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@ultan-mcg I couldn’t have said it better myself. We all see what’s coming. We all instinctively are going to the places we know we are going to die. And my Mantid too-or Grey or whatever. The Fylgja that just always saves my ass at the right time - what ever or whoever - gets a hug, a beer and a big thanks!

Its funny sitting here on my porch. I read “Jack Hinsons One Man War” by Tom C. McKenny years ago, not even knowing how I came across it. But I remember thinking - man, I hope we never get to THAT point in America... and every time I re-read it I see we get further and further into the story ourselves. It’s so strange.

We are getting close here. It’s palpable. If you are in the East you are sitting this one out.

Those of us in the West - as MM says - do our affirmations and be like water.

Best advice for this day and age - ever!

congjing yu and Ultan McG have reacted to this post.
congjing yuUltan McG

Well, PL. I'm glad you didn't watch that video. I can barely bring myself to watch them either. And usually don't, but for some reason I had to watch that donkey one-- it just popped up on YouTube the other day, and after watching it through it affected me for the rest of the day, too. I especially avoid the dog ones. Cant bear it. We have a rescue kennel near us, too. And the stories they tell. The critters coming back slowly to a better reality tell theirs in a different way. I feel worst for the little guys who nobody will adopt; the ugly ones, missing limbs from abuse, or too broken to make a good pet. Have shed many a tear for those guys at that kennel as theyre put down humanely. Unwanted, but somewhat recuperated, loved, fed and pain free for their last few months at least. Maybe even a little bit happy. The folks who run it are saints. Unfunded. Just do it out of love for the abandoned. My wife and I have already agreed that's where the bulk of our earthly possessions in liquid form will be going after we depart. They need every penny-- and domestic animal cruelty has increased 5 fold as the two legged creatures were locked down at home, and vented their frustration elsewhere when the wife and kids fought back, or resorted to threatening them with the police. And I plan on diverting as much resources as we can toward similar while we're still in this realm.

After we get settled when I arrive at our destination later this year, I intend to adopt as many as I possibly can. And the properties we're eyeing must give us that possibility, too. There's much work to be done.

Funnily enough I could always emphasize a lot more with animals than with other people. Made my job easier, too. My mom was the same. We live among people, but when an injured, abused or hungry critter crosses my path all that ceases to exist. TBH, I go so far as to say they keep me sane. A psychologist I know refers to this as sublimating. All I know is that cruelty to animals warrants a special kind of interview with Mr Mantid, post mortem. Other folks give us an excuse. Some are, frankly, quite dangerous. Like there's another kind of creature masquerading as a person. Came across that a number of times. On occasion it even turned out to be the fucking guy next to me. Or someone whom i was expected to help. Or worse, defend. Animals are innocent, and even the strongest and most dangerous are nothing compared to an existential ripple with even just a shard of cunning and the means.

Anyway that's my rant for the day. Stay safe where you are. I see today CNN are full on turning the inoculated against those who refused consent. Using all the spell words, too. They actually have the balls to discriminate against millions of people who refused to consent to a product being injected into them. For profit. Big government and their friends in the pharma industry.

But you know, the antivaxx crowd are shouting from on high about these inoculations, and some even say they're going to kill off anyone who took them. But to be honest, I think the opposite is likely to be the case. Its biowarfare, and the unvaccinated will suffer most. Or worse. The vaccinated will survive, but they'll grow increasingly weak and frail as their bio bodies eventually break down from the increased medicinal load from booster after booster after booster. Just like the folks Metallicman saw on that worldline.

Tough times ahead, and the intentions need to be sharp. Happy travels!

ps, this whining muppet was headline "news" on CNN International earlier today. That and black athletes mental health as a result of discrimination. (But hey, its fucking Japan. What were they expecting. Tolerance for the other? The Japanese have many, many fine traits; Koreans, too. But diversity training aint a priority.)

congjing yu and pissedlizard have reacted to this post.
congjing yupissedlizard

""But you know, the antivaxx crowd are shouting from on high about these inoculations, and some even say they're going to kill off anyone who took them. But to be honest, I think the opposite is likely to be the case. Its biowarfare, and the unvaccinated will suffer most. Or worse. The vaccinated will survive,""

Thats not quite right

The VAXXED will ALL DIE. Its the Graphene Oxide which makes up 99.9% of the ingredients of the VAXX. Some 30 Trillion nanobots that NEED an ELECTRICAL Charge to Kill the Recipient.

by the way... ALL the Graphene made for the 4 Angels of Death (phizer, Moderna AZ ) is MADE IN CHINA and shipped to the Vaxx makers around the world. Its in the Video.

Read my post here...

watch this video NOW...

This is the INFO you need to stay ALIVE and your friends too.

Also read my comment on the Thunderbolts Electric Universe for my real thoughts.

Thunderbolts talks about .......  Michael Armstrong: Intellectual Responsibility | These people are also part of the problem

congjing yu has reacted to this post.
congjing yu

Sorry, ML. Based on half a lifetimes worth of interaction with the kinds of minds who create these geopolitical scenarios, it just doesn't make sense that folks who consented to inoculation are marked for death; and the ones who refused will be offered a New Deal, so to speak. In fact, if it were me running this aspect of the Grand Plan, I'd much rather keep the willing consenters alive. They'd likely buy my future narratives too, and send their kids off to war whenever I need.

