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If you plan on leaving America - GO NOW

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There you go, MM,  you know exactly what happened down to patient zero so quickly and so efficiently in China, why WOULD they report it in the west?

We are still trying to figure what transgender bathroom to test in the USA.

You wrote a recent article that was a who’s who of our old patient census, MM- and it was literally 10 years ago - and I remember because they were all patting themselves on the back for Tahrir Square. Literally. That’s when they all started “trading” out of Asia and buying houses there.

They all left permanently for Asia after Maidan Square - in Ukraine. And they all - ALL laughed that that’s where they light off their “revolutions”. Tahrir Square in Egypt, Maidain Square in Ukraine... “Freedom” square in any other language.

Like I know it’s over for us-this is how I see it:

We are all a bunch of sheep in different pastures. And the Asian pasture - a long time ago got fed up with the Western pasture - more specifically that American pasture way out there with the riff- raff. So the Asian pasture went to work. And all the pastures did their thing. A few sheep would go to this pasture and that - but we all ate our grass. And a bunch of the American sheep - the riff - raff - are living in Asia and doing their thing with the Asian sheep. Cool.

But when they left they told this one sheep that America was going down next on their country list - and the sheep that was listening said “baaah”

And those riff-raff said ok you’ll see and now the sheep that said baaaa is now trying to say - oh shit those fucking crazy sheep that went to Asia were right - we need to freaking start hustling - this is getting crazy - and the article with Oregon getting rid of standards to teach kids is just the beginning.

And now, the freaking American sheep unleashed anthrax in the Chinese coop - and the Chinese were ready -

But I don’t think Americans are. I know you are screaming at the top of your lungs, MM about it and for people to be going.

What they are doing is dividing us AMERICANS and those in the WEST with these vaccines. The heads of the companies won’t even take them. You all in countries that are using the attenuated version of the vax are good. But that ain’t what we are getting in the west.

So now you have unvaxxed on one side and vaxxed on the other.

But has nothing to to with the vaccine - its this biometric qr shit they ultimately want us to have. That’s all it is.

For some it’s progress. For others - it’s not.

They are going to hit the unvaxxed with something real bad in the west. To get rid of us hold outs. The vaxxed already have their vaccine passports.

But it’s moving very very fast now. Free states are those opposing vax mandate

keff has reacted to this post.

and the sheep that was listening said “baaah”

LOL, love it.

One point I would like to make tho. Here in Asia, we have never lived with the Western notion of a "free press"  etc. The understanding here is there is an extent of governmental control over the media. As a result, the population takes what it reads in the media with varying amount of salt varying from a pinch to a whole fistful.

My personal perspective is that the West, especially the US is only just realising that its trust in the "fourth estate" and the "free press" and all that jazz was an illusion. People are naturally taken aback at this revelation and are not sure what to do.

This is compounded with an extreme form of individualism, where a person feels that he is entitled to whatever opinion he has, no matter whether he has investigated whether that notion is valid or not.

Further compounded with the advent of social media and internet search engines which relay back to a reader his own particular bias, thereby fueling a vicious feedback loop. More and more divisions form and are perpetuated.

If the Confucian societies (I hesitate to use "Asian" as it is too general) are a flock of sheep, then the West, especially the USA, is like a bunch of cats that was thrown from their warm beds onto icy cold street. There is mad wailing and rushing about in every direction. But in time, you will all regain your composure and figure out what to do next.

congjing yu, pissedlizard and 3 other users have reacted to this post.
congjing yupissedlizardJustAnotherAsianMemory LossDani

Well, it's rather interesting that Duff's article has been removed, already. As have a few of his related to nuclear 911 and Beirut. He was getting too close to the Truth.

I don't buy the narrative that the US attacked China. And have had confirmation of sorts from the slime. I do however buy the narrative that rogue elements within the US power structure working with other multinational criminal elements got their hands on dangerous biowarfare pathogens being developed in the 3rd World on Euranglolands dime. And what we are witnessing now is a desperate attempt by the Biden administration to gain control over these elements.

It is interesting though that in 2013 China decoupled from the petrodollar, which eventually will starve the US machine of cash. And this in itself according to some minds would be tantamount to an aggressive act.

