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If you plan on leaving America - GO NOW

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Is there a thread dedicated to Vaccines? I would like to post this.. my thoughts in that matter, As for this moment in time 🙂

My take on bio weapons and corona viruses.

All countries are wrong, some intentionally, others have no choice but to play the game. For example, the origin of the virus is being masked by the West because it is the west who started this shit. Well, exactly who it was, john Bolton in the name of a fake Christ, some mega rich dooms day philanthropist or a cult of masonic rapists it is a question for the next generations to come.

China as some other countries had to play along, revealing the truth to its public would escalate the situation which is already delicate.

This is changing now, as we see that the west has decided to play the chicken game to its end.

I do think that China got played, not that it matters, the leadership did what they believe is best for china and they are doing well, my point is that if you look at china today it has no vulnerabilities, so you take their actions and methods and use them for your plan.

Look at the west, what model are they trying to implement? Talking with people on the street always ended with look at china, they won this because they use masks all the time and they had control. Complete control.

So you take this narratives and implement them, first in people heads, then in legislation and enforcement. It is like the patriot act on steroids, but it is more inclusive. And the vaccines are just a way to get this control implemented in a very elusive way. Look, even the Chinese are taking the vaccine, the Russians too.  So it is the new normal, right?

The end result which is around the corner, is a kind of a tight control high tech totalitarian regime, which will have many of the characteristic of china system menus the core. It is hollow, as it is not there to provide for the people and the nation but for the oligarchy and the few which hold the horses rein.

Think patriot act, think 9 11, think Afghanistan and Iraq, think Anthrax and bioweapon convention, what was all this about, can you tell? I can’t.

We can detect the false flag op, but for what end? This could be hidden for years. Geo politics have layers on layers. It is a long term policy, and this is why you need control on both REP and DEM alike. Something that was achieved along the way. But it is not only in America. It is all around the world, facilitated by the new paradigm, ideology/religion of liberal democracy and capitalism. It is a fraud. A way of control, which now is seen as archaic,

“Look at all the technology we have, look at the science. Look at China. We want this kind of control, only with no values attached.”

Values are for the weak. And the powerful do as they wish.

So the world is being vaccinated. Against a corona virus type of bioweapon, and the world feels good.

Diving into the world of viruses, corona and flu like especially, you learn that they are Symbiotic. They need a host. And we as some other animals, mostly mammals, are great hosts.

Taking into extreme, our body is not an enemy but a friend. And using this kind of viruses as bio weapon is not exactly a good way to achieve maximum casualties, definitely not for a healthy population, but if you already have serious health problems and or you are old, meaning your body is weak and ready to depart, well ,then the virus can weak you and you die. From whatever other medical condition you have.

From the virus point of you, this is a clearly a bad option, and of course the Initial human lab design will eventually evolve into a more moderate variant. And this will happen rather fast.

So, are vaccine good or bad? The answer is, it depends.

Most vaccines were developed during the first part of the 20th century, stretching to the seventies of this century. They were to combat deadly viruses which mostly attacked a very young population.

But analyzing flu and corona vaccines, we see it is a different story.

Trials to create a pandemic or a mass hysteria happened before, amazingly it was proceeded by a call for mass vaccination campaigns. 1976 flu vaccine fiasco remain famous, but was only one of many. In 2009 and in 2011 we had new hysteria trials which since then gave birth to yearly vaccine campaigns.

The corona virus family appeared somehow late on the world stage.

First with the SARS COV 1 then with the MERS and lately with the SARS COV 2.

As in the post 9 11 example, it is hard to detect the end game.

Between Afghanistan, Iraq and the US, “Show me the money” gives us multiply earners and winners. Oil, gas and weapon corporates as well as big pharma opioid based firms. And as a bonus you get a more isolated China and a new set of legislation which facilitate your domestic control and make the constitutional rights of the free citizenry vaporized.

But, is it really the bonus or is it the other way around?

I have no clear answer.

What we do know is that all flu and corona vaccines so far ended up as a total fiasco or in most cases just did nothing to change mortality. Usually chasing a future shadow south hemisphere variant which may or may decide to appear next.

