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Quote from Mirri on November 20, 2022, 3:22 pm

This is a fun one, because it's about a Master Baker going to Alabama, and it was playing on the radio while i was scaling the beloved ryebreads in a Finish bakery.


Trying to tell you something? lol idk why I’m just reading this but COME TO ALABAMA! You’ll literally be my neighbor. “A stone’s throw away”

The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.

Here you go Alice. The great Charlie McMahon and Gondwanaland Band "Emu". He has played with the London Philharmonic and it is is said that McMahon is the best "white" exponent of the didge alive. I was so lucky to have seen Gondwanaland live back in the mid 1980's. Recordings do not do the sound justice. play it loud. Blah Blah Blah is an old Australian TV show back in the days when TV was worth watching. I hope you like this , I think you may. Remember it's what you put in and one more hint "Mongolian throat singing, vibration.  🙂

Alice and Ohio Guy have reacted to this post.
AliceOhio Guy

@tas wooooooow I love this! Thank you.



Here’s a little number that has played on my playlist 4x today so I thought I’d share. Universe telling me something? 👀 with the way Mantid has been lately, prolly! Very “as a matter of fact” that friend is. 😉

Tas and Ohio Guy have reacted to this post.
TasOhio Guy
The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.

Hi mate, So glad you liked it. It's an amazing sound hey. I bet you played it over and over a few times. Alice live they are/were really something special. I feel I am fighting with the world at present mate, the changes that are taking place within me are profound, it's like I am evolving so so  fast and in turn challenging the world and the reality in which I live. In saying that I also feel I am fighting FOR the world, the new world and all our futures. Cheers mate I do like that hey. Here is 20 minutes of pure guitar bliss. Big Country were a Scottish 80's guitar band with a very original sound, almost folk like at times. This is the sound track from a Scot movie called 'Restless Natives" and it's a gift from ....... It's a special sound to me, really it is. It's inspiring and timeless. It runs for a while but worth your time I feel even if you only listen to it once. Play it LOUD and listen for the 'distorted' guitar sound. Have a good one Alice.

Forgot to mention Adamson plays a lot of pretty mean Ebow on this, the high whining sound.


Alice and Ohio Guy have reacted to this post.
AliceOhio Guy

I hope this inspires others to better things.


Ohio Guy has reacted to this post.
Ohio Guy


I’ll give it a listen on the drive to work. Thank you, Sir. It’s coincidently the length of my drive.

So glad to hear that you are inspired by the change in YOU to change YOUR world! It’s a wild ride to watch just how much reality changes all around just by the small changes we make within ourselves. BIG LOVE ALWAYS. XoXoX

-Alice 😉

Tas has reacted to this post.
The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.

Thanks Alice for the kind words mate and yes 100% spot on. BTW the title of the second track Eiledon means in Celtic "the freedom and peace we deserve to have in this life".

Much love back mate. Always

It's just a shadow of the people we should be.

Tas has reacted to this post.
The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.

Oh man! Just found this guy. This song is an artist talking to the negative entity we tend to face everyday. The message is brilliantly executed. The video even better - a patient at a mental institute. Wow - super impressed.

The lyrics are in the video description.

“As I got older, I realized there were no real winners and there were no real losers in psychological warfare
But there were victims and there were students”

WaterTiger and Tas have reacted to this post.
The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.
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