Nations around the world extracting the American occupation forces as a contemporaneous “Sunset Boulevard” insanity prevails

In this article we discuss the necessity of extraction of the American occupation forces that have military bases in most other “independent” nations around the world.

American military bases in an “independent” nation means that that nation is not independent or sovereign. Instead it is a proxy territory under the ownership of the United States.

Which of course means that the wealthy people in that nation want it that way.

The extraction of the American military occupation forces is now a top priority all over the world.

A united Asia has appeared, and a weak America is expecting their proxy nations to die, and be destroyed, so that Washington DC to live on. And those in those nations don’t like that idea. They believe that if the United States wants to fight Asia, that they would prefer to stay out of the fray. Let the USA fight those USA-wars. Leave them out of it.

Either align with Asia or be neutral. That’s their choice, and their decision. And right now, many of these same nations are trying to diplomatically “straddle the fence”; trying to be functionally neutral. But if the USA pushes too hard, they might have to make some decisions that the USA will not like to see.

Here we look at the reality and what is not being reported in the “news”.

What started this…

This entire article was triggered by Ultan who wrote;

Interesting to note the BIG stuff going on in South Korea, too. They are fighting hard to reassert their War capabilities and removing themselves from US operational control over top level military decision making. A move very recently rebuffed by Lloyd Austin, but fast becoming a political hot potato as they enter into a very important election year.

As a client state of the US– as is Japan– this will be a difficult task. They MUST know that annihilation beckons if they remain coupled to the US system entering into a crucial phase and deteriorating Asia-Pacific situation. The US also installed THAAD defensive batteries a few years back despite nearly every single Korean being vehemently opposed to such a move. No effect, but in recent months there has been a LOT of top level political to- and froing between South Korea and the US.
A lot going on there and very little reporting.

What was it the Domain contact told us? Long standing agreements will be broken and many new secret agreements will be made.

I sense China and Korea talking shop. Perhaps Japan, too. As do a lot of Korean analysts.

S Korea is also making big moves toward the North and Moon is very keen to officially end the armistice in place since the 1950s.

Official peace = USFSK bye bye. And good riddance. Prostitution and crime surrounds every base, there. Drugs too. And Korean society don’t do drugs. Same problems in Okinawa.

I know that most Koreans want that occupying force gone permanently. But the huge US– they say it’s Korean but everybody knows it isn’t– naval base on Jeju Island remains a major issue. And of course will quickly be turned to glass if US-China goes hot. As will the THAAD batteries and civilian populations unlucky enough to be nesr them. And there are many.

Everyone in Korea knows this. Everyone. And it causes them much concern. All completely unreported, of course.

But the US deep apparatus is bonded tightly to the Korean elites and won’t be undone easily.

Another worrying trend is that the Korean government has recently started pushing the MRNA rollout agenda VERY hard despite a much freer reporting of the ghastly side effects. 70% target by Spring 2022– and they’re into the schools already. But there’s a lot of resistance. Koreans tend to trust their government generally, but much remains uncertain in this concern.

Please do remember to keep the Korean people in your intentions, if possible, and that the right decisions will be made. I spent many years in Korea and have family there; and I know the Korean government genuinely tries to look after it’s citizens but the US Muppets at the top of a very wealthy society are dug well in there too. And will not be removed easily. No chance. They’ve been feeding at that trough for decades and are well tied up with Japanese elites too despite both countries troubled history.

Kinda like the Taiwanese billionaires. Only loyal to their personal bottom line.

This is a major concern for the average Korean citizen too with property speculation and the cost of living impoverishing many in a country that had until recently eliminated poverty for most folks similar to what China is doing now. And folks there are waking up to that and are not happy. Nor are they stupid. Far from it. They see what’s happening to their country as the same old global elites dig in there too.

A North South Korean unification would be a major setback for US war plans. It’s going to be an interesting story to watch over the next few months.


Things for thought.

Then on LinkedIN…

And after I read this, I moseyed over to LinkedIN where I read this from Richard Turrin;

Africa’s digital infrastructure isn’t the next playing field, its "game over" with China providing the majority of digital connectivity on the continent.

According to an Atlantic Council study - "The Digital Infrastructure Imperative in African Markets,” - around 50 percent of Africa’s 3G networks and 70 percent of its 4G networks are built by Huawei.

