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You can post anything, as long as it is positive, and wholesome. And if it is delicious, so much the better.


And here is a photo that has put a smile on my face;

Turtle steeds.

And here is another nice photo...


Redwald has reacted to this post.

Since we are on the topic of delicious, my wife recently got into making cheese, and she's incredibly good at it (she does a lot of homesteading like making soaps as well etc). Mozeralla, brie, camembert, montery jack, goats cheese are all some of the ones she has made in the last couple of months. So now every time I wake up I am greeted by a wheel of Swiss (I am told it is actually technically Baby Swiss as anything under 20kg is considered by them to be that lol) cheese on the kitchen counter undergoing its ageing process. The only problem is it won't be undergoing the digestion process for another 6 months :).

congjing yu and Alice have reacted to this post.
congjing yuAlice
Daegon Magus

Making cheese would be a great hobby for me to consider. I love cheese, though my wife, wouldn't understand.

Though I haven't done it myself, the process seems easy enough. Heat up some milk to a certain temperature, sprinkle in whatever cheese culture you want, then maintain the temperature for a few hours before draining out the weigh. Then press it a few times every couple of hours and 3 months later your eating a nice creamy Brie on top of a ritz cracker with a slice of salami. I think the pressing kit was the most expensive part which was like $120AUD. If you've got a 3D Printer you could probably make one easily enough; it's just a bucket with holes underneath a frame with a nut in it that lets you screw down a piece of plastic to a certain height (though the plastic might effect the cheese given it is super susceptible to bacteria absorption)

congjing yu and pissedlizard have reacted to this post.
congjing yupissedlizard
Daegon Magus

I am going to add this to my want list.


pissedlizard, daegonmagus and Alice have reacted to this post.

Hey, guys. For any dog lovers out there, this just made my day. And anybody who says dogs don't have souls? Im gonna have to disagree! Get ready for a laugh. Dodo Channel is great for reminding us of what is really important.

Feal and Redwald have reacted to this post.
Quote from Ultan McG on July 14, 2021, 11:31 pm

Hey, guys. For any dog lovers out there, this just made my day. And anybody who says dogs don't have souls? Im gonna have to disagree! Get ready for a laugh. Dodo Channel is great for reminding us of what is really important.

For those of you who cannot get youtube. You can go to the website directly HERE. It's awesome!

lindseigh and Redwald have reacted to this post.

Not sure which post you said to watch the movie Push, so I downloaded it from P-Bay and watched it last nite. What I have to say about that movie is ..."positive, and wholesome. And if it is delicious, so much the better" so this forum might have to do for a commentary on the movie Push.

As you know already, I'm into Batteries and Precious metals and their application to Bio Field Enhancement thereof. Elixirs to be precise made the olde fashioned way.

The Human body has much "junk DNA". But is it "junk"? What if the Human Bio Field was "junked out" purposely when it was abandoned on earth like Alien Interview suggests? What can be done to “fix us”?

What if we are the ‘product’ of some grand experiment to create a Self Replicating, all seeing, all healing, all knowing, hybrid Robo Cop and all our “weaponry” attributes, (6th Senses) when dumped here,  were ‘Frequency Modulated’  or otherwise, detuned to make us Mindless Forms of Artificial Intelligence begging to be programmed at birth? Scary if it wasn’t for the fact we are living this scenario.

An Example of definition of “Frequency Modulated” is adding a trace of Neodymium to a ferrite Iron magnet Enhances the Magnetism when Charged or Magnetised by Direct Current from a Battry. Adding a trace of Chromium to Iron ferrite makes it NON Magnetic. Enhancement or detuned/degraded Magnetic (Bio) Field. Take that Fluoride and ‘Calcify’ that Pineal gland baby its good for your teeth and kills the life sustaining Microbes in your stomach.  Sheesh.  We use Frequency Modulators or Static Catalysts in the Neutral Centre of the Aqua Chi 7 Ringed Bio Field Enhancement device. Aqua Chi Footbath dot com. But we will get to that device in another missive.

All Iron on Earth comes from Biological origins other than Meteors. Hematite is, petrified or dead, Sea Microbes. Some Ancient human was downloaded with the Alchemy of Metallurgy just like all other Knowledge not written in stone came to mankind.  The DC ‘activates’ the memory of this Residual Bio Magnetism when magnetizing the Ferrite or Neodymium Magnets. That’s why Magnets (can) Heal and Magnetic Fields (can) Enhance (depends upon the polarity or Pole used) More Life Force Energy means better functioning Life Form giving the organisms DNA more ‘replicating’ or Natural Vibratory energy. We manufacture (transmute) Iron in our blood and these red blood cells carry Magnetic Energy, absorbed from the Air to sustain our Bio Field Functionality to every cell in the body as every cell touches a blood ‘vessel’ and by Magnetic Induction, charges the cell up.  If you want to know how the universe operates, “Its all Energy, Frequency and Vibrations” said Tesla.

