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@bochen2021@bochen2021, I'm a sucker for pain. Any link to the 700 page pdf? 😁

Ciao! Gip me your ideas
Quote from Memory Loss on October 29, 2021, 12:02 pm

@bochen2021@bochen2021, I'm a sucker for pain. Any link to the 700 page pdf? 😁



Memory Loss has reacted to this post.
Memory Loss

Thanks man. I will proceed to torture myself. 😁

Ciao! Gip me your ideas
Quote from Ultan McG on October 28, 2021, 9:17 pm

'Satoshi Nakamoto' can, believe it or not, D.M., be translated into Central Intelligence! (Although Japanese and Korean do not allow definitive translations to English-- there's always wiggle-room.)


Out of curiosity I checked

Satoshi can be translated as

哲, "intelligent, philosophy, clear"


中, "middle, central"


本, "origin, source"

Thanks for this, Keff-- could of course be a coincidence, right? 😉

Bearing in mind what we now know  about the quantum sphere and 'coincidences'.

If it is a 'coincidence', it sure is an uncanny one.

Quote from Memory Loss on October 29, 2021, 4:18 pm

Thanks man. I will proceed to torture myself. 😁

This is much shorter 70 page report on Chinese military adoption of AI

China Has Already Reached Exascale – On Two Separate Systems

US is trying to kneecap China AI and Supercomputing by hitting it at the lower stacks (semiconductor fabs) but its in Chinese interest to reclaim its rogue provinence sooner than later...

Right now US is forcing Taiwan TSMC to cut ties with mainland Chinese firms yet prioritizing chip making for US origin firms like Intel, Apple, GM, Boeing etc...

The conflict between US and China is an economic conflict, not a political one. The economic conflict arises exlusively from the the unnatural and unsustainable state and position of the US economy which operates as a global rent-seeker. The US' primary export good is the US dollar which is sold globally with the threat of force backing the sale. Officially the arrangement operates as follows: the US provides security - typically against a third party - and the "protected" countries in turn buy dollars. Unofficially the US uses direct threat - typically in an an indirect attack against the country's economy and destabilization of its security - to facilitate USD sales. This is in particular true of the so called "allies" - most importantly Germany and Japan in the 80s and 90s.

Though it might seem as a "security arrangement with a subscription fee payable in USD" in reality it is the exact opposite - and arguably always has been for any money producer throughout history. The military establishment rarely seeks to expand its power as numerous examples of military dictatorships demonstrate. Military dictatorships tend to expand only as means of reinforcing their internal power structure. Consistently throughout history the primary driving force for war and imperialistic expansion are the banks. Not the industry - as the industry has ways to compete for foreign markets through innovation or currency devaluation. The banks however have only one product - money - and its value is entirely dependent on its unit of account and its purchasing power. What is also important it is the banks and fiat currencies that operate exactly on the principle of economic exploitation. Marx was wrong about this being a general principle of "capitalist" mode of production and the 20th century provided evidence for that. However when applied to the description of for profit production of money it necessarily works along the principles of exploitation since the nature of the good/product (money) makes it extremely inflexible in terms of deriving profits. They can only be achieved through devaluation of purchasing power - which leads the users to abandon currency - or through increased demand. Money is literally a "unit of account". There is no room for optimization. You either take it as it is or leave it as it is.

The only way to enhance money as a product is to package it with another basket of goods. Germany and the EU package the Euro with the access to highly valuable markets or export goods. The US used to do so early in the history of the global dollar system (early after WW2) when the US had 40% of world's industrial production, 60% o the world's oil, a majority of the world's food production and the world's most potent military. However this position was ruined by predatory behavior of American ruling class and currently the US offers very little in terms of voluntary transaction. Even the most dynamic industry - IT - operates on the basis of the theft of value (data) rather than the provision of it.

The problem arises from the mutually supporting structures of US global financial cartel and its military machine. The financial cartel finances the military machine and the military machine enables the financial cartel. One can't exist without each other and the weakening of each will result in the necessary weakening of the other.

Here's a short run-down of US vulnerability.

In nominal terms the US economy currently constitutes approximately 24,5% of world's GDP. In comparison the Euro area constitutes approximately 15% of the world's GDP. China in nominal terms, measured at the current artificially lowered exchange rate, has approximately 17,5% of world's GDP.

In PPP terms the US economy is actually slightly smaller (due to the overvaluation of the USD), while Eurozone is slightly larger, and China is substantially larger.

