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Goebbels lesson number one. Control the media.

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Quote from Tas on October 4, 2022, 5:34 pm

Goebbels lesson number one. Control the media.

and pretend to act "for the greater good", as with greenwashing đŸ˜‚Â Interesting lyrics and video, is that really from 2004?

Yes WT 2004 release


Quote from Tas on October 5, 2022, 3:56 am

Yes WT 2004 release


Nazi Propaganda to Bernay's PR, marketing and social engineering, yes that exists already a while. But the big greenwashing of the European public started after Fukushima 2011. Because of that Germany's chancellor Merkel declared in 2012 to find alternatives and to go "green" (whatever green is) on a huge scale. I thought. Or am I wrong with the dates? Or is this band looking into the future? đŸ™‚

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About the prison planet - wheel of life? The impact of the moon? Carl Orff composed the music in 1936 but the verses stem from the 11th or 12th century written by anonymous, taken from scrolls found in the monastery Benediktbeuern in Bavaria.

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I get that WT. Cheers my friend

If I get a funeral this is my message to those who know me. I picked this track many years ago....

The Cure and the beautiful Robert Smith."Plainsong".

It's not a resonator for me but it is special.

For you MM, I hope it brings a smile to your face man. Ocka Aussie version of "Devil Goes' Down to Georgia".

Crying Earth

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