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Oh and btw, speaking of the children: and bearing in mind they know about the 'undesirable' side effects.

But it's all about health.


And note what these ghouls say about 'child friendly' vaccination sites.

Good grief.

"It will necessarily be slower because you want children to have a pleasant experience and not to be rushed."

The absolute bastards.

Ultan McG has reacted to this post.
Ultan McG

@ultan - Thanks for both! The video is absolutely amazing. As you say, it’s anecdotal - but everything I have personally seen matches up. In fact, I have to watch a lot of it again. We are NEVER getting answer about the vax. Ever. And I am now even more weary of any drug that ends in -mab of vaxed. The monoclonal antibodies. Talk about lymphoma ticking time bomb.

I hope all finds you well where you landed.

This I know to be true.


Ultan McG has reacted to this post.
Ultan McG

One striking thing Solum says is this, P.L.: it's important to bear in mind the operations being run by the Masters are very, very complex; and are designed to withstand the most careful and scrupulous examination by all manner of experts.

Add to that billions of dollars budgeted for cover ups-- (in actual fact, the cover up is the most costly aspect of any black op, I might add) -- and you've got a formidable multi-layered reality to unravel.

Guys like Yeadon, McCullough and Malone are only scratching at the surface. Joe Rogan is up in orbit somewhere. Solum is closer to the bone, but one thing is for sure, this COVID/MRNA op is playing for keeps. Pity for them they didn't factor on the Domain and China-Russia tagging up for a double whammy.

It'll be an interesting year.

Feal: what got me was the 'paediatric doses' are now being shipped globally line. All I can do is ask myself: what are the parents thinking by exposing their young 'uns to an experimental gene therapy? I guess keeping up with the Joneses has taken things to a new level. Downwards.

Deagel forecasts a 70% reduction drop for Ireland. Go figure.

congjing yu has reacted to this post.
congjing yu

Move has gone well, btw-- thanks for asking.

Things are a bit weird, here. Masks up a mountain at 6am; masks on guys fishing off a pier. Alone. At 6am. Mask on guys on fishing boats. Alone. At 12 midnight. Out in the bay. That kinda thing, 🙃.

But hey, I can do weird. And more importantly the wife is back among her friends and family. She thrives on that kinda thing. As for me, settling in nicely and lying low and observing as usual-- and for me it's really only all about the cats. Gimme a few cats, and I could live in downtown Bangui.

Keep us updated stateside, and Space-side!

Stay safe.

congjing yu has reacted to this post.
congjing yu


Hey buddy, I'm beginning to think that you are actually a cat in human meatsuit haha. And you kinda regret having made the wrong choice. 🐈🐈Fight me! 😂


Ciao! Gip me your ideas

Maybe I should consult the Domain Commander as to my previous existences, M.L. I do get the impression from time to time that I was some kind of zoo- or gamekeeper in a past life-- maybe a vet-- here, or elsewhere, and I know for sure that I'd do anything for a critter in need. And I mean ANYthing. No mater what was going on in the bipedal world, whenever I saw a cat or dog in need I always stopped to give them a bit of attention, or food, or whatever no matter what the situation at hand was. Seems to me it's just what needs to be done, regardless. Even expected of us.

And we are where we are, no matter what we were-- or where/who we were in a past life. 'Going there' for me would just lead to more questions than answers. And I'll find out soon enough, anyway, post-mortem. (Just once I remember to avoid the White Light!)

DSKlausler has reacted to this post.

70% for Ireland! I still don't understand that the Netherlands have only 2%. Does anyone have ideas on that?

If they do I'm all ears. Maybe immigration planned over the coming few years? Or, perhaps the Dutch Government will roll out the anti-serum the Domain mentioned just in time in order to mitigate the worst MRNA effects?

Likewise Chile. Very high percentage of Jabberwockys, yet a population increase if memory serves.

Must be some other dynamic we're as yet unaware of.

DSKlausler has reacted to this post.

Any ideas regarding Tonga thing?
big bang it was, looking around, One photo (seems legit) looks interesting. what do you think?

could not attach a file, so link:

Tonga volcano dwarfed biggest nuclear blasts ever seen, monitor says

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