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Oh, I'm sure all will be well now that International Shortarse-Statesman Macron has brokered a potential peace-deal, Feal.

You know, the guy who cancelled the French built helicopter carrier the Russians bought a few years ago-- the first of two-- after they bought it and days before delivery was due-- because the Americans told him to. And the very guy who was humiliated by the AUKUS deal, recently. Not to mention making moves to cancel the citizenship of any French who refuse participation in Pfizer's 'safe and effective' genetic experiment. What a hero. I'm sure Lavrov and Putin held him in very high regard. (And it also shows him for the psychopath he is: because any normal person would be too ashamed to face Putin and Friends after the disgraceful show that guy has put in as the U.S.'s most obedient Euro-Muppet. Was he also promised the elections coming up this April??)

Now, like an obedient little panda he's sent off to Russia to broker a deal. That's how you deal with egomaniacal narcissists (is that a tautology?), 101, right there. All happy, and the French are back on board again. Putin must have been impressed with his negotiation skills, 😂.

Anyway, serves me right for spending too much time reading 'news', these days. The sooner we get out to the country again, the better. Living in a modern apartment complex in a modern Asian city does have its advantages, but give me the rolling hills and tranquillity any day. But Spring is nigh and milder temperatures are almost here.

As for Blighty, hey, I hear now a 'positive' COVID 'test' is kinda old hat these days-- now you have to go straight back to work or school and forget about paid isolation! Abracadabra, eh? COVID has done a Kaiser Sosay.

Or, it wasn't about a mild virus, at all; but more about getting as many folks jabbed with that shit as possible.

Jus' laaahke tha', Tommy. And the perps disappear into the background as they always have, leaving Normie to pick up the tab for two years of chaos and disruption on that score. The Masters have Act 11, Scene 1 to get underway, it seems.

p.s. Never watched or owned a TV for a million reasons I won't get in to. And gave up on the wireless about 5 years ago, too. All I ever listen to is the occasional podcast and classic 80s or techno. Maybe some real classical on occasion. Think I'll get back to 'the internet for a few hours on Saturday mornings only vibe', again. Looking after the animals was a lot more fulfilling!

Feal and Memory Loss have reacted to this post.
FealMemory Loss

The Domain assisting China, yes? To prevent total human annihilation (supposedly), right?

Were they not assisting the U.S.A [technologically] back in the day? To overcome Germany et al?

Why not just ELIMINATE the bad guys... why all this posturing?

Allow humanity to do what they want, but only so much? What kind of bullshit is that? We're still just toys of theirs, or of something else's.


This stuff in Canada really bothers me. Not that it is right anywhere, but this is not a third-world shit-hole... that is the nation's capitol; those are seemingly decent "law" abiding human beings. An obvious and undisguised BEAT-DOWN. These are clearly NOT human beings making such decisions. How could the "police" do that; are they really that stupid? Is THIS part of the Domain's "reduced damage"?


I've stated it before: wipe this planet clean... start over.

As you're no doubt aware, the thing about folks who live in "the West" is this, DSK: they've been conditioned over the decades and particularly since WW2 to believe that they live in fweeee societies where those fweeedoms and rights are considered sacrosanct and even inalienable by all. However, the actions of those in authority over the past few years have revealed something very, very different to all but the most utterly stupid. That is, The West is nothing of the sort. It's an illusion of fweeedom only; it served a purpose for a number of years-- having  to do with consumption, profit, medical experimentation and psychological observation/data gathering mainly-- and now it doesn't anymore; so the illusion has been withdrawn in favour of a New Trick, so to speak. And right now those truckers and well meaning folks in Canada are starting to realize something if they hadn't already beforehand; because they've inadvertantly brushed up against the sides of an invisible steel cage they probably never really knew was there. Or otherwise refused to believe it. A democracy so fragile that peaceful-- if noisy and irritating to the powers that be and their BLM flunkies-- demonstrators have to be beaten down and trampled by horses/forcibly arrested and threatened with deadly force in order to protect it. Just like they did in Australia; except with better weather.

When they were labelled misogynistic, racist, uneducated, non conforming bigots by their public representatives, so called, and dismissed in favour of violent Antifa rioters the more aware amongst them probably figured it was only ever gonna go one way eventually.

