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Well I am no Shaman, and how my drum making skills are going... I doubt there will be many Shaman getting in line for my amateur drum creations.

Though you just gave me the best idea!! Add a Shaman drummer to my girl club's band of me on the Harmonica, big on ukulele, little feral on hand carved wooden spoons?!?

The only down side - our set list would be limited to "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star", "You are my sunshine", and "Camp Town Lady". WT want to join my dreamland band? I have a wooden flute if you are up for it?  Bless it! I promise, I can be serious and "mature" when I should be. Though I definitely relate to "Oscar", why would anyone want to grow up?

No, NO. Walking the Shaman path holds GREAT RESPONSIBILITY that I am not worthy nor capable of taking on. I stress and struggle caring for my own little humans. The thought of thinking about walking down that road stresses me out... Anyways - For me to make a drum from materials I acquired from Nature (nothing store bought, nor man made) seemed IMPOSSIBLE when I first decided to take on the task. I don't hunt/kill animals,(except fish), chicken skin wont work, I wont cut a tree down if I can help it- then add that I am as impatient as they come..... BUT...... Mother Nature provides ALL THINGS if One simply ASKS. So that was my angle making my all-naturale drum, with overcoming impatience issues. Anyways, the drum is not finished completely. Almost, though.

My answer as to the WHY's  - lol - I am sure will be answered like most of the questions I have about life has been answered these days.....  By forming a clear question about that which I seek -  in my mind - then releasing the thought with the desire of my "need to know". I then remind myself: since Consciousness KNOWS ALL - I already know the answer to ALL questions I seek. I almost always always get my answer in one way, shape or form. Problem is..... I have BUNCHES of QUESTIONS hahaha.

Past my bedtime. Thank you all for your songs.


@Anti I am slightly disappointed I didn't hear the sound of sonic collecting gold rings in the few minutes I listened lol.

The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.

Yesss, I would play the flute! I did as a kid, in fact. But there is a whole continent between us....

I get answers at dawn, at waking up time. But part of it I forget when I am fully awake 🙁 Sometimes it is as if somebody (Consciousness?) is talking to me. In the past, being a programmer, I used it for solving issues in the programs I worked on. And as a student to solve mathematical equations. You can use it for many different topics. It's the "Eureka" method 😉 Good that you remind me!



Getting so good, ya just don’t even know!

EUREKA! Method 😆 I LOVE THAT NAME!! Mine’s like a “Know-it-All” Method. Though I will say, I have gotten answers the way you say you got your coding answers - like someone was whispering in my ear. It didn’t make sense to me at all, as I woke up repeating what I was hearing. Then I went and looked it up and my jaw dropped. My only issue with getting answers like that is NEGATIVE entities can plant thoughts and alter memories of your guard is down. So I never put much stock into the message whispered in my ear. I mean the information was correct, but it had to do with my truths - and I operate those BIG THINGS by my gut instincts - not what I thought I heard in my head, ya know? If that were the case, I’d still be sitting front row every Sunday at the early church service.

I know we all have our own ways of doing things, so that’s my 2 pennies on that.

For anyone that see this - I have an affirmation request. It is nothing pressing BUT it’s important to me. I made a promise to my “Bubba” right before he graduated high school and was about to leave on a 2 year mission;  that when he came home to us, I would take him to the first Dave Matthew’s Band concert and at Red Rocks. I made him that promise 10 years ago. DMB doesn’t play RR anymore 😩 So whom ever is starting up a campaign - would you, could you, please help me manifest this concert?! I don’t know how much longer we will have the luxury of going to venues like this - and I would tremendously appreciate any jamming thoughts that came our way.

The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.

When I experience Homecoming and have to review my final life here on Earth, I want this to be the intro song.


And a perfect song to describe the shit-show that's going on in Ukraine and all over the West.

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The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.

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The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.

The theme song for my last incarnation (notwithstanding that this song's technically about Philipe Henriot).


Only Fallen Angels Sing This Loud.

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