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@daniel crisp & dry bio: I am an American expat in France. My consciousness is currently occupying an ethnic Han Chinese female meat suit. I am quite happy with the meat suit (maintenance is generally pretty easy, I think it's in great shape, I like how it looks except perhaps I wish it was minimum 170 cm tall, it suffers from circulation problems when it gets below 13° Celsius, I put in an affirmation that my hair is completely dark but I still see some white hairs), but am quite dissatisfied with the biological relatives that come with this meat suit. Win some, lose some I guess. I am 15 years away from the projected halfway point of my life (I will live to be 120 years old in this life--I just know it). When I wrap gifts, I like to pretend that I am a plastic surgeon who is trying to hide the "incision marks" so people will only see the beauty, rather than the "work". For some reason, I feel that I may have worn all types of different meat suits in past lives.

@pissedlizard I think you could have fun with your bio. Like: "People tell me all their secrets, but for some reason they always forget to give me their bank account number and ATM PIN number."

I think there must be plenty of interesting facts about you that won't be too "identifying".

It's Xmas Eve today, and I sincerely hope that everyone is having a great holiday!

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@oldwine -

I haven’t laughed that hard in a LING time! You. Nailed. It! Laughing my ass off! Thank you for literally making my day!

Lets see… when I can communicate with animals I am too argumentative to listen. When it’s plants they lose interest in me and go about doing their thing. The fungi are fun but can be toxic. I am the only person in my circle of humans that is permitted to keep both arms. The meat suit is a doctor and the spirit suit seems lost even though I am being shown different.

Above all I truly love my fellow human beings and always have. Turning a back on any human being is the ultimate sacrilege. Doing just the minimal for  others is totally unacceptable, yet I am clearly a centered on self kind of sentience if that makes sense, at least that’s how I see it.

Any better?

One other thing, the Sun exiting its quick slumber always annoyed me, now it’s symbolic.

This I know to be true!


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One other late thing… I am not a TV person but in my opinion the best half hour any American can spend in front of the TV is the minute 8 to 38 of Season 1 episode 2 of the Skinwalker  Ranch series. Season 1 Episode 2. 8-38.

Quantume entanglement, a ton of fun stuff relevant to America right now.

The Mormons have one locked away in a heavily guarded mountain in Utah. Where the NSA shit is.

This I know to be True.


Quote from Memory Loss on December 25, 2021, 12:16 am

PL, you got to compile your stuff into that column of yours. Come on!

For stuff less high-flying, guys. Two books on scale and evolution.


PL I am testing out some of the amino acids, I have a whacky idea that some amino acids will boost LD like crazy. The second part of the theory is that LD is part of consciousness. I haven't fleshed out a concept yet haha, it's just a hazy idea rn. But basically, the consciousness pathways of biological machines (ie humans) somehow can utilize amino acids to uhm be conscious. And the LD component of consciousness is sensitive to these pathways.


Edit: I should stick this in that book shelf of Goldleaf.

Thanks for the welcome. I'm always more delighted to get one than you know. 😺

'Less high-flying??' Doesn't look like it to me. I am very interested in what you're doing and where it can lead: a linkage of evolution of consciousness with the building blocks of nutrition, to a point. I might trust you with that line of thinking but not people in general. Anything 'some people' can discover about the complexities of human life, they want to figure out a way to hurt us with it, not help us. Any tools straight out of the Nature that made us, I'm ready to learn, if I still have the wits left. Straight out of a lab run by Dr. Moreau, well...

Do forgive me, I'm still trying to shake a bad case of the creeps I've picked up over the last few years from the mad scientist contingent so much in the news today that looks upon us poor humans and all of Creation with us as mere operating systems that can be tinkered with, i.e. GMO horrors, those monsters Fauci-the-dog-killer and Gates who want to turn us into zombies. I have been backing away from anything that even looks like 'biohacking' in case it's a monster laying a trap for us. Wouldn't we all like a bit of a 'boost?' Tempting.. You know Gates even said that on some interview: 'We are hacking the software of life.' If they think they're going to try that on me, they'd better be able to run faster than 1000 feet per second.

Do you think me silly in being deathly afraid of people like that? Is it superstitious of me to believe that Nature, of which we're a part and which sustains us, does not belong to us and that we have no right to interfere in its underpinnings, lest we destroy what we cannot even begin to understand? To investigate, sure. That is science: discovery. But all we do when we try to imitate What made us is produce abomination. It's not as if this would be the first time in history that humans got too big for their britches and got a smackdown for it.

