Instead of the USA trying to contain Russia and China, the rest of the world is determined to contain the United States instead.

Well, well. Here’s some thing for thought. What? You didn’t think that the United States couldn’t be contained, did you?
I struggle to understand people like Cohen (and Blinken and Pompeo and Albright and the rest of them). I don't think pathologizing them as psychopaths or sociopaths is definitive. Simply evil comes closer. And yet we let them rule us.

-Posted by: NoOneYouKnow | Apr 14 2021 19:26 utc | 2
Indeed, everything on the “news”, almost without exception, is about how America is doing this to “contain China”, and doing that “to sanction Iran”, and doing this other such thing to “contain Russian actions”.  You read this automatically, and you automatically get this idea in the back of your mind that…
  • America is out of control.
  • It is everywhere doing everything.
  • America is super powerful.
  • No one dares fight back.


And that is only because America controls the “news” media over most of the Western world, and if you read, speak or think in English, your thoughts are being manipulated.

But,you know, don’t you think that it is pretty fucking sick for the United States to try to contain anyone? I mean, that’s what “freedom” and “liberty” is supposed to be all about. It’s supposed to be a “live and let live”, and only fight at the very last possible moment when someone gets up in your face…

Instead, the US is out in everyone else’s face and “laying down the law”.

Like this…

Contain Russia

Contain China

Contain Iran

People! this is all very fucked up.

A schoolyard bully located in The state of Alabama purportedly assaulted a 9-year-old female, resulting in the girl having a major concussion, a pair of black eyes in addition to a head rife with bruises. Institution authorities were adamant that this particular young lady had not been picked on, rather these bruises were self-inflicted and that the girl had some personality “issues”. Not that a bully had beat her to a pulp.


That’s what the USA is today.

It’s a big bully, and when anyone tries to point it out, the toadies of the bully come up with all kinds of excuses.

It is NOT, not, not sustainable.

And unless it stops, and stops quickly, someone’s nose is going to get awfully bloody.

Unless the bullying stops, some of the victims of the bullies are going to rise up and go “Sandy Hook” on their asses.
Here's a pretty good article. It's worth the read, don't you know. It's By Andrew Korybko, and all credit to him. It was edited to fit this venue.

Here’s The 20-Point Plan For How Russia Could Contain The US

Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov’s dramatic declaration that his country “will pursue the policy of active containment of the US on all fronts” if American pressure on Russia doesn’t soon end inspired a unique 20-point plan for what this could look like in practice.

Russia’s Anti-American Containment Policy

Russia finally appears to be serious about “decoupling” from the West after over half a decade of its well-intended and passionate efforts to enter into a rapprochement with it following the onset of the Ukrainian Crisis.

This event was a game-changer which would push Russia to accelerate its foreign policy diversification strategy towards non-Western countries, especially those in the Global South.

Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov is evidently very serious about this after dramatically declaring in February 2021 that his country “will pursue the policy of active containment of the US on all fronts” if American pressure on Russia doesn’t soon end.

He promised to [1] prevent foreign meddling in his country’s democratic processes, [2] promote multipolarity across the world, and [3] impose counter-sanctions on the US.

Markov’s 10 Euro-Centric Proposals

Prior to Ryabkov’s policy announcement, Russian expert Sergey Markov predicted ten ways in which his country could respond to more EU sanctions against it. As Google Translated into English from his original Facebook post and slightly edited for clarity, these are:

1. Russia may recognize the DPR and the LPR and accelerate their integration into Russia;

2. Russia may impose strict sanctions in the economy against the EU;

3. Russia may cease to consider the interests of Europe in Syria and Libya;

4. Russia may impose strict restrictions on the work of Russian-speaking media that are supported by the EU;

5. Russia may limit the work of NGOs, with which the EU tries to influence Russian public opinion;

6. Russia may tighten the position regarding the Russophobic regime in Ukraine and start working on its elimination and replacement with a pro-Russian government;

7. Russia may switch its economic projects from the EU to other countries, especially the East;

8. Russia may significantly increase its military resources in the Kaliningrad region and other regions close to the EU;

9. Russia may begin to react significantly more strictly to the Russophobic policies of EU countries such as Poland, the Baltic countries, Romania;

10. Russia may dramatically reduce consultations with France and Germany on important global strategic issues. This will reduce the impact of France and Germany in the world.”

