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Quote from Memory Loss on December 21, 2021, 11:58 pm

@dsklausler, why has he got whiskers growing on top of his head? 👀👀 You been messing around with him? 😁

That's the best part... OLD-MAN eyebrows! WTF??

Memory Loss has reacted to this post.
Memory Loss
Quote from pissedlizard on July 19, 2021, 2:40 am

Ok so I have a random question and it’s a strange one but serious one.

Has coming to this kind of clarity - I guess learning everything from MM and other places - like “The Alien Interview” and these viewpoints - has this strengthened anyone else’s sense of religion?

I am Scandinavian and Celtic. I was brought up typical - not really practicing Christians - Christmas, Easter - typical. But since I was a kid like 7th or 8th grade have more leaned towards paganism. Right now - today I am a practicing Pagan. I am the guy in the office that puts out food to the Gods and Goddesses. Since college the only way I describe it - “I practice the religion of my ancestors.” And that’s it, but to me it’s more. There are Gods and Goddesses with names and personalities.

Saying that and really taking in the view that we are quantum beings, my ancestors LITERALLY still speak to me - through my DNA.

So what I have been saying and feeling RELIGIOUSLY has been true! To me this is SO profound it’s mind blowing!

I cannot stress - to anyone the f-ing  CLARITY I got when I started reading the way MM explains reality. Every trance and every self induced vision - from - how my ancestors did it - starvation, no water and no sleep in isolation. You WILL have a vision on day 3 -  - but EVERYTHING that my ancestors would show and tell me was EXACTLY - as quantum physics tells us things are.

I have these special women called the Nornir in my life. If you read - in the Edda’s - or my Holy books - it’s frigging dead on - DEAD on to what MM describes - only in my ancestors language.

I guess my experience has this quantum world we live in - really does allow our ancestors right now - in all of us - speak to us.

It strengthened what MY God literally spoke - in a book called the Havmal - is to be as factual as the reality I am in - and allows me to really listen to what my ancestors are saying.

Is it me or has anyone else looked at their  religion - not just spiritual beliefs - there is a difference - that has had this kind of epiphany I guess.

If this happened to anyone else - please let me know I’m not going crazy! Because it’s had an enormous impact.

I can see it's been a while since you asked this question but I have just arrived and it definitely appears to me, at least, that it might have been the language of your ancestors, brought back to life inside yourself that took you to that place, that opened that line of connection.  Perhaps there was a time when the sound of a language was known to contain a lot more than well, just sounds but memories, feelings and all the old faiths also. You called their phone number, didn't you? Were you studying those old words, did you pronounce them, let them ring in your body as you tried to recite and write their symbols? The first time you did that, you opened a door and let them in and maybe for the first time in your personal 'today' life, you were here with more of you, with more of what runs in your veins, than what you had available before.

I can only offer this from my own personal experience when I finally got around to seriously learning Welsh after having spent a lifetime using a few other languages all the time but had only taken a short pass at that one, as casual 'roots' interest, a family thing. Inconveniently for me, I decided to do this flat broke and living out in a remote corner of the 'rez' in northern AZ with my husband, no mod-cons, miles from a paved road, years before 'cell phones' and even less likely to meet a Welsh-speaker than an E.T. out in my area.

I decided it then because one night, I'd been writing a letter in Greek to a friend in another state, whining about a bunch of tickets my sister ran up using my name (instead of her own perfectly good one) that took me a l-o-n-g time to unravel, big family fight and me ready to kill her. I even spent a night in jail because they thought I was the culprit, the chronic moving violation. Let me tell you, when I wanted to whine 'victim,' Greek was a language with plenty to offer!

Meanwhile, I was taking nips of tequila and listening to old ranchero on a tape player in the background. I mean old, the songs of my babyhood, because my parents knew these men and I adored them all - I had reached back to the womb fetal position thumb-sucking misery: Pedro Infante, Miguel Aceves Mejía and of course Cuco Sanchez 'Escaleras de la Cárcel'/the jailhouse stairs.😺

When I revisited this vice-inspired missive the following morning, dragging a hangover I've never forgotten with me, I saw that I had written the last paragraph of it in Welsh, a language whose rules I knew and might have learnt 50 or so words but I had forgotten all about it 20 years before. That's when I thanked all the Gods I'd married the kind of person I did, God rest his loving soul. He knew exactly what had happened to me and suggested I start writing letters all over to scrounge me up some learning material lest I piss off my bloodline guardians by not taking the hint. That language wanted to be spoken and written by an American dingbat in the desert so I could learn other things and who was I to argue with it. Language was the 'phone line.'