Would you expand a little more on your theories, more detail? Could you explain it not just as applied in the lab but also in the woods? I don't ask it facetiously, just in order to find someplace I can meet the topic on terms I can understand. How can I put this....I don't buy 'processed food,' I prepare everything from scratch myself. At home, my husband never even ate a piece of bread that wasn't made with my own hands. I am an herbalist, so I'd want to learn about something I can stir up in my own mortars - it wasn't a chosen 'career'  any more than choosing my eye color or height. When I was 8, my mother started sending me to spend time with the midwife and root doctor who brought her into the world. It's been the only medical perspective and field of study that has never let me down, has kept me alive when I had access to no others and remains the lens through which I seek additional knowledge, in confidence, because I know the One who made it also made us humans - and kitty cats and puppy dogs too. Is there a way for me to apply your theories, to 'test' them, on those terms?


How did the Magi Society, in China, 'fix' that situation? There have always been discrepancies in natal charts when we're trying to work with two completely different systems of astrology: solar and lunar. I want to make sure I'm not getting mixed up here.

What's odd about the Lao language and Communism's effect upon it is that it was never 'news' to anybody. I never heard of it either until I got access to some newly-published learning materials (there's still not very much to be had) that had knocked all the framework I remembered out of the language! Learning material produced as late as the 1960s was now utterly useless. It wasn't just one consonant either: even ways of spelling ordinary words had changed so much, it was like looking at another language. Look, these are everyday words:

The one for Police, basic phonetic, is tamrúat (said like tam-roo-at.) Thais still use that word. Since 1976, Laos now say tam-Loo-at. The one for season, of year: Radú (ra-doo) Now in Laos is 'la-doo.' But what really pissed me off because it's s-o-o pretty and every exquisite Lao song or poem was full of it, the one for 'suffering' (not the only one but this one was everywhere) toramán. toh-ra-mán. Now Laos say toh-la-man. Completely ruins it! It makes no sense because it had no real, authentic word base in the Lao language so 'learning puristic' won't do you any good, no signposts left.

But it was what happened when I started asking 'what happened' that showed me the real damage: I've been scolded by young people in Laos, educated in the 'newspeak' for even daring to ask! They parroted the Commie line: those sounds and words aren't really Lao so they were removed as 'unnecessary.' I'd get shut down if I asked how they talked to their own grandparents.  Nobody remembered that it was Laos that taught Thailand their alphabet in the first place!

I bet those Thais were only too glad to claim it. Do you know they tried to patent a hand gesture? That's right: a pretty way of holding your hand when you dance to make it look like a fan. Thais said they 'invented it' and others couldn't use it. Thank God I could still find anything about this online. (you've noticed how many things have been disappearing, for no apparent reason?) Headline: "Thai gives Cambodia the finger over jeebs -- or get your hands off our intangible heritage!"

Does this remind you of something? 'Cultural appropriation' spats in the West, anyone? I just happened to notice this on my quick search:

That idiot has actually filed a patent application for his 'devil horns hand gesture?' WTF is wrong with people?! Why oh why are we indulging a bunch of retarded 5-year-olds bickering in the sandbox?!

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How did the Magi Society, in China, 'fix' that situation? There have always been discrepancies in natal charts when we're trying to work with two completely different systems of astrology: solar and lunar. I want to make sure I'm not getting mixed up here”

Everything As Above and So Below resides strictly in the esoteric nature of Number - FROM MY VANTAGE POINT.

That being said I can TELL you but you need to see or find this for yourself - because it makes no difference no matter what you use - it’s fucking  GLARING to me and hindered a lot of progress. The closest  I can get is look at your natal chart. THEN look at ANY software like Luminos or any  astronomy app and look at your place of birth and time of birth - notice anything? Discrepancy or no-does anything stand out like a sore thumb?

That’s as far as I am permitted to go with this. If you can’t see it, I can’t help any further.

This I know to be true



Redwald has reacted to this post.
Quote from pissedlizard on December 25, 2021, 6:06 am


How did the Magi Society, in China, 'fix' that situation? There have always been discrepancies in natal charts when we're trying to work with two completely different systems of astrology: solar and lunar. I want to make sure I'm not getting mixed up here”

Everything As Above and So Below resides strictly in the esoteric nature of Number - FROM MY VANTAGE POINT.

That being said I can TELL you but you need to see or find this for yourself - because it makes no difference no matter what you use - it’s fucking  GLARING to me and hindered a lot of progress. The closest  I can get is look at your natal chart. THEN look at ANY software like Luminos or any  astronomy app and look at your place of birth and time of birth - notice anything? Discrepancy or no-does anything stand out like a sore thumb?

That’s as far as I am permitted to go with this. If you can’t see it, I can’t help any further.

This I know to be true



I can see why it would be a waste of time to just tell me. I was only wondering, before I went any further, if I was supposed to take into consideration Chinese Astrology, all based on the Lunar year and compare it to my Western system on the Solar year. With which system do I start before I even try to do that natal chart?

