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[1] There was a reason this Esoteric Knowledge was only ever passed on orally. As the Piscean Dark Ages gives way to Light Forces, not until the Dark Forces have been defeated can the Light Workers preform without fear of persecution. Joe does not want anything of what he gives posted on the internet. The phone call to him last nite though, he's eager to read the School type pdf book introducing this to the world i am writing. In fact the above may be another 'chapter'. The offer of gods (not Joe's) email addy was so you might copy and paste to him and ask if its true.  Sort of getting permission from him and correcting errors and comments before publication. Unlikely he'll respond to me directly. Dont ask, you dont want to know why. Joe said last nite, that yes, near 3/4 of the people wont be here for very much longer. Most of this Field Science, may have to wait until the zealots from both sides have settled down. It was fundamental Christendom that persecuted Seers. And these religious zealots still think Gifts from God are satanic.

[2] the movie Matrix is a documentary. as is "They Live". Art is imitating life.

[3] Ive omitted the Proof/stuff for a reason. You wouldnt give a knife to a child to play with, nor would you give real science to Fake Scientists who only make items for war. You cant replicate anything we have without our initial assistance. To try will see failure and thats bad PR for testimonials.

[4] the 3 Magnetic Metals of Boron, Cobalt and Iron. We only use plain FERRITE magnets as these are more suitable for Bio Field Enhancement. We can take two of them and Uniquely join them together to increase the Gauss more than 5 fold and 3 of them is unbelievably strong. One doesnt use rare earths on Bio Fields and thats what life is all about. You can see 3 of them joined together on the bench at the 23 sec mark of this clip on a Magnetic In-Line Cell.    When this 'gang' of simple weak Ferrite magnets contacts metal like an iron bench vise, you just cannot pull it off!!!! I might make a video of breaking a magnet in half and doing the impossible afterwards and rejoining them together and the green card shows no Break Line of Field.  Placing two of them Uniquely on a piece of Mild Steel for a short period will see the mild steel NEVER RUST even if thrown in the ocean. The Iron Age is just as fantastic as the Golden Age to an Alchemist with a couple Baghdad batteries up his sleeve.

Boron it is said by chemists, to be produced entirely by cosmic ray spallation and supernovae. Boron is concentrated on Earth by the water-solubility of its more common naturally occurring compounds, the borate minerals. Boron is chiefly found in evaporite minerals, in dried up water bodies. Boron is an essential trace element for green algae and other higher plants. Translated.... Boron like Iron is made by water/sea creatures or plants.  Science says its made by Light from outer space. Esoteric Alchemical teachings says Life is in Everything and Tesla said ‘Everything is the Light’. It maybe that Other Suns Light Frequencies acting on water plants give the Frequencies for Plants to Make Boron just like Microbes make Iron biologically. But its not human compatible.

I once made a hollow 1/4 in iron pipe filled with Boron Cobalt and Iron 325 mesh powders mixed with crushed crystal. I then wound this pipe with copper electrical wire and then Spiraled this 'coil' around a water pipe to create a magnetic Field to condition the water running through it.

Magnetic water gives rise to millions of new inventions.

Hematite/Iron and evaporate Boron, are both water soluble Bio-sedimentary in origins.

When Science says, “Is it an essential trace element in plants from the soils” could this not be reinterpreted as “Do plants make these elements in trace amounts that become water soluble as the plant decomposes in water and then the body of water dries up, leaving a residue evaporate? Given they think Oil is from dinosaurs, they can literally get away with saying anything.

Cobalt is found in the Earth's crust only in chemically combined form, save for small deposits found in alloys of natural meteoric iron. Translated; Alien life forms of iron with some Cobalt like alien life forms.  If its not "Of Life" then dont use it for Life Enhancement. Alchemy 101. Cost me 10 grand to remove the Mercury from my teeth back in the 90's so I could begin this Journey. Use Gold always due to the Meridian Lines passing through the teeth.

Samarium is a man made concoction. Life does not make it. Its an enhancer like Neodymium.

One can "feel" these Differing frequencies of magnetic Fields if you hold one close to a Wall Wart Power Supply plugged into the Wall AC outlet. These magnets all have different vibrations. One isnt just enhancing the magnetism, but altering the magnetic Properties. WARNING.... DO NOT let the magnet touch the power supply or you MAY DIE from electrocution. Fancy that, dying from touching a magnet to a transformer connected to 48,000 volts. Yes you read that right. You can get 48KVA from a 240VAC outlet with just a magnet. You are a Magnet. If you touch the right "Point" on the human body with the output of a simple phone charger, you can DIE from 'electrocution'. But if one doesnt know this is possible one wouldnt electrocute 1080 people trying to find that Acupuncture point. All cannot be reveled in writing.