Meanwhile, as the US and the EU strive for a “Build Back Better World” program to counter China’s BRI, they are missing the real transformation:

“But today, the real competition is in the digital, rather than the physical, realm: the struggle to shape Africa’s technology infrastructure and digital future, as well as how the next generation of Africans will consume, interact, and do business with the world.”

Say what you will about China’s Belt and Road Initiative, at least China was paying attention to the continent and providing critical infrastructure. Where was the US and EU?

Google’s “Project Loon” flew internet-enabled balloons over Kenya with at a cost of roughly $20k per balloon back in 2011 as their plan to connect sub-Saharan Africa.  Its latest project “Taara” has yet to deliver. 

While Google flew balloons, Huawei and ZTE were hard-wiring the continent. If it seems disproportionate and slightly absurd it should.

Don't be surprised that the digital yuan is built into the tech stack:

“With informal markets, which dominate African commerce as the continent moves into the digital world, this technology stack will only rise in importance. A critical example of an area of future competition is in digital currencies, including China’s digital yuan. While the utility of the digital yuan in Africa is currently minimal, the proliferation of Chinese handsets with pre-downloaded apps and wallets that could be loaded to support digital yuan transactions could significantly change this picture within the next ten to fifteen years, as both businesses and individuals embrace the currency.”

Then there are the subsea cables with the 2Africa cable built by China Mobile with service to 16 countries built by a consortium that does include Facebook and Orange. 

Or China’s 7,500 mile “Peace cable” connecting China, the Horn of Africa with Marseille France. At least Google’s Equiano cable will connect Nigeria and South Africa with Portugal.

African nations face a stark choice, follow the Trump administration’s “Clean Network Initiative” that blacklists all China tech and severely restricts their digital growth, or avail themselves of Chinese digital infrastructure and get on with their lives. The choice is simple. 

“Build it and they will come” would seem an appropriate closing line.

Too bad the US and EU seem to have forgotten the saying.

The African nations, as well as the SE Asian nations have a stark choice. And what direction are they moving towards?

They are moving towards China

The South East Asian region are finally coming together.

"...The crusader will be chase out of Asia soon. Peace in the region will finally arrive. As former Malaysia Prime minister Dr. Mahathir used to say, malay has always being a weaker people, but survive the past 2000 years with China as neighbor, and when people from far away came to Malaysia, Malaysia was colonized within 3 years. 

People in Asia (includes Japanese and Korean) will dare to openly ask the crusaders to fuck off Asia in the near future when China becomes significantly stronger. "

This took place for the first time :

Russia, China and a number of significant Southeast Asian countries kicked off their first ever joint naval exercise along the Strait of Malacca, one of the world's most important shipping lanes, on Wednesday, Indonesia's navy said.

The drills come at a time of growing tensions in the Pacific, particularly around the South China Sea, which the United States has a very active and aggressive military presence. All ten members of ASEAN, Southeast Asia's regional bloc, participated in Wednesday's drills.

This article was published in the with the title " Russia, ASEAN hold first naval drills off Indonesian coast ".

Click to read:

What is happening?

That article was followed by a post by Sebastion Ibold who wrote…

❓Have you heard about the 🇨🇳#China-🇱🇦#Laos railway?

After 6 years of construction, the China-Laos #railway will be opened as part of the Pan-Asia Railway Network tomorrow on December 2 (coinciding with the 46th anniversary of the establishment of the Laos People’s Democratic Republic).

👉The bullet trains (by CRRC Qingdao Sifang and CRRC Dalian) with a designed speed of 160km/h and a capacity of 720 passengers will connect the capital of Laos #Vientiane and the capital of China's #Yunnan province #Kunming on a total length of 1,024 km.

⏱💵The rail link between the cities will bring down travel time from currently up to 30 hours (by bus) to about 10 hours (Vientiane-Jinghong about 3 hours) contributing to regional integrated development, bilateral trade and increased investments.

🚅🔋The mixed single and double track connection is fully electrified.

🚇The railway connection features 167 tunnels with a total tunnel length of more than 590 km, accounting for 63% of the railway's total distance, the 508 km Yuxi-Mohan section alone has 93 tunnels and 136 bridges - more than 87% of the section being bridges and tunnels with 15 tunnels each stretching more than 10 km.

