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We do not share a reality with others

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Quote from DSKlausler on August 20, 2021, 7:21 pm

Great! NOT!

Shared Earth. Hmmm. Those with common "thoughts" manifest a common world. Should I then change my thoughts so radically as to conjure my own unique earth?

I have had zero success (as far as I can tell), getting off this shared and controlled prison... perhaps it is because I actually seek that earth where its cosmic entanglements cause a regular slate-cleaning - and THIS IS IT.

You should read through the Prayer and Affirmation Index if you haven't yet. I suspect that will help you out with your goal.

congjing yu, Ultan McG and Memory Loss have reacted to this post.
congjing yuUltan McGMemory Loss

Strawberry Fields ForEHvaa, indeed. But as far as that charming video you posted-- thanks for that, man, I think-- nice family viewing-- they're not Taliban, and that's not Kabul in August where temperatures top 40 Celcius, there's never a cloud in the sky, and where the sun would fry an egg on your hood. Nor are those brutes dressed for summer operations in that part of the world.

Sorry, but image analysis is as much about background details as it is about the focal point-- where one's attention is intended to be drawn. Intended. See the Isis flag, too? Taliban are not Isis. Taliban no likee Isis. An overfed Isis brute wouldn't last a day in Afghanistan.

If I was even pushed, I don't pick up a Pashtani dialect. And if a Pashtun or a Taliban is gonna blow your head off, he's not gonna use a sidearm. That's full on Kalashnikov territory, baby.

Clearly Afghanistan is now being demonised, and the last I heard, big wooden cages are being set up in downtown Kabul for the expected uptick in the women trade.

Shit's getting medieval! Well, according to the BBC, anyway.

Caveat Emptor. Don't buy any of that shit for a minute. And the fact that they used the obviously fake rubber plane on a Stars and Stripes feature too (very strange in itself) tells us all we need to know: look HERE. NOT over there.

congjing yu and Memory Loss have reacted to this post.
congjing yuMemory Loss

Haha Ultan McG that fake plane with the fake windows sure is annoying huh? 😂

An psyop that may be on the scale of 9-11 minus the kinetics. Something big is happening or has happened.

The MWI needs to account for a world where everything is fake or simulated. Because these creatures will slide everyone into a black hole devoid of humanity. The reality they want to share with the world is fake and may actually disrupt the growth of mankind entirely. In a worse case scenario, they may by design or accident, actually terminate mankind as a species.

congjing yu and Ultan McG have reacted to this post.
congjing yuUltan McG
Ciao! Gip me your ideas

And as Metallicman has reminded us time and time again, all media narratives be they mainstream or alternative are completely controlled by the US government or their subsidiaries throughout Eurangloland and other client states everywhere, from Bali to Korea to Timbukk- fucking -Too. The rubber plane is just another classic example of that.

Something is coming. That much is obvious. And it's gonna be big. And it's gonna be disruptive. Batten down the hatches and hold fast, as they used to say. It's all about Russia, China and the US. Everything else is just a distraction. Especially if it's sent to you as a link, or on a Twitter feed, or whatever. And as another Metallicman classic insight reminds us: it's what's NOT being talked about is what's really going on.

I personally think our old friend AriseZion is onto something; and there's a large Naval fleet lurking off Taiwan, indeed-- British (untested battle hulk-- 19th century, obsolete platform), German (wtf??), French (I think) and those particularly worrisome Dutch frigates, 😂.

And the USPACFLEET who were already sent home with their tails between their legs last year. What they expect to do differently this time is anybody's guess. But something tells me it's now a rearguard or a provocative function only.

Send in the Dutch!!! Outflank 'em with the Japanese!!! Where have the Koreans gone?? ( The weak link in the Stooge Chain a according to the Chinese-- and more fucking power to them.)

The PLA Navy must be quaking in their boots.

congjing yu has reacted to this post.
congjing yu


The video with the executions appear to be probably northern Syria. From the black flags, it looks like ISIS (or one of their cousins). Also it appears to be winter time. And the head dress and clothing do not appear to be Afghan.

But with the Aircraft, yes it does seem like some shadowy symbolism going on here. I used to laugh at the idea of numerology, but recently I have seen some things I can't explain and to me, there is some power going on there. I seems the bad guys have hijacked the power of the numbers for their own nefarious purposes.


congjing yu and Memory Loss have reacted to this post.
congjing yuMemory Loss

Keff, with the Master Magicians who ultimately control this realm and everything in it, it's ALL about numbers, dates and astrological charts. You're gonna have to take my word on that. That's why you've been told over and over and over again since  the minute you could talk that it's all horse-puckey.

Check out Manly P Hall and his masterly Hidden Teachings of the Ages and you'll find out all about it. It's EVERYTHING to them.

congjing yu, keff and nobulart have reacted to this post.
congjing yukeffnobulart

That book is a superb source. Been wading through it myself for the past few weeks.

congjing yu, Ultan McG and Memory Loss have reacted to this post.
congjing yuUltan McGMemory Loss

MWI?? Perhaps discussions of Afghanistan, psy-ops, war, and magik could have their own threads?

congjing yu has reacted to this post.
congjing yu

Perhaps you ought to chill out and go with the flow, Prof.

When folks have something to say about MWI, they'll say something about the MWI. Anyway, the thread above is related to the MWI in a number of different senses; and, more specifically, how by engaging Normie with the mainstream narratives outlined above, for example, clusters of individual strands will be formed in order to bring people precisely where the Magicians wish to bring them.

Forewarned is forearmed, dontcha know. You might have missed that part somewhere along the line.

congjing yu has reacted to this post.
congjing yu

You'll probably find Gurdjieff's work interesting too, N. The Fourth Way is particularly relevant for today's world. And his Conversations With Beelzebub are strikingly similar in form to the tale Arl told us about the Domain's struggle with the Old Empire. And ours right here on Earth for that matter.

congjing yu, Memory Loss and Satellite Conspiracy have reacted to this post.
congjing yuMemory LossSatellite Conspiracy
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