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Majestic Messages Of Disclosure

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MM, thank you SO much for the kind words! I have learned more in a few months here than in a lifetime. I cannot tell you how appreciative that you make all of this information available us.
I am an old man just trying to make sense of everything. The clarity you, and now people here provide is beyond anything imaginable and I am very VERY grateful!

The SG-1 references are interesting. The author makes a point to say it’s fiction but based on real “stuff” (for lack of a better term) - but that could be said about anything. One of the points the author makes is that the TV show is “hyper dimensional”, by his definition you can watch it and get (I think) implanted information. The author goes on to say watching it and taking notes would be ideal.

Here is where my BS meter starts really pinging. If I am a producer of the show or even an advertiser, this is a way to get people to watch. It’s a cruel way, playing on peoples beliefs, but I would not put ANYTHING past Hollywood. Nothing.

On the flip side of that, if I am a producer or advertiser - I do not want you taking notes. I want you to watch the commercials. Taking notes requires focus. If someone is taking notes, who is watching the ads?

This is why I can’t make heads or tails of it. I am going to go through it again though. See what’s what.




I have to admit. I struggle to accept most of the Q movement, because it seems so heavily rooted in the idea of "good guy USA is coming back". Some background:

I am 31. I have no completed higher education because I couldn't make myself jump through other people's hoops when I couldn't see any value in taking on debt for the dubious opportunity of "better career options".

I was born and raised in the USA. Even as a child growing up steeped in mainstream US culture, in the south no less, I found a great distaste for the government even in the limited exposure I had as a minor. When 9/11 happened (and I was 11) after a few weeks of nightmares of terrorists flying planes into my house I had a sudden realization that I didn't need to worry about that because flying a plane into my house doesn't give anybody access to lithium, oil, heroin or more humans to traffick. Yes, as an 11 year old I had an epiphany that 9/11 was being used as an excuse to go to war over, and that nobody in charge actually had anything but their own interests in mind. I also don't have very much intact memory from before the age of 9-10. Almost an absolute blank.

So basically since then, I've carried an intuitive understanding that pretty much every figure of authority in western culture is at best a useful patsy, or an outright villain. I admit my views might be skewed because I am 1/2 Navajo and the history of how my people have been treated weighs heavily on how I view anything now done by the same entities. So, the idea that "Good military" guys are just gonna "change the tide" and take over and make things the "Way they used to be" just gets me wondering "great, who will they decide to genocide under whatever new banner they come up with for manifest destiny".

I'm about ~1/2 way through the pdf linked in the OP here, and there is quite a bit I can find positive agreement with. But there is just as much, if not more that sets off my internal-alarm bells that if anything there is "useful" it needs heavy processing and digesting to get there.

I can't speak to your personal experience, as we're all on our own journey's either directed or not, as per Mr Man's MWI revelations; but I can tell you that struggling to accept the Q movement simply means that you are not completely insane.

Completely rejecting it for the 100% bullshit psy-op-- (aimed at placating millions upon millions of blue-collar, politically disenfranchised Americans armed to the teeth lest they figure out what's being done to their country and marching on D.C.)-- that it is, now that would mean you are completely sane.

Don't get me wrong, the other half of Americans who think the blue-collars are deplorable, are just as insane, and more dangerously so, because their 'educations' have merely insulated them in a kind of better than thou neurosis that is ripe for weaponisation, too.

Add to that millions of minorities lusting for revenge on both cohorts, and you've got potential chaos. Which was part of the reason for initiating the whole Q psy-op to begin with. i.e. they weaponised millions of ordinary blue collars who otherwise just wanted to be left alone to enjoy beer, barbecues and guns-- and their traditional lifestyles-- in order to set both against each other; the libtard types having been worked on for decades in advance-- they're a little bit more sophisticated, dontcha know, and required a little more work.

And all the while, as Mr Man has reminded us, America became a police state at home, and a military empire overseas, while libtards and deplorables argues over their 'rights'; which never even existed in the first place. As Frank Zappa opined decades ago: take away all the fancy furnishings and silk curtains, and you're left with the four walls of a windowless, brick cell.

And that was by very clever design, y'all. The Old Empire hasn't been around for millions upon millions of years by making mistakes-- they simply met more than their match when the Domain came to town.

Humanity? We haven't a chance against these guys, and I personally think it's gonna get a whole lot worse before it gets better. Shiva is about to descend on the West, at least. And her wrath will be magnificent. And if that means I go out clinging on to my cats, dogs and wife, then so be it. We are IS-BEs after all-- we'll get another chance.

paraic has reacted to this post.

I agree with you about the Q movement. As far as getting through the document, I couldn’t have done it in less than 2 weeks had it not been for a little trick I learned in some class... hold each page at arms length and let your focus go out - for a split second - let it go and pull it back - and what you will see is a pattern. When you come to any page and you do THAT - you will see any duplicate paragraph or sentence. You can do this with anything, especially scientific papers. And EVERYONE can do it.

