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In memory of Space Ninja Zumi R.I.P.

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Both of your cats sounded like amazing beings to have in your life, and now I'm sure the place you've made for them in your heart will always be there for them to visit you in wherever and whenever you go.

congjing yu, pissedlizard and Feal have reacted to this post.
congjing yupissedlizardFeal

I am SO sorry to hear about your baby. You painted a very beautiful picture of her for me and I felt like I knew her. You really have my condolences. I am certain she is with you. And you will find her again.

congjing yu and Feal have reacted to this post.
congjing yuFeal

I am so sorry for your loss. It's hard to let them go. I don't doubt both your companions are with you still in their own way. You will reunite eventually.

Feal has reacted to this post.

For you in memory of a great kitty. We all share your loss.

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Feal has reacted to this post.

Just a post for to remember the one year anniversary of Zumi's passing.

Since she went I realised it wasn't the first time we'd been friends. I think she was also Mogwai, my mom's cat from 1989-2003. She had the same personality, loving, ferocious and independent.

Once I fell to sleep on the couch and woke up to her "washing" my hair. I didn't want to disturb her, so I let her carry on for nearly an hour! Great patience training, as I really wanted to run off and wash the kitty saliva from my hair.

I do miss her and it's an absolute priority for me to create the opportunity for her and her "sister" to re-join me in the future, once I've settled down where I need to be.


A couple of photos. Zumi, with her serious whut? look and a blurry Moggy from the 90s

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congjing yu, JustAnotherAsian and Ohio Guy have reacted to this post.
congjing yuJustAnotherAsianOhio Guy

I don't mean to overtake this post, but it seemed approriate to add mine here.

Although I apolgozed numerous times to him last Friday, it was our best judgement to end his suffering. In-home sedative then final injection. Almost fifteen years in our home. It was hard for both of us (Wifey)... I was with him the whole time. I buried him in our garden.



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So sorry to hear man. Love to you DSK and your mob mate hey.

Feal and DSKlausler have reacted to this post.

I feel you, DSK. Love to you all.


Feal and DSKlausler have reacted to this post.

I'm sorry for your loss mate.

I'm sure he appreciates your kindness in ending his suffering.

I do hope you get to see your friend in another body some time.

DSKlausler and Ohio Guy have reacted to this post.
DSKlauslerOhio Guy

I'm sure you did the best for your kitty, DK. I feel your loss. My little doggie suffered a stroke last week, it looked like it would be his last moments. Luckily he has recovered quite well so far. I keep my fingers crossed.

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