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Something going on with Non MAJ Participants

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erggh these past 2 weeks have been intense in regard to shit happening. Most of it has been non physical based, but there was a few instances of members of my family experiencing physical based things, like my wife seeing the ship.
This one takes the cake though:

A few nights ago our 2 year old boy was really sick. Our 4 year old daughter ended up sleeping in our room as she was worried about him. He ended up waking us all up at 2am with his sickness. My daughter got a bit silly and wouldn't go back to sleep, so i took her back into her room and gave her some cuddles, then went back to help my wife with our son. he was wide awake when i left, and her windows were locked closed; there was nothing in there.
A few minutes later we heard her saying "get out of here you naughty little thing"; she says something similar when our older son harassess her when she is playing so we figured he'd woken up and gone into her room. My wife went to go see what was happening while I stayed in our room with our sick son. Before she even got in the room, she had my daughter by the hand and was whisking her back into our room and then trying to wake up our older son who was still in his bed to get him to come into our room, in a fit of mad panic. What she had seen was my daughter crawling out of her bed, tears streaming down her face trying to get away from something half her size that was next to the bed "flapping" these wing things like it was trying to balance, using the bed for aid and walking really slowly like it was trying to remain undetected. My wife couldn't make out what it was due to the lighting in the room, but my daughter said it looked like a black and white chicken bird. My wife also said there was a moment of confusion as she tried processing how the hell a bird had gotten in the room, then realised it wasn't actually a bird, but something else entirely; she believes it may have been some kind of robot by the way it was moving.
I ended up putting my son in his cot to go take a look, and this thing had completely vanished - this would have been in the span of only one or two minutes. The only way it could have left the room was if it crossed my vision field as I was standing in front of our open doorway, yet there was nothing in there. My daughter also said she saw a "plane" land outside her window which dropped the chicken bird off.

fifth.eschaton and Alice have reacted to this post.
Daegon Magus

Crazy! My fear of the dark has resurfaced for the past few days. Not the “I’ll run really fast to the bed” type. Like intense, fear. I have to have someone come with me to the car. I’ll sit in the car until someone comes home. Once I’m inside the house, I’m fine.

Ive also been noticing odd things about the night traffic. It’s not the normal moving satellite, and occasional airplanes. There is a drone that parks down our power-lines a few nights a week. It flashes red and white, it just sits there for a couple of hours and then it’s gone. At first I thought it was a planet  or  star that has a red flicker, but it’s definitely not because it doesn’t show up on my Star/Satellite app. When I go out in the country, to my boyfriends house, I see a lot of them. Some that move, not normal move, like really fast and then will stop Or really fast and slow down. Ive watched the night traffic for years, well really since I was a kid. This is different and recent.


I had a dream last night. I tried to write it down, but our German Shepard woke me up acting really crazy, biting my hands (which isn’t abnormal for her breed) and being really really needy. It made the dream drift away. I do remember I was in New York or Philly (IDK honestly, I’ve never been to a really big city other than our Capital) this one was not in my state. There was panic because planes kept flying over ahead making a fog. I could see through the fog and see bigger planes that were cargo planes carrying equipment. I talked to a guy from Switzerland (I’m unsure where that came from because I’ve never talked to someone with a Switzerland accent nor could pick the accent out of a crowd.) that was herding traffic with guns that said it was the elite leaving and military bringing in equipment that would do something to our monetary system, that most would die and he hoped I had cryptocurrency of sorts? Idk but that’s when I got woke up. There are other details but I can’t remember them, they are there in the brink but I can’t get it out.

Anyways, crazy Huh? I guess you flew me to dream world.

Goldleaf has reacted to this post.
The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.

I thought I have noticed new "stars" in the night sky lately too. I've been told they're probably planets. I should download an app and find out for sure.

Maybe I did help you to dream world. I had a dream last night too, posted in the other thread. And also was woken up suddenly by someone else and don't remember a lot. You remember more than I do today! Maybe you'll be lucky and more details will reveal themselves throughout the day. What you do remember is still pretty cool.

Alice has reacted to this post.

@goldleaf You might want to check out this app:
It works in your browser as well. I used it to figure out in which constellation Saturn would be rising during the winter solstice. @pissedlizzard alluded to watching out for that. Now I know where to look (capricorn).

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