🚅📦The rail connection will initially be used only by freight trains (operating between 22 freight depots), with passenger services between the line’s 11 stations due to be introduced after Covid-related cross-boarder travel restrictions are lifted.

📄To optimize bilateral cross-border railway transport services, on November 30, China and Laos have signed the first bilateral intergovernmental cooperation agreement in the field of rail transport.

❗️Side info: 

👉The rail connection should also been seen against the background of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (#RCEP) agreement (Australia, Brunei, Cambodia, China, Japan, Laos, Thailand, Singapore, Vietnam and New Zealand have submitted their ratifications, and the RCEP is expected to come into force at the beginning of 2022).

👉Foreign trade between China and the #ASEAN grew by 21% Y-o-Y to about EUR 510 billion in the first 3 quarters of this year, accounting for about 14% of China's total exports and imports (in this period).

Laos has High Speed Rail.

Pakistan has High Speed Rail.

Africa has Chinese Medium Speed Rail and getting 5G internet.

And NO, China is not dying

#Didi shows just how dead China’s tech IPOs are in the US, but look to China’s data protection to be repeated elsewhere as four key stories unfold.

Some will say good riddance to China’s US IPOs and see it as a benefit of China “decoupling.”  I don’t buy that given that Wall Street pulled in $6.4 billion in fees from China IPOs between 2014 and 2021.

Despite my sadness over the situation, there are four critical stories that you need to follow:

1️⃣ This is a battle over data “the new oil”:

China is enforcing strict data sovereignty over Didi’s ride-share data. It’s hard to judge the granularity of data shared with US investors as part of the listing, but whatever the amount it clearly exceeded the regulator’s (CAC) threshold.

For its part, Didi claims that it is “absolutely not possible” that the company passed data to the US because its servers are all located in China.  Maybe, but this did not assuage the CAC, who warned Didi not to list.

The CAC may be overly protective, but the bigger issue of investor access to data during IPOs is real and won’t go away. Didi may be the first with this problem but I don’t expect it to be the last.

Data will now be a high priority for any tech listing something that to date has been ignored in almost all IPOs.

2️⃣ China just closed the “Variable Interest Entity” or VIE loophole:

Separately, China also launched an attack on Chinese IPOs with the ending of its VIE loophole. VIEs are a structure that almost all Chinese firms, use to list in the US. VIEs allows the economic benefits of China’s companies, to pass to an off-shore entity, without changing the share structure in China. Unknown to many, US shares in Chinese companies don’t actually convey ownership.

The VIE structure was key to many US listings and Chinese regulators have banned it for overseas listings except in Hong Kong where it is subject to approval.

3️⃣ The US SEC just launched new reporting requirements:

In case you thought it was just China that had it in for US listings the SEC just announced a major change this week. Companies that use an auditor in a foreign jurisdiction will be required to confirm they are not “owned or controlled by a government entity.”  The tricky part is of course the word “controlled.”

4️⃣ Sensetime IPO in Hong Kong!

SenseTime, the AI giant, is listing in HK this week with a $750 million raise. It will be an interesting test of the new system. Hong Kong has to get it right and avoid the PayTM debacle just witnessed in India.

These four factors should make it clear that it’s “Game Over” for China IPOs in the US!

There are a lot of moving pieces to follow and this will be interesting to watch play out!

Paywall? (

No China is not dying. But the USA is…

I hate to smash it over and over, but unless you are in the corporate world, you cannot understand the GIGANTIC NON STOP RELENTLESS preference shown to blacks, especially black women. And these disgusting beasts are keenly aware of their new untouchable status. On a new project I started at my second job, the “Team Leader” is named LaRonnie. She has not passed the Bar her first try, but hey? Who cares? She was made Team Leader anyway, and the partner signs her pleading “until I pass that thing”. It is enough to make day drinking very seductive.

The world is changing. Asia is powerful and growing. They are opening up the world while the United States, is acting well… like a scene from “Sunset Boulevard”. And this is a fact.