So I'll watch the content you've provided, and might I suggest you watch Metallicman's recent vlog about Rabbit Holes? Paying particular attention to what he says about military strategies of deception in warfare. I might also point out that the magnetised graphene shpiel originated from an outfit in Spain well known for releasing fake information to the conspiracy world, and funded to the tune of tens of millions of dollars for precisely that purpose. I've looked into this already several weeks ago. It's horse puckey.

In other words, I respectfully suggest that you have been had. Although the MRNA is a medical experiment on a grand scale that's for certain. Its a biowarfare inoculation designed for speed and efficacy-- with little consideration for mid to long term side effects. Or safety. It will hurt many who took it. This is happening already. But it's also extremely effective.

If they wanted us all dead, there are many, many substances sitting in labs thatd kill slowly, over time, with 100% accuracy across a range of pre-chosen criteria, and nobody would detect diddly squat. Trust me on that one.

You might wanna check that aspect out, too. Your hypothesis is way too complicated, and more importantly, way too expensive. Humans have been cloned, engineered for service across a range of endeavors, and exist in substantial numbers. Frankly, there's no need to get all messy with creating billions more. Theyre needed to keep spending and it would be surplus to requirment, anyway. Another big no no in military expenditure. They've created the hybrids, already. The originals will keep consuming until theyre no longer required. That's some way off in the future. At least going by what I've heard.

congjing yu, pissedlizard and 2 other users have reacted to this post.
congjing yupissedlizardJustAnotherAsiandaegonmagus

Here is my take on the whole vaccine thing -

If you feel the need for you or a family member to take it. And you know the risks and or benefits, then by all means.

If you don’t then don’t.

This shit is such a personal decision and here we are playing right into the trap. We are discussing it. Publicly. And we shouldn’t.

Taking ANY form of medication is a very personal decision between patient and practitioner.

Next we are going to start counting vasectomies and shit. Somethings are better left unsaid.

congjing yu, Ultan McG and lindseigh have reacted to this post.
congjing yuUltan McGlindseigh

Just additionally, ML. The video you posted earlier is up on a range of alt media platforms across the EurAnglo sphere. All posted very recently at pretty much the same time. David Icke, Infowars, need I go on?

They also are running the graphene shpiel, too.

It's called "seeding" the narrative. You might also be interested to know that other fake narratives-- including Anal Schwab and his Great Reset-- as an essential element of the COVID shpiel have been in the planning for years, and funded to the tune of billions. Repeat: billions.

Its all cover and deception for a Bioattack on China gone very badly wrong and now we're witnessing the grand cover up while Plan B is rolled out. But something tells me China and Russia are onto them now, and the next phase will be on their terms.



congjing yu has reacted to this post.
congjing yu

Quite right, PL. I never discuss vaccines. Ever. With anybody. And if somebody does venture an enquiry I either lie-- if it's someone my wife likes-- or tell them to fuck off and mind their own business, frankly, if it's some random stooge.

Its politicised, polarized-- by intention of course-- and there are waaaay to many unqualified normies commenting or opining on shit they know nothing about. In other words they've been weaponized, and if I learned one useful thing over the years, it's how and when to fucking duck, 😂. And find suitable cover-- but only, ya know, if absolutely necessary, ahem!

congjing yu, pissedlizard and daegonmagus have reacted to this post.
congjing yupissedlizarddaegonmagus

@PL didn't know you were a Tool fan. Right in Two is a great song, as are most of them. i suggest looking at the syllable arrangement in Lateralus; it is intentionally done as the fibonacci sequence

congjing yu, pissedlizard and 2 other users have reacted to this post.
congjing yupissedlizardperolatormmfanman
Daegon Magus

@daegonmagus - Fibonacci - of course! Did you happen to catch Maynard on Joe Rogan about it? It’s CLASSIC. He explains why they put it in there. It’s a great interview.

My Fylgia/Mantid/Guardian Anget/Grey - whatever we call it - got me the gift of all gifts. I only listen to two types of music. Tool and this new kind of Northern European revival music. One band of which is Wardruna. Everything else is “Other” catetegory. Yes, I am narrow minded with music. I am old.

Wardruna played one show in 2019 at Red Rocks in Denver. And Tool played the day before. My best friend said “Happy Birthday let’s go to these shows on me” - and that’s all I really care to remember about 2019, except the time I spent with my wife and animals, of course. But yeah - I am one of “them” when it comes to Tool. Got the tattoos. Followed them since the early 90’s. Waited - like you - for 10,000 days for the CD.

Danny Carey IS the drum master. Nobody can or will do better in my humble opinion! That is the standard right there for me and music. Do better than Tool, and do better than Danny Carey. Cant? Ok. Your music goes over here in  the “other” category.

And if you don’t know what either of us are talking about - what a universe you are missing!!!!

congjing yu has reacted to this post.
congjing yu

@ultan-mcg What they are doing here in America is politicizing this shit.

Another way to divide. First by race. Now by vaccine status. The people in power aren’t telling us their vaccine status, and I wouldn’t believe them if they did.

Once they allow our vaccine status to be public - it will be very close to being over for America. Then all of our medical records will be public. And why not? If I am a liberal and I feel unsafe around you-all is off the table. Vaccine status today. Vasectomy status tomorrow.

It’s getting NUTS!

congjing yu and Chromacat have reacted to this post.
congjing yuChromacat
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