China is doing well for now, but I've got a sneaky suspicion all that will change in the not too distant future. I just can't see them taking on the Western power structure and winning. Unless of course the alternative scenario many hold will come to pass: that the US has now served her purpose and will be intentionally dismantled or reconfigured along with Canada to dominate north and south America; while Russia, China and Israel dominate Europe and Asia according to the Bunting Clover Leaf map, with spiritual and political authority centered in New Jerusalem.

It's all ultimately just about business, after all. The idea of national borders and individual countries or states is a 17th and 18 century concept long debunked in all but the minds of the masses. It's a useful tool with which to herd the sheep and nothing more.

pissedlizard has reacted to this post.

@Keff, your personal perspective is on point.

I think what Americans are seeing is the real ugly liar behind the curtain. We all know one is there and people in other countries grow up being on the receiving end of that lie.

Take Trump out of the equation. He - as a person is too hot to visualize. So let’s assume it was anyone in office in America when this happened.

If you say as that president - “the sky is blue” - and you see every single person you trusted -say the EXACT OPPOSITE - “the sky is pink” - only - and ONLY because the president said it was blue - your faith is shaken.

When those same people - who did everything they can to prove to you that the sky is red - all of a sudden say “now we have a new guy the sky is, in fact, blue” - people’s faith is no longer shaken - it’s shattered.

And that is what you all are seeing outside of the states. We did have some faith in some thing our news outlets and leaders were saying - that faith in EVERYONE is shattered. And we are all looking at each other trying to place blame. Because if you were a “sky is red” person - well, now you are out too.

We have had 4 solid years of everyone doing the exact opposite of one man because he was who he was. No matter what side of the fence you were on - you saw it.

And in the states, the old timeers on TV and radio - yeah, we trusted them. We are taught to. They kept the government in check.

Then they became an arm of the government really without us seeing. And when they showed it - who they REALLY are - to everyone here - yeah, it’s sort of like finding your wife in bed with your bud. It’s a gut punch.

And yup, we are paying for it. Every day here.

We were sold a flavor of communism we didn’t want is all that happened. And now the powers that be here in the states are running countries themselves. Or companies that ACT like countries.

@ultan I would like to agree with you that this wasn’t an attack by the USA, but my friend, I can’t give our government the benefit of the doubt anymore. Our US dollars funded this crap. If there lab in Whuhan did not have the money from the USA to do dirty research in and all of a sudden there is a “leak”....

No. I’m sorry. John Bolton was a nut. All of the CENTCOM people were nuts. And they only cared about themselves in the end. These were sociopaths with a mission. And all of us are paying. But we did this. We did. And the sooner we stop blaming other countries the the better. If there is one thing that we can do as Americans - REAL Americans as we fall, and we are, and that is to just knock this shit off and focus on real problems first.

Let China do it’s thing. They are not bothering anyone. H they aren’t trying to “take over the world”. America is. Let Russia be Russia. They have great food and beautiful women. Why the hell are we sticking our fingers there? Enough is enough.

Freedom isn’t dying in America. It isn’t. It’s just changing shape. I think that’s the snag that is going to be the final blow though. The real freedom lovers here in the states. The ones who like shooting things and blowing shit up in our back yards. Round us all up in one geographic area then light the fuse.

congjing yu, keff and Ultan McG have reacted to this post.
congjing yukeffUltan McG

The powers that run the world are initiating a change, PL. A drastic change. The US, Russia, China, are all acting out their predesignated roles. Bolton and company were put there for that very purpose. American know-how, industry and production capacity was shipped lock, stock and barrel to China-- partially via our friendliest ally in the M.E.-- for that very purpose. Ezra Vogel explained the strategy in detail a decade ago. Others, too. (It's on record. And "they" always reveal their plans in occulted ways.) We're watching it play out now. Minus the dramatics and hysteria, of course. Now the Bad Guys have gone. Job done. Shift initialed. Disappeared with a multi million dollar parachute and a book deal, or whatever.

Think it's an accident the US lost its global social, political and economic clout practically overnight? It would have been 15 years sooner had 911 gone according to plan. By now we'd have been living in a completely different world if it had. In another ten years from now, we will be.

You guys in Florida amd elsewhere aren't marked for destruction. Don't worry about that. You are however being used as a petri dish to incubate-- and possibly spread later on-- a disease that will probably have the same ultimate  result as a Deagel Forecast. Or if the white hats manage to put the spike on that, at least to facilitate a geographical break up of the soon to be former United states. A new North. And a New South. That much is practically certain.

