn the Taiwan political “applecart“.
We are now faced with several scenarios all of which mean the realization of the One-China union probably within the next five years. Let me explain. It’s another long essay; have patience.
I wrote in August of 2020 about a great strategic opportunity for China to unilaterally unify with Taiwan with minimal risk.
It was based on the predictions, all of which were backed by simple observation, that (1) Trump would certainly lose the election (2) Trump would certainly not concede (3) Trump would therefore try to destabilize America in order to remain president (4) Trump would likely not succeed but he would create a royal mess (5) Biden would no doubt continue the war on China, and would use Taiwan as a pawn. Biden’s public protestations of America’s love of peace are laughable lies that will fool no one. 
All of the predictions have come about.
There was however an overestimation of Trump’s team. Trump was not surrounded by geniuses, and rather than stopping the legal ratification of the Electoral College’s votes in December, he used the mob to disrupt the formality at Congress in January. It was an asinine and meaningless task. Trump will suffer the consequences of his stupidity. 
At the end of October 2020, just a few days before the presidential election, I wrote another article explaining how it would be possible for China to unilaterally effect reunification with Taiwan without much risk of bloodshed.
One only needs to look at how Russia reunified with Crimea without firing a single bullet, and recently how easy it has been for the Taliban to reconquer Afghanistan to know that it’s possible.
First of all, the narrative must be changed from “Unification by Military Force” or Wutong [武统] to “Defending Taiwan from Traitors and Foreigners.”
I’d like to see anyone try to stop the PLA from doing its duty of defending the sovereignty of China.
ROC soldiers are conscripted, most of them are ordinary young men and women with a family and the prospect of going home to live a long and fruitful life, hopefully in a peaceful and prosperous society.
They’re not going to be stupid, as long as they understand that the PLA is coming to help them do their job, which is also to defend Taiwan from traitors and foreigners.
Now, it is not possible that I was the only person who had the perspicacity to notice the strategic situation.
General Miley noticed it and he made secret calls to his counterpart in China before the election on Oct. 30th and two days after the Jan. 6 Trump revolution fiasco.
Pundits and mouthpieces have made all kinds of comments on Miley’s secret calls to the enemy, but they’re all wrong. It was indeed as General Miley had explained, he was simply doing his job.
General Miley called to deliver a tiresome Nixonian madman threat–we have a mad man at the helm and he may send nukes your way, so don’t do anything to give him an excuse.
The poor general also had to deliver a contradicting message–at the same time, America is not falling apart; everything is hunky dory and the well-oiled machine is running smoothly.
Which is to say, the Pentagon and the army are standing ready to attack when ordered. 
If I was General MIley and I knew China had a window of opportunity to take Taiwan at no cost, completely turning the geopolitical tables on the US ring of fire around China, as well as controlling the majority of the world’s output in microchip, that’s what I would do to stop them.
If I was China, I would of course ignore him.
America is good at posturing and bullying small countries; just check out its wars since WWII.
It will not destroy its dollar hegemony and the printed façade of its wealth by starting a nuclear war with China.
Just think if you’re the owner of a vast orchard with your finger on a button that will burn everything to ashes, including yourself and your family, would you do it just to kill off squirrels picking nuts from your trees?
I guess not.
The madman threat is just a ruse. it won’t even fool the squirrels. As I said before, not a single American will die for Taiwan. The orchard owners are not as stupid as we think, or they would not be owners and we their slaves.
I think, although I don’t know for sure, that China should know about all this, but it probably felt that a major factor was missing, and therefore preferred to wait for another opportunity.
This factor is mentioned in the second article.
Once the PLA takes Taiwan, how will China govern it?
It is a headache if you do not know for certain that everything will run smoothly rather than turn into a bloody mess. China no longer trusts the KMT, whose leaders are discredited and ridiculed, how can China depend on them to maintain order?
The emergence of Prof Chang and his army of ardent supporters from the general population provides a clarity that China needs for the Unification. .
What China needs is to change its narrative of Wutong to defending China and Taiwan.
The final contest for the KMT Chair is between Prof Chang Ya-chung and KMT Party apparatchik Eric Chu Li-luan [朱立伦]. The younger incumbent Johnny Chiang Chi-chen [江启辰] is a distant third. The fourth candidate Cho Po-yuan [卓伯源] is non-existent.
Prof Chang and Eric Chu are in a dead heat.
No one can predict the outcome of Saturday’s vote. Prof Chang’s participation and his Unification policy will at a minimum create a historic turnout.
The dark horse candidate is already causing much excitement not only for the KMT but his carrion call for peace talks with mainland China is eliciting a groundswell of support from outside the party.
This exposes the lie that people of Taiwan support only DPP’s (Democratic Progressive Party) policy of antagonism against China or KMT’s policy of the everlasting status quo of ambiguity.
A new and powerful voice says let us negotiate for union and peace for prosperity and a future for our children, and it is resonating on the island. 
Scenario 1: Prof Chang wins the chair and proceeds with his Unification plan. I won’t go into details here, but his plan is a viable one and receives quite a bit of grassroot support even at this early stage.
It may have something to do with Prof Chang’s charisma and his ability to win all his debates by logic and eloquent elocution, letting his opponents expose themselves as morons and moral midgets.
Assuming the Unification path becomes a KMT policy, it will culminate in the presidential election in 2024 as a contest of KMT’s peace with China vs DPP’s antagonism leading inevitably to war with China.
If KMT’s candidate wins, then there will be a peaceful progression towards a negotiated unification.
Let me place a caveat right here. It will likely not happen smoothly because the US will not let it happen. When push comes to shove, expect the chaos of Hong Kong to repeat on the streets of Taiwan or worse. 
Scenario 2: Many obstacles stand in front of Prof Chang even if he wins the KMT Chair. He may have to resign because the party scuttles his Unification plan, his Unification MOU with China may not be passed in KMT, and the KMT presidential candidate may lose out to the DPP candidate in 2024. Then what? 
Scenario 3: Eric Chu wins the KMT Chair, the comatose establishment of KMT breathes a sigh of relief, and goes back to their sinking ship, hoping the ship will somehow right itself by a miracle. It will not.
So all three scenarios say Prof Chang’s plan will fail.
How will Unification happen? It will happen because China now knows about the latent support for peace in Taiwan with the mainland. The Taiwanese people didn’t have a smart and courageous politician to take them to the promised land.
But now they have Prof Chang.
It is therefore important for China to change its narrative from Wutong to Defend the Homeland. It is a unifying call, and it’s not hard to understand what it means.
China and Prof Chang should talk about Unification regardless of what official status Chang has. Hire Prof Chang as a Peace consultant if necessary. But direct talk means that Prof Chang will understand his potential role as the leader and organizer of an interim government in case the PLA needs to defend Taiwan from traitors and foreigners, most likely within hours and without bloodshed. 
It will take time for Prof Chang, assuming he agrees, to prepare the infrastructure for such an interim government without violating any laws. .
The reward to Prof Chang for doing this is the solemn undertaking by the Chinese government to provide a high degree of self-rule for Taiwan and to let the Taiwanese people run their own affairs despite China having effected unilateral unification.
The five year period is a reasonable timeline, and by then, China will have surpassed the US in all aspects of wealth production, America will still be dealing with another Covid wave (I wrote an article explaining why), and Xi will be confident of success, establishing his legacy for future generations, so that the Central Committee of the CPC could start working on an orderly succession by bringing the next generation of leaders to the forefront. .
Beyond that, all is murky and muck, but stay healthy and we will live to witness history.

