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Awww, the sweet little munchkin

Drop the "sweet" and that's about right. Pushy, too.


JustAnotherAsian has reacted to this post.

But she can have a dirty litter for a day or two extra, heh heh.

Be careful not to start a war, you won't win!

She'll have escalation dominance, with the knowledge that you can be disarmed at her will.

Bringing the litter into play is a risky move though.

I once made that mistake and was introduced to the litter-as-bio-missile tactic. Eventually I learnt the lesson: With war, cats don't play, they just swiftly win then gloat!

congjing yu and Ultan McG have reacted to this post.
congjing yuUltan McG

You're right, of course. I guess I should just quit, go crying home to mommy, but first accept some hot tea and sandwiches prepared for me by the local grannies while complaining bitterly about the local store manager not stocking enough cat litter to keep me supplied while I contemplate how best to seize my objective with the minimum of fuss and hysteria.

Meanwhile, the mice who have been scurrying around behind my furniture and dropping little shit bombs should really, really have stayed at home in their nests because little kitty here is starting to get bigger and lose interest in my frayed to bits socks, notice said mice, and get ready to give them a really, really, really bad day, heh heh.

A bit like these sissies below. Unmotivated, underfed and ill supplied if ever they were.

Let's just say if I was in Kiev, I'd be getting the fuck out of there quicker than the mice.

somebody is about to have a very bad day.

Feal and paraic have reacted to this post.
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