People who are Vaccinated with the "corona vaccine" will not just reject but violently oppose anything I write and their numbers are nearing 50% in some countries. For them, this Field Science proves they will degrade and die just like kids get Autism from the MMR Vaxx.

We live in dangerous times. People telling the truth must have one foot in the stirrup.... as you might know.



congjing yu, pissedlizard and 4 other users have reacted to this post.
congjing yupissedlizardfifth.eschatonlindseighmmfanmanRedwald

You are an educator to say the least Merlynn! I for one love what you have to say. It’s taking a bit to re-read and digest some - you pack a lot of info in very few words and everything is gold.

I appreciate you bud! This stuff is awesome!

Ultan McG and mmfanman have reacted to this post.
Ultan McGmmfanman

I'll second P.L. and MM if I may, MerLynn. And should have said so well b4 now. All very much appreciated.

And thank you too for simplifying your language, somewhat. It's great to know not all minds in this dumbed down world of ours have been deactivated.

ps Spent a few days trekking around Kings Canyon a few hundred clicks west of Alice just a few years back, and definitely picked up on some ancient atmospheric energies, there. The place was empty, too. Magnificent. Just the wife and I and a guide.

Unlike Ayers Rock-- in itself a wonderful place, too. But overcrowded with ghastly tourists addicted to screens. I bet the Aboriginals are pretty fucking happy that problem has been put to bed the past 18 months. That place looked like it was getting trampled and mauled to death.

congjing yu has reacted to this post.
congjing yu

MerLynn (ML) you have found a home here on MM. You are very welcome. If you can keep on doing what you have been doing lately you will really be able to make some constructive changes for the betterment of all. And of course we all support you.

pissedlizard, Ultan McG and mmfanman have reacted to this post.
pissedlizardUltan McGmmfanman

Guys, could this be a covert Old Empire operative? Busted! (Forgive me, but what's life without the occasional cat video!)

pissedlizard, Feal and 2 other users have reacted to this post.

Holy cow that is BEAUTIFUL kitty! The owners are blessed

Feal has reacted to this post.

Lots of cat lovers among the audience here.  K-Man likes.  🙂

pissedlizard, Feal and 2 other users have reacted to this post.

Kman I went from being one of those “jeez do you have to have cat pictures EVERYWHERE? Even on PowerPoint presentations”??? to being exactly that in about a split second! Then an adopter of more kittys. Then dogs. Then chickens. Then a freaking petting zoo but yes-There is a sticker of a cat paw on my truck.

Chromacat has reacted to this post.

Lovers of animals, of all types have a home on MM.

pissedlizard and Redwald have reacted to this post.

Ok so I have a random question and it’s a strange one but serious one.

Has coming to this kind of clarity - I guess learning everything from MM and other places - like “The Alien Interview” and these viewpoints - has this strengthened anyone else’s sense of religion?

I am Scandinavian and Celtic. I was brought up typical - not really practicing Christians - Christmas, Easter - typical. But since I was a kid like 7th or 8th grade have more leaned towards paganism. Right now - today I am a practicing Pagan. I am the guy in the office that puts out food to the Gods and Goddesses. Since college the only way I describe it - “I practice the religion of my ancestors.” And that’s it, but to me it’s more. There are Gods and Goddesses with names and personalities.

Saying that and really taking in the view that we are quantum beings, my ancestors LITERALLY still speak to me - through my DNA.

So what I have been saying and feeling RELIGIOUSLY has been true! To me this is SO profound it’s mind blowing!

I cannot stress - to anyone the f-ing  CLARITY I got when I started reading the way MM explains reality. Every trance and every self induced vision - from - how my ancestors did it - starvation, no water and no sleep in isolation. You WILL have a vision on day 3 -  - but EVERYTHING that my ancestors would show and tell me was EXACTLY - as quantum physics tells us things are.

I have these special women called the Nornir in my life. If you read - in the Edda’s - or my Holy books - it’s frigging dead on - DEAD on to what MM describes - only in my ancestors language.

I guess my experience has this quantum world we live in - really does allow our ancestors right now - in all of us - speak to us.

It strengthened what MY God literally spoke - in a book called the Havmal - is to be as factual as the reality I am in - and allows me to really listen to what my ancestors are saying.

Is it me or has anyone else looked at their  religion - not just spiritual beliefs - there is a difference - that has had this kind of epiphany I guess.

If this happened to anyone else - please let me know I’m not going crazy! Because it’s had an enormous impact.

Old Wine, mmfanman and Redwald have reacted to this post.
Old WinemmfanmanRedwald
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