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Love them all!

Alice has reacted to this post.

Hello, how are you, I am available and you too, we can organize ourselves to propose countermeasures to communicate, if we have any doubts we will perhaps assess our return and resume this path. Here is the power that we all have here to build the future with you and we will help you hold back our prisons.

I love you
Alice has reacted to this post.


Awwwwww I dont know you but I love you too


azark has reacted to this post.
The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.
Je t'aime aussi, nous devons apprendre à nous défendre contre l'ancien empire, et nous pouvons parler. Les trésors de MM sont vivants et nous sommes désormais leurs gardiens comme Rufus et le Domaine le futur

went and added a new a member to the family today. She is adorable. So much like our other kitty we lost a few years back

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pissedlizard, Memory Loss and 5 other users have reacted to this post.
pissedlizardMemory LossGoldleafDSKlauslerAliceMirriazark
Daegon Magus

Ah she's adorable.

pissedlizard has reacted to this post.

What a cutie!

pissedlizard has reacted to this post.

You guys reminded me that my wife received a post card yesterday ( The image was of a cat sprawled on railing... just crazy. So, I was forced (hah) to look for it on-line. What fun... cats are fantastic.

This one is not mine, but look at this crazy guy:

Can It Be Saturday Now .com ? - Fence cat

pissedlizard has reacted to this post.

I listen to a lot of music. Occasionally, someone sends me something really, really good - usually my son, or my musically dreaming buddy... even Wifey.

I will attempt to do that here and now, for you. To me this is an oldy, but remains on my playlist.

This is David Baerwald, maybe some of you know him from a band called David & David. He's one of those crazy multi-talented dudes who plays all instruments, sings, and writes. Anyway, I find it simply beautiful - absolutely sublime haunting guitar work. Actually, I find Triage (from where it comes) a masterpiece.

Born For Love

Every morning when I rise
I wipe the sleep out from my eyes
Ask myself the question why oh why
Was I born

I go out wandering the ripped up streets
Bodies on the sidewalk huddling for heat
The whole world looking like some losing streak
Why was I born?

I get home and you're not there
But your clothes are hanging and your scent's in the air
If it ain't an answer I don't care
Why I was born

I was born to love you
I was born to love you
I was born for love

Last year I saw those pearly gates
Tried to shove my way through; they said you gotta wait
You've got to get some questions straight
Like why you were born

They said what do you think, that it was made for you
Why should anyone care what it is you do?
The course gets set you got to see it through
That's why you were born

I got up; I saw them all
All God's creatures great and small
It came in clear as a local call
Why I was born

I was born to love you
I was born to love you
I was born for love…


pissedlizard has reacted to this post.

@dsklausler It's posts like this that show me the value in all youse guys humanity. Thank you so, so , SO very much!

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