Fire alarms and other stupid things

This is one of the situations that shows how careful companies have to be in managing sensitive issues.

H&M, along with Nike, Adidas and Uniqlo, have released statements that they won’t be using cotton sourced from Xinjiang anymore because of the accusations of forced labor. This has landed them in hot water in China, with consumers boycotting them and, embarrassingly, all their China brand ambassadors dropping the deals with them.

As someone who works in marketing in China, I have to say that I feel really bad for the China teams of H&M, Nike, Adidas and Uniqlo. Their companies’ HQs made these decisions without informing or consulting them, and their China teams will be expected to clean up the mess their HQs created.

Instead of the companies stating that they will conduct an investigation to ensure that all suppliers they work with adhere to their standards and do not use forced labor, apparently people from these companies’ HQs thought that a blanket ban for all cotton from Xinjiang should be implemented and that somehow this wouldn’t impact their business in China.

The fact that there is a strong feeling in China that the Western governments, primarily the US, are fabricating lies (talking to actual people in Xinjiang should help understand the situation there) to sabotage China’s growth is not helping these four companies. They are now rather seen as additional tools in the anti-China propaganda.

China’s market is enough competitive as it is now, with all companies being constantly at the edge from competition. This will heavily impact the China teams of these four companies and I suspect we will see many people employed there moving on elsewhere soon.

Paul Hellyer

Micheal felt his heart leap with joy as he entered the grounds. The ancient, sandstone block buildings of the King’s university were part of the most prestigious university in the world. And how could it be, that across the entire world, one place was considered the greatest? Because the thing that had seemed inevitable had finally come to pass. The world was finally ruled by one government.The year was 2600, and Micheal Dawson lived in Sydney Australia. He was happy in his life as an academic, he was a voracious reader, and he loved to write. He had had articles published in many journals, and had even written a book, ‘The Wisdom of the Ancients’, where he compared the wise sayings of many old cultures with those from other cultures. The book had been a small success, but he was mostly just happy that people were reading his work, money was a secondary concern.Today he would go to the library, looking for something to pique his interest, something to spark a new article or publication. Before long, he was in the old building, excited to be surrounded by the wealth of knowledge. The towering shelves loomed over him, and golden rays of sunshine came in from the high windows.At the moment, he was strolling past the section on Roman history. Empires had risen and fallen throughout history, and while the Romans had brought civilization to many cultures, he felt he would leave this particular aspect to those with a greater passion for it.It was interesting though to consider the way various civilizations had waxed and waned. There was a common consensus among most people, that the current world government, would be the last, at least until space exploration became a real thing. People talked about colonizing mars, but there was still a long way to go for that dream to become a reality.His measured steps eventually took him to the Ancient Near East section. Here was the story of Gilgamesh, Egyptian mythology, Egyptian wisdom literature, Mesopotamian wisdom literature, Histories of the Assyrian empire. He then noticed a copy of the Bible on the shelves. He had some fondness for the Bible, as he had drawn heavily on the Proverbs of Solomon in his book. The proverbs had seemed to him to be the wisest of all aphoristic sayings he studied. Of course there were gems in every culture.He found himself recalling a Sumerian proverb. ‘He who knows how to move around becomes strong. He will live longer than the sedentary man’. Common knowledge today, but amazing to see that people had become wise to the fact at such an early point in civilization. Then he thought of some of the early Egyptian proverbs he had read. ‘Be industrious, let thine eyes be open, lest you become a beggar, for the man that is idle cometh not to honor.’ Every culture, or at least those in the Ancient Near East had unearthed timeless wisdom.Ah, but the Bible. Here was a text that had endured throughout history. There were still many practicing Christians today, though he did not know much about what life was like for them. On the shelves were a few different translations, the New International Version, the New Revised Standard Edition, The Holmann. A colleague had once asked him, ‘Why do you use the Holman translation?’, to which his reply had been, ‘I don’t know, it’s easy to understand, but they go to the effort of being as close to the original meaning as possible.’There were so many different sections to inspect within the Bible. There was the Torah, the first five books, in which probably Genesis was the most interesting. Then there were the writings, like Esther, Job, and Ruth, and of course the prophets, Isaiah, Ezekiel, Jeremiah. He decided this time to have a look around the end in the New Testament, probably the section he was least familiar with. And then he became interested in an idea. What was the very last book of the Bible? Flicking through, he eventually found himself looking at the Revelation of St John. He had heard of this, but he had never read it.He began to read the first couple of verses.‘The revelation of Jesus Christ that God gave Him to show His slaves what must quickly take place. He sent it and signified it through His angel to His slave John, who testified to God’s word and to the testimony about Jesus Christ, in all he saw. The one who reads this is blessed, and those who hear the words of this prophecy and keep what is written in it are blessed, because the time is near!’He laughed inside just a little. The time is near, is it? He we are about 2500 years away from when this book is written, whatever this book was writing about, it had probably never happened. He began to skim read it, and eventually began to flick through a couple of the pages. He soon found himself at the beginning of chapter 13.‘And I saw a beast coming up out of the sea. He had 10 horns and seven heads. On his horns were 10 diadems, and on his heads were blasphemous names. The beast I saw was like a leopard, his feet were like a bear’s, and his mouth was like a lion’s mouth. The dragon gave him his power, his throne, and great authority. One of his heads appeared to be fatally wounded, but his fatal wound was healed. The whole earth was amazed and followed the beast. They worshiped the dragon because he gave authority to the beast. And they worshiped the beast, saying, “Who is like the beast? Who is able to wage war against him?’What could this be talking about? He found himself thinking about the earth’s current president, Wilbur Wilson. Nothing about this passage seemed at least on a surface reading to relate at all to anything in the present day. But as he read further down, his hands began to tremble.‘And he requires everyone—small and great, rich and poor, free and slave—to be given a mark on his right hand or on his forehead, so that no one can buy or sell unless he has the mark: the beast’s name or the number of his name.’He remembered the day he had been given his implant. This was the chip through which they could access their funds, and also served as identification, in the same way a driver’s license would have back in the day. His was embedded in his right hand, and to his knowledge, it was sometimes implanted in the forehead.How had someone around 100AD predicted this? He was about to continue reading, when he heard a voice speaking to him, quietly but clearly.