There exists in some of the more obscure medical reports of humans having ‘super human’ strength in times of Emergency, like lifting cars off kids etc, includingreports of “hands on healing” and all the 6th Sense powers plus the ability to move objects from a distance. There does exist a Medical Mafia to keep these subjects from mainstream study, but not from Special and Secret Govt research. The Movie Push is a futurist desire to replicate what the Psychics already know. These attributes CAN be enhanced.

So modern scientists, doctors and thus sci-fi writers are all fixated on Particle Science to enhance, cure or otherwise ‘treat’ the human condition. So it MUST be a new top secret, from the Division, an INJECTABLE Drug that can give these Attributes. The Truth however is stranger than this fiction.

MM said to look for what ISNT mentioned or is hidden in this movie. Like how this Enhancement Elixir is MADE is omitted. So too is who are trying to make such enhancements and for what reason.  We are left with the impression that it’s a USA Development but certainly a secret govt program and they use Fake Science theories to Enhance the Magnetics of the Human Body. Not my cup of Tea.

When False Science Theories are used to Create the Scientific Revolution of Modern Factories, you get products that FIRST DO HARM. Push clearly shows that no matter how hard you try, the test subjects Die. But they needn’t. Science is wrong to say it’s a CHEMICAL Reaction when its clearly a Magnetic Field Interaction. There is a HUGE difference. If Water is a Liquid Crystal of Electricity/Light, then any addition of fluids to the beaker/body of water, magnetically reacts with the Water. Same with ‘injections’ magnetically react to our Magnetic Bio Field. These “FIELDS” can be strengthened or weakened depending upon the Field Polarity Bias of the Ingested/injected substance. Uppers or downers in Pharmagedden speak.  Mans ‘inventiveness’ comes from his perseverance of stupidity over trial and error. 1080 rabbit poison was invented by trialling 1079 poisonous concoctions on guinea pigs and the 1080th trail killed with the efficiency they were looking for so they named it “1080”. Thus they need literally 100s of thousands of child test subjects in DUMB bases to trial their chemical concoctions to enhance these 6th or Psychic Abilities all in the name of RE-CREATING the Original Design parameters of the Homo Sapian Body. Un-Junking DNA or restoring the Frequencies that unlock these abilities. A.K.A. “Bio Field Enhancement”.

Mythology says there existed “Elixirs of Life” and apparently,  it’s the ultimate product made with the correct Philosophy or Alchemy, apart from turning base metals into gold. Such is the limited understanding of Alchemy or the deliberate dumbing down of science in the name of METER$ thanks to Westinghouse and Morgan. Rockefellers dumbing down speciality was Medicine when he learned the ‘chemists’ could make medicines from Oil rather than from ‘electricity’. Standard Oil came about when his Chemists could make Oil products with a New Standard of Quality. Electricity was removed from Medicine and the FDA made sure of it courtesy of Rockefeller. As he did with Alcohol as a Fuel as the reason for Prohibition.

Metals are precious. But Why? Why is this programmed into the psych of humans to revere bands of Gold and jewels?   Allow me to explain. Each ‘element’ or Frequency of Water, has a particular part of the Human Body that it resonates with. Like Iodine for the Thyroid, Caesium likes bones apparently and so on. So each Elemental Frequency affects different parts of the Body. Copper, Zinc, Iron, Tin, Silver, Gold and Platinum could all be said to produce beneficial energies to the Body, while Lead, Beryllium, Uranium, Mercury etc are NOT beneficial to the human body.

Some of the Esoteric Properties of Metals.

Aluminium is the Power Amplification metal.

Copper is the Life Blood Metal. It’s a South Pole Positive Metal.

Silver is the Life force enhancer effecting functionality of LIFE. It Kills small life forms like Virus, bacteria and Fungus. (these are Anaerobic  pathogens not belonging on an Aerobic or Oxygen Body)The larger Bio Forms are benefitted by this metal for its Anti Biotic Frequencies.  Silver is a Negative North pole Energy metal.

