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Quote from DSKlausler on January 1, 2022, 11:29 pm
Quote from perolator on January 1, 2022, 7:27 am
Quote from DSKlausler on December 30, 2021, 6:20 am

No, I am not always angry.

Check this out:

And if you feel that you can't go on
And your will's sinkin' low
Just believe and you can't go wrong
In the light you will find the road
You will find the road
Hey, ooh, did you ever believe that I could leave you
Standing out in the cold
Hey, yeah, baby, I know how it feels 'cause I have slipped through
To the very depths of my soul, yeah
Oh-whoa, baby, I just wanna show what I'd give you
It is from ev'ry ben' in the road
Now listen to me
Oh, whoa-whoa, as I was and really would be for you, too, honey
As you would for me
Oh, I would share your load
Let me share your load
Ooh, let me share, share your load
And if you feel that you can't go on
In the light you will find the road
Hey, ah-oh, though the winds of change may blow around you
But that will always be so
Oh, whoa-whoa, whoa-whoa, when love is pain it can devour you
If you are never alone
I would share your load
I would share your load
Baby, let me, oh, let me
In the light
Everybody needs a light, whooh, yeah-yeah
Ooh, baby, in the light, in the light, in the light
Sure 'nuff they do
Light, light, light, in the light
Light, light, light, in the light, ooh, yeah
Light, light, light, in the light
Light, light, light, in the light
Light, light, light, in the light, ooh, yeah-yeah
Light, light, light, in the light
Everybody, come on now

That is In the Light by the almighty Zep

What follows makes me very happy. JesusHChrist can these guys play, or what? In my house, especially during workouts, the second floor rooms are vibrating (I'm in the dungeon).

I'd also like to call attention to the greatly underappreciated John Paul Jones; on this track contributing: Clavinet, Piano, and Bass guitar.

Please listen; just once; for Dave. 

In The Light was one of the songs I liked the most from Physical Graffiti. I used to play this record time after time when I was young. The keyboard with the stereo dual delay effects is hypnotic (!) - as is the entrance to the Tunnel of Light machinery itself. I think Robert Plant was into the occult at the time. I love this album. Another song I like from the same album is In My Time Of Dying - anybody else noticing a pattern here?

Now you're just teasing me... those drums on In My Time - wow!

Ten Years Gone with the overlaid guitars - just a beautiful, almost 12-string sound.

A masterpiece of an album.

True. A real masterpiece.

Quote from DSKlausler on December 30, 2021, 6:20 am

No, I am not always angry.


Actually I think you are pretty cool. A modern day Jonah and the whale is my closest analogy with the "why me, God?!" vibes.

I watch you for clues. You resonate with my thoughts.

Ciao! Gip me your ideas

Here's some interesting 'hard' background to what the Domain have revealed recently as the intended purposes of the MRNA rollout throughout Muppet Land are. i.e. a control system.

In it, a lady, who in my experience pretty much knows wtf she's talking about, breaks down into little easy pieces a technical presentation given to NATO personnel in Stockholm, Sweden late last year.

Sounds to me like the presenter was explaining what The Plan is wrt MRNA and other tech. Tech that has long since been perfected. The problem lies with the 'delivery/operating system' though, as we now know, too, thanks to the Domain.

I'm wary of posting links as there's enough white noise out there in cyberworld as it is thanks to the Propaganda Firehose. But if anyone's looking for some background info, here it is.

She also has much to say about the Metaverse and what the Plan is on that score in other videos. And as a former FEMA employee, has been exposed to stuff many folks would be uncomfortable with, to say the least. And I can concur with to a certain extent based on my own experiences in Weirdsville.

All circumstantial of course, but do feel free to research it all for yourselves. You'd be surprised at what's out there in plain sight, and evidence shows that since most folks are only interested in information that jives with their own preconceived thoughts and prejudices, the Masters can print in plain black and white what the Agenda is, safe in the knowledge that most will glance right over it.

In fact, they count on it. And can distribute information cheaply and effectively this way to those they intend to receive it. It's not all dead drops and black leather jackets in the middle of the night, dontcha know.


Memory Loss has reacted to this post.
Memory Loss


I went to the link. Or tried to. It is banned / suppressed in China. I do not know what that means, exactly. What I do know is that The Domain has substantially established a presence inside of China for their operations. Whether this is top down, or a consequence of other factors, is unknown.

Take this information as you may. Knowing what I have provided.

Ultan McG has reacted to this post.
Ultan McG

Understood. And I shouldn't have used the term: MRNA 'control system'. That was my attemt to summarize what she actually said, a 'platform' from which a number of distinct 'medical interventions' (but not limited to 'medical'; social, too) can be implemented on the subject remotely, and completely without their consent via different methods including nanotech and EMR/Social media.

Sound familiar?

Like Malone and McCullough, though, Celeste labours under the view that she ultimately lives in a country with legitimate and legal/constitutional oversight, with checks and balances still in place. And that the enemy has somehow infiltrated the Castle.

Interesting she's been spiked, though, all the same.

And a little bit of on-the-ground intel from West Coast USA.

For anyone still thinking Metallicman might be exagerrating how dire things are getting there.

Going East soon if it isn't already.

The video is also on youtube:

ht tps://you tDOuvl8

I added a space before each of the three "t"s to avoid it being embedded/tracked.

Just a precaution.


It's amazing how many intelligent and usually aware people still labour under the delusion that they live in a free and open society. After 9/11 and the 2nd Gulf War I just don't get how that's possible. They must be willingly ignorant I suppose.

Qurow has reacted to this post.

I think you're overestimating the cognitive abilities of your average 'people', Feal. That, and the rest-- very much the minority-- need to keep believing that their governments care about them and ultimately have their best interests at heart. The alternative is too terrifying to contemplate. Pity really, because otherwise, they'd easily be able to grasp it.

You're talking a grand total of 90% + of the population in the above two categories. An NPC and Normie double whammy.

I do try to be nice, but there it is.

And finally something for P.L. given his interests in the Mystical Orient and what's most definitely never reported. What is, after all:

(This is just the tip of the iceberg as you no doubt well know, P.L.)


When I was young I'd imagine, while walking down the high street, that the people coming out of and going into the shops were all NPCs (before that term even existed.) Once the walk from shop A to shop B was complete they'd transport to shop C and proceed to shop D etc. Now things have changed. Knowing what's coming, I can't help but see (soon to be) dead people. It seems only the under 12s will survive here. Unless they start jabbing the young kids too. We really are stuck in a glitched video game at the moment. I'm rambling, sorry. 🙂

Your not rambling at all, Feal. Rather it sounds to me like you're a regular, sentient human being trying to figure it all out.

Join the club, 😉.

Only problem we face though, is that you can't figure out madness without descending into the depths. Nor is there any guarantee you'll be able to crawl out again. Or even want to. Those lobsters will do everything they can to keep you there.

Gimme a moggy crew any day.

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