Korybko’s 10 Non-Western Proposals

I regard all ten of his proposals as viable options.

However, you have to understand and believe that they are (never the less) quite Euro-centric and reactionary.

For that reason, here are ten non-Western ones that could prospectively be paired with Markov’s and pursued even in the event that the West temporarily stops provoking Russia:

1. Rigorously implement “Democratic Security” at home to safeguard Russia’s domestic political processes in accordance with Ryabkov’s vision;

2. Thoroughly articulate the unofficial national ideology of multipolarity and actively promote these views abroad through foreign policy & civil society outreaches, including through academia and the media;

3. Export bespoke “Democratic Security” solutions to at-risk Global South states modeled off of the Central African Republic, Congo Republic, and Togo precedents to help defend others from US Hybrid War threats;

4. Double down on “military diplomacy” with China through increased cutting-edge arms sales and joint military drills in order to send a message of unwavering security solidarity with the People’s Republic;

5. Pull out all the stops in seeking to jointly lead a new Non-Aligned Movement (“Neo-Nam”) with India in order to restore “balance” via tripolarity to the increasingly bipolar world that defines the US-Chinese New Cold War;

6. Prioritize progress on the N-CPEC+/RuPak Corridor in order to fulfill President Putin’s envisioned Arctic-Indian Ocean corridor that he first publicly proposed in October 2019 while speaking at the Valdai Club;

7. Ensure that Azerbaijani President Aliyev’s six-country regional integration platform is a success in turning the South Caucasus into the zone of geostrategic convergence between Russia, Iran, and Turkey;

8. Bring together steps 4-7 to ultimately create an expanded Golden Ring in the Eurasian Heartland which would function as the center of gravity for the emerging Multipolar World Order;

9. Continue practicing “vaccine diplomacy” to creatively establish strategic inroads in non-traditional partners that could then be courted to contribute to the collective cause of multipolarity;

10. Fulfill “Russia’s Five Most Important Tasks For Surviving World War C” and do everything to ensure that the entire world is aware of the significant insight that President Putin shared about this during his Davos speech.

Concluding Thoughts on Russia

Ryabkov’s official announcement that Russia is seriously countenancing the creation of an anti-American containment strategy proves that the Kremlin is finally fed up with the West’s games.

Markov’s prior ten proposals for how his country could react to the potential EU-initiated worsening of bilateral relations are thought-provoking and deserve to be considered.

However thy are nevertheless Euro-centric and reactionary.

The addition of these other points, which are non-Western in focus can be added to the mix. As such they can be proactively undertaken even without Brussels taking the first step by sanctioning Russia.

Taken together, this 20-point containment strategy should hopefully give Russian decision makers a better understanding of the full range of options available to them.

They probably won’t implement every proposal, but it’s likely that at least some of them will see the light of day, though it might still take time for their effects to be felt as would be the case with my long-term policy suggestions.


Is the greater public ever going to get a clear view of the difference behind the "rules based order" of the West (we own the money system and make the rules) and the negotiated International law based order?

Posted by: psychohistorian | Apr 20 2021 17:05 utc | 4

You know, most American don’t have a clue to what is going on in Russia. it’s the same thing about China. It’s been a near non-stop hate-fest against Shina for the last five years, and yet the American (and Western) readership still hasn’t a clue as to anything. It’s all the same old nonsense.

And they are all falling for it. It’s like this…


These other nations are fed up.

They are linking together. They are investing time and money and doing so with very little “fan fare” and publicity. You might read about one thing or the others in your travels of daily “news” reading. But that’s about it. You read about a rail line in Pakistan, and an oil pipeline in the Black Sea. But since most people don’t know geography or history they have no context to put everything into context.

Russia has stopping playing games.

China has stopped playing games.

They have set things up for a big “spring loaded” global powers reset, and are just waiting for the USA-led Western powers to walk into the trap.

Mouse Trap.

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Ohio Guy

Phook yea!