Gold is a super conductor and is a Heavenly Metal that once existed (was created) only in the Heavens surrounding the Planet. It has Heavenly Frequencies to “impart” to the Bio Field. It makes Nerves and their related energy conductivity better. It made Life on Earth super sensitive to antenna on Earth like the Eyes.  Earth is no longer radiated by the sun light passing through Gold. Edgar Cayce said it was an inactivity of Gold in the Body that causes Multiple Sclerosis (degradation of the Nerve endings) and advised using a single Wet Cell Battery and attaching the leads to the body with a GOLD Wedding Ring in the circuit. The Human Brain is a BATTERY that supplies the DC Current to the Muscles to Re- BUILD them from Exercise. To SUPERCHARGE this Brain Battery Conductor Circuitry may give super human strength amongst other attributes. Enhancing the Brains Battery and the bodies electrical system would have MANY beneficial qualities.

Platinum is the MIND FORCE Metal. It was not readily available to the Alchemists of Olde.  Much more difficult to refine. Platinum makes the BEST Electrodes for instruments for Electrical signals. Platinum also ‘reacts’ to thoughts much more ‘dramatically’ than other metals. Think Emoto water crystals reacting to Prayer ‘science’ making Platinum highly reactive to the Magnetic Energy projected from the Mind.  Platinum is a Memory Metal, and forms the Basis of most crafts SKIN where the Metal returns to its original form if deformed. Like Spring Steel.  So it ‘repairs’ itself so to speak. If you want MIND Controlled devices, Platinum metals are the way to go. Platinum easily effects the Memory of Interacting frequencies and is used as ‘Catalysts” in industry. (catalytic convertors for example.)  All Elements are Frequencies of Water and is represented as the MRF Pattern of its Matrix or Magnetic Resonant Field Pattern or snow flake pattern of the Water Crystals that make up every ‘element’.  See the Periodic Table of Field Patterns (Wave Forms) of the Elements here…

We will look at the ‘lessor beneficial ‘ metals when I do the missive on the Bio Field Enhancer, Aqua Chi Footbath Device. Today, lets look at the precious Metals of Silver, Gold and Platinum, our MONEY Metals. Basing Money on Metals is a Money Changer Trick to keep humans ignorant of its Precious Uses. For the Magi of Biblical fame, these metals were readily available and so too were Baghdad Batteries for Magnetic Current to preform MAGIC.

Theory is fine with calculations of energy and chemical reactions but we are dealing with the MIND here and with our DNA. Only experimentations by a qualified SEER will suffice when dealing with the potential outcomes of magnetic enhancement of Bio Fields. The Alchemists who taught me were very adept in SEEING the color of the Auric Bio Field and thus the changes made by ingesting these Elixirs. Without this BIO METER of Psychic EYES, it’s a hit and miss with Potion results. Much like them BIO NEEDLES of the DIVISION and their Killing Spree. Acupuncture came into existence through SEERS who can see the Light Flash points on the Skin to know Precisely where to place the needle to effect energy flows. Acupuncture is a hit and miss procedure if the practitioner cannot SEE Auras. Not only in accuracy of placement but quality of effect. The use of a tuning fork on the needle further enhances the benefits if one can SEE the difference. Today they use a variety of electrified needles or Light lasers to ‘activate’ these acupuncture points. But NONE of them SEE what they are doing to the Bio Field and only refer to The Manual written 1000’s of years ago by SEERS.

So when making Elixirs, its best done by a Wizard/Druid/Alchemist/Health Practitioner who can SEE Auras. In past times, most Gifted people had these DNA psychic abilities burnt at the stake and these Gifts from God Memories (frequencies) were removed from Active duty within our DNA replication process in subsequent generations. Such abilities can also be referred to as latent or vestigial features. Such abilities still are referred to as The Gift of the Gab, or Gift of Clairvoyance or Gifts from God. I went to John of God in Brazil back in 2000 and witnessed and Video’d his miraculous hands on healing. At the end of the 3 day Healings that John of God does once a week, I was last on the list of about 500 people to ‘receive’ healing.  John took special interest in me and lifted his decade long ban on cameras and gave me special access to all the psychic surgery done that week. When asked what I needed to heal, I said “My Third Eye needs opening.” Where upon he did some hands on stuff and then got out a needle for acupuncture and final he got out a scalpel to cut my forehead. This took 15 minutes according to the video time frame. BUT… when I took off my shirt for the blood spillage, he saw my ‘medallion’ with Heskin or Alien Symbols on it with a Centre Crystal all made from pure Platinum and Gold.  Evidently, one of his 33 incorporating spirits that does his psychic surgery, could read Heskin and he abruptly stopped and said he cant go on and trespass on an already God controlled body. (the god who made the medallion). Could write a book on that subject alone.

