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Hold fast, Feal. Nothing's set in stone in the Quantum Realms as we know.

I cant help thinking though, that when the Domain refer to small bads or big bads, they might not, necessarily, be talking in terms of human casualties. Perhaps there are other considerations for them. They do occupy interdimensional space, after all.

Stay safe, out there. I have a feeling it's Germany and Poland being lined up for something. Both places have been acting bat shit crazy, so to speak, of late.

Make sure you have alternative wsys of communicating with friends and family set up if you can.

And best of luck, U.

Feal and Tas have reacted to this post.

@ultan-mcg much appreciated mate!

I think the m-band noise here is probably getting pretty gross. Our malignant media is making sure of that. Even though I'm without a TV and avoid every outlet possible there's an almost palpable amount of hate in the air.

My alternative means of communication is simply walking a few miles and speaking in person πŸ™‚

Take care of yourself too!


Ultan McG has reacted to this post.
Ultan McG

A bit of humour here in Korea: because the Russians have obviously upset the apple cart and response "plans" are obviously being prepped on the fly and in some panic-- surprise surprise, Cilla-- by the US, they haven't been as careful, and the mask has slipped as it has with the liberal leadership of the EU (sending missiles and weaponry by the tonne into a 3rd world anocracy where most of it's going to get sold or given to meth heads to kill Russians (baaad idea, guys-- you'll pay for that one), civilians, themselves and each other with...)

But in Korea it's being reported that the "US has permitted Korea" to keep sending electronic junk to China and keep Korean factories in Eastern Russia supplied with staff and material.

"US has permitted", being the term of interest.

Now a lot of Koreans are starting to ask: WTF? We need their permission?

Yeah guys, welcome to how the world really works. Whatever is going to happen, it's going to be interesting. Koreans might even wake up. Although a recent poll says that 70% of Koreans want nukes to protect themselves with. So maybe not. There are plenty of undeclared US ones here, already. As there are in Japan.

Good luck with that too, guys.

And I'd also be contemplating life sans internet, too. But who cares, we have cats for entertainment. But hey, looks like even Russian cats are getting deplatformed, too. No more international travel to competitions for Russian moggies. (Ya gotta admit, that's comedy gold, right there.)

Russian cats be like: so whaaaa, πŸ˜‚.

Feal has reacted to this post.

Vault 7 is radiating the fuck out of the NPC service-to-another sheeple. They are now all filled with anger and hate and have become wanna-be-Rambos. And inside of the USA they have guns. Lots and lots of guns.

Soon, well soon, that's all they'll have. If the USA wants to fuck with China... no food. No machines. No medicine. No products.

Then watch what happens.

It would be great to see both Korea and Japan get themselves free from their post WWII suzerainity. It's a shame that the youth still seem to buy into the idea of the U.S. as a society to be emulated and looked up to. That is, of course, only my perception influenced by various U.S. media platforms like YouTube and Twitch. Hopefully in reality it's a little less one sided.

I don't think the Germans realise just how stupid it is to fuck with Russians, or felines. The Old Empire couldn't tame the cats and neither Hitler or Napoleon the Russians, but Russian cats!? Oh dear, they're screwed!

Ultan McG has reacted to this post.
Ultan McG

And isn't the propaganda and fear porn just off the scale, for sure. Clearly the Legacy Powers knew this or something like it was coming and have been preparing accordingly. The whole COVID shpiel allowed them to drill the disinfo and censoring platforms and mediums. The DUMBs, the MRNA shots, all of it. In preparation for the times we're in now-- all that hasn't gone to plan is their timetable. Which under the right set of circumstances could indeed fuck everything up. However if as New Rob says there really are a bunch of Illuminated Masters guiding everything to some Grand Plan, then it's just a minor setback this whole Putin thaaang and timetables be damned; alternatively if, however, and as Metallicman and the others who know what's running things in the west have been saying for ages, they are in actuality a bunch of incompetent sacks of shit, Anal Schwab and his grest reset included, then we're looking at another fuck up of epic proportions. And maybe they're about to pay a heavy price for that.