Look after yourself and look into De Santis-- someone in your not inconsiderable social and professional circle must know about who and what he really is. And may very well be too terrified to discuss it. It  also involves Romney and Cuba. And I had better leave it at that, 😉.

Any relevant updates I have from my end will of course be forthcoming. Keep us updated. Up to my tits in stuff, lately. Getting ready for the big move. It's looking likely another monster lockdown is coming too on both sides of the pond later this year. This one will be a gamechanger after the mixed messages intentionally spread to muddy up the narrative through the first half of '21. And what comes out the other end may very well tell us whether it's gonna be a rough or a smooth transition.

Hang in there!

pissedlizard has reacted to this post.

Every day I ask myself if I should just sell everything and move my family to India. My state is “free” but we also have cowardice at all levels.

it’s really pretty much over for America. This winter they’ll extend vaccine mandates (with or without FDA approval) to super markets and hospitals, at least in blue states, and then the civil unrest begins. Then they’ll roll out the camps, under the pretext of stopping the spread, but really it’s to control the civil unrest.

that’s my read anyway. It might be too late to get out.

congjing yu and pissedlizard have reacted to this post.
congjing yupissedlizard

Guys, guys, guys. It seems like the world is coming apart at the seams. So what can you do?

You turn off the "news". You walk outside. You listen to the birds. You go into a restaurant and have a delicious meal. You smell the air. You hop on a bicycle and ride. You play with your kitties, or romp with your dog.

After a few days of this, then you take in MEASURED "news".

If you live in Idaho, what the Hell is going on in New York should be of no concern to you. If you read anything about China, but haven't been there in the last two years, then discard it as noise. Who gives a fuck of Mr. XXXXX says YYYYY that will do ZZZZZ? It's all just a blimp on the big picture.

I place articles in my "New Beginnings" section. I am churning out another one. And there is every indication that the mental illness that is the American leadership is getting worse. That's true. But read what I say at the end. We all need context. Otherwise, we might as well hide under a rock.

People! The ONLY way for you all to get through this period of strife is to be a Rufus. That's the ONLY way.

pissedlizard has reacted to this post.

You are right, MM - it is so easy to get tied up in all the bull crap.

Things are just really getting odd here in the states. And more dangerous literally by the day. And what’s crazy - is here in the USA - nobody knows WHAT to believe. We have all seen this movie a dozen times - just in other countries.

The dust really is starting to kick up here. And that’s all I was trying to get across in the original post. In fact it’s kicked up SINCE the original post!

But yes - being a Rufus - no matter what -  first. But it’s really getting nuts here.

congjing yu has reacted to this post.
congjing yu

well I must agree. staying at home reading news or depressing posts or messages can make you feel this way.. I am not saying not to read or take notice on what is going on or what is interesting.. I am here too. I just feel that going out talking to people, have a drink, coffee or something to eat, changes everything. I am in Porto, even met some Americans, from Montana,  they where happy to be here, but they said or admitted to be white prevailge, not in this words of course .. so the situation in US was not as bad for them, they did say, well they were not very talkative .. kind of afraid of saying something.. that the country is divided. I felt from the tone that it is different this time, then the usual REP-DEM or white black issues, but they did not say more.
anyway, here people are good. they are humble and down to earth. compare to the US they are what you call poor. but quiet happy in what they have, even after almost 2 years of economic strife. I assume it is the advantage of not having much in the first place ..

In any case, talking and interacting with people, especially the young ones, in their twenty-something which by nature are optimistic, and they have the right to be so, is the best booster for your mood and immune system 🙂

congjing yu and JustAnotherAsian have reacted to this post.
congjing yuJustAnotherAsian

Smile. Be happy. Be cautious with the Coronavirus. This is a nasty bio-weapon launched by John Bolton. Never forget that. And now it is hitting the USA, and like a cluster of scared kittens everyone is running every which way instead of calming down, and getting their shit in order.

Remember the rule of three. Do your prayer affirmations. Tone down the "news". Be prudent with personal actions, and behaviors. Cultivate friendships and contribute to your society. Be the best that you can be. And all will be fine.

JustAnotherAsian and Dani have reacted to this post.
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