Remember – what’s really going on is not televised

We really do not know all of the story. We really do not know what everyone is thinking. What we do know is the visible actions that are taking place.

The news is talking about how Australia has torn up the agreement to buy submarines from France, and instead are going to buy them from the USA. Nuclear subs with nuclear weapons.

And that everything is under control with the QUAD meetings with Japan and India.

And the long-expected collapse of China is finally happening with the Evergrande collapse!

Nope. No. Not going on.


Evergrande’s share price collapse: The world’s biggest no-big-deal default
The monster debt crisis that utterly failed to cause any catastrophe this week was that of Evergrande, the Chinese property giant.

Read in Axios: https://apple.news/AK9D5MyFXSmCoHX4VPBt7kg

Evergrande’s share price collapse: The world’s biggest no-big-deal default

The monster debt crisis that utterly failed to cause any catastrophe this week was that of Evergrande, the Chinese property giant.

Why it matters: Evergrande’s share price has collapsed to pennies, its bonds are pricing in a default with very limited recovery, and even its customers are demonstrating across China. But so far the broader repercussions have been minimal.

Driving the news: Global markets fell on Monday on fears that Chinese markets would collapse on Wednesday morning, when they reopened after a two-day holiday for the Mid Autumn Festival. When Shanghai did reopen on Wednesday, it closed the day up rather than down.

Between the lines: A deal with domestic bondholders, combined with the company’s deep political connections at both the national and local levels, have combined to reassure investors that the Chinese government will contain any fallout.

Evergrande is the first big test of the global financial system — and especially the Chinese financial system — since the pandemic-induced chaos of March 2020, when central banks around the world were forced to take unprecedented measures to prevent total collapse. So far, world markets seem to be coping just fine.

Context: By any measure, an Evergrande debt default is likely to be one of the largest in history of the world.

