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In memory of Space Ninja Zumi R.I.P.

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Quote from WaterTiger on April 5, 2023, 8:34 pm

I'm sure you did the best for your kitty, DK. I feel your loss.

Every time one of you guys comments, I look at those images again.

That one of him sleeping (and smiling) on my TIBIA... come on, that's hard BONE, but he just wanted to be on me. I love it.

Maybe I mentioned this before (probably): before that day, I had TWO cats. The other guy, the striped aloof hunter SNORES so loud that you can hear it twenty feet away - easily. My passed friend above had that beat though - you could hear him PURRRRRR from twenty feet away - such a loud rumbling engine.

I miss him, that's for sure.

Thank you all for the sympathy.

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So sorry for your loss DSK. It's so hard losing our pets. Pets are family.

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