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To all Domain participants

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Listen buddy, I don’t mean to freak you or anyone else out. I don’t. I LOVE it here. I do.

Don’t get pissed at the messenger.

Whoever - and I know at least 3 right now  - but that’s neither here nor there - WHATEVER you summoned - and we all know what it is - This human committed suicide to become part of it. Several weeks ago.

It was all a coincidence that I was THAT down and out that it - appeared. Violently appeared.

But again that’s neither here nor there.

I barely go to MMs site - do know why? Because if I am on his site and a Bot is on his site at the same time - because of what I use - the Bot will short circuit and detonate.

And the blast will be taken as a nuclear detonation. Think Groom lake and a “shoot out with security” detonation.

Here I am fine - I only have 1 Shapeshifter stripe so I can only use this thing in a limited capacity.

Hybrids and Cross-Breeds I can be with at the same time no matter what species.

And believe me when I say - there are Bots, Hybrids and Cross-breeds EVERYWHERE on planet earth. Everywhere. And there is only ONE WAY to tell. One way. But they don’t get sick, they don’t go to the hospital. They are people down the road. People you work with.

The world template changed because a whole bunch of us made a deal with what was summoned at the same time. We had no CLUE what it was - we just wanted that one to stop. So instead of living this life alllllllllll over - I was given to the Shapeshifters.

And here we are.

It’s all fun and games on the internet until someone summons something a million times WORSE than Satan in some guys living room. As he was doing something humans are warned against. In all religions.

This shit is NO joke. Sorry.

Ultan McG has reacted to this post.
Ultan McG

PL, some of that stuff you said sounds almost exactly like a guy I follow.

Adenosiine PULLS your quanta IN and tyrosine pulls it out. OR VICE VERSA. I am not allowed to say at this point.

Side note - what does the mRNA vax do? It swaps a uracil for tyrosine - THIS is what the vax was designed for!!!! It lets consciousness IN to meditate but not out. This will cause a zombie like state em masse - hence “zombie apocalypse” - but that’s only to those who survive the first wave of megadeath. But again...not at liberty to discuss yet.

He has been warning about the zombie thing and the vax. Also warned about the spiritual aspect (Christian golden prison etc) I have been trying to get him onto MM. I'm going to use the above quote to get him to come here.

He would probably love talking to you.

congjing yu and pissedlizard have reacted to this post.
congjing yupissedlizard
Ciao! Gip me your ideas

@ML Anyone and everyone I talk to goes through MM first. Period. No exceptions. If someone gets to him and he is cool - he knows how to find me.

But Drengskapr is so real it’s literally marked on me. For REAL real. No exceptions.

Otherwise that person is more than welcome to join us here. In fact, I would love another’s view.

If it’s a Bot, I don’t die - it and everyone around IT does. For miles. And miles. And miles.

This I know to be true.



congjing yu and Memory Loss have reacted to this post.
congjing yuMemory Loss
Quote from xzianchow on October 10, 2021, 9:34 pm

Yes MM, I remember that from the Alien Interviews.  All of the Domain's physical forms are dolls.

It would be a terrific advantage to have access to one's highest state.  If I remember correctly, the "Old Empire" is older than the Domain.

One can almost imagine how the two parties came to blows.  The Old Empire saw the threat coming and made war.  The Domain was probably surprised at first and lost, but then began winning steadily.

The Domain must have "evolved" very quickly, if they have 100% access to their abilities.

@xzianchow, not all Domain IS-BE’s are using doll bodies. Quoting from Alien Interview: “She, as well as all of the other IS-BEs of the officer class and their superiors, inhabit these "doll bodies" when they are on duty in space. When they are not on duty, they "leave" the body and operate, think, communicate, travel, and exist without the use of a body.”

Officer class and their superiors use a “doll body” - the non-surviving IS-BE’s (which we saw in pictures and “alien autopsy” videos) were from a junior class (using type-1 biological bodies) and they did not survive the crash. However, they left the site and returned to the base.

I am re-reading again to be completely sure. If I am not, I’ll edit this.

congjing yu and pissedlizard have reacted to this post.
congjing yupissedlizard

@perolator this brings up a nagging question that has been bugging me, and it may have been answered already but....if Airl left her doll body on earth, how did she escape the electronic net, considering the officer who took control of Franz Ferdinand couldn't?

congjing yu and pissedlizard have reacted to this post.
congjing yupissedlizard
Daegon Magus

If I may...

Crossing to the other side - time as we feel it - stops.

So when her body was being wrestled her, she had her consciousness go into the void - where OUR time stops.

THIS is one of the key concepts of VERTICAL time travel.

You enter the void by:

1. Death sequence

2. Deep meditation - to the point where you find and move through YOUR vortex.

EVERY HUMAN IS GIVEN A VORTEX IN YOUR PINEAL GLAND. As I said it is composed of very few molecules of a substance NOT found anywhere else on earth.

THAT vortex gets turned on when sperm meets egg. That vortex is where “life” begins as measured by the Greys.

She went into the void - and someone was there to help her out. There are LOTS AND LOTS of helpers on the other side. How many YOU get is determined by your positive energy.