So, to take the vaccine or not?

First, in the west, less and less people have a real choice.

The numbers from Israel after a mass vaccination campaign, is showing a minimum efficiency. And if to be polite a zero effect on mortality.

The patients in the hospitals are all vaccinated, once, twice or three times.

Maybe the vaccine helps some, maybe it doesn’t have side effects, but being vaccinated doesn’t seem to give an extra protection.

Now they are going not only for people who question the vaccine efficiency but people who took only one jab, and soon only two, as the third jab is being delivered already. Yep, in Israel twenty percent of the population is now with third jab, and the numbers grow fast.

In situation like this, calmness is advantage, wait for the others make their move and watch. If you have a reasonable doubt and you can wait, why not?

Let us rethink, from the emerging of the first SARS COV 1 billions had been invested with no result, almost twenty years, and I am sure not only the Americans but the Chinese as well were interested in finding a reliable vaccine.

But then, it had to pass rigorous tests and trials, to see how effective it is, and apart from effectiveness, that it does not have severe side effects in the long term.

2020 was a miracle year, the virus was supposedly mapped at January 2020, and in the same year we saw not only one but many successful vaccines.

Not just successful, they showed percentage of effectiveness so great that it could only be a miracle. Multiply many times by different countries and manufactures. And we all cried, Halleluiah.

As from 2020, it Seem like the world is locked into a vaccine race, not much different than the space race sixty years ago.

Only this time, not just the Americans leaped from exploding on their way into or in orbit, to playing golf on the surface of the moon dressed in sunglasses and bermudas, but all major players in this race had declared “we hit the jack pot”. Each side presented a success rate ranging from a moderate 94 percent in the Eastern hemisphere to an amazing 120 percent in the western one. And we all cried, Halleluiah.

So what is going on? I admit, I have no answers, only questions. But having fear from a corona or a flu type kind of bio weapon does not make much sense. Yes, you can catch it, one variant or another, I think that if you are healthy, taking the vaccine wouldn’t change much, but if it makes you feel better then go for it.

congjing yu has reacted to this post.
congjing yu

Personally, the vaccinations in China are all made the old-fashioned traditional way. They take the virus, then kill it. Then inject the dead virus in your body. Your immune system reacts to it, just like it would if it was a live virus. And you are inoculated. I have taken both injections. Everyone in China is getting the injections, and it's a very orderly and calm procedure. But it will take some time. China has 1.6 billion people.

After the carpet-bombing of China by John Bolton's livestock based bio-weapons, and prior history of the USA launching bio-weapons in HK and China, the Chinese were prepared. In China, like here on MM, we all don't believe in coincidences, and when it comes to life or death situations, China is very pragmatic. So the entire military went DEFCON ONE, and everyone locked down China in layers.

One of the tell-tales that this was a bio-weapon was how the Chinese military came out with military decontamination vehicles all spraying anti-virus agents in a thick fog everywhere. You don't do this for the common cold.

Dani has reacted to this post.

Well, I agree of course. I got to acknowledge so many things through your blog, Before I was only drifting between narratives.

I think you are in a privileged place, an honest community inside and a country that cares about its people. If I was in China I would have taken the vaccine because I am part of the community and I trust the people who leads the country. Actually I was looking around checking how to get the Chinese vaccine here in Europe, And if anybody knows a way please let me know.

My point was that first, here in the west, the situation is fragile and many times hostile for any other opinion, and there is zero percent trust in the government, any government what so ever. And this make you think, should I or should I not be part of this experiment?

Second, My understanding is that any bioweapon is by nature limited. it will eventually dissipated into less harmful variants, which we all end living with.
For example, if we go and do an antibody memory cell test, I am sure we all find Our body has immune cell memory for many variants and viruses released in the past as bio weapon projects.
You wrote about the bio attacks on china food industry, many attacks, well it took a tole and a year later things stabilized. this happened couple of times. is this because China found a quick vaccine for this viruses the Americans spread?

