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This Physical Earth

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Here's Penetration for those of you who haven't read/listened. It is a short and fun read.

@pissedlizard regarding the common "ship below the horizon" argument:

Proofs for optical curvature are vanishingly small (hahaha a perspective pun)

High altitude footage just shows more infinite horizon and flatness. It is a weird problem. Round earth should be trivially easy to prove!

IMO, the most damning evidence for a stationary realm would be the Michelson-Morley experiment.

Satellites? Photos from NASA? The Moon landing? The Sun seeming to rise and set? Eclipses? The list goes one and on -- each phenomena has a rational explanation on either side. Ultimately you have to do your own research reconcile with your programing education.

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pissedlizard, Memory Loss and 2 other users have reacted to this post.
pissedlizardMemory LossChromacatCapt Melonhead


Bro- please not now with that shit... it’s been a hell of a flight today.  Do you have any idea how badly Americans shoot themselves in the feet this upcoming week? My piggies are sore too...

I love ya, man. I do. You turned me on to a ton of fun rabbit holes AND you are a Tool fan...

But not now....

All of this I know to be true



@pissedlizard Just here for the fun. Sorry you're having a tough day!

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pissedlizard has reacted to this post.
Quote from Ultan McG on October 15, 2021, 4:41 am

I reckon so, but given that we've all been clustered together on this particular Master Template since time immemorial, and only recently have been given the knowledge to reorganise things for ourselves, that seems no longer, necessarily, to have to be the case. But now, dealing with the quantum shadows surrounding us is part of the way forward, at least. And remember what MMan said about diverging too far away from our pre-birth World Line template? We've probably, unbeknownst to us, agreed beforehand to be here!

P.L. as for the Flat Erff stuff, I agree with you, man-- let's leave that flogged hoss to rot in situ. There are more important things to be getting on with! And after seeing that creepy pasta of the Swedish window licker half covered in Black Goo-- now the whole MRNA shpiel has for me at least taken on a whole new light. W already sensed it, but now it's practically certain that these ghouls running the show are probably nowhere close to being 'human'. Seems to me being turned into a biological robot might just be the better part of the deal.

I see your Swedish "thing" and give you some perfume to freshen up. The Marconi guys were on to something. England is a nasty place, intent on destroying the world through Tavistock and Chatham House.

Nice perfume commercial

Ultan McG has reacted to this post.
Ultan McG
Ciao! Gip me your ideas


Much appreciated!

All I have to say is the song “Lateralus”.

All of this I know to be true


fifth.eschaton has reacted to this post.


You may have noticed that we just witnessed a collective failure of the Turing test

When presented with something contrary to their programming - the NPCs started exhibiting swarm behaviour.
All it took is for one robot to start screeching - and everyone else automatically piled in. And they don't even seem aware of what they did.

Treat them accordingly

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Rather, it seems to me that you're more interested in your own narrative, Melonhead. And as is the case with all those who get emotionally attached-- rather than, ya know, cognitively-- to their ideas, you get all leery at those who call you out on it.

So, the sun and the moon might revolve around your tiny mind. 😂, while the answers you don't seek-- because you've been cognitively infiltrated by nonsense created by experts-- are merely a few clicks away.

And rather a flesh robot than a poorly educated Flat Erffer any frikkin Sunday.

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