Sunset Boulevard

Sunset Boulevard

Sunset Boulevard weaves a magnificent tale of faded glory and unfulfilled ambition. Silent movie star Norma Desmond longs for a return to the big screen, having been discarded by tinsel town with the advent of “talkies.” Her glamour has faded in all but her mind. When she meets struggling Hollywood screenwriter Joe Gillis in dramatic circumstances, their subsequent passionate and volatile relationship leads to an unforeseen and tragic conclusion.

A classic movie.

I think that the United States is like Norma Desmond. A long faded nation that has gone to seed, but still believes that it is beautiful and adored the world over. It hasn’t caught up with the reality of what it is, what it represents, and what it’s actions are heading towards.

After seeing Sunset Boulevard again, I was surprised at how good the film was. While witty, it is savage, dark and original, and is quite simply too good to be missed. The story, while stark, is brilliantly constructed, about a former movie queen haunted by memories of her past greatness, and the script is both canny and knowing, sporting great lines such as "I am big. It is the pictures that got small". Billy Wilder, director of Some Like It Hot and Witness for the Prosecution, both of which are hugely enjoyable, directs briskly, and the black and white cinematography, sets and costumes are fabulous. The music score from maestro Franz Waxman is outstanding, haunting, rich yet beautiful as well.

In many ways Sunset Boulevard is like the reverse side of the coin of A Star Is Born. In that film we have young Vicki Lester going through all the travails and heartache before achieving her goal of movie stardom.

Sunset Boulevard is the reverse. A Star Is Born has its tragic figure in Norman Maine who commits suicide rather than face being a has been. In Sunset Boulevard we have the character of Norma Desmond who has not taken that route. She lacks for nothing in the material world, she wisely saved and invested her money. But the acclaim of the audience is a drug she craves. She's been at the top on the celebrity roller-coaster and now is at the bottom.

Into her life comes Joe Gillis quite accidentally. Fleeing from some repo men looking to take his car, Gillis drives into the garage of what he thinks is a deserted mansion. It looks pretty run down from the outside. Gillis compares it to the house of Miss Faversham from Great Expectations, little knowing how right he was.

Sunset Boulevard for it's time and with the Code firmly in place was a brutal look at the sexual needs of a middle-aged woman. Before Holden knows it, he's giving up his life as an aspiring screenwriter to be a kept gigolo. He doesn't like it, but can't leave it.

When he does, it results in tragedy.
Sunset Boulevard
You will never forget the finely etched characters of Sunset Boulevard. You can see it many times as I've done, but if you see it only once you will have it burned in your memory. Especially that last scene before the newsreel cameras where Swanson loses whatever sanity she has left.
Sunset Boulevard
She descends down the stairs of her mansion and descends into the comfort of insanity.

Gloria Swanson though is a revelation as Norma, not only wholly convincing but also bringing a desperate and somewhat vampiric glamour to the role. Overall, Sunset Boulevard is a wonderful film, wholly deserving of its masterpiece status.

And, if you haven’t watched the movie, then you should. View the world today on a Geo-political front, and you will see so many parallels to the movie.

America is Norma Desmond.

Yes it is.

In the movie, the Norman Desmond’s butler is seen writing fake fan mail for her to receive in her mail box. Is this not the same thing as modern day “echo chambers”?

In the movie, the innocent screenwriter discovered that he is trapped inside an ornate elaborate mansion as a gigolo. Is this not the same thing as a millions of people who are addicted to hand outs from the United States government. Whether they are poor people on food stamps, a military-industrial complex requiring massive outlays in weapon development, or proxy nations that rely on American “aid packages”?

In the movie, Norma Desmond is treated with respect and admiration for her past, but is now also treated as a tragedy to sell newspapers. Like how people want to look at a car crash. Is this not the same thing as what the You-Tube and Tic-Tok videos portray America as? As the crazy antics of Washington DC as?

Like Norma Desmond, the United States is also lashing out. It is creating a massive campaign of lies and slander against the industry, other actors and all competition. There is no difference between Norma Desmond discussing producers and the movie studios, and the Western “news” media.

Like Norma Desmond it is provoking conflict and trouble everywhere. While Norma Desmond would break things and cause distress, America is creating wars and conflict around the world.

Like Norma Desmond who is spending money so aggressively that it is running out, America too it is spending money that it does not have, and it is falling deeper and deeper in the hole.

