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@ Alice thank you as well for your suggestions. I really like the Dave Matthews one. Maybe you like Jesse Cooks "Rumba foundation" Album and especially "Bogota by Bus"?

And about "Music today is a reflection of decades of mind numbing distractions and a musician thinking they can make music with a pretty face and a mediocre voice. Good music is birthed from a persons willingness to go a little crazy for the sake of inspiration" That's an impression I have too. There are musician making music after economical principles. They just take what makes money in the end. And then there are musician who need to get something off their chest like the two girls (Larkin Poe) and it's honest and relatable.

If music really mends you that would be an explanation to why in different phases of live I can hear certain songs all day long and then poof their time is over and it's another songs chance.

Oh and just another song (it's a soft one again;) ) because it's one of my sons favorites because "it's so funny" and I explained to him that they try to tell a story of a little creek tickeling along with waterfalls and basins and he said  he could hear it, so they did a good job.

congjing yu, perolator and Alice have reacted to this post.
congjing yuperolatorAlice


Girl! I LOVE those. The first had me dancing making PB&Js but the Rene Aubry. I got chills the whole time.

How did you know I would love me some instrumental? I haven’t been exposed to too much other than the classic Beethoven, Debussy, and my absolute favorite Chopin 🥰 (Now that’s some DNA changing masterpieces HA!) Thank you!

The lingering song… YES! I thought I was the only one. Mine has evolved into listening to playlists of inspiring songs from 2 or 3 artist. I’m currently stuck on Ben Howard (love him and his story), Civil Wars, and Sleeping at Last. Sleeping at last has an album called “Atlas One” I believe, and the song titles are planets. Its funny because I’m a Gemini and they are ruled by Mercury, and the Mercury song is the one that is my favorite, and “gets me” so to say. I’ve tried to get friends to listen to their ruling planet’s song without telling them why and seeing what they thought. currently, I’m the only one that fits my theory.

congjing yu, perolator and Mirri have reacted to this post.
congjing yuperolatorMirri
The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.

@pissedlizard and @daegonmagus what do you guys think of Apocalyptica? I really like their version of "Nothing else matters" and a few other songs.

@Alice awesome it made you dance! The rythm of the Dave Matthews song gave it away. If you like skilled guitarists you might want to tune into They really mastered the guitar!!!
Do you have any Chopin suggestions? I heard some lovely melodies in movies, so I bought a Lang Lang Album with Chopin songs but I couldn't get through, I found it awful. My favorite classical Album is "Kennedy plays Bach". I once heard Kennedy trying to make Jazz with his Violin in a concert...I hated it.

But this one got me rolling on the floor laughing! They have a fireextuingisher on the piano!!!! And the girls are awesome!

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congjing yuperolatorOrionseth
Quote from Mirri on September 20, 2021, 5:07 pm

"...I really like the Dave Matthews one."

Mirri: You seem younger than I, much younger, but I will tell you this as a man who grew up on, and still cranks the Zep (among a multitude of others) - Dave Matthews' Crash is one of the finest collections of music I have ever heard. Just beautiful stuff.

congjing yu, perolator and Alice have reacted to this post.
congjing yuperolatorAlice

@mirri Apocalyptica are the ensemble of violin players aren't they? If it is who i am thinking abotu then yeah I quite like a lot of their remixes, particularlly the Tool and Metallica ones

congjing yu, perolator and Mirri have reacted to this post.
congjing yuperolatorMirri
Daegon Magus


There are so many. Chopin collectively is my favorite. He was beyond brilliant, and left his lifetime earlier than anticipated. However, he made masterpieces in his very short time.

my favorite “masterpiece” is Beethoven’s Moonlight Sonata. It moves me to tears, every time.


congjing yu, perolator and 2 other users have reacted to this post.
congjing yuperolatorDSKlauslerOrionseth
The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.


Here, here. Agreed, Crash is one of epic proportion’s. Two Step and #41 live is life changing, or DNA altering, which ever way you feel to describe it.

Led Zeppelin is my in my top 2 next to DMB. The ‘Song Remains the Same” live album is played often, especially when inspiration is needed.

congjing yu and perolator have reacted to this post.
congjing yuperolator
The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.
Quote from Alice on September 23, 2021, 1:37 am

" favorite “masterpiece” is Beethoven’s Moonlight Sonata. It moves me to tears, every time."

Absolute GOLD!

I don't care how "mainstream" it is now, Debussy's Clair de Lune is just fabulous. I remember back to an X-Files episode where the Amish son (killed) had gone against the parents wishes and followed his dream to enter the mad world because of his love for the piano. When the parents heard a recording of him playing, they were stunned. I believe the father said something to the effect of: "'s like a sunrise." PERFECT!

I do prefer the piano (classical).


congjing yu, perolator and Alice have reacted to this post.
congjing yuperolatorAlice

It's interesting... classical music and Led Zeppelin and Tool... to me they are on the opposite sides of the music spectrum. And I don't know why, but if I listen to Led or Tool or Guns n' Roses etc for too long (about 2 or 3 songs) I get really stressed and aggressive. The same goes with Salsa (although I love to dance to that music). To me it's like putting Chili in a dish. I love a hint of it, but not so much that I get sweaty from the Chili.

But I added "Crash into me" DMB to the music favorites.

Do you think everyone has a special frequency? Maybe what some people call Aura and that's why some people love the music that I can't stand? They have a different frequency?

perolator and Alice have reacted to this post.


Led Zeppelin makes you want to break things huh? Ha! I think that’s a first for me.

I think it’s a possibility on the different frequencies. I don’t know one person that loves a fraction of the music I do, and you see how all over the place I am. I mostly listen to lower key music, and anyone in my vicinity will start to drift. It doesn’t do that to me, its like my own personal rhythm. Crazy, cause I’m so far from low key, and slow paced.

I stumbled on a band and thought you might enjoy it. You might know them…. City of the Sun? It’sa first for me. Reminds me of a Jimmie Page/Santana mix? Idk but I love it

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The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.
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