To put its $305 billion debt load in perspective, Argentina’s massive foreign-debt default in 2001 was about $93 billion; Greece’s restructuring in 2012 was about $200 billion; and Lehman Brothers had about $600 billion in debts when it filed for bankruptcy.

Those defaults shook entire economies. Evergrande, by contrast, seems to have been successfully contained.

Between the lines: Evergrande debt has always carried a low junk rating, and the company was being described as “the biggest pyramid scheme the world has yet seen” as long ago as 2017. As a result, investors in Evergrande, much like investors in bitcoin or GameStop, were acutely aware that they were taking a big risk.

Financial crises generally happen when (seemingly) safe assets unexpectedly default, not when risky assets do something that was largely foreseen.

The bottom line: It’s normal and healthy for markets to fall when giant companies fail. The fact that Chinese markets have been so sanguine this week implies the existence of some kind of “Xi put” — and the idea that Evergrande is, ultimately, too big to fail.

So what is actually going on?

We have a bunch of school-yard bullies hitting each other in the arms and congratulating each other on how tough they are.

The Asian kids are in a corner of the school yard, writing in their books. Planning things. Drawing diagrams in the sand, and taking notes.

The rest of the kinds in the school yard are playing but keeping an eye on both groups; the bullies and the smart Asian kids. They are not doing anything. Just watching and waiting.

Do not believe anything that you see in the “news”. The situation is still fluid.

Watch “Meng Wanzhou Wins Her Freedom!

US Drops Extradition Charges Against Huawei Executive!” on YouTube. I trust this report more than any on the western media …

Meanwhile, here’s some Chinese military videos…

Just some video that I collected. Some are training films. Some are recruitment films. Some are just studies. Some are personal videos. All in all a good mix. It will give you all a great idea about the Chinese military capability.

Group 1

You can download the Video Archive HERE.101MB.

Some of the films have children in it going through training. These are the elementary-school Pioneers (the Chinese cub scouts). Everyone in China gets full military training. Those older kids, are in middle school. They are the ones wearing blue slacks with the white line training and shooting AK-74’s.

You will see closeups of the various electronic weapons systems, and the state of the art Chinese SEAL and Special Forces troops as well. You will see some videos about how Japan came into China and killed off so many innocent civilians. And note that now that every civilian can fire a gun, and fight, that is never going to happen ever again.

Group 1

Group 2

You can download the Video Archive HERE. 257MB.

It starts off with some more middle school assault weapon training.

Next is the elementary school pioneers who undergo physical obstacle course training. Notice that they do it while carrying a full military rifle. Also note that it’s both boys and girls. No one gets a pass. VIDEO.

Boys and Girls no one gets a pass.

The third video is the reservists. China has an active military and the reserves that meet every few weeks. VIDEO.

Reservists practice and drill over and over and over and over.

Fourth video is for the young Pioneers. For inspiration and training. Very, very interesting.

It’s all your fault that all the people are being rounded up in the city.

So many interesting videos. Watch them all in this massive collection.

Group 2

Group 3B

Here’s another group. HERE. 381MB

Of course there are all sorts of interesting things in these videos.

Group 3B


Those videos are very interesting. Especially the ones where New York City is destroyed by a massive nuclear explosion. As you watch the movies, you can see that the military is infused in every aspect of the Chinese life. From elementary school through middle school and into college. There are layers upon layers of military. All driven by merit. All with the latest technology. All with a memory of how China has been hurt and abused int he past.

Next time you watch CNN, FOX, Hal Turner, or any of the rest and they are talking about hate – hate -hate China, keep in mind that it is a narrative based on insane levels of ignorance. There is not going to be any war against China, for if there were, America would cease to exist. While China might take a few dings, and then brush itself off and rebuild up bigger, better, faster.

Where SHTF in America it will be every man for himself, and that will be a fiasco.

So, don’t poke the Panda.

Realize that what you read is all bullshit propaganda. And that China has everything well under control. So turn off that propaganda outlet, focus on what you see around your life and your home, family and friends. That is what really matters.

What you read in the “news” is just a lie to anchor your thoughts towards a catastrophic fiasco. Ignore them.

Just go forth and live your life. Adults are in charge. Never forget that.

Just go forth and live your life.


While this article is about China and it’s efforts to continue and thrive while the enormous American Military Empire has a hissy fit, do not think that that’s what is actually going on. Military Empires MUST have wars.

If they can’t have one with China right now, or soon, perhaps they can have one else where…

More than fifty-nine ships have massed in the central Atlantic Ocean, south of the Equator, in a non-shipping route area, and ALL have turned off their automated ship Identification transponders.

Ships massing off the coast of Venezuela.