The following week, we went to town for humdrum errands and into a used book store (we could never resist them) and as usual, I made a beeline for the foreign language section. There I pulled out a small, very old, pitifully-shabby New Testament 1911 edition, printed by American Maritime Society in Welsh. I truly couldn't believe my eyes. For about 1.50 USD. I took it to the counter, the clerk said, 'I'd been hoping somebody could tell me what language that was!' I said through my tears of delight, 'We call it Cymraeg.'

I'm a puristic-first kind of learner: always start with the puristic forms, not just the modern 'conversational.' Do that and you're on your feet firmly with whatever modern stuff you see later and a handy place to get it is a Bible, with the old, flowery, puristic language to give you those word roots, not the 'new' dumbed-down editions. The Universe and my ancestral guardians could not have given me a better gift for the labor in front of me. It was the perfect size too, safe in my pocket to take out with my sister-in-law herding sheep.

Your blood remembers, I promise. It'll show you and teach you wherever you find yourself. And if your ancestors want to gently reach through Time to tickle you or grab you by the hair, who cares why, let them. Take the opportunity to be here in this world in this time, with more of you. Sorry I have no scientific-sounding explanations for any of this; I can see that all of you here are quite good at those and I fear my own little testimony might be inadequate. It's something that I found, or more aptly, found me, at a very difficult time in my life when I was sure I had nothing left.

Just for fun, here's the jail song. 'All alone in my cell, entertaining myself counting the links of my chain..' 😸

pissedlizard, Memory Loss and Alice have reacted to this post.
pissedlizardMemory LossAlice


Your syntax and way you write seem oddly familiar.

Have we played cards?


Quote from pissedlizard on December 24, 2021, 10:49 am


Your syntax and way you write seem oddly familiar.

Have we played cards?


Redwald was the name of one of my cats, who passed away just before my husband did. It's a Saxon name and just seemed to suit him from kittenhood. I miss him terribly still. I don't use his name elsewhere online; it was an impulse here, for the company.

I can't tell yet whether or not we've played cards: I need a chance to see more of your posts. I don't talk many places online, only 1 or 2 at any length, and quite frankly, I'd be afraid to mention either of those here! 😸 I don't need to tell you that some things, whilst they can be both enjoyed, are best kept separate. I've had friends, too, that couldn't stand each other for 5 minutes.

Your flexibility of mind and your variety of interests (some of which we clearly share) would've been bound to attract a response from me anyway, eventually.

pissedlizard has reacted to this post.


My mistake. Some people just ring off of  the same bell.

First, I am terribly sorry about the loss of your husband and kitty. You have my deepest condolences. I mean that.

Second, if I may, you said “Sorry I have no scientific-sounding explanations for any of this; I can see that all of you here are quite good at those and I fear my own little testimony might be inadequate.”

Let me just say that your voice matters just as much as anyone else’s. You are just as valuable as anyone else. You are LITERALLY worth a weight in gold. Never feel inadequate, even standing with kings. You can slice the crowned head off his body as you shake his hand.

Every King knows this. They don’t practice it as they should.

Not having scientific sounding explanations  is just that. It’s scientific SOUNDING. And bullshit always has a home in the “scientific” community.

The ability to articulate the way you do and have such a sound grasp on a language is one of two things -1.  the greatest asset you have or 2. - you are the best AI that I have yet to come across.

I understand the fear of these kind of boards but of this I am CERTAIN. MM is not going to let anyone attack you for having a different view point. This board - and MM is the perfect example of China being what America WAS - we can say whatever as long as you play by his clearly defined rules. And your opinions matter SO much!

Could you SERIOUSLY imagine getting a bunch of adults together to study and read the quantum physics stuff - what it would be like if we all saw EVERYTHING the same? It would suck. We all share a piece of everyone’s individual reality. That’s what makes this place a Peaceful place. The reality that you are being presented right now and the reality that I am being presented are not the same. They are now linked, but they are very different. The unique reality that you now bring to my reality and Vice versa wouldn’t work if we all looked from the same vantage point.