First, I don’t trust our government as a white guy. YOUR vantage point - I can’t imagine the distrust. That being said what I think the MAGA people and to some limited extent the Q people want to “go back to” is simply a world that has the values not seen in over 40 years - and yes - look at the “coincidence”-we go off the gold standard and in 10 years we go from ONE person working, mom staying home and taking care of their own kids - and still afford Christmas and vacation to Both parents working, no vacation, and you better not bitch about the crappy dinner. Again, people are missing the point, right? We have no gold. Ft. Knox is empty. We can NEVER go back on the gold standard so our “nuclear family” can never again be. So they look to the next best thing. Something that isn’t Clinton/Bush/Obama. It’s why Trump won. Like him or hate him - we saw the effects of the lie starting with Clinton. He had the gold. We all knew where it went and why. We know every single bullet fired from every single gun in every conflict everywhere in the world - since Chechnya  has been paid for by that gold. It’s no secret. The magazine “Foreign Affairs” has all but spelled it out since Clinton. And we look for the next best thing. But what does that get us?

The document has done VERY interesting points and “coincidences” that unless you have a time machine - or something - you can’t know.

And for me, validated a lot that - again for the last 30 years in the scientific community has been its dogma, which very few of us knew to be otherwise.

Now I say the last 30 years. That means you, at 31, are outside of that “let’s go back to” nostalgia window, and it sucks because growing up in the window was pretty good. But it gives YOU the perspective, on your vantage point, the turning over the wealth - which always means war - from a stable structure to collapse. That being said, of course I believe at 11 you had that insight. I’m sure you knew the Clinton/Bush/Obama team was behind it long before it was a good idea to say so.

I hope the tip helps!


p.s. as for good military guys coming to the rescue? a) check out Kay Griggs and her story and b) look up how and why Camp Bondsteel in the arsehole of former Yugoslavia was built.

Oh, and the 'countries' of Macedonia and Kosovo, too. I know a thing or two about Kosovo, and it involves a lot of ducking, dodging and some very, very dangerous bipedal creatures masquerading as human beings that some genius thought would make a good job of running a country..

Trust me, the US Army is not gonna save anybody. They are in fact, your mortal enemy.

DoubleFresh has reacted to this post.

“Trust me, the US Army is not gonna save anybody. They are in fact, your mortal enemy”

Believe me, especially seeing the purge now, I am right there with you. Any uniform cop or military - I stay away from. There are no good cops left either. There may be a few, but I would rather not chance it. I’m NOT a threat to them or anyone, I just steer clear.

Kosovo. That blows. You must have been young and I can’t imagine how it must have affected you. But I am glad you are alive to have a tale in you, and sharing a little with us. But that makes you also a victim of a sociopathic criminals worse than Hitler - Mr. and Mrs Clinton. I cannot believe that asshole is still alive. If he dies before me one of my promises to my self has been to spit on his grave. I’ll keep Kosovo in mind. I do not believe in reptilians or that whole thing where they are wearing masks or whatever. I think they are groomed sociopaths. Both groomed since childhood. That’s just me.

Back to your point though - out here in the sticks we know the government ain’t coming to help and if they do - we know it’s ending EXACTLY as MM points out in his posts.

Ultan McG and DoubleFresh have reacted to this post.
Ultan McGDoubleFresh

"Struggle to accept" is maybe being a bit too kind to the Q movement. I only mentioned it because in the pdf linked Q stuff was right next to supposed majestic-12 stuff and the posts seemed to inform each other rather than being entirely separate.

In no way do I anticipate anything positive out of any uniformed individuals in North America. I'm still counting my blessings over getting declined from the marine corps for a heart murmur. (What can I say I was a troubled teen who liked the idea of high explosives and there was a really cute girl who was joining from some of my classes)

I can say I've been practicing combining cannabis and meditation for a bit over a year now, and have had some fairly exciting results. Although that might just be because I've also only been meditating for a year or so altogether.

pissedlizard has reacted to this post.

I should add too, sorry guys-- it's not just the 'US Army', of course-- it's pretty much that whole EurAngloSphere military apparatus involving NATO and related puppet states, too.

pissedlizard has reacted to this post.

I avoid cannabis and pretty much all forms of drugs, D.L. And apart from a few rave-ups involving funny tablets, powders, loud music, gnashing of teeth, and some very dodgy women in my earlier days, now my imbibing involves the occasional cigarette or two-- double whammy, which I find surprisingly hard to quit-- and a hot whiskey before beddy-byes.

The wife and I did Las Vegas a few years back and frankly, the tattooed oafs sitting around on the grass smoking weed did not look to me the healthiest of specimens-- energetically, physically and I'm betting cognitively. I also have a few old friends from back in the day who just never quit dope, either. And they're in no great shape. Lives that coulda been lived doing so much more, IMHO.

Buy hey, each to his own-- I'd never prevent any man from doing what he wants to do; but recreational drugs are a big no-no in my view, and have destroyed many, many lives. I've seen it first hand. And for weak minded individuals, the hard stuff always beckons. Always. Ask any honest social worker, my wife being one. Do that shit in China, Japan or Korea? And yo' ass be busted. There's a reason for that, when one can smoke and drink to his heart's content-- even to the point of being a public nuisance-- in the same places. If you can glean benefit go for it-- but guys with dope deadened eyes always, always fit a particular profile in my world view, and that suggests to my spidey-senses an evolutionary dead-end.

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and my last rant for tonight! If you're looking to know who 'General' Flynn really is, and what he's about, you should read a book called The Operators by Bill Hastings-- who shortly after the publishing of his book, decided to accelerate his flashy new car to 120mph on a quiet suburban street and drive it into a tree. Killing himself and causing quite the fireball to boot.

Boston Brakes style.

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