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Majestic Messages Of Disclosure

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@pissedlizard Glad you found something of value in the post! I also appreciate your sharing - sounds like it took grit to walk your own path.

congjing yu has reacted to this post.
congjing yu

I will be honest will all you'se guys. If you are here in MM, you have had to deal with some very uncomfortable situations to get here. Everyone here has a story to tell, and just because you are used to what you experienced, be assured that others would be quite shocked that you handled it all so well. So give your selves a little bit of credit, will ya?

daegonmagus and mmfanman have reacted to this post.

That’s what I love about MMs site,  EVERYONE has callouses on their hands and is sincere.
I am still reading this document. Again, not even commenting on it, just taking it for face value several things are clear. 1 - TODAY, it reads like a novel, backwards. In other words, take the Trump and the MAGA stuff out and you can go to any page and say “yup - we were here last month” and then just move back from there. It is flat out crazy if the time stamp was legit. 2- again, face value. Assuming it’s 3 people who share the account... we all type different. You can tell my shit from another posters. Even if I try to hide it. I know an Israeli guy I was in med school with - in the 90s - that had a thing where you spoke into the Mike of his computer (a desk top) it would do just what this does - makes a generic toned document. BUT there were subtleties that it couldn’t filter out. My girlfriend at the time could tell the difference between me and a neighbor by word placement. But that being said - there would still be subtleties. Granted it’s a lot of redundancy but that just looks like it is for the readers sake. What’s really ringing in my head is the freaking similarities in tone, timber, inflections and idiom - are spot on with the “Alien Interview”. Like I would have zero problem -if I was still practicing and had an active license - to say as someone who knows forensic psychiatric writings and say that they were the same author. Not authors but author.
And that’s just the beginning and taking it at face value. I could go on and on about what we all know, but this one - this document is taking time. A lot of acronyms and researching but sooooo interesting.

congjing yu has reacted to this post.
congjing yu

Thank you. Let's do our best to keep things this way. Obviously this is not your "run of the mill forum or blog". We need to makes sure that it is a safe, polite area. And when evil or maladjusted folk try to invade it, we need to isolate and clean the wounds. Root out the cancer and then send it out to the cornfield.

mmfanman has reacted to this post.

I finally got thru the entire thing. To be honest, I don’t know what to think. At first I had no idea what the SG-1 references were so for the first few hours I was REALLY lost.
It doesn’t seem like the author is selling anything (like religion or books) BUT all the SG-1 stuff, I guess if I watched it, more of this would make sense.

The whole meditation and frequency shifting (for lack of a better term) REALLY cleared things up. I have been reading a lot of stuff about Tesla and this goes hand in hand with Tesla’s thoughts.

The redundancy of the same tweets verbatim is what makes me wonder if it is some AI bot or, in fact, 3 separate people, one of which I take died (again there were. So many vague references to people with only 1 initial that I was lost) who were getting instructions to type, some of which reinforces what MM has here.

It was a GREAT read and at the end, like a good book, it sucked when I finished it. I still have this huge question mark over my head regarding SO much that I have to read it again

congjing yu has reacted to this post.
congjing yu

Speaking of reading, it turns out that the novelist Doris Lessing knew a lot about The Domain and the Old Empire, too-- and quite a few other inter- galactic civilisations along with them.

And now I think I know where Lucas got his ideas from. Or perhaps Lessing used the same source.

If you like to read dense but engrossing "fiction", Lessing was always a go to, but has unfortunately in recent years been hailed as some kind of LGBT icon and very much mis-appropriated to that cause. And perhaps dismissed by some potential readers on that count. Nor would she necessarily be associated with science fiction.

Disregard the former , investigate the latter, and you're in for a surprise.

She may even tell you more than Arl did.

Someone mentioned Lessing in the comments a while back, and I'd completely forgotten a book of hers I read years ago, Shikasta, the first in a series about Arls folk, I believe. Or similar.

I'll be reading the rest of that series this summer. Who says books are going out of fashion; because any other way of getting these ideas across effectively would be impossible using anything other than a holographic brain implant.