I do appreciate your kind words. It is very nice to have met someone who shares such similar experiences.

I look forward to reading more of your thoughts and experiences.

This I know to be true.


Memory Loss, Alice and Redwald have reacted to this post.
Memory LossAliceRedwald

PL the freedom to be able to say things (and think also) is something you appreciate more when another person comes up to censor you. Stuff that you talk about, it's hard to find on most boards.

And @redwald@redwald, welcome to the asylum. Speak to us.

Alice has reacted to this post.
Ciao! Gip me your ideas
Quote from pissedlizard on December 24, 2021, 1:29 pm


My mistake. Some people just ring off of  the same bell.

First, I am terribly sorry about the loss of your husband and kitty. You have my deepest condolences. I mean that.

Second, if I may, you said “Sorry I have no scientific-sounding explanations for any of this; I can see that all of you here are quite good at those and I fear my own little testimony might be inadequate.”

Let me just say that your voice matters just as much as anyone else’s. You are just as valuable as anyone else. You are LITERALLY worth a weight in gold. Never feel inadequate, even standing with kings. You can slice the crowned head off his body as you shake his hand.

Every King knows this. They don’t practice it as they should.

Not having scientific sounding explanations  is just that. It’s scientific SOUNDING. And bullshit always has a home in the “scientific” community.

The ability to articulate the way you do and have such a sound grasp on a language is one of two things -1.  the greatest asset you have or 2. - you are the best AI that I have yet to come across.

I understand the fear of these kind of boards but of this I am CERTAIN. MM is not going to let anyone attack you for having a different view point. This board - and MM is the perfect example of China being what America WAS - we can say whatever as long as you play by his clearly defined rules. And your opinions matter SO much!

Could you SERIOUSLY imagine getting a bunch of adults together to study and read the quantum physics stuff - what it would be like if we all saw EVERYTHING the same? It would suck. We all share a piece of everyone’s individual reality. That’s what makes this place a Peaceful place. The reality that you are being presented right now and the reality that I am being presented are not the same. They are now linked, but they are very different. The unique reality that you now bring to my reality and Vice versa wouldn’t work if we all looked from the same vantage point.

I do appreciate your kind words. It is very nice to have met someone who shares such similar experiences.

I look forward to reading more of your thoughts and experiences.

This I know to be true.




Thank you for the condolences and your general kindness. There's an issue well-covered here, from what I can see, that touches directly on what you're doing when you connect with your ancestors through language: why the Left always, every single time, makes war upon language. Political correctness, 'dumbing-down,' newspeak, ebonics, inclusivity, equity ad nauseum and not just to the obvious end of lowest common denominator. Something much worse: the shutting down of consciousness. What you cannot articulate, you are never going to design and build; you cannot even form it to your specifications in your mind.

Do you remember Orwell's Politics and the English Language?

I've passed it around a fair amount, especially on some favorite conspiracy sites, begging people to stop writing like morons, an affliction that's hit Americans especially hard in the last decade, because it was going to turn them into morons. People can't even spell the most elementary standard English words anymore; I sincerely don't understand what on earth is wrong with them. Perhaps you all here have some ideas about why so many these days are losing their ability to express themselves.

In some of the places the Left has done its evil work, it's taken some really odd forms. In Laos, in the 1970s when the Commies took over, first thing they got to was removing a whole bloody consonant from the language. I wish I were kidding. Lao has been full of Pali and Sanskrit words, brought with Buddhism, for thousands of years, so every sacred text and prayer, words to do with holiness, scriptures, Buddhism, even ordinary words like seasons of the year, the sciences - and the real kicker: the words for liberty and freedom ( ເສຣີພາບ sĕː ríː pʰȃːp) - became nonsense without that  'R' consonant!

A few tribes in some areas slurred that sound in ordinary words in their own regional dialects, hitting an 'L' or 'H' instead (as we might drop our own consonants in some areas) but they couldn't do that with ancient or religious words and no literate person formally would because they'd learnt it in first grade. 'New government' said it was from 'classical Thai' and therefore had to go! But it wasn't. It was not Thai, it was Lao. How the hell can you wake up one day and not 'be allowed' to write, teach or publish words as you've said them all your life? So 100s of words just went away, out of use and memory, substituted with a soulless noise utterly without power or memory in anyone's heart.

