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Yes that's a nice one! I didn't know them before.

Quote from Alice on September 23, 2021, 10:30 pm

I don’t know one person that loves a fraction of the music I do, and you see how all over the place I am.

My selections vary on the present mood/setting, or sometimes that which I'd like to get into.

In the dungeon, as it is sometimes called at my house, I absolutely crush my body sometimes during workouts. As I have aged, there are days when I simply do not want to exercise AT ALL, but I consider it absolutely essential. Doesn't have to be weights, or calisthenics or striking... or biking or running or swimming (outside) - but it has to be something.  The music makes such a difference; the right selection makes all the difference. This is where I let my emotions fly.

The repertoire heads towards rock here... and there are many, many albums and bands that fit the desire, that gain the needed result. Many have songs on any number of albums that may be great, but there are far fewer, I think, that are good through-and-through. These are what I call masterpieces... albums where the engineering, the composition, and even the lyrics are exceptional. But above all, the musicianship of the Players is beyond reproach. I can listen to these over and over and over again. Here are a few:

  • Robin Trower; Bridge of Sighs
  • Led Zeppelin; ZOSO (IV)
  • Pink Floyd; Wish You Were Here
  • Rush; Permanent Waves
  • Black Sabbath; Paranoid
  • Supertramp; Crime of the Century
  • The Firm; The Firm

Those are all old, I have several from the 90's as well. Just my opinion, of course... and there are, of course, Masterpieces in other genres.


congjing yu, perolator and Alice have reacted to this post.
congjing yuperolatorAlice

@dsklausler for my exercises, when I am pumping, I go for K-pop and upbeat.

While I do love Robin Trower, his best upbeat album is "In City Dreams". I will tell you that I have worked out to "Shame the Devil" and "Too Rolling Stoned".  As well as "Spellbound". But his pace is too slow for a mighty work out.

Phil Manzanera on the other hand, and his Roxy Music stuff, well...

Since I've had high blood pressure and having to take heart medicine to control the side effects, I've had to greatly reduce my exercises. I don't like it one bit. But I do walk everywhere. Heath is super important.

Tears for fears, Rory Gallagher,  POD, AC/DC so many groups. But seriously I tend to go for emotionally charged driving music to get me pumping. I think that you are the same way.

perolator and Alice have reacted to this post.

This is better than the original imho

@alice This guy got me groovin! Did he catch you too?

@mirri whom do you speak of?

The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.

Sorry I try something else:

My favorite is Ulrich Schnauss.




But I like Iron Maiden too



perolator and Orionseth have reacted to this post.

I have a special relationship with music. If there’s something I will miss from this life, is *that* relationship. I love almost all of the performers you mentioned, guys… Tool, Led Zeppelin, Chopin, Apocalyptica (and Bonerama), RATM, DMB, Maiden, Robin Trower… I haven’t listened to Ulrich Schnauss (but I will). Thanks everybody for sharing.

I also love progressive rock, progressive metal, reggae (I was a reggae musician once), salsa, jazz…

edit: Ulrich Schnauss is great. Now I’ll find some Soviet Death Metal, Larkin Poe…

Quote from perolator on January 21, 2022, 2:05 pm

I also love progressive rock, progressive metal, reggae (I was a reggae musician once), salsa, jazz…

In my opinion, this is one of the very best Live recordings:

Genesis; Seconds Out

Of special note on that recording: Chester Thompson is the touring drummer - so Phil could sing. Just fantastic; more profound than much of Phil's studio work.

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