No, the virus spread, circulated and when finished, we got only the survived pigs which where immune, or with cell memory, at the same time the lethal variant joined his un fortunate hosts and departed from this world. And the survived variants where the mild ones. the ones that did not kill their host.

SARS pandemic and N1H1 were real, probably another bio operation, but they didn't last long. no vaccine did the job. nature did.

So, the fear and actions where completely reasonable at the time, beginning of 2020, my argument is that two years into this bio weapon attack, the narrative of the apocalyptical pandemic is but a hype to serve many obscure interests and agendas.

Now, is there another attack on the horizon?
Maybe or maybe not, but this is one of this obscure interests I wanted to open here for discussion.


congjing yu has reacted to this post.
congjing yu

My guess is that there is another bio-weapon attack planned.

The USA government is "sleepwalking" forward on a plan that must have been drafted sometime around 2005 - 2008 (about the same time when just about everyone in MAJestic was "retired"). Which would be a real coincidence. And you all know what I think about coincidences...

Which means, that the American government who drafted this long-term plan and strategy was George Bush Jr. And everyone was just been following the plan in lock-stop whether things fail or not.

Sure John Bolton was put in charge of the bio-weapons, and we have different faces and people. But the over all "grand strategy" has been consistent. The puzzle pieces have been moving in place with precision, though over the last five years or so, very awkwardly.

We are now in a high-risk period. But the longer this period can be delayed the safe the world will be.

The United States appears (maybe is, maybe not) contracting in stages globally. Meanwhile vast massive sums are being spent in military upgrades and purchases. On top of a looming economic bubble, and a fantastic uptick in domestic spending. Obviously something is going on. But what?

There are too many conflicting signs.

the only thing that makes sense is that the government is "sleepwalking" and following a plan that someone put in place a long time ago. And that on top of this, are really short-term thinkers, who are doing things without any idea of the consequences.

This hurried, near fantastical desire to have a mRNA vaccination instead of an easier to devise traditional vaccination is worrisome.  It's untested, unproven, and new technology. Why?

My guess is that "something else" is planned or expected.

Dani has reacted to this post.

You asked why I do not have a vaccination forum topic. I don't. Nor do I want one.

It's all disinfo.

And the reason why I do not have one is well, well stated on The Saker.

I will add that there's a mob mentality regarding this subject that is very similar to the "mad cow", "Y2K", "exploding cellphones near gas pumps", and the "2012 end of the world prophecy".

I am not saying that you are part of this mob, but I am saying that I do not want any of this "stuff" on MM except tangentially in passing. There are bigger, better, and more important issues than one driven out of Washington DC. There's a New Beginning that is just now manifesting, and the rest of the world is changing, while the West collapses.

Read The Rant on the Saker to fully understand where I am coming from. And then, mosey on down to the UNZ Review to read their RANT.

keff, JustAnotherAsian and Dani have reacted to this post.

@daniel Re: Chinese vaccines available in Europe, looks like for now, it's mainly Eastern Europe (Serbia, Hungary, Bosnia and Herzegovina).

With Serbia (& maybe later, Hungary) producing Sinopharm vaccine locally.

It doesn't look like Western Europe will adopt Chinese vaccines any time soon due to geopolitics (no surprise there). Closest in consideration maybe Republic of Ireland but don't hold your breath.

Interestingly enough, both Sinopharm and Sinovac are to supply up to 550 Million doses immediately to UN backed COVAX Facility. No vaccine hording by China.

Dani has reacted to this post.

(about the same time when just about everyone in MAJestic was "retired"). Which would be a real coincidence. And you all know what I think about coincidences...

Hmmm, I didn't know that MAJ was retired. Are you allowed to say what party ordered the retiring? I don't think that it would be Bolton and gang because he is part of the visible government. Whereas MAJ was almost invisible. So the party that disbanded MAJ must have been higher up the food chain than both Bolton and MAJ?

congjing yu has reacted to this post.
congjing yu

The decision to retire MAJestic HAD to come from the highest levels of government. Administration as to HOW, can and was handed off to underlings.

keff has reacted to this post.
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