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Hoping this will entertain you for 6 minutes today


Mabbab has reacted to this post.

Holy freaking cow man. SERIOUSLY - this is freaking BEAUTIFUL!!!

THIS is what life is made for. I couldn’t subscribe fast enough!

Thank you for making my day!

congjing yu has reacted to this post.
congjing yu

Anything goes? Is my imagination running riot, or does this kind of phenomenon confirm everything that Arl has told us about the Old Empire ditching the miscreants of the universe right here on our terrestrial doorstep?

Warning: it's not pleasant; especially if you're familiar with and are lucky enough to have established a relationship with an equine sentience. They're rather unique creatures and think very, very highly of us, too. See the way this guy jumps to attention when he hears his rescuers? Even in his state he still wants to engage. Although he's probably getting ready to run, too. If he could.

And this is what they get in return. Anyone who can give me an insight into the kind of 'mind' the existential ripple who did this has? Ive yet to figure that out in spite of my own not inconsiderable experience of this world we jointly inhabit with these creatures. And I don't mean the donkeys.

What I do know is, this is not sustainable if we're to contribute anything to the galactic community. Rather, it'll get us written off unless something changes. I know what I'd do in a heartbeat; wouldn't give it a second's thought. Some would hold that to be "wrong", too. Whatcha gonna use with that kinda perp? Reason? Understanding? Corrective behaviour therapy? Awww, it's a cultural thing, ya say?

But more importantly, I'm trying to emulate my wife-- and Metallicman-- and be a rufus. This kind of "thing" makes it really, really hard.

And once seen, can't be unseen. Sorry for posting this, but sometimes shit just grabs you unexpectedly, and confirms that which we're told we're not supposed to think. Right?

congjing yu and Feal have reacted to this post.
congjing yuFeal

Things like this do make me think that certain souls simply have no right to be incarnated, even on this hell-hole.

Does the amnesia machinery and automatic soul recycling mentioned in "Alien Interview" cause souls that clearly are not fit to inhabit a body to be incarnated?

It's the only thing that make sense to me. A soul capable of his type of cruelty would surely normally be stuck in the "underworld," the twisted dark shadow of the physical world.

Is it the "Old Empire" amnesia machinery that reincarnates these awful souls, or perhaps Old Empire IS-BEs themselves?

It's so lovely to see wrongs in the world put right by simple human compassion and it's wonderful to see an animal regain it's trust in us.

Thanks for the video. It's tough but has a good message.

congjing yu, pissedlizard and Ultan McG have reacted to this post.
congjing yupissedlizardUltan McG

The good balances out the evil, eventually. And even overcomes in small ways as proved by the modern day saints who take the time and expense to recuperate our defenceless comrades and charges in this realm, at least. I expect we'll know more about the other realms when our time comes.

Id personally like to be reincarnated as an animal welfare officer. Or maybe a vet. Thatd right some wrongs in my record. But only some. Let's hope my Mantid agrees.

congjing yu, pissedlizard and Feal have reacted to this post.
congjing yupissedlizardFeal

are any of these still good MM?

send me an email with a name and address if you want them.

Uploaded files:
  • MM-Money.jpg
congjing yu has reacted to this post.
congjing yu

@merlynn I checked my active email accounts and I cannot locate your email address. Well, at least not associated with your "handle".

How about popping me an email at and I give you an address to mail to. Some of the HK currency might still be good, and if so, Well, then I'd be quite happy to receive them! -MM

@ultan-mcg Personally I can’t even bring myself to watch. No matter what the outcome - watching any animal in stress really really mucks me all up. It triggers something really bad.

There is a song that goes something like:

”Angels on the sideline, baffled and confused,

”Father blessed them all with reason...and this is what they choose...”

It is US. Look how we as humans take that teeny tiny part of our brain - that’s only the size of a half a peanut - the part that says “hey - step back and breathe. Think”.....We take that and just throw it out the window. Reason gets thrown in the wind and we are always left with not just our mess to clean up, but the mess of those in charge as well.

Here in the states - this is the time for people like me - who think we may be relatively reasonable - to start getting blood to that part of the brain.

The ability to reason IS a blessing. It’s also a responsibility. To animals that are tethered and tortured. So that we can do what needs to be done to those who do the torturing.

And deal with them reasonably. Hopefully with as much mercy as a younger me would show them.

An animal welfare officer is - now this is just my opinion - an animal welfare officer is as important a job as the leader itself. To be the voice of another species that can only communicate to humans in a very rudimentary way speaks volumes of your character today.

Again - just my humble opinion.

Ultan McG has reacted to this post.
Ultan McG

Thanks for that confirmation, PL. The internet also abounds with folks who respect and care for all animals above and beyond the call of duty, of course. But these ghastly examples of what other kinds of people are capable of, too, reminds us of how far as a species we have to go. How other human beings are treated in some places, also, needs no elaboration upon here, either.

We all carry our crosses, we all stumble and we're all judged by the unworthy at times, too. But for me to see an animal recuperating from mistreatment is a reminder of what we're all ultimately capable of-- four legs or two-- and i can't help wondering at times if that's the only thing that's prevented us from being incinerated by the Galactic Caretakers by now. Because otherwise the cruelty and disrespect we're all capable of too just has to affect the quantum realms in the most disruptive ways possible.

Millions of children starving, and a freak in a cowboy hat and boots with tons of money yahooing like an idiot in his very own space capsule. It's obscene. Along with some other idiot's offspring who paid 18 million dollars for a ticket while their fellow Americans are queuing at foodbanks. The blatant injustice of that, to me, is staggering. Worse than even Mitt Romney losing his temper and casually offering a 10 thousand dollar bet during a live debate on American hardships post 2008. Remember that one? It buried him politically.

(Interestingly, did you hear the granny astronaut very briefly let slip on live TV that they were in a parabolic trajectory aircraft simulating zero G? Before Bezos jumped in quickly and rescued her? Still crickets for a millisecond, though. Well long enough to expose it. But that's another rabbit hole, I guess. I certainly caught it, though. And many others.)

For me, its sentience sorting or oblivion. And I've been reorganisng my own life in ways that'll leave me as open to either eventuality as possible. I don't fear death (and don't say that out of any b.s. bravado, thing; think I was just born that way) and have stared it in the face more times than Id care to admit, tbh. But still here fit and healthy physically as well as mentally (I think!)-- barely a scratch, always just knew in advance what to do-- and sometimes with fucking milliseconds to spare, if that ( thanks Mr Mantid, I owe you, man!); and I'm all in for a progression of that existentiality, too.

(Provided the wife and critters can come along too, of course, heh heh.)

congjing yu and pissedlizard have reacted to this post.
congjing yupissedlizard

All good. Be like water. Formless and adaptable.

pissedlizard, Ultan McG and lindseigh have reacted to this post.
pissedlizardUltan McGlindseigh
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