No wonder the Canadian truckers caused such a panic.

Word is Putin went in to prevent a massive, imminent invasion of the Eastern Russian republics by arseholes in Key-Ev in what was formerly known as "Ukraine", heh heh, probably involving some kind of bio or nuclear attack against Russia, too. (The Domain did tell us this was ready to launch by November 2021.)

Pompeo and the other botty boyzz tripping over each other in Taiwan is odd, too. A desperate rush to sort something out? Or just another part of the ingeeeenious grand plan. Who knows.

Either way, the nationwide power outage there just as their meetings were getting under way was no accident.

Some might even call that an omen.

So nah, if anyone has a plan its Putin and Xi. The rest of these doofuses are about to get consigned to the history books. Only question is how many innocents they plan on leaving for dead as they scramble for the bunkers.

Hopefully there's a plan to deal with that aspect, too. That tip I was given in the strongest possible terms to get outta Eurangloland was a good one for Mr And Mrs McG personally, though. Because very soon I have a feeling that nobody will be going anywhere. Period. As the colleague who gave me the tip said: very soon, where you are will be where you are staying for a considerable amount of time, and if that'd be okay with you. I thought he was referring to COVID. Now I know otherwise. Made sure i didn't stall ass this time. Whether or not it was from the frying pan into the fire is another matter, LoL.

Best of luck to you all, anyway. Let's try and keep everyone updated~

congjing yu, Feal and Tas have reacted to this post.
congjing yuFealTas

Meanwhile Korea is being shown just who's da boss-man, by a representative of a failed state that doesn't even exist, anymore. The Crimea is now Krym, don'tcha know,πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ :

And these green-haired intellectual behemoths are also making some well-thought out moves, the mind boggles:

This is only ever gonna go one way. Better make sure I feed the kitten-- she's getting fatter now, and rather demanding, too, that little %%$$! Not to mention my destroyed socks. But at least she's content!

congjing yu and Feal have reacted to this post.
congjing yuFeal
Quote from Feal on March 4, 2022, 9:12 am

No ground based nukes here, other than those stored at US air bases. Still legitimate targets, of course. Our own submarine based nukes are usually only a quarter loaded and their reliability is questionable so their use would be extremely suicidal.

Yes, extremely suicidal to launch the Tridents but never underestimate the stupidity of Boris Johnson. Although PM, geopolitically, he is not much more than Governor General of the UK colony of the US. Been like this since Tony Blair.

Even the carrier HMS QE "tour de force" of South China Sea last year had 10 USMC F-35s on board (with additional 8 RAF F-35s). A Royal Navy ship having a large complement of US strike aircraft & nary a fleet air arm on board!!



Feal and Ultan McG have reacted to this post.
FealUltan McG
Quote from Ultan McG on March 4, 2022, 5:45 pm

Better make sure I feed the kitten-- she's getting fatter now, and rather demanding, too, that little %%$$! Not to mention my destroyed socks. But at least she's content!

Admit it, you enjoy being a cat daddy & spoil the little one every chance you get.

Ultan McG has reacted to this post.
Ultan McG

She just ripped to shreds a great pair of double knit Wigwam walking socks I've had for ages, JAA. This socks thing has gotta stop. I caught her getting stuck into a pair of the wife's leather sandals too the other day, but luckily we have a shoe cupboard kinda thing to cut off access on that score.

And not an ounce of guilt,  neither. Just looked at me as if to say, wacha gonna do abourrrit human. Then does the paw lick thing, 🀬. My fault for spoiling her, i know, i know.

But she can have a dirty litter for a day or two extra, heh heh.

JustAnotherAsian, Feal and Memory Loss have reacted to this post.
JustAnotherAsianFealMemory Loss
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