Aggressive Military provocations

Here’s an outline of no less than five major provocations from Taiwan to Africa within two weeks of Biden promising to work on improving ties with China – not even including Peng Shuai.

“𝘓𝘪𝘮𝘪𝘵𝘦𝘥 𝘸𝘢𝘳 𝘰𝘷𝘦𝘳 𝘛𝘢𝘪𝘸𝘢𝘯 𝘪𝘴 𝘥𝘦𝘴𝘪𝘳𝘢𝘣𝘭𝘦, 𝘜𝘚 𝘮𝘪𝘭𝘪𝘵𝘢𝘳𝘺 𝘦𝘹𝘱𝘦𝘳𝘵𝘴 𝘴𝘢𝘺”
Strategists admit West is goading China into war...

It took the US only a few days after the summit between Presidents Xi and Biden to sail another warship, this time the USS Milius, through the Taiwan Strait along the coast of China this week. Obviously hardly any news about this event in Western mainstream media. The case of Peng Shuai has been the media headline this week to slash the Chinese government. 

Though warships from the USA, UK and Canada have been sailing through the Taiwan strait and US diplomats and military trainers landing in Taiwan in recent months, Western media completely omits these events but instead is fully complicit to the anti-China propaganda of the “China aggression against Taiwan”. Not to forget about the “death of Hong Kong”, the “genocide of Xinjiang” or the “imminent invasion of Australia” this year.

𝘞𝘩𝘺 𝘥𝘰𝘦𝘴 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘞𝘦𝘴𝘵 𝘢𝘤𝘵𝘶𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘺 𝘸𝘢𝘯𝘵 𝘵𝘰 𝘱𝘳𝘰𝘷𝘰𝘬𝘦 𝘊𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘢 𝘪𝘯𝘵𝘰 𝘢 𝘸𝘢𝘳 ?

1) Most obvious as China is already or soon to become world’s leading economic power. A war might destabilize China going forward as has been tried before by the USA and allies meddling in Hong Kong and Xinjiang.

2) Less visible but more rooted in governance, the West wants to trigger China starting a war to actually become member of the “war league”; countries who have been raging wars with the USA leading, being practically non-stop in wars for decades with millions of deaths. This when China has not been in any war since decades during the miraculous economic growth. 

Provoking China to fire the first bullet along with the so-called “rules-based order”, the West can definitely paint China as the aggressor that the rest of the world must unite against. 

3) Along with this aim, the Western hegemony based on the Military Industrial Complex (along with Media and Academics these days) is challenged by new strategic collaborations such as the strategic comprehensive partnership between China and ASEAN nations which will not only enhance economic and trade but also include peace, environment, poverty, stability and even a nuclear weapons-free zone in the region. These partnerships of the future are an immense threat to the Military-Industrial Complex hegemony of the West. Division, tension, confrontation and provocation are the tools to disrupt these partnerships and ‘safeguard’ the hegemony.

The West’s political and media agenda for China; luring China into a war and manipulating their own people by omission and lies. With consequences of inciting racism and sinophobia.

Chinese President Xi concluded this week at the China-ASEAN strategic summit with a Chinese saying : “Distance tests a horse's strength, and time reveals a person's integrity"

Aggressive Slander

And the slandering of China and the rest of the world is just insane, but with the insanity comes comedy. Check out this pack of lies… unpacked for illustrative purposes…

Lying American news media.


Those of us who know better see this and laugh. laugh and laugh at the ignorance of those that create this image, and those that believe it.

China has a very ritualized procedure for execution.

[1] The accused gets to wear their best clothes, [2] they eat a McDonald Happy meal, [3] are given a calming drug to sedate them. They are then [4] tied with the reason for their execution and then finally [5] killed by a single bullet to the head.










Ok, sorry for the digression. Those of us who know how this system works can easily spot the fake shit.

Ok, so let’s get back on track.

But first, let’s look at something nice.

How things are advertised in China

This is an actual advertisement on my LinkedIN feed this morning.

Hey dear friends , I would like to share these pictures taken by my brother Mark Dan for me here, I hope you like our Chinese culture and my brother’s art . He is really a great photographer in China .