‘Micheal, I am an extension of the Terminus global AI system. It has been found that you are causing yourself distress by reading volatile material, and I have been assigned to direct you away from this using brain stimulation. Please put the book back and take a break today in your home.’

‘What?’ He thought to himself. ‘What is going on?’

Again, the voice came through. ‘Please put the book back and take a break in your home.’

’Well, I’m not going to do that!’ Said his own voice in his head.

But as he tried to continue further in the book, he found himself feeling a wave of nausea and anxiety wash over him, and he began to shake.

‘Put the book down Micheal.’ Came the voice again.

He was shocked, and tried to read further, but the anxiety and shaking began to increase. He felt like his brain would come running out through his ears.

‘Put the book down.’ Said the AI, this time more firmly.

Somewhere beneath all the anxiety, he knew he was angry, but it was becoming impossible to read any further. He had never heard anything about this terminus AI, but it was obviously real. He knew the anxiety he was feeling did not come from himself, he had always loved to read, and there was no way even a book such as this would have such a painful effect.

Nevertheless, it seemed impossible to go on any further in the way he was going. Then he began to wonder, had he been marked as someone dangerous now, much in the same way as people who bought blacklisted books, like Mein Kampf, would have been some hundreds of years ago. He thought about his life, he loved being an academic, and he loved that he got paid to do what he loved. He even enjoyed teaching other up and coming students in his lectures. Maybe this was a warning he should he heed. He closed the Bible and put it back on the shelf. He would go home, clear his head, and find something else to write about.

Leaving the library, he took one last look at it before he left. No, he did not want to lose his life in academia over one dangerous book. He was a good citizen, and did not want to jeopardize his position by studying something that government had deemed dangerous. Maybe he did need a break. He found himself imagining making a cup of tea in the privacy of his apartment, and reading one of the fiction books he had bought recently. This whole episode was best forgotten.

When we lived in California, our house was next door to a gas station. There was a fence all around, about 7 feet high, until you get to our front yard then it was only about three and a half feet high.

