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Geisterfahrer and Tas have reacted to this post.

This is one of my favorites


WaterTiger, Tas and Ohio Guy have reacted to this post.
WaterTigerTasOhio Guy

Oh, that's very cool.

Tas has reacted to this post.
Quote from WaterTiger on November 5, 2022, 4:28 am

Here the lyrics in English. 🙂

Tas has reacted to this post.

A vibrant Australian colonial folk track just for the fun of it. Hope you all enjoy.


WaterTiger and Ohio Guy have reacted to this post.
WaterTigerOhio Guy

Did y’all miss me? lol

Wow! So I love “Sleeping at Last”. If you’ve never listened to any of his stuff, I recommend going to the Atlas 1 album and listen to the song of the Planet your Zodiac represents, and see just how much the lyrics resonate. His words hold magic.

This is the first time I’ve listened to this specific song of his and I’m enamored! About a  year ago I posted that the music produced today is lacking, and uninspiring. I am officially retracting that comment. My statement was “Artist need to go a little crazy for inspiration” - well the World has gone mad and is fucking inspired. I hope this touches at least one person, the way it did me. All my love, all the time. XoXoX

WaterTiger, Tas and Ohio Guy have reacted to this post.
WaterTigerTasOhio Guy
The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.

OORHHH Now that is something else Alice. It cuts deep like a knife through soft butter mate. Love it, love it ,love it. Thanks for that one, it's a special song.

MM posted a scene from the movie "The pianist" before, but I think this is one of the most beautiful scenes of this movie. I know some people affected by the Warsaw uprise, it does have some special meaning. Polish battalions were stopped by the Russians from liberating their city, giving the Germans all the time they needed in retaliation for the Polish citizens' uprising to burn down the city street by street, killing many. In the midst of this madness, two people meet and the passion for music wins.

Tas and Ohio Guy have reacted to this post.
TasOhio Guy

This was the real one:

Tas has reacted to this post.
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