When the first “event” happens my JOB is to help sort the sentiences out and find those that fly with me. DM - you will likely be doing that too. A lot of us will. It’s going to be like a train station at rush hour because the amount of souls that aren’t “ready” to die is going to be overwhelming. I’ve been there - believe me it’s going to take A LOT from the greeters - but many of you will be greeters.

At that point it’s simple her buddy led her to safety.

For those who don’t know - say “I” and you will be released from the void.

All of this I know to be true.


perolator has reacted to this post.

How many molecules PL, would you know?

Is it produced in the pineal gland or some other region in the brain and migrated there? This is an odd question but there's stuff I look in the brain out of curiosity. Besides memory haha.

I might look at your gravity thingie later this week after doing Merlynn's battery charge.

And PL, your new way of writing is actually quite awesome. 😍


pissedlizard has reacted to this post.
Ciao! Gip me your ideas

@ML - Thank you for your kind words. I truly do not want to be off putting or anything like that. I just am being told to tell everyone I can the truth as I see it because this body - this second body - and yes - quantum entanglement (there being 2 of everything at all times)  still has all of the same thoughts and emotions as the other. We were only separated by 10(-35)m.

I do not know how many molecules there are - I don’t even really know what the element is. I do know that it can be measured and Joe Biden personally brought a handheld “reader/programmer” to Mongolia and gave it to an Iranian representitive at behest of Barak Obama.

It was a technology that - under treaty - was NOT supposed to leave military base in Nevada.

The Iranians gave it to the Chinese.

This is a small handheld object that can literally “reprogram” someone’s thoughts and emotions instantaneously when placed on the top of the head at a location called the Bregma. It can turn a human into any other personality almost instantly.

It is produced by the baby during early stages of development but it is not produced in the region of the pineal gland. This is for redundancy in case something goes wrong in utero.

This I know to be true.


perolator and Memory Loss have reacted to this post.
perolatorMemory Loss
Quote from daegonmagus on October 11, 2021, 3:36 pm

@perolator this brings up a nagging question that has been bugging me, and it may have been answered already but....if Airl left her doll body on earth, how did she escape the electronic net, considering the officer who took control of Franz Ferdinand couldn't?


The difference between the Domain officer and Airl was twofold:

[1] The Domain officer was wearing a human body, engineered to  notify the restraining and “back to base signal” to the prison system. The anomaly of having the Domain officer disguised as human was reported. Besides, the Domain officer was surprised because a human managed to kill the Archduke body - this was unexpected. A snare was activated and the officer fought but the more he fought, the trap was harder to break because all of the officer’s energy was used against himself. That’s one of the reasons the snares are so effective. To make things worse, the outpost of “Old Empire” based in Mars was operative.

[2] Airl was wearing her doll body. This physical non-biological body is not catalogued in the prison system. Therefore, she may enter this huge area comprising the whole of the prison complex at will. She knew since the beginning she had to leave, entering and exiting the doll body did not activate any snares. The outpost of “Old Empire” based in Mars was destroyed already when Airl was “captured” by the RAAF personnel.


Quote from pissedlizard on October 11, 2021, 10:30 pm

@ML - Thank you for your kind words. I truly do not want to be off putting or anything like that. I just am being told to tell everyone I can the truth as I see it because this body - this second body - and yes - quantum entanglement (there being 2 of everything at all times)  still has all of the same thoughts and emotions as the other. We were only separated by 10(-35)m.

I do not know how many molecules there are - I don’t even really know what the element is. I do know that it can be measured and Joe Biden personally brought a handheld “reader/programmer” to Mongolia and gave it to an Iranian representitive at behest of Barak Obama.

It was a technology that - under treaty - was NOT supposed to leave military base in Nevada.

The Iranians gave it to the Chinese.

This is a small handheld object that can literally “reprogram” someone’s thoughts and emotions instantaneously when placed on the top of the head at a location called the Bregma. It can turn a human into any other personality almost instantly.

It is produced by the baby during early stages of development but it is not produced in the region of the pineal gland. This is for redundancy in case something goes wrong in utero.

This I know to be true.


PL one reason why I asked is that my memory isn't so great. (Duh) So I muck around with basic stuff to get better health. Earlier this year I got hold of Rapamycin, for life extension. I noticed that it had some positive effect on my memory. A search led to some study that concluded Rapamycin actually causes some region of the brain to regrow some cells that are connected to memory.

Rapamycin is super old and highly conserved in all animals. The number of cells involved is very small only around 20k. (I forget the area of growth of new cells unfortunately. I take it intermittently because I only have one white mouse, and so my memory is an ordinary human I suppose.

An cursory keyword search popped up the following :

A result quite different in that : Inhibition of mTOR by rapamycin in the amygdala or hippocampus impairs formation and reconsolidation of inhibitory avoidance memory. It changes h1the character of the subject, at least in inhibition avoidance. 

Because Rapamycin is so ancient and works for all mammals, it may be a master switch of sorts for engineered animals.

My point is the reader/reprogrammer is verboten. But rapamycin and others like melatonin are not. And melatonin is beneficial to the pineal gland. I think there are may be other molecular activators for the pineal gland. These would not be covered by treaty.

Just random musings that pooped out. Might be an interesting rabbit hole that we can pop down.

You are allowed to reveal some information that MM is restricted by his terms, I suppose.

Weird Q. I don't suppose the reprogramming of humans under treaty happened right?

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Ciao! Gip me your ideas
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