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Old Wine has reacted to this post.
Old Wine

Cherry Christmas

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Old Wine has reacted to this post.
Old Wine

@azark Just a regular ole Cinderella over there I see. Lucky duck, petting that sweet baby bird. I would be afraid Id squish him. They are so delicate. Those babies lining up to go out for an adventure!


Mine looks me right in the eye ball as she shreds every clothed surface in the house. Spray bottles do not deter. You can catch me randomly giving her my best boogie man impression.....  or threatening to pick her up occasionally works.

I was listening to Marcus while cleaning, and thought this forum might appreciate the message and his passion behind it.

The beat lines, in my opinion is:

Stars hide your fires, these here are my desires
And I won't give them up to you this time around
And so I'll be found with my stake stuck in this ground
Marking the territory of this newly impassioned soul

You, You’ve gone too far this time,      You have no reason nor rhyme               In which to take this soul that is so rightfully mine.

Best Day Ever!!

The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.

@alice !!!! If you have a clear sky tonight  get out and watch the Sternschnuppen coming in for you from Gemini!

Quote from Alice on December 14, 2021, 11:46 pm

Mine looks me right in the eye ball as she shreds every clothed surface in the house. Spray bottles do not deter. You can catch me randomly giving her my best boogie man impression.....  or threatening to pick her up occasionally works.

Just one more comment on this...

ALL of our furniture is covered, all of our area rugs are stored in nearby closets; we only expose that stuff when guests come over. They receive real meat food, their [interior] boxes are large, clean, and two types (clay & oat chaff). They get their choice of many soft and cozy places to sleep (including on the bed(s) with us. They get scratched and petted whenever they ask. They can go outside whenever they ask - they do, regularly, and overnight.

All that and they will still rip the living shit out of anything they feel like.

We came home once from just an afternoon away... they (unknown which) had used those beautiful claws to unwind two full rolls of toilet paper, spread it about the [two-floor] house, and had SHREDED it.

It's what they do.

I am pretty annoyed at that door destroying move; but I just cannot bring myself  to  throw that firm pillow hard enough to hurt them; and those fuckers know it!

Memory Loss and Alice have reacted to this post.
Memory LossAlice

@alice Hello you are adorable if I will be in your country I will try to join you to tell you, in a sad moment I imagine myself with Alice walking with confidence towards the horizon of her world. Cinderella next door is my sweetheart (best friend) who knows how to listen to certain values ​​and reproduce them she deserves a good ending and I am here to help her. The robin was stunned against the bay window and I attempted a heart massage with breath and after a few minutes it flew to the highest of the simes, the photos were from last year and here we are except vicky that we regret but as I believe I will see her again in one form or another.
I send you all the gratitude I receive thank you



I was out there all night the night before. It was awesome! My favorite time of year

Mirri has reacted to this post.
The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.


LMAO! Thank you. You made me lol. Spray bottle dude! Usually works really well. My SO has a Catager (teenage cat) he doesn’t think about jumping on the table when I am home.

DSKlausler has reacted to this post.
The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.
Quote from DSKlausler on December 15, 2021, 12:28 am
Quote from Alice on December 14, 2021, 11:46 pm

Mine looks me right in the eye ball as she shreds every clothed surface in the house. Spray bottles do not deter. You can catch me randomly giving her my best boogie man impression.....  or threatening to pick her up occasionally works.

Just one more comment on this...

ALL of our furniture is covered, all of our area rugs are stored in nearby closets; we only expose that stuff when guests come over. They receive real meat food, their [interior] boxes are large, clean, and two types (clay & oat chaff). They get their choice of many soft and cozy places to sleep (including on the bed(s) with us. They get scratched and petted whenever they ask. They can go outside whenever they ask - they do, regularly, and overnight.

All that and they will still rip the living shit out of anything they feel like.

We came home once from just an afternoon away... they (unknown which) had used those beautiful claws to unwind two full rolls of toilet paper, spread it about the [two-floor] house, and had SHREDED it.

It's what they do.

I am pretty annoyed at that door destroying move; but I just cannot bring myself  to  throw that firm pillow hard enough to hurt them; and those fuckers know it!

My feral queen turns into full hissing don't f with me mode when she is feeding her kittens. I have to walk the other way. DSK, you got it good. I think of MM's snippet on cats returning in different incarnations. And I think he really hit it on the head. They have a language bro and are as smart as you. Probably smarter than me.

DSKlausler has reacted to this post.
Ciao! Gip me your ideas

@alice That photo you posted of the cat that rarely lays stomach side up...That's what the cat looked like it my dream a few days ago, except that the patches of white were bigger. I'd say there was more white in all, but the coloured patches are just like in this picture. Is she a long hair by any chance?

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