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Updating my hardware

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MM, you could consider Kylin which was originally meant for the Chinese military and government agencies.

There is a Kylin Ubuntu, I figure might have some wifi integration for you.



congjing yu has reacted to this post.
congjing yu
Ciao! Gip me your ideas

I've installed kubantu which is the English version of Kylin with some awfully tiny character fonts. It seems to work. I'm just figuring out how to find and connect to wifi right now.

perolator has reacted to this post.
Quote from congjing yu on October 13, 2021, 7:14 pm

Guys, girls, transgender folk, dogs, cats, and extraterrestrials...

As you well know, or maybe not, I bought a new computer last month and it has been outstanding. It's a fine, fine shaomi and it is roomy with blazing fast speeds and all the rest. I even went and bought a full MS Windows 10 all paid in full.

It ran great for one month, and then it updated. Even though I told it not to.

And as it tried to download bloatware, spyware, and tracking software on my computer, the Chinese intranet (not an internet, but an intranet) caught the malware loaded systems and ejected them. It then offered my Chinese versions with the tracking software, the for-profit software, the boatware all excised out. And when my computer loaded it, the system went CRASH!

It (Microsoft OS Win 10) said that I did not purchase the approved software. In spite, and by design, it retaliated. And disabled most system functionality and provided me with crappy display drivers, crappy wifi drivers, and super large sized icons that were so big that I needed to stand at the end of the room to read them.

Yeah, sure I could enjoy a monitor in day-glow colors, a wifi that had a range in the order of cm, and all of my shortcuts not working.

So I said FUCK THIS.

I downloaded Ubantu lunix and installed it and erased all the Microsoft malware off my computer. Yay! All of it. No more American mega-corp software at all.

The good thing...

It loaded quick and easy, is beautiful and lovely. There's only one problem...

...I cannot access the internet with it.

There isn't an internet driver installed. And as a new system, I am having a dickens of a time trying to load wifi drivers as the Ubantu website, and all the technical websites store the drivers in github which is inaccessible to me.

SO I am going to be busy trying to get my hardware running over the next few days.

As an “almost” general rule, Linux has all the required software modules to allow your laptop to connect to the Internet via Wi-Fi or Ethernet. But… Linux does not include the firmware of most Wi-Fi controllers because the GPL license prevent including proprietary software. So you have to include “non-free” repositories and download a firmware bundle. If the controller is bloody new, you have to download it from the manufacturer or extract the .bin file. But nowadays you only need to download the firmware bundle.

You may know what Wi-Fi controller you have issuing as root in the command line “lspci -vv” (without the quotes) and scroll through the output.

By the way, I am sure your Ethernet connection is working, so please use your Ethernet connection in your laptop (if available) or use an USB-to-ethernet dongle to add the repo, download and install the firmware files.

Thanks for that. Alas now CAT patch connector my my laptop. Though the dongle solution might be a decent suggestion.

perolator has reacted to this post.

I'm taking your suggestion on a dongle. Let's see if that will help.

perolator and daegonmagus have reacted to this post.
Quote from congjing yu on October 15, 2021, 5:13 pm

I'm taking your suggestion on a dongle. Let's see if that will help.

If you encounter issues, I can help.

Quote from congjing yu on October 15, 2021, 5:13 pm

I'm taking your suggestion on a dongle. Let's see if that will help.

Get a generic dongle. Low lying fruit you want compatibility not speed. Also, you don't need to search to see if it works, because it should just work. Unless you are really unlucky lol.

congjing yu and perolator have reacted to this post.
congjing yuperolator
Ciao! Gip me your ideas

Big thank you for that! I am doing that exactly.

Since you are a very helpful Rufus, here is my request of help on a Linux forum on this issue. HERE。(Take note of the user name that I used. LOL.)

The first (right out of the gate) suggestion, I followed and it worked perfectly. I had no idea that github was for git users. I didn't even know what a git was. So I was able to get the driver.

Right now I am trying to use the commands "make" and "install" to install it. No luck though. There's probably some simple thing that I am doing wrong.  Anyways, I did order the dongle and I should have it by the end of next week. In the meantime, any ideas on helping me out in the coding?

Maybe this will help

and part 2

Sorry if this is vague, but it's hard to diagnose problems without seeing them for yourself

perolator and Memory Loss have reacted to this post.
perolatorMemory Loss

As Capt Melonhead above. The Ubuntu universe doesn't have 8821ce in it I guess. So you will need to put up the module yourself.

I will stick some links later.


Printing is another issue, I think. I haven't run Linux in a while but the sense of liberation mixed with frustration is quite a mix.
Windows is evil. I think a part of the Old Empire culture was introduced by Billy boy to this world, because many of his practices are creations of a psychopathic mind.
perolator has reacted to this post.
Ciao! Gip me your ideas
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