Photo 1

Then this photo…

Photo 2

The costume of first picture belongs to Tang dynasty which has been past 1400 years , the second and third one belongs to Han dynasty which were very popular 1800 years ago.

Photo 3

And then photo 4…

Photo 5

By the way , we are the largest Sprayer,  lotion pump , cosmetic manufacturer in China . Each day we produce around 1.5 to 1.8 million pieces. Many trading companies and distributors buy from us and resell to their clients .

Photo 6

If you are also in this field , just don’t hesitate to contact me . Thanks and nice day!

Now that was nice. Right?

And it gets results…

This is another post of her’s the next day…


Yesterday, an advertisement for our products I posted in linkedin reached more than 100000 readings within 12 hours. In fact each of my post is easy to reach 100000 views everyday.

It has produced a great advertising effect, and I received inquiries from 8 customers this morning.

Photo 1

Today, I am here to sincerely share these experiences with you, not to show off, but to talk with you about how we should make good use of the LinkedIn platform.

As one of the social platforms, LinkedIn is the best platform for developing customers. Because almost all major customers have made their presence in LinkedIn.

The biggest barrier in business is information asymmetry that clients also try hard to seek good suppliers while we are trying to find them.

Photo 2

Therefore, how to let customers in need find us has become the most critical factor. Linkedin provides such a good platform, but many people are afraid to expose themselves.

They always make their profile look professional but never dare to expose themselves.

However, in LinkedIn, no matter how beautiful your profile looked like or how strong your professional skills are, if you don’t expose yourself and never make any activity in linkedin, people couldn’t find you at all, then what are all those could make sense ?

Well, how to correctly expose yourself in LinkedIn is the key.

photo 3

My suggestion is to share as much as possible sincerely and link as many people as possible.

Some people will think like this:

"The people I linked to are irrelevant to my industry. it is nonsense to connect with them."

Well, I must say this is totally wrong! Of course, we all want to link to direct customers. The goal is clear, but the road is tortuous.

We must understand this truth. Each day I made many friends by my posts, but all these friends are not my customer. However each day I spent lot of time to communicate with them .

Why I must do it ?

Because only sincerity could make real friends. Only real friends will help you to click “like” and comment for your posts, and only if your post could get more “like” or comments , it could get more views ! Only your post get more views, clients will have chance to know your company and send inquires to you.

Photo 4

Where you spent your time, where you gain. Each day I spent lot of energy and time to reply each comments , Because I know , if each time I never make response to my friends , how could they maintain the enthusiasm to make comments for me next time ?

If I didn’t treat friends with full sincerity , how can they treat me back equally ?

Well , think about it and best luck ! Hope you like to enjoy these pictures offered by my brother Mark Dan , you know they are great arts and i do think our efforts deserve you to click a simple ” like ” for us .

Photo 5

Well, we are Sprayer, lotion pump, cosmetic bottles manufacturer , we produce 1.2-1.5 million pieces each day which are the most professional manufacturer in this field.

Photo 6

From Ming Cui

“China colonized Caribbean?” 

In 2018 I travelled twice with a German cruise over 1 month around Caribbean, visited nearly all beautiful islands, talked to many locals. 

in Dominican Republic
on the way to a place of interest, the tour guide pointed to the Bridge we were passing
China built this bridge for us.

He thumbed to me, I were deeply touched.

In Grenada
The tour guide introduced the stadium, thumbed to me as the demonican guy,
China built it for us!
Our boys can play!

In Jamaica, in Panama….

I heard not a single complain from local people About infrastructure set up by China.

All of them thanked for being connected with rest of world.

This is my real experience in the Caribbean
this is not an ideology oriented story.

If you want to know a new culture and people, the single way is be there!

Get the feeling of local people! What really counts👏🏻👏🏻

But America is “off the rails”

MAGA plans…

MAGA conspiracy theorist calls for mass hangings of US senators: ‘The gallows are getting wider’

A former Trump aide is trying to build a violent right-wing Christian takeover of the US

A Christian legal army is waging war on America

The Supreme Court threatens to undermine the core of protection for American civil liberties


Howard French on the Stark Differences Between U.S. and Chinese Diplomacy in Africa:

Every year, for many years, either the Chinese premier or the Chinese chairman, meaning the equivalent of our president, has made a multi-country trip to Africa. 