Our neighborhood wasn’t the best, and worse than what we had expected. For example our first morning, I let my three year old son go out in the front yard, not worried that he’d go into traffic or anything because of our fence. He came in the house holding a used syringe he found in the drive way. My husband went ballistic, then finally calmed down enough to tell our son to not touch anything like that and if he saw stuff again, to tell us, but don’t touch.

The next day, there was one ON OUR FRONT PORCH!

Our neighbors across the street, very nice ladies, told us that the drug dealers would use the pay phone at the gas station and then do their drug deals on the easement in front of our house (this was before cell phones).

The gas station eventually took out the pay phone and the drug dealers moved two blocks down to the liquor store.


No, wait.

A knock on my door.

“Hi, I’m (so and so) representing the (something) company. Our company puts in pay phones, and I noticed that there is no pay phone at the gas station next door. I polled some of the customers and they indicated that it would be nice if there was a pay phone there, but the owner won’t talk to us. We thought we could put one on your property facing the gas station. We’d pay you $600 a month if you would do this”

“Uh, no. Sorry. There used to be a pay phone but the only people who used it with any regularity were the drug dealers, who then did their deals in front of my house.”

“Well, you can’t blame the phone company for the drug problem.”

“I don’t, but as long as there is no phone, there are no drug dealers.”

“then you should be taking pictures and calling the sheriff’s dept.”

“Excuse me??? I have small children here, and drug dealers are mean people. I don’t relish getting a bullet in my head! Besides, if I put in a phone, my neighbors will never speak to me again.”

“Well, you can’t blame the phone company for that. This is $600 a month! That would help you with your small children!”

“Look. Son. What part of NO are you having difficulty with?”


(no kidding, I actually said that!)

Philippines Malate Nightlife JTV

This video is perhaps the best video available showing what a KTV line up looks like. Usually they do not want anyone filming. But, yeah this is kind of my life about two times a month.

The USA is NOT more advanced than China.

China is the most technologically advanced nation on earth, both in terms of daily life for the citizens, as well as in terms of the nation’s scientific and engineering advancements. Let’s look at the two individually.

Daily Life.

China has the world’s best mobile payment system. It is pretty much a cashless society. You pay for everything with WeChat or AliPay.

China has the world’s best 5G deployment. Good 5G service is available practically everywhere.

AI is widely used across the country.

EVs are widely used across the country. Charging stations are practically everywhere.

High-speed rail is widely used across the country.

Chinese subways are among the most advanced in the world.

China is the world’s largest producer of green energy, especially solar.

Nation’s Advancement.

According to the Australian Strategic Policy Institute, China leads the world in 37 out of 44 critical technology fields. The USA only leads in 7.

China is granted more tech patents than the USA and Japan combined!

According to the CWTS Leiden Ranking 2023, 16 of the top 25 universities in terms of quality research output are Chinese!

According to the Nature Index, the top 23 rising science institutions in the world are all Chinese!

And 39 out of the Top 50 rising institutions are Chinese! (Seven are American, two are British, and two are German.)

The Tiangong space station is the most spectacular orbital platform in the world, easily eclipsing the aging International Space Station.

It is widely acknowledged that China’s BeiDou navigation satellite system is superior to America’s GPS.

I took the following photo from my balcony in 20 May.

This one I took at 5PM in 6th Nov. 2023 in Shanghai National Exhbition Center

This one in Tianjin, a coast city in North China, 1:48PM, 21 Oct. 2023

This is a screenshot from my car recorder. Even when it’s cloudy, the sky is white, not gray.

Even when there was about to have a heavy rain, the sky was gray-ish, but not dirty gray.

Living in China is like going into a new era every 10 years, and the pollution thing in China is more than 10 years old.

China used to have serious pollution issues, because it was focusing on becoming industrialized before the west could shut the door of industrialization.

Should I remind the west about the uneatable fish from the Great Lakes region?

Environment in the west is not always as good as nowadays, for example, the New York City and LA city smog.

It’s almost inevitable when a country’s industry developing rapidly.

When the west finished their developing process, they turn back and forbid other countries from having their own industries,

because these former colonies should only receive high pollutive manufacturing from the west,

and spending the thin profit to buy high priced green equipment from the west,

just to deal with the pollution caused by making cheap products for the west.