I couldn't even wrap my head around this: everything I'd learnt was from pre-Dark Ages material and I shan't understand anybody younger than 80 years old now! The old dictionaries published by the Catholic fathers translating Lao to French and English have never been reprinted, duplicated by others or ever improved upon. The priests translated off of scrolls made of bark, so ancient were they. There are no other accessible records left to us Europeans. Gone! Everybody who could read and write in SE Asia when the Left took over 1. got out of there ahead of them 2. got killed or 3. kept their mouths shut and managed to escape trouble.

Maybe the Ancients were saying no more and no less than the truth as they saw it when they wrote that words were real forces? Language describes our world, preserves it, creates it, makes it more beautiful or makes it ugly too; depends what's in us. Our languages reflect our ability to grow and make room for new things or the lack thereof that binds us in primitivity. So old and bountiful language is always a threat to the kind of people who want to wipe out and replace history with some rootless, pointless, faceless nightmare world of their own.

pissedlizard has reacted to this post.

If anything goes, so maybe here is the place,

Merry Christmas to everyone! Feliz Natal !

On a personal note, I would love to know a bit more about who you guys and girls are, not a full bio, only what you feel comfortable with.
I will start, I live in the north of Portugal as an Israeli extpat, I miss my homeland but it has changed and I find it hard to stay in a place where evil prevail. I miss speaking my language, maybe it is the hardest part.
I grew up on American westerns, dreamed to be that cowboy. late in life I discovered I was the Indian.
Since learning to read books I was attracted to anything that is Sci-Fi, it was like magic, I read probably every thing that was translated to Hebrew. It felt like I was looking for something, like I was missing home. can't explain.

Well, that's my short bio, with the things I felt like sharing, hope you find this helpful.

Abraco (Hug in english),

pissedlizard, Old Wine and Redwald have reacted to this post.
pissedlizardOld WineRedwald


It is amazing, isn’t it? Control the language and you have your goat tethered to catch the lion. A trick that has been pulled time and time again. The timeframe where the word “nigger” was shelved here in the states by the powers that BE, millions people started using it more.

The language that we speak and hear - let them fuck with. Time is WAY too short to be playing along in their sociological experiment.

The language they cannot take away is that of Number. Personally, I thought it was bullshit. After about a month of heavy Astrology studies - the main concept that was presented to me made everything make TOTAL sense.

Paraphrasing, this is what I was instructed:

The basis of Astrological studies is NOT the physical movements of the planets or any light or energy radiates from them in regards to the study.  What is observed is the esoteric nature of Number. Which is why in Astrological studies that use the Arabic parts using only 1 axis (x axis) works.

When the Magi society figured out that there is both an X and Y component to charts  the parts become even more accurate (check for yourself. Look at your natal chart and comparing to the ACTUAL locations of stars and planets - you will see there is a HUGE discrepancy.  The Magi Society, in China, fixed this.

Later the Z axis was added and two further - making the parts even MORE predictive.

But it all comes down to the Monad.

A good, easy to digest book on that which I used at first was called “How to Construct a Universe”.

The information about the Laotian language is amazing, yet again I am more amazed that at my age - I never even heard of that.

Please, I encourage you to keep writing us. Your insights are a delight on this end.


I have the least interesting bio than anyone here. White male in America 2021. Not a good physical position to be in for the time being.


All of this I know to be true


Old Wine and Dani have reacted to this post.
Old WineDani

PL, you got to compile your stuff into that column of yours. Come on!

For stuff less high-flying, guys. Two books on scale and evolution.


PL I am testing out some of the amino acids, I have a whacky idea that some amino acids will boost LD like crazy. The second part of the theory is that LD is part of consciousness. I haven't fleshed out a concept yet haha, it's just a hazy idea rn. But basically, the consciousness pathways of biological machines (ie humans) somehow can utilize amino acids to uhm be conscious. And the LD component of consciousness is sensitive to these pathways.


Edit: I should stick this in that book shelf of Goldleaf.

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