I have never used much 'software,' though I'll read plenty of online references. I keep apps on my mobile devices, like Daff Moon, to show me the basic astronomy, the placements of planets, sun and moons in the solar system. That one, obviously, helps with navigation too and I have apps dedicated to that so I can stay up to date - we change our 'tilt' enough so I could be off if I don't.  There's information on zodiac too so if for instance, I want to plant, harvest, dig post holes or can beans and want the best day to do it on - there's such a thing as choosing a really wrong one - I'll use this app. I'll try the others you mentioned.

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Translating and language into the esoteric nature of Number is easy. Pen to paper or finger to keyboard.

Translating the esoteric nature of Number into language is extraordinarily difficult and Time consuming.

If I tell you A to B you are getting language to number. I simply cannot do that. For those who Watch me - not gonna happen ever again in this meat suit.

In other words, if I tell you the road to point B is this - it leaves “openings” in our world lines.

If I tell you what point B is - a connection is made and the opening is gone.

It shouldn’t matter to YOU what MY vantage point looking at point B is. Your vantage point is what carries you into and out of the range you are dealing with in regards to the esoteric nature of number - or your transient chart.

I hope this helps. It’s nothing personal - it is just the Monad that drives my DNA.

The other thing that I have learned is to try to use my tools the way my Ancestors would. You spoke of riding your genes basically - unless I read something wrong - so I tap into THAT. How would my 10000 year Ancestor use a computer? He certainly wouldn’t do all the bullshit mathematical calculations for a chart - I KNOW that - he would do what I did the day I no longer had to play that game and installed a professional grade software program - which - fucking unbelievably to this day - found me. Fuck the Ephemeris calculations straining my eye using a magnifying glass. Let me hit “cast chart” and eat a jelly donut.

But that ancestor wouldn’t use the same software the same way I would. He may ask Venus to show him where to get the best hog fat for his oils, where I use it for my reasons.
I hope this makes sense.

This I know to be true.




No, I am not always angry.

Check this out:

And if you feel that you can't go on
And your will's sinkin' low
Just believe and you can't go wrong
In the light you will find the road
You will find the road
Hey, ooh, did you ever believe that I could leave you
Standing out in the cold
Hey, yeah, baby, I know how it feels 'cause I have slipped through
To the very depths of my soul, yeah
Oh-whoa, baby, I just wanna show what I'd give you
It is from ev'ry ben' in the road
Now listen to me
Oh, whoa-whoa, as I was and really would be for you, too, honey
As you would for me
Oh, I would share your load
Let me share your load
Ooh, let me share, share your load
And if you feel that you can't go on
In the light you will find the road
Hey, ah-oh, though the winds of change may blow around you
But that will always be so
Oh, whoa-whoa, whoa-whoa, when love is pain it can devour you
If you are never alone
I would share your load
I would share your load
Baby, let me, oh, let me
In the light
Everybody needs a light, whooh, yeah-yeah
Ooh, baby, in the light, in the light, in the light
Sure 'nuff they do
Light, light, light, in the light
Light, light, light, in the light, ooh, yeah
Light, light, light, in the light
Light, light, light, in the light
Light, light, light, in the light, ooh, yeah-yeah
Light, light, light, in the light
Everybody, come on now

That is In the Light by the almighty Zep

What follows makes me very happy. JesusHChrist can these guys play, or what? In my house, especially during workouts, the second floor rooms are vibrating (I'm in the dungeon).

I'd also like to call attention to the greatly underappreciated John Paul Jones; on this track contributing: Clavinet, Piano, and Bass guitar.

Please listen; just once; for Dave.

perolator has reacted to this post.

Another thing that makes me happy is wildlife.

Remember, I'm here outside Shitcago... but my area does have nice forest preserves; large enough for the sighting of a purported cougar (unlikely); wolf (VERY unlikely); bobcat (confirmed); and fantastic birds. There is a decent waterway, and wetland, but like all in Illinois - likely hiddenly and severely polluted.

I'm out today on my pre-dawn wake-up walk, and just as I am about to actually enter the woodsy area, the coyotes let loose. What a fantastic chorus... yipping, yapping, barking and howling; I'm guessing at least 3 but maybe as many as a half-dozen. Houses are just 100 yards away - so those residents would have to be deaf not to be startled.

I was able to walk around the crunchy snow and approach - although completely dark, so I couldn't see anything other than silhouettes of trees and shrubs. I must have got within 50 feet or so; they were VERY loud (maybe masking my approach). Just beautiful - I listened for a full minute. I mis-stepped onto the crunch and they silenced immediately. Never saw any of them.

I have seen them during the day, when I'm running there, or biking way back. Usually in adverse weather, when no one else is around. They let me get surprisingly close... 20 feet once. Just beautiful, highly adaptive animals. I always let them know my intentions. They are the only animals that kill more critters than my hunting cat (in the neighborhood).

Edit: I forgot to mention that I successfully called them out once - but in northern wintery very rural Wisconsin.


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