And every single year, high-level delegations of what’s called the State Council, which is basically the cabinet, go to Africa — multiple members — every single year. 

The United States has no equivalent level of engagement with the African continent and until it does, the dynamics of the situation are not going to change. 
When the United States gets around to visiting or engaging with Africa, it typically bundles a lot of African leaders into a room and says “OK, here’s our thing, we’ve just met with Africa.” It doesn’t even give African countries the respect of treating them on an individual basis at a high level and you give some kind of portmanteau speech where you throw the whole continent together.

The feeling that you get, and certainly the feeling that Africans get, is that the Americans are taking a kind of checklist approach to the continent — yes, we know we have to do this every once and a while but it’s never high on the agenda and ok check there it goes.

From Here.

American military occupation bases

Well, obviously they aren’t called that. But that is what they actually are. If a given nation asks the USA to leave, what does it do when the USA says “NO!”? Well, you can easily see where the nations are that want the bases removed. You just look for NGO sponsored color revolutions in the target nations.

Here we will just look over a precious few American military bases in some of the “independent” nations of the Pacific.


Major US bases in South Korea.



US Military bases in Australia

In each case, the military presence is sizable and formidable. In fact, the presence is so large that were America desirous of taking over the nation that hosts them, they would be able to do so immediately.


So what am I saying?

I am saying that while America is collapsing like Norma Desmond, it still has it’s tentacles in a host of other nations. And the only way for the USA to collapse upon itself peacefully is to withdraw from those other nations and downsize it’s military presence.

If it does not, then you can expect either a major global war that will utilize those military assets, or localized military skirmishes as individual nations thwart the stranglehold the Untied States has in that region.

America is Norma Desmond…

video 54MB

video 59MB

But the rest of the world is healthy. Like China

Video. Rufus action to clear a road

Meanwhile, China is friggin’ Awesome.

Check out this video. (Opens up to the streaming media page directly)

An American from San Francisco compares America with China.

China a Modern Miracle

Another one of his videos. Check it out…

America is the sick, ill corrupt Norma Desmond


China is helping rebuild the rest of the world…

After centuries of abuse and neglect by the collective West, China is helping to rebuild the world. Video

So what is the point?

The world can see what is going on. Not only is China thriving, but it is welcoming other nations to partake in the thriving society that China represents. It is welcoming other nations to “hop on board”, while the USA is trying to build a “coalition of the West” that will destroy China “once and for all”.

Other nations are being forced to choose.

Right now, many are publicly trying to stay neutral, but are making backroom deals and hidden plans on what to do regarding their own individual situations. And yes, this is not being reported, but it sure as shit, is what is going on. We will see what happens, but my guess is that Asia is being far more successful than the USA is in this battle of global alignments and friendships.

What do you think?


Do you want more?

You can find more articles related to this in my latest index; A New Beginning. And in it are elements of the old, some elements regarding the transition, and some elements that look towards the future.

New Beginnings 2


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Memory Loss

Quite interesting. I’m thinking the rot has set into the slave colonies of the American Empire. Sunset Boulevard has come even in the portions of the world that you expect to be more immune to the rot.

There’s an interesting article I stumbled on a bit kinda right after reading yours. Small bits of synchronicity are low key popping up for me. Am I being paranoid neurotic haha?

My feeling, under convergence theory of sorts is that the American Empire is some sort of continuance or proxy of the Old Empire. I’m pretty sure the Domain has known this for a long time. If it’s ok, I would like to explore this idea in a forum post. I know you don’t like speculation because it tends to distract from your Domain message. Also, this may expose MM to DDoS. Alternatively can send for your pre-approval if you like.


As far as I’m concerned, China can step right up and try to take over all of it.
I would be more than happy to see the U.S. withdraw back into our own borders and start taking care of our own and let China pay for and deal with all the Cat Herding involved.
Running Empires isn’t all it’s cracked up to be.
It’s going to take time but America is not going to have any choice in rebuilding and when it does it will all be state of the art as it comes in.
Machinery, buildings, electronics, all of it.

First we are going to have to purge all these criminals stealing everything that isn’t nailed down though.

