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Just a beautiful movie to cheer up the days.....

@adi4321234-mm  So, I know, your question about health has been answered by the Commander and a few MMmembers. I just would like to add, what helps in my familiy a lot. And that's "Quantum touch" (Richard Gordon). It's about helping the other person to raise their frequency and about giving energy. The body takes the given energy and uses it where in the body it is needed most. And what I like a lot about this technique is, that both parties benefit of it. Not just the one receiving energy but also the one giving it. So I use it, when my kids are too anxious to fall asleep, they have fever and so on. And my husband gives me a few minutes for my coughing to calm down or when my hippain is too bad. We do a few minutes each session, because that's what we can handle at the moment. But if you are committed and able to do 1h session regularly, I guess you will have results...

congjing yu, Goldleaf and 2 other users have reacted to this post.
congjing yuGoldleafZoraadi4321234-mm

@mirri Thank You, I found relevant ecosystem on Quantum Touch now and will definitely study it further.

Interesting synchronicity is I remember meeting what seemed like similar healer when I was about 4 or 5 year old. I was at someone else's home and got intrigued seeing it, and asked her what she was doing. I very vaguely remember she told me something, and I have been trying to practice and help people. I think proper guidelines and study now will really help me help others properly!

congjing yu and Zora have reacted to this post.
congjing yuZora


Thanks for that suggestion. I am a huge promoter of frequency for healing but never thought to do the touch. The more I study about it, the more I’m hooked. I typed up a “quantum healing” overview for a friend of mine. She’s had some pregnancy complications, and suggested this before she gave up and got a hysterectomy. 😞 at the very least to help with the pain and some thought healing.


Thought I’d share my most recent rescue, a 4-6 wk old red fox kit. Loooooook at hims sweet face. I almost ditched my chick-a-dees for this fur ball…. Naaaahhh who am I kidding, chickens are this girls best friend.

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congjing yu, Ultan McG and 4 other users have reacted to this post.
congjing yuUltan McGMemory LossGoldleafZoraOhio Guy
The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.

I have also received another rescued kitten. About 4 or 5 weeks old. Still has the blue eyes.

The mother was moving the babies through a culvert in a construction site. This last little girl, according to the fellow that saved her, said she almost got ran over twice by heavy equipment. He snatched her up and called me.

One of these days, soon, I'ma gonna post pics of all my kitty and dog family. Love that foxy, Alice.

congjing yu, Ultan McG and Alice have reacted to this post.
congjing yuUltan McGAlice

I love these stories. Please keep them coming.

@alice sad to read about your friends complications!!! I send her some energy!

The fox is sweet!!!

My weeks best thing is, that the snow is FINALLY melting away and my kids enjoy their sandpit again. They are outside atm bake mudcakes and brew earth-coffee and sand-cocoa. And our chickens enjoy every bit of ground they find...they also found my vegetable-beds thankfully, nothing was severly damaged xD Oh AND we finally have running water again xD Took months to get it working properly again...

Stay safe yall

Memory Loss and Alice have reacted to this post.
Memory LossAlice


yay! running water! Full on appreciation for the little things. We’ve been collecting rain water for the past year but the pipes don’t work if they are frozen. Sounds like the kids learned some culinary skills while snowed in, and a cafe I would frequent if I was in the area.  Bless it.

congjing yu has reacted to this post.
congjing yu
The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.

Thanks @alice you would be so welcomed in our Bistro!

I got a visitor today! First mantis I’ve seen on my property. I was in the garden covering up plants for the freeze we are supposed to have  tonight. Spotted this guy  “dancing”/ swaying back and forth atop my okra plant. The awareness they have of their surroundings is impeccable. It followed my “catten” as she chased falling leaves, the neighbor’s  landscaper walking past up the hill, and at one point I swore it looked directly in my eyes. lol. I was smitten, and he left a lasting feeling of joy and excitement. My heart is still pitter-pattering from our visit.

Oh yeah! One odd thing I noticed was the video I took of him was 2:34 long. Isn’t that funny? It won’t load or I would share it here to.


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The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.
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