Now compare it to the share of global currency reserves - the USD constitutes 59% of global reserves, the EUR constitutes 21% of reserves and the RMB constitutes 2% of reserves having been listed only since 2016.

This is crucial to understand American vulnerability.

If Euro takes a hit on international markets it retains its natural ability to resist since its loss of value will improve the attractiveness of Eurozone exports which are the main source of demand for Euro. Even if Euro loses some of its demand it can be absorbed internally by the Eurozone. In fact, this has been precisely the case since the Eurozone crisis which started a few years after 2008. The vulnerability of the Euro is political (hence America's attempts to destabilize the EU) and not economic. Furthermore if the Eurozone was dissolved it would lead to the creation of a stronger currency - since Euro is the German Mark weighed down by various weak currencies like the Franc, Lira, Peso etc - that could take comparatively greater share of world reserves just like it was the case in the 80s.

If Renminbi takes a hit on international markets it has almost no consequence at this point.

If the US takes a hit on international markets then this hit will be translated through the magnitude of the global dollar reserves which are circa 140% greater than America's share of the global economy at present moment. The dollar reserves are helping to increase the nominal size of the US economy so any loss of demand will necessarily lead to smaller economy i.e. a death spiral since the US has largely deindustrialized and its industry is incapable of supporting its currency.

Therefore the dollar depends on the US military power and its ability to continue enabling forcible sales of USD. The moment American "security" no longer is has value it results in loss of demand for USD.

How does American "security" loses value? It has to be credibly challenged and made impotent. This applies anywhere on the globe so if US is engaged in a protracted large conflict with China it means it can't provide "security" anywhere else.

Remember that the UK won the WW2 and still lost the empire simply because they were not able to match supply of Sterling with the demand for it since they no longer provided global security for trade.

This means two things:

Any conflict over Taiwan is advantageous to China in the long term regardless of the outcome in the short term.

Any conflict over Taiwan is disadvantageous to America in the long term regardless of the outcome in the short term.

And this means that the conflict over Taiwan is not a real conflict in its own right, but a tool for something greater. It is a tool for America's attempt to physical separate its rent-generating properties from the globalized world which no longer allows them to retain their advantage in perpetuity. America established a global economy under its hegemony because it was the global American empire with USD as its currency. Now that the position of USD and the hegemon is vulnerable it wants to dissolve the empire and establish a new one, which will be then followed by inflationary escape from external debt (Weimar solution) and establishing of a "new dollar" backed by American military power.

In other words the US wants to return to the days of the cold war where "1st world is American sphere of influence" , "2nd world is China sphere of influence" and "3rd world" is the contested area.

Taiwan does not matter. The US wants to change the rules of capital movement through state action so that the new rules continue to benefit its ruling class.

This is why they instigate tensions in Europe with Russia and push their European vassals to recognize Taiwan. It is all about decoupling the Eurozone from Russia and China and reinstating American military power as solution to "Russian threat" and "Chinese threat" as the foundation of its money production and rent-seeking.

And this explains also the psyop relating to Hongkong, Xinjiang and attacks at Chinese investments and commercial activities. Not to mention Covid the covert CIA biovirus that carpet bombed the economies of the developing world. It is not about attacking China since the US knows it is impossible. It is about tearing the current global economy apart to protect its position.

American ruling class is attempting to secede from the international system to protect its position much in the same way as the ruling class of the American South seceded from the Union it created to protect its position.

Similarly the ruling class of United Kingdom seceded from the EU to protect its money-laundering and tax-evading industry.


congjing yu, keff and 4 other users have reacted to this post.
congjing yukeffperolatorMemory LossGoldleafDani

Great stuff here. I am going to incorporate this in an article. Wow! I love it.

Quote from Ultan McG on October 29, 2021, 8:48 pm

If it is a 'coincidence', it sure is an uncanny one.

With the nefarious powers that be messing about in our world, I doubt it is coincidence.

They seem to take a certain pleasure in hiding their plans in plain sight.

I read somewhere that there is metaphysical/magical power in this? .... If I can tell my victim what I are going to do, and after that still manage to manipulate him....then it means I am so much more powerful? LOL might be some truth to it.


What an excellent big picture analysis you have there! Thanks!

What do you see are the chances that the US will be able to rally its European vassals to its new Empire?

Is the replacement of its discredited USD the reason for the creation of the cryptocurrencies?

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