Or being a former member of MAJestic, I suppose, 😉

congjing yu has reacted to this post.
congjing yu

Thanks for the info! I just found Shiksta - and I’m glad you confirmed it-I was going through her stuff and she wrote A LOT. I don’t want to read and LGBTQ or woke shit-I get enough of that just walking into a store here.

You know, it’s funny you say that about being in Majestic. The few that I personally believe had anything to do with Majestic is either dead, publicly humiliated with a destroyed life or - in MMs case, driven from the country they loved and placed on a freaking list that automatically makes you the lowest of the humans in America.

No. Thank. You.  I’ll stick to the books and websites. I like being able to get lasagne any time day or night. China looks nice, but I’ll take a blonde beach girl, a good sized porterhouse and Tool blaring in the background with my boring memories any day.

congjing yu and Ultan McG have reacted to this post.
congjing yuUltan McG

And I will add, as far as the Twitter account that was recorded-

I REALLY liked what the author said about cannabis. First and foremost anything I say is MY opinion and has nothing to do with MM or his site. Nothing.

I always was of the belief that cannabis is alien and has other properties. The first time I took a hit was in 6th grade - at that age - I knew instinctively it was from another planet, given to us, and needs to be revered. I’ll never forget it. The kid I was with later died of a drug overdose, so...

I think cannabis allows us to communicate with other “frequencies”. I believe this is why there are so many strains today. I never EVER thought I would say this but now, after reading what MM has to say and some other pieces, I think that it is alien - but given to people for a reason. What reason I don’t know, but I no longer believe it was some accident. I do think all the suppression has been coordinated and now, and maybe it has to do with Majestic- but now it seems laws are relaxing.

I personally know several people with severe anxiety, horrible depression, PTSD and all kinds of psych issues that could not be treated with conventional meds or therapy - respond positive to cannabis.

I also love that the author addresses junk DNA. As well as my own personal beliefs that line up. For this I admit I feel selfish. I feel validated by at least one other being. Going your adult life being “that disbeliever”, yeah I feel a little vindication.

congjing yu has reacted to this post.
congjing yu
Quote from pissedlizard on July 15, 2021, 6:30 am

Thanks for the info! I just found Shiksta - and I’m glad you confirmed it-I was going through her stuff and she wrote A LOT. I don’t want to read and LGBTQ or woke shit-I get enough of that just walking into a store here.

You know, it’s funny you say that about being in Majestic. The few that I personally believe had anything to do with Majestic is either dead, publicly humiliated with a destroyed life or - in MMs case, driven from the country they loved and placed on a freaking list that automatically makes you the lowest of the humans in America.

No. Thank. You.  I’ll stick to the books and websites. I like being able to get lasagne any time day or night. China looks nice, but I’ll take a blonde beach girl, a good sized porterhouse and Tool blaring in the background with my boring memories any day.

PL I will say with absolute sincerity that I am so very glad that I know you, and that you contribute and that you have great things to say. And your desires for a great lasagna and a blonde are all wholly more than satisfactory for me as well. thank you very much!

pissedlizard has reacted to this post.
Quote from pissedlizard on July 15, 2021, 4:44 am

I finally got thru the entire thing. To be honest, I don’t know what to think. At first I had no idea what the SG-1 references were so for the first few hours I was REALLY lost.
It doesn’t seem like the author is selling anything (like religion or books) BUT all the SG-1 stuff, I guess if I watched it, more of this would make sense.

The whole meditation and frequency shifting (for lack of a better term) REALLY cleared things up. I have been reading a lot of stuff about Tesla and this goes hand in hand with Tesla’s thoughts.

The redundancy of the same tweets verbatim is what makes me wonder if it is some AI bot or, in fact, 3 separate people, one of which I take died (again there were. So many vague references to people with only 1 initial that I was lost) who were getting instructions to type, some of which reinforces what MM has here.

It was a GREAT read and at the end, like a good book, it sucked when I finished it. I still have this huge question mark over my head regarding SO much that I have to read it again

SG-1 is a fiction. However, it is based on the transport portal that I went through at NAS NASC for MAJ. If you want, you can build your own. I placed the concept plans and everything you need to know here on MM. Just go to the INDEX HERE. Start at the top and read down. The first article is super broad, and won't tell you much, but the second goes straight to the "meat".

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