Each precious metal has a Frequency. They look for these frequencies with a Mass Spectrometer. (they don’t count protons or neutrons) Each metal frequency also has harmonious electrical Frequency. So to make Silver Elixirs, requires 3 Baghdad Batteries or 4.5Volts DC.  If using AC filtered to DC with a transformer, only have 500 mili amps. How the Silver Electrodes, plates, rings or Antenna is made also has an effect on the Quality of the Elixir. Gold requires 38VDC.  The Platinum one I made was multi voltage.

To consume or Bathe in these Platinum waters will affect the Global Bio Field and particularly the MIND Field Energies.  Inducing Lucid Dreaming (astral travel, visions, clairvoyance etc) I experienced many times until the device was stolen. At a cost of 30 grand, it is now irreplaceable unless someone finances another.

Its hard to talk about such Magic Wands that replace the Needle in Push without mentioning I make these for sale. BUT in reality, each ‘experimenter’ must make his own Magic Wand. Or it must be made by a Qualified SEER in these Arts of Alchemy. So really I sell one to a prospective experimenter, as a working model to replicate or reverse engineer so they make their OWN. One is actually buying the Schematics or Patent with manufacturing rights as a working model. Presently I make only Silver Magic Wands for Elixir making as they more or less, only HEAL what ails the Human Bio Energetic Field. Enhancement of Mind Attributes is a GOLD and Platinum thing and they cost lots. Although presently, I am making a 4 Rodded Gold Generator and it has $7000 worth of 9999 gold in it for a customer.

The Movie Push would be even MORE fantastic and REAL if they ditched them pathetic Marble Science potions and went for the Alchemy of Fire and Water. Merlynn of Camelot fame wore a Precious Metal Head Band. Without it, he was just a man. Who made it is the real Question.

We can expand on Precious Metals and Bio Enhancement with crystals as to why JEWELLERY was INVENTED. But suffice to say, if one wished to emit a blast of energy from one’s hands to push people out the windows, a Wrist Band of Platinum with an Altantean Fire Crystal embedded, would be a great asset if one could already bend spoons. Similarly, only the most exalted member of the Community got to enhance the Crown Chakra with precious metals and jewels made by an Alchemist type of person. Or to place a Ring on one of the 4 Fingers, each representing one the 4 Phases of Electricity, will Enhance the Out Put Energy of that finger. You want to project LOVE or Attraction or IMPLOSION Polarity Energy, the Ring Finger will do it every time. But just like Push, could the Division/Vatican control the wizard or his apprentices or declare them to be of the devil? If you knew how to build a Crown Chakra Enhancer, you could be a Priestly King like the last one we had, King Edward the Confessor, as people look to you for Heavenly Guidance. We have NOT evolved since these olden times. In fact, we went the ‘other’ direction, and sought power over the physical, not of Heavenly origins but from the opposite and equal or UN-GODLY forces. But then again we are living on a South Pole Positive Oxygen Planet so we need to be eternally vigilant from these forces educating our children as its easier to build a sword than to Mentally improve our lot. Don’t trust the science. Its FAKE. Just like the so called Vaccine.

The effectiveness or Quality of the Silver Elixirs made with the SilverJoe Silver Generator, can give the consumer TASTE and SMELL and some even Feel the ‘tingling’ making them “positive, and wholesome. And … delicious,” making the old ‘colloidal silver’ generators obsolete. Any other movie you want me to review?

And that’s enough IP for now.

Impossible to get a ‘readable’ pH with Magnetic Water. Note the Elixir is made in less than 5 minutes. Its Quality is its Sweetness of Taste.



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congjing yu, lindseigh and Redwald have reacted to this post.
congjing yulindseighRedwald

This is great stuff. And I am sorry (in advance) for a brief response to something that you took the time to write up.

Some points.

[1] I would greatly appreciate it if you spent more time going through each of the many, many points you put here, and one by by making the elements of a handbook that others might use for personal experimentation. If not, a link, or we can work out something off-line.

[2] Again Push is great Hollywood. I hope it helps trigger repressed thoughts and concepts.

[3] Look for what is omitted. Always.

[4] A samarium–cobalt (SmCo) magnet, is far stronger than a neodymium magnet. I used to work with these babies. They were the size of a grain of rice and had an amazing magnetic flux. You might want to experiment with them to see more obvious experimental results.

Again, please keep this good stuff flowing. And also thank you for toning down the  jargon so that the "hanger's on" on this cascading train of life doesn't fall off.

Ok Merlynn, you have my attention. I now have a ton of questions and after I re-read, I’ll post them.

Push is on the weekend list for TV time. Thanks for the recommendation

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