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@DM - that I am not familiar with. The only Wolf that is giving me a hard time is Basayev, but I was warned. He’s cool. Feisty - everything written about him is true - but a good soul.


@PL ohhhhh did you just imply Solomon was an alien?

pissedlizard and Alice have reacted to this post.
Daegon Magus

No, he was HUMAN - he was given TECHNOLOGY as was his relatives for generations. The Rabbis - after generations of wealth decided it was too good a thing for the goyim so Christianty was born. And Christians are taught “Go to the light” and “God is the light” only to be placed in that memory wiping electric “net” if you will.

And CHRIST LIVED. He WAS crucified and it was recorded. He was a practitioner of exactly what WE all are striving for. He mastered it.

But Solomon was a man.

And if this is offensive - it’s the truth. So your feelings are on you - not me or anyone else.

All of this I know to be true.


perolator, xzianchow and Alice have reacted to this post.

Yes MM, I remember that from the Alien Interviews.  All of the Domain's physical forms are dolls.

It would be a terrific advantage to have access to one's highest state.  If I remember correctly, the "Old Empire" is older than the Domain.

One can almost imagine how the two parties came to blows.  The Old Empire saw the threat coming and made war.  The Domain was probably surprised at first and lost, but then began winning steadily.

The Domain must have "evolved" very quickly, if they have 100% access to their abilities.

@pissedlizard You know that your answers create even more questions, right? 😉

"When YOU and everyone else reads what I wrote - we all get connected through our DNA via quantum links through the computer matrix."

Is reading the material on this site and doing the affirmation campaigns that already link us together enough to "get connected"? (What does that even mean?)
Can you also explain if there are two different DNAs, one in the physical/biological reality and one in the non-physical reality?
What are you referring to with "the computer matrix"? Do you mean the physical device through which we are reading MM or do you mean the prison environment/MWI system?

"So what I am doing is putting “markers” on this world line for MM and all of you to follow when you die and go to the other side of you don’t go into the light."

When we die will we recognize those markers and know what to do?
What's to be expected when following those markers?
I really don't know what to expect or how to visualize this.

@pissedlizard Badwolf was a name Rose (i think that was her name) kept seeing everywhere. Throughout the season you see it graffitied on walls, as the name of certain companies, on signs....everywhere. If my memory serves me correctly it was like an anchor the TARDIS (self thinking AI time machine) put through the timelines so she could go back to all those places wherever it was without the need for the TARDIS. I think she needed to do this in order to save the Doctor from something.

pissedlizard has reacted to this post.
Daegon Magus

@pissedlizard no not offended at all

pissedlizard has reacted to this post.
Daegon Magus


No problem! I feel bad because MM made me a contributor and I don’t know what to contribute. Initiating a conversation versus answering questions is how I sort of think after my incident.

Most of this MM covers in his articles but I’ll explain it as best I can.

The physical air between your eyeball and your monitor is filled with a LOT of stuff.

Some of that stuff is quantum “strings” - but they are not strings they are energy bands of electricity and magnetism AND GRAVITY. Gravity is the missing thing everyone overlooks.

Gravity only works at the smallest quantum level. I can’t explain it any further than that.

Your brain contains a thing called the pineal gland. Inside that gland is a teeeny weeny itty bitty vortex.

That’s right a VORTEX. The same one as Skinwalker ranch and elsewhere.

Myself, MM and DM and others not names can SEE them. YOU can see them if you know what to look for. The only way to know what to look for is to actually GO THROUGH yours and come back. You do this through deep meditation OR with a machine that isn’t really available yet (it is).

DEATH is your consciousness going going through that vortex and that vortex closing.

In your pineal gland is an element not of this earth. It’s not found anywhere else. It’s detectable but with very special instruments. The Chinese were given these instruments by Israel at the behest of an Islamic country.

This is one of the reasons I know, for a fact, that every single possible scenario on this new world template ends a certain way. China and Russia were given a ticking time bomb that can also be remotely detonated by Obama 2.0. That’s why the US left SO FAST. It’s a trap.

But that has yet to play itself out and I don’t want to lose my stripe.

Now let’s go to DNA

That vortex in your brain allows things to go IN with one (say adenosine) and out with another (say tyrosine)

Adenosiine PULLS your quanta IN and tyrosine pulls it out. OR VICE VERSA. I am not allowed to say at this point.

Side note - what does the mRNA vax do? It swaps a uracil for tyrosine - THIS is what the vax was designed for!!!! It lets consciousness IN to meditate but not out. This will cause a zombie like state em masse - hence “zombie apocalypse” - but that’s only to those who survive the first wave of megadeath. But again...not at liberty to discuss yet.

Now picture your pineal gland shooting quanta out of your eyes (connecting really) with the quanta in the air between you and your screen - it does a dance at the screen and continues into the computer matrix like the movie, yes. Just like that. I know. I know. “How Hollywood - nice imagination”  - but this is very real and I am not imagining any of this and neither are you. Or any of us.

Yes we are all connected this way. To give you an example. There is a young intelligence agent monitoring all of us on this board right now. She has blonde hair, dyed, and her roots are showing. She doesn’t like that because she has always dyed her hair blonde and don’t want people knowing she is a brunette. Sweet kid.

Through VERTICAL time travel (affirmation) I can see exactly what she writes about us. She never really paid us much mind - we were written off as kooks. Them MM asked for an army. And that agency perked up. And she is going to write something bad. We can’t have that because we are on a mission.

So sometime this week - her child is going to drown in the tub. She will leave it for “one second” and get side tracked. And that 1 second turnes into 5 minutes.

And so, the baby drowns and she gets to blame herself for the rest of her pathetic little rat life.

Because that is what needs to be done.

For the mission.

Now. She can change this future and write something neutral, but she is having a bad time with the baby-daddy and has to take it out on SOMEONE. Why not the internet kooks?

See how all this shit works? MEDITATE you can do this stuff too!

I just tried looking up what the element in the pineal gland is - I can’t find it. I’ll post it when I do.

All vortexes on earth shine a pinkish orange light. That’s how to “see” them. Pink isn’t a natural light - so if you see it - think vortex.

Yes, these markers are for all of you too who are with the Mantids. You will instinctively know on death and when you get to the other side.

All of this I know to be true.



And just to be clear - I AM not the one killing the kid. Or any other kid. I don’t have that kind of authority.

I just watch during the planning stages and that is real enough for me. But it’s a Mantid that is the one who does the deed. At the behest of the planners.

I do, however make recommendations and my recommendation is clear.


A rat is a rat is a rat. Wether it wears a uniform or a costume - it’s a fucking disgusting low life.

I know my reccs are being followed because I get the first stripe briefings.

All spies live. Only what they love gets destroyed. That’s how they roll. Period. I don’t make any rules - I just accept and follow them.

This shit is no joke. Seriously. There are some angry ANGRY demons that want souls. Period. And they are just going to play “death and despair” until they get it.

And on my personal side - it ain’t fun here either — BELIEVE ME. It’s WORK. Hard work. Real hard.

But it’s for the mission.

All of this I know to be true.



If you are right PL, then there are many in America who will be having bad things happening to them.

The electronic surveillence is one part, and another is the HUMINT or human intelligence that is being gathered.

America has ALOT of snitches.  Not as many as Anonymous Conservative reckons, but many nonetheless.

congjing yu and pissedlizard have reacted to this post.
congjing yupissedlizard
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