No one can tell whose ships they are, or why they are gathering there.

Here’s a closer look:

Somethings up.

Somethings up…

Prep for an invasion.

Stand by.  What is this all about?

  • Invasion build-up?
  • Flotilla to collect Haitian refugees and send them to the Untied States?
  • Collect American Haitian refugees and send them back to Haiti?

Stand by?

Do you want more?

You can find many more videos in my “China index” over here…



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Americans have not experienced war at it’s doorstep since it’s own Civil War 156 years ago. The hardship, the brutality, the evilness, the horrors of war at your footsteps is a foreign notion, just like all the foreign wars America waged outside America this past century.

Even during WW2, only Pearl Harbor was attacked once. That’s as far as American soil being attack. Compare that to continental Europe, Africa & Asia where the gruesome ravages of war literally happened at their doorstep.

That is why Americans are numbed to the horrors of war as they have no recent memories of it ever happening at their doorstep. It’s like somebody else’s problem.


It depends with whom you speak in the former US. Some of us have been through a war, a war fought on US soil.

For instance, MM has been homeless in America, living in a van. He has gone hungry, and had no money. He was falsely accused by the “justice” system, put into a forced labor camp, then “freed” – to live under the total surveillence of the sex offender registry. He mentions having a heart attack in that labor camp, and being given an aspirin. MM in many ways, is a refugee.

No, there’s been a civil war in the US for a long time, but it hasn’t been publicized. Some people are alright to oppress, others cannot be oppressed.

There are real life stories in America today, to equal any story from Bosnia, Kosovo or VIetnam. The poor and unprivileged have a very different life there – but they do not write books or newspaper articles.


Correction: 165 years since the American Civil War.


156 is correct, dunno what’s wrong with me today. Sorry MM


The Evergrande event didn’t have much of an impact, stocks didn’t tank like they did back in 2008. China banned bitcoin again and the downside hasn’t been that bad, it’s currently finding levels of support. So what was the purpose of all that doom and gloom, just to provide a week of fearmongering so the big boys could buy the dip?


At this point, you seem to be fully vested in “The Domain,” and they state plainly that nothing catastrophic will become the earth and its remaining self-replicating creatures. Yet you post these political statements as if war is around the corner – probably nuclear war.

Make up your mind. Can’t have both.


September 25, 2021

Eric Chu won KMT chairman election. Looks like Scenario #3 pan out.


Rosalynn Chow

Trump’s term was an eye-opener for me; am glad he stayed around long enough to inflict so much damage. Some of us used to be in awe of western nations. Not anymore. You can’t pay me enough to visit any of those places in the future. The future is CHINA.

Rosalynn Chow

The other day I made a sweeping comment about the west hates Chinese. Am saying this from personal encounters. One unforgiveable incident happened at Heathrow Airport. I plus 7 others, trying to fly back to Kuala Lumpur. The 7 males were engineers & architects. There were two Japs in my group. Anyways the fat bitch behind the check-in counter said, “I’m going to downgrade 4 Business Class seats of yours to Economy.” I protested & refused to accept. We paid premium to fly Business Class across a few destinations in Europe so why shld we accept a downgrade? Later she said she was giving our seats to two british couples hitchhikers. I stood my ground and more than 4 hours later, we were put on another flight from Lon to Kul on business class.

Rosalynn Chow

On one other trip to London, arriving at Oxford St area at midnight from Rome. We went to the pre-booked n pre-paid hotel to check-in. Imagine my horror when that fucking cow behind the counter said, nope, no such bookings. I told her, it can’t be. We had the printout of the booking, we already paid for the 8 rooms in full for 4 nights. She stuck to her guns, so all of us left & walked in the rain with our luggage going from hotel to hotel to look for rooms. Brits despise us Asians.

Rosalynn Chow

You don’t have to post my comments, MM. But I hope you will never take down this blog. Am thinking, if I give you money, will yankee govt tax you? I been to Dulles airport quite a few times. Each time I was treated like a terrorist. The customs nigger poked my breast, shoved her fat fingers between my thighs. I know if I protest, they wud detain me and accuse me of “crimes”. Am a good-looking female traveling with a teenage son; my personal luggage full of cosmetics and personal touch-up items. They took one look at my passport, and instantly searched me. They poured my items on a ten foot long table while passengers looked on. I really hate the fucking USA. I supported Trump vigorously because he’s a loose cannon and he will inflict more damage on the US. He did, in a huge way. Hope you stay in China forever. Chinese people will accept you even though you are gweilo. I am totally Chinese, longing to return to live in China but I can’t for many reasons, story to tell for another day.


The word nigger is not easy to see. I don’t like it. Use negro. That’s much better