Cabal is getting hammered all over.
They have lost the narrative and now that The Big Die Off has commenced they are scrambling with how to explain it without pointing out what is quite obvious.
The Jab is already killing thousands with HUNDREDS of THOUSANDS coming soon.
Eventually people will figure out how to say NO to the insanity that keeps pouring out.
It’s coming.
I have to say it’s been quite the experience to live through the death of an empire so far.
The dumb bastards just can’t figure out that we just want to be left alone but seem to be quite intent on killing off as many as they can.
I even have close family that I fully expect to get sick and die within the next couple of years because they are stupid and trust the media and the government.
I had one bragging that they got Jabbed 3 times already and they are the ones calling me stupid.

I’m gonna wind up being a Pall Bearer for them.

I know you have read my blog.
There is a reason the header includes Documenting The Death Of America.
I saw it coming ten years ago man.


The consensus seems to be Teh Eff BEE EYE trying to stir up shit again.
I posted about them.
Definitely not organic.
Or as I put it, Fed Boys Gone Wild.
They Glow, Brightly.

Memory Loss

Phil, I’m thinking the United States is actually some continuance of the Old Empire. If I’m correct, then what you wish as a human will NOT happen as long as the United States has hegemony.

As the mask is slowly peeled off, the actions of the elite on this Earth will more closely resemble the heart of the the elite of the Old Empire. The actions will become even harsher than what you see now. The actions of selection pressure will ensure the madness increases together with the velocity of madness.

The vaccines serve multiple purposes. You must role play as an elite of the Old Empire in today’s environment. Then the madness has an internal logic


I think I understand what you are trying to do here. Keep in mind still that many of us readers here are STO and really just want peace (and love all consciousness creations).
However we are being ruled by mob bosses who keep trying to install more of their sociopaths:
Beyond affirmation campaigns for peace, any other ideas for us?


I look forward to seeing what Korea (all of it) and Japan can do once rid of the western parasite.

Working together seems to come naturally to Asian cultures. While I can imagine a China-friendly Korea, Japan is something else. America and Americans seem to be everywhere in Japanese culture. It will be a messy divorce.


Thanks to link to, I found this article.

On June 21, 2001, Ms. Pflaumer, then the former U.S. Attorney, wrote in the Seattle Post-Intelligencer the following:

The reality on the ground in Iraq is not contested. Thousands of innocent children and adult civilians die every month as a direct result of the 1991 bombing of civilian infrastructure: sewage treatment plants, electrical generating plants, water purification facilities. Allied bombing targets included eight multipurpose dams, repeatedly hit, which simultaneously wrecked flood control, municipal and industrial water storage, irrigation and hydroelectric power. [Four of seven major pumping stations were destroyed, as were 31 municipal water and sewerage facilities. Water purification plants were incapacitated throughout Iraq. We did this for “long term leverage.” These military decisions were sanctioned by then Secretary of Defense Dick Cheney.]

In May 1996, Secretary of State Madeleine Albright reaffirmed that the “price” of 500,000 dead Iraqi children was “worth it. ”

Article 54 of the Geneva Convention states: “It is prohibited to attack, destroy or render useless objects indispensable to the survival of the civilian population” and includes foodstuffs, livestock and “drinking water supplies and irrigation works.”

Tittle 18 U.S. Code Section 2331 defines international terrorism as acts dangerous to human life that would violate our criminal laws if done in the United States when those acts are intended to intimidate or coerce a civilian population or to influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion.

Ultan McG

Wahh Ohhh, looks like somebody’s been reading your articles again, Mr Man. You know, somebody connected to the in crowd insiders in the know. One of those types. (Yawn)
You’re probably driving geopolitical decision making these days! And they clearly need the inspiration.

Just this week in Politeeshit:

“….The review also informed Austin’s approval of the permanent stationing of a previously rotational attack helicopter squadron and artillery division headquarters in South Korea.”

To keep an eye on internal rather than external affairs, perhaps? C’mon Korea, ffs. Do what’s gotta be done. Then the Japanese might grow a pair and follow suit. (Very unlikely the latter but one hopes.)

What was it the Chinese said at an ASEAN security meeting earlier this year? Korea is the weak link in the American chain.
(Referring to QUAD and Asia Pacific developments.)

Unreported statement in the Western “media” but all over Asian press.