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Updating my hardware

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It is too hard for a non-experienced Linux user to get the code, compile and install the module. All available instructions assume you have Internet access. For instance, to be able to execute the “make” command you need a minimal development environment, and the Linux source code, libs and headers. You need to download and install all pre-requisites. IMHO, I suggest you to get the dongle, get proper internet access, update your installed system and start from there.

That is what I am going to do. I ordered the dongle and it should arrive in about three days or so.

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Hi, I have a compass and a square is what it takes, I know I could scratch my back with it but I would prefer to use them for better conjugation. Is this the right tooling with what looks like a POS EID ON brain? Thank you for your answers.


Just buy a new wifi card online, and replace the old one. (笔记本内置无线网卡) Make sure it is officially supported by Ubuntu.

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