So imagine if you will how they intend to react when the  effective and safe MRNA narrative starts to come apart later this year and into the next, right? Seems to me they're only getting started. Those battle suits haven't been issued to lurching, low IQ sacks of shit otherwise in uniform to arrest middle aged truckies, grannies and teenagers only that is for sure. More like practice for the Main Event. And why we got the fuck out of Eurangloland a few months ago. I'm no coward but when shit starts to come apart it's gonna be every man for himself back there. I have a wife to think about, too. And you can't fight or defend effectively against a bitterly divided populace and psychopathic bureaucrats who've seized the levers of power and are most definitely pulling the strings in most Western states while we all slept, take it from me. A lot of guys I  know--former colleagues, friends, etc, have split with their families too and headed to places like Mexico, Indonesia, Africa and even Japan. The ones who had the luxury of being able to make such a move, that is.

FEMA have been gaming what's coming for decades. But they haven't gamed the curveballs coming their way too as the Domain have been very subtly alluding to. Danger and opportunity as the Chinese say-- so I opted to strike a balance between both. (I only hope my old cat crew will forgive my leaving them in the lurch-- they sure have been hissy scratching my arse in the Dream Time, though. Weird stuff. I think they get it though! And they've sent a very needy kitty ISBE my way who seems to think I'm her surrogate daddy, LOL. Talk about clingy. I can't even go to the shitter without her clawing on to my socks! Revenge is a dish best served cold, eh? A daddy at 50. )

Good luck to you and do please stay frosty. And stock up on the catfood just in case!

Positive intentions your way, too. But as a fellow (kind of) old codger, you can probably see the reality of what's happening, too. There's a whole lotta clustered worldliness out there and it ain't looking to good back West. East here is much calmer ad MM has been pointing out. For now, anyway. Long may it last.

Stay safe, y'all.

DSKlausler, WaterTiger and Ohio Guy have reacted to this post.
DSKlauslerWaterTigerOhio Guy

I am frequently angry, as you all know... this is just so... MEAN. The anger I felt in a beautifully sincere interview thrown at the "police"... "We will not forget what you have done to Canada for decades - you SCUM!"

Yeah, that freedom thing has been a laugh for a long, long time.

"God"... hilarious, if not so absolutely sad.

I asked MM about emigrating to his new homeland... I have nothing tactile to offer the society there though. Plus, I'd rather die in my mountains fighting than be yet another peon elsewhere.

Yeah... the wife. Ooo, my kitties... they can hunt. I believe that they know that I would not abandon them unless absolutely necessary.

And of course I have a nice friendly movie quote: "Who were these men... I wanted to be a nurse!"

I accept that someone owns me, directs me, dictates the terms and so forth... but it's not these actual retards thrust forward. What pieces of shit.

Ultan McG has reacted to this post.
Ultan McG
Quote from Ultan McG on February 21, 2022, 11:25 pm

So imagine if you will how they intend to react when the  effective and safe MRNA narrative starts to come apart later this year and into the next, right?

I'm pretty sure this is already starting based on the rush to Narrative 2.0 that's giving many people whiplash. IMO that's also why the sudden frenzy over Ukraine - a distraction for the peasants, to keep the torches and pitchforks away for as long as possible. Well, and the financial motivator of course, but I'm starting to think that's secondary this time. Only time will tell at how (un)successful the tactics will be.

Ultan McG has reacted to this post.
Ultan McG

I find this cat behaviour really fascinating.

Feal has reacted to this post.

Maru's just the perfect cat behaviour model.

The plastic bowl is a lovely bed, by cat logic!

keff has reacted to this post.

Maru is cute. So is Harpo 😍

keff has reacted to this post.
Ciao! Gip me your ideas

DSKlausler: I am frequently angry, as you all know... this is just so... MEAN. The anger I felt in a beautifully sincere interview thrown at the "police"... "We will not forget what you have done to Canada for decades - you SCUM!"

@DSK, It's hard not to be cynical, innit?

DSK: Yeah... the wife. Ooo, my kitties... they can hunt. I believe that they know that I would not abandon them unless absolutely necessary.

@DSK, I'd protect my furry friends to the end. Their fate will be the same as mine. That's how important they are in my life.

Ultan McG and paraic have reacted to this post.
Ultan McGparaic

On another note, these misguided fools are still looking to Big Daddy for confirmation of their existence.

The new S. Korean president is getting things off to a food start, it seems. Oh well. The Domain did Forecast a short sharp shock for Korea. And self inflicted short sharp shocks can be beneficial in the long term, I guess. Provided contemplation of the prior event sequence is drawn from.

Experience runs a hard school; and fools will learn in no other. Never a truer quote quoted. I mean, take a look at this guy's 1000 dollar suit and shiny tie. A true clown. And I don't mean Sullivan. His looks off the peg, tbh, 🤭.

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