China spent 2 decades to clean up the mess, and now is the leading country in green energy.

China also creates the most new green land. It created so much that the west even called this as forcing the trees to work or live, I cannot remember clearly, because I don’t want such shit to contaminate my mind.

Luna One | AI Series PART 4 | “Desolation and Giants”

All AI generated. Things are improving and changing quickly.

I moved out to London five months ago. Until then, I’d shared a bathroom and sometimes a bedroom for 18 years. This is more of a what no one tells you about living alone for the first time.

  1. You can poop with the door open. You can literally put your laptop outside the door, put on Netflix and watch Brooklyn 99 on the toilet. Heck, you could seat there and watch an entire episode, and no-one will know about it (unless you put it on Quora, obviously).
  2. Being financially independent is…terrifying. For example, you can spend £150 on a new tattoo and then eat powdered mac & cheese from Poundland until you get paid and your mother won’t be around to nag you about it. (I would not recommend doing this).
  3. It can get lonely. I have two siblings and they were always around to hang out or chat or annoy – I can’t do that now. When I was in London over Christmas and everyone was in their hometowns, I could go five days without leaving the house or talking to anyone in person.
  4. You can eat what you want, when you want. For example, it’s currently 3AM and I am eating mac and cheese (see number two).
  5. You can bring people home and not worry about any awkward interactions between them and your siblings the next morning.
  6. You can use the shower/bath whenever you want. I’ve spent nearly two decades of my life arguing with my older sister about who gets to shower first (aka who gets to use all the hot water).
  7. If you have pets at your parents and you move out, your new place is going to feel extremely empty. I came home every day to my dogs yapping at me and my god, I miss it.
  8. You will never ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever be on top of your laundry. It will come out of no-where. You will produce more laundry whilst doing laundry. You will always leave at least one item out the washing machine. Being an adult is just doing laundry until you die.
  9. There always be at least one chore to do. Washing the dishes. Vacuuming. Putting away the dishes. Cleaning the kitchen. Cleaning the bathroom. Unclogging the shower drain. Doing the shopping. It goes on and on.
  10. There is no one else to blame when the shower gets clogged. Again, I have an older sister and we always used to blame the other person whenever the drain got blocked. Now I am the sole user of the shower in my flat and I can’t blame the hair monster in the plug on anybody else.

Ukraine Aircraft Strikes Interior Russia with West-Supplied Weapons

Hal Turner World


Ukrainian fighter jets have fired NATO missiles at a target on Russian territory for the first time in this war! A “Russian command node” was hit on Sunday in the area of Belgorod. 

Expect a massive response from Moscow.

NATO continues to use Ukraine to launch its attacks on Russia!

The conflict between Ukraine and Russia is deteriorating so fast, and on so many levels due to NATO interference, that Serbia’s President Vucic now openly warns of World War 3 in Europe!!

We are months away from a full scale war between NATO vs Russia!! All signs point to a major war in Europe!” said President Vucic.  “We are heading for a major catastrophe and it seems that the train has already left the station and can no longer be stopped.”

In a TV interview, Vucic went on to say “No one in the West is talking about peace anymore – only more war. The West thinks it can win and take out Russia. I think the West is wrong. Both sides now believe it is existential for them, so I don’t think they will find a solution other than war and everything . . .  everything is at stake.” he continued.

In Europe, the leaders act as the big heroes, but they are not honest and do not tell their citizens that they will all pay a big price if it comes to war” he said.

Hal Turner Snap Analysis

It’s been well over a year since the collective West announced F-16s for Ukraine.   Since that moment, I said, and repeated ad nauseum, that Ukraine will NEVER GET F-16s…because they do not have airfields and maintenance to operate them.

I was right then and I am right now.

The simple FACT that they will have to use F-16s from NATO bases, also proves that those jets will have NATO pilots…because once those F-16 start hitting Russian targets, well, it will mean the EXPANDING of WW3, which already started.

It’s not really hard to understand that once Russia hits those NATO airfields, which they WILL DO, WW3 goes beyond Ukraine, hence, there is NO POINT IN TRAINING Ukrainian pilots.

I have predicted this for a very long time, and the only thing that made my dates to be wrong, was in INCREDIBLE PATIENCE OF RUSSIA.

But, as more time passed, the better accuracy my predictions become, and my last calculation was in November 2023, when I predicted direct conflict between NATO and Russia before the summer of 2024, which starts on June 20th.

I WAS 100% RIGHT — NATO forces started direct attacks against Russia at the end of last month, when they gave the “green light” to Ukraine to use Western weapons to strike inside Russia. We all know that NATO troops are doing it, not Ukrainians.

The only missing part is Russia striking back, but realistically speaking, the FACT is that Russia was directly attacked by NATO already.

In my view, Russia striking back is 100% CERTAIN.

We just don’t know when and how they will do it, but I am pretty sure that it will happen in the next 10 days, and it is going to be a major one.


War is the thing where . . .

Hal Turner World


War is a place where young people who don’t know each other and don’t hate each other, kill each other, based on decisions made by old people, who know each other and hate each other, but don’t kill each other.

von er Leyen and Stoltenberg will, alongside their families, take a chopper to their underground Nuclear bunker. While You and your sons and daughters will be expected to die for them.

This is the reality. Think about it.

The West is to Blame; and just won’t stop

We can expect a significant widening of the west’s participation in the conflict before Putin will be forced to react. How far this will need to go to cause his response is hard to say…. but he will not take any proactive measures to prevent any of that from happening.

Putin is very determined to avoid an escalation with NATO “at any cost.” This is clear from his words and body language. It is a misguided posture on his part as this will happen regardless of his desire.

Hopefully he is at least being properly prepared for that outcome, even if it is not his wish – and make no mistake he is VERY averse to any notion of any level of conflict with NATO. He knows this will rock the boat and he simply doesn’t want that.

As such, we can expect LOTS of tolerance with whichever the US/NATO does, short of attacking Moscow directly with NATO missiles.

Not sure it will be as fast as 10 days, as the US believe it or not, still have some self-preservation sense. But the escalation towards that outcome will be indeed visible in the next days.

The U.S. needs and wants this war because they are $34 TRILLION in debt, cannot pay it, and must get debt forgiveness. Without that, they would need to adopt austerity spending which would mean cutting the Welfare, Food Stamps Medicare, spending – which they KNOW would result in political suicide . . .  they would all be voted OUT.   To those politicians, losing power would be worse than dying . . . for them.

Here is the OFFICIAL Federal Reserve report on the growth of the U.S. Debt:


It is now growing at ONE TRILLION DOLLARS every 100 days!   This is simply not sustainable.  The government is going to collapse under the weight of its own debt.  It is a mathematical certainty.  There is no way out for them . . .

They’re like drug addicts who need a fix. The politicians would rather die than give up their drug, which is “power.”  They’d much rather have YOU and ME die, so they can keep their power.

In order to get debt forgiveness, they NEED a nuclear exchange.  The politicians who put us in this financial mess – – by buying votes with public handouts – need to be able to tell creditors “Our cities are destroyed, our people are dead, our economy is in ruins . . . . we have no hope of paying you – we need debt forgiveness.”

The Creditors, seeing this is the reality, will have little choice but to forgive the debt; but only after the country is stripped bare.  National Parks, National Forests: sold-off and all the trees clear-cut for lumber to pay the debts.   The Alaskan National Wildlife Refuge, sold off, and all the oil and gas drilled-for – as fast and cheaply as possible resulting in all sorts of environmental pollution – all taken to pay the debts.

Gold and silver discoveries in those national parks, all strip mined to grab the precious metals, and taken to be sold-off to pay the debts.

We will be left with a worthless plot of land, stripped bare and completely polluted, to pay the debts.  The entire country will be a an absolute nightmare.

All because of the United States House of Representatives, the United States Senate, wanted to play “the sport of Kings”  (i.e. war) and the Democrat party, which stole the Presidency in 2020 through election fraud along with  their useful idiots who are so ignorant, so utterly stupid, they voted for these charlatans, and caused it all to happen. 

At the top of the administrative heap of stupidity and ignorance, are the hirelings in the US State Department, who were so out of touch with reality and with history, they deliberately caused a war that could not be won, and should never have been fought.  Nuclear War.

THAT is what I fear is coming.  Very, very, soon.

  • Joining me today is Scott Galloway, NYU professor, published author and the host of Prof G & Pivot podcasts. Concerned for the welfare of young men, Scott sheds light on this global crisis, revealing the alarming rise in loneliness and declining economic prospects among men. In his latest book “The Algebra of Wealth”, he provides vital education on finances and investing, helping young people better understand compounding wealth and economic security. Tune in for the next hour for a deep dive into masculinity, AI, business and more.


  • 0:00 Introduction
  • 2:10 Life & the economy in the US, London & Dubai
  • 5:00 Raising a family in the UAE vs. the ‘real world’
  • 8:10 Why Scott left The States & moved to London
  • 12:25 Examining American culture: A patriarchal society?
  • 13:22 “Young men are failing”: the decline in young men’s health & success
  • 19:40 The future of education: democracy, improvements & threats
  • 24:12 Filtering information in the attention-ad based economy
  • 27:00 The marketing success equation (enragement = engagement)
  • 30:42 Bots & fake profiles
  • 32:02 Finding your purpose in life & work
  • 33:49 The male loneliness epidemic: “Gen Z’s are giving up!”
  • 40:00 “AI will speedball loneliness”
  • 43:00 Young people’s wealth” the proxy war on the young
  • 45:34 Attracting women
  • 47:12 The impact of Upbringing & family influence
  • 54:22 Scott’s advice for single men on finding ‘the perfect partner’
  • 57:12 Happiness & hedonism: how to build long-lasting happiness

I married in 1998. In 2000 our house was ready and we planned on getting a kid. We were given three. In 2001 our triplets were born.

Life was complicated for a while — but extremely rewarding. They are great kids, all of them, all in different ways.

In December 2010 my wife collapsed, was taken to hospital and diagnosed with brain cancer. She spent the next 14 months in and out of hospitals, both in our home town and in north Portugal. In February 2012 she went into a coma, and I was told that if the kids wanted to see their mother they’d better get there pronto.

My sister brought them to me. I sat with them, huddled them together and told them that their mother was in a Intensive Care unit, that she was in a coma and that she was unable to recognize them, understand them, or even to realize that they were there.

I gave them the full options: going to see their mother, or not. I told them she wouldn’t know, and that no one would judge them, whatever their decision would be. But that they would never again interact with her.

They cried, and they thought for a while, and then told me that if she wouldn’t know that they were there, they’d prefer to remember their mother alive, rather than just a body on a hospital bed.

I passed this information on to the hospital staff. They turned off life support and she passed away, quietly, without emerging from the coma. Next came the cremation, and by this time they were really upset. We decided that as soon as possible we had to get them out of that sort of reality, so we took them for a few hours in the park. And it worked wonders — but very few people outside the immediate circle of the two families understood this. I am still being criticized, and judged, for not bringing her home for a burial, and for allowing my kids to relax their mourning.

I figured that they had had this for the whole of the preceding year. They knew their mother was ill, and they understood (I don’t know how, because no one ever told them) that we didn’t expect her to survive. I still have friends of ours — OK, mostly friends of hers — who haven’t forgiven me for it.

A few days later, once we were back home, they came to me, and told me that it was fortunate that it had been mommie who had died. I was shocked, but curious, so I asked why. And the answer they gave was amazing: “Mommie was ill and was bound to die anyway; if you had died we’d have been all alone”.

But having to tell them that their mother was dying, and having to give them the choice of seeing her or not — that was the toughest position I was ever in.

I give them full credits for taking the option they took — it just shows they are practical, smart and level-headed kids.


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Cacciatore French Bread Pizza

French Bread Pizza SpendWithPennies 5
French Bread Pizza SpendWithPennies 5

Yield: 8 servings


  • 6 (7 inch) French rolls or 1 long loaf French bread
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • 8 ounces boneless, skinless chicken breast meat, cut into thin strips
  • 1 cup (1 small) sliced onion
  • 1 cup (1 small) sliced bell pepper
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 1 cup Contadina Pizza Sauce
  • 1/4 cup chopped fresh basil leaves or 1/2 teaspoon dried basil, crushed
  • 1/2 cup (2.8 ounce can) sliced ripe olives
  • 1 1/2 cups (6 ounces) shredded mozzarella cheese
IG French Bread Pizza SpendWithPennies 1
IG French Bread Pizza SpendWithPennies 1


  1. Slice bread in half lengthwise. Place cut-side up on baking sheet.
  2. Bake in preheated 425 degrees F oven for 3 to 4 minutes or until lightly toasted.
  3. Heat oil in large skillet over medium-high heat.
  4. Add chicken, onion, bell pepper and salt; cook, stirring constantly, for 4 to 5 minutes or until chicken is no longer pink. Spread pizza sauce over cut surface of bread; top with chicken mixture.
  5. Sprinkle with basil, olives and cheese.
  6. Bake at 425 degrees F for 5 to 8 minutes or until heated through and cheese is melted.
French Bread Pizza SpendWithPennies 7
French Bread Pizza SpendWithPennies 7

Oh, this one will be fun: How about the one battle in history where infantry defeated a navy fleet?

I give you, the Miracle of Empel.

It’s the year 1585 and the wars of Flanders were ongoing between the Spanish Empire and the Dutch Heretics. During winter, some of the Spanish Tercios of Alejandro Farnesio, commanded by Francisco de Bobadilla, were stationed at Bommelerwaard but were promptly surrounded by a great army and 100 ships led by Phillip of Hohenlohe. The Spaniards were offered terms to surrender but they simply answered with immortal words:

“Spanish soldiers prefer death to dishonor. We will talk about surrender after death”

And so began the siege. The Dutch did everything right, using their superior numbers and artillery to push the Spaniards more and more and they even flooded the countryside to bottle up the Spaniards and allow their ships to get closer and bombard their camp. The Spanish were surrounded by water and ships. Bobadilla then set up a final stand at Empel, and waited for their doom. However, as they prepared their positions, a Spanish soldier, while digging, is said to have found an image of the Immaculate Conception, which was quickly taken as a sign that God was with Spain. The Image was set next to the Burgundy Cross and the morale was restored. They would die fighting.

It was december 8th, and as night descended, a terrible cold came with the dark. It blew fiercely and continuously, such that temperature went down and down, until water began to freeze.

At some point, the Spaniards realized that all the waters around Empel had frozen over and that the Dutch fleet was trapped in the ice. God was with them, said the soldiers of the Catholic King, and so, with the terrible cries of “Santiago” and “Cierra España” the fearsome Spanish Tercios crossed the ice on foot and fell upon the Dutch ships, like wolves on sheep.

Hundreds of heretics died and all the ships burned. The Tercios marched away victorious:

After the battle, Admiral Hohenlohe-Neuenstein supposedly said: “It seems that God is Spanish to work such a miracle for them”.

Marcos is doing a job for USA: keep creating conflicts in SCSea. Exactly like what Ukraine did 10 years ago that resulted a Russia-Ukraine war. War is what USA wants.

Assertiveness??? That is part of the job for Marcos to reach the end result: WAR for USA.

After WW2, from 1946-2001, in 55 years, there were 248 wars around the globe. 201 of them ie 82% were instigated by USA. In 200+ years since US independence, there were less than 20 years when USA was not in a war. Worse, it is US vassals who shed blood & lose life for USA.

Other than war, USA would instigate countless unrest eg protests, riots & coups in other countries.

Thru unrest/war, USA controls other government & resource/economy. It is neo-colonisation without occupying other’s land.

In short, it is about money & power/dominance.

1, money: USA makes tons of $$$ by arms sale & post-war construction for war-torn countries.

2, power: USA weakens allies eg EU or Japan, as well as enemies eg Russia or China.

In the Ukraine war, USA uses 1 stone to kill 3 birds: weakens the economy of both Europe & Russia. & colonises Ukraine after war.

USA did not let Ukraine reach peace deal with Russia or attack Russian soil. Why? To drag the war long enough to economically weaken both Europe & Russia.

How many people died, displaced or suffered in a war? Look at Ukraine war, the entire world is affected by the interruption of supply chain eg food due to global shortage & inflation.

USA wont not let world peace to happen. USA must create unrest incl war. War is in USA’s DNA.

China Reveals Updated